Lucatiel of Mirrah (Dropped)

Lucatiel of Mirrah
World: Dark Souls-1
Actual Age: 32
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Quote: "What is it? I don't know you, and you don't know me. Things are better that way."
Role: Knight-Errant of Mirrah
Species: Human (Hollowing)
Voice Actor: Sarah Beck Mather


A woman as calm and focused as the point of her sword, Lucatiel is the sort to suffer no fools and hold few pretenses. She is proud and aloof, often acting cold towards strangers, but those who persist earn her respect. Even so, there is an air of devil-may-care fatalism just beneath the surface, and maybe just a little melancholy. She now searches the World Tree for her missing brother Aslatiel and a cure for his curse. Quick-witted and quick-footed, she has mastered the blade as an Elite Knight of Mirrah, recognized and feared in her homeland. But will her skill be enough, now that she too has contracted the Curse of Undeath?


Curse of Undeath: Lucatiel can sometimes revive from death.
It has terrible side effects but the curse of undeath offers protection from death. When slain, its victims revive somewhere near their death site, disoriented and confused, and then they'll go right on living after having their throat slit, or a sword lodged in their gut, or tumbling off a cliff, or so on and so forth. Lucatiel's soul refuses to leave her body for whatever reason, even after being forcibly evicted. Nobody knows why. It's not infallible, and enough damage will kill her for good.
Knight of Mirrah: Lucatiel is trained to use a cavalry greatsword, rapier, and buckler.
In her time as one of Mirrah's Elite Knights, Lucatiel learned and honed many skills. Chief among them are melee combat with the rapier, the cavalry greatsword, and the buckler. She's also an accomplished horseman, able to use a trained steed as a weapon as efficiently as any blade.
Elite Knight's Trappings: Lucatiel owns fine armour, weapons, and a horse.
When she left home, Lucatiel took her equipment with her. This includes various pieces of fine light leather armour, a cavalry greatsword, a rapier, a buckler, and the brazen mask that identifies all Elite Knights of Mirrah. She also owns one of Mirrah's fine desert horses; outrageously expensive, astoundingly loyal, and fiercely enduring.
Travelling Supplies: Lucatiel carries various survivalist's gear with her.
Wayfarers like being prepared, and so does Lucatiel. She carries a number of supplies into the wilderness that enable her to survive. The list includes but is not limited to knives, rope, water, rations, torch oil, a bedroll, flint and tinder, and potable water. She also carries flasks of estus, the only substance that can heal an Undead's wounds.
Rogue of Mirrah: Lucatiel's brother taught her how to fight dirty, steal, and survive.
A hard childhood taught Lucatiel and her brother Aslatiel how to look after themselves. From him she learned how to pick locks, pick pockets, feed herself, avoid capture, and how to fight dirty when cornered.


Allfather's Talisman: Lucatiel really hates these pieces of junk.
A talisman that cancels the use of estus, the only substance that can mend the wounds of the Undead. Lucatiel's learned to nurse a special hatred of these things. If she thinks one's around, she'll go to absurd lengths to avoid being around it, even if it means creating tremendous inconvenience, danger, or work for herself.
Curse of Undeath: Lucatiel is Undead, and also very nervous around priests.
Although she can revive from death, Lucatiel pays for it. Some of her short-term memories are untrustworthy after a recent demise, scrambling her memories of events leading up to it, and making details harder to recall. She is also not spared the agonies of her body failing. Thanks to this, she faces death with all the willing enthusiasm of a root canal patient. Sunlight won't make her burst into flame but it'll make her queasy and ill, and she's jumpy as a cat on a griddle around priests. To the right senses she registers as unliving, cursed, or unholy; a great big spiritual beacon of nastiness that only gets worse after revival. It can cause problems for her if other people start assuming things. Mentally, it's a tremendous strain on Lucatiel; the knowledge that she is not only dying but forgetting who and what she is.
Lone Wolf of Mirrah: Lucatiel is borderline abrasive and doesn't work efficiently in groups.
Lucatiel spent all her life trusting only herself and her brother, so it's hard for her to trust others. She's become bitter and cynical, convincing herself that she doesn't need anyone else in her life, and that she can make it through life's troubles all by herself. It costs her to trust others to do what they say, and for her to not try and do things herself; situations where she needs to have faith in others are foreign to her mindset and upbringing. That's not to say she can't make friends. It just takes a lot of effort to break through that cold exterior, and it's not an easy thing for Lucatiel to do. Her habit of pushing people away tends not to win her many friends or allies.
O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Lucatiel takes stupid risks looking for her missing brother Aslatiel.
After he vanished from Mirrah, Lucatiel left home to search for her brother Aslatiel, following the trail of rumour halfway across the world and into the World Tree beyond. She is unbelievably loyal to his memory and has absolute faith that he's alive somewhere, even though she knows the curse of undeath is probably what made him leave. She'll also take the stupidest, most illogical risks if she thinks it might yield rumours of Aslatiel's whereabouts; and she'll search even the most dangerous places for his sake.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1090 Placeholder Title Sep 11 2023
900 The Demonic Well Oct 23 2021
807 Rollicking Randy Dandy O' Mar 10 2021
780 Murder Scene Investigation: Mary Jane Kelly Dec 29 2020
778 I'm Not Dead Yet Dec 26 2020
771 From Hell Dec 01 2020
745 The Prodigal Knight Oct 04 2020
743 Red Tide Sep 30 2020
741 Placeholder Title Sep 27 2020
738 The Surface Breaks Sep 25 2020
See All 25 Scenes


Title Date
Vigil of the Sands Sep 25 2020
Broken Pieces Sep 30 2020
See All 2 Cutcenes