World Tree MUSH

From Hell

Character Pose
    The world is Pandemonium. The place is London.
    It's not too dissimilar from normal iterations of Victorian England save for the fact that the predominant species on this world is all elves and that the open use of magic has led to advances in magic based technologies. Those who are arriving will find themselves ferried to Scotland Yard in buggies not to dissimilar from the earlt car, powered by a mix of steam and arcane power sources. Inside Scotland Yard itself the place is bustling with activity, men and women rushing here and there in an almost chaotic rush, carrying bundles of papers and notes and detailed case files.
    All to catch one man.
    It's not long before the group is led into the office of a man named Frederick Porter Wensley. A tall elf of average build in a dark suit, seated behind his desk and looking very grim.
    Because of what is ON his desk right now.
    A single letter inked in dark red-brown.
    And a jar with what looks like half a preserved kidney floating inside it.
    "You're all here today because of one man. One man who has been terrorizing Whitechapel for the past half-year. Five of London's witches are dead and we can't find a clue as to the identity of the killer."
Serrah Delany
    Serrah is here, looking a bit more alive than she has since the last time some here have seen her. She still has red eyes and (shorter, blunter) fangs, but she is clearly no longer a vampire, compared to the way she previously looked.

    She's also looking somewhat sleepy; she no longer has a vampire's state of needing to be nocturnal, and thus there is nothing stopping her sleep schedule from turning into a complete disaster.

    She narrows her eyes, and peers at the letter, then at the kidney. "Lemme guess," she says, somewhat irreverently but sounding slightly resigned. "The letter from the killer is signed 'Smiling Jack.'"
Octavia de Tenebrae
    While the technology is a little beyond what Octavia de Tenebrae grew up with, it's at least closer to her own home world than most; and for once, her clothing fits right in. After previous forays into this world, she's taken a bit of an interest; hearing tell of a murderer afoot in the world is at the very least enough to draw her curiosity. For once, she's left behind her personal butler, Brandt, but other than some mild... 'surprise', at how dirty Victorian London can be, she's taking in the city (and the steam-powered conveyance) with interest.

    Even at Scotland Yard, though, she retains the composure to walk with poise and purpose, unruffled by all the bustle around her. Her composure only breaks at all when she reaches Wensley's office, and sees what's on the desk. A small, perturbed expression finds its way onto her face for a moment. Then Serrah speaks up, prompting a surprised look. "Is this a multi-world killer?" If it's someone who's traveling the Tree, she might have to be concerned.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke is also here, almost feeling a bit of weird deja-vu. Not because of his ancestor's dealings with the Jack the Ripper from his world, but because he too had to deal with a serial killer who had a fondness for removing his victims' body parts. Though in this case Kira was obsessed with hands, and KEPT them rather than sending them to the cops.

    Josuke is not in any way, shape, or fashion dressed for this occasion, like at all -- he's just wearing his regular school uniform. Though maybe it looks a bit military, since the Japanese school uniforms were originally based on military uniforms. So maybe he's not too terribly much out of place.

    Of course, Josuke's concern is the victim -- whoever the kidney came from. He looks at the jar with visible shock and disgust, though it's less squeamishness and more shock and disgust that someone would do that to someone else. "...Is that... from one of the victims?" he asks quietly. "Do you... know who it was?"
'Huh so they're really that stumped...?' reads Mariam Highscribe atop her broom as she reads the letter that Hooty- her Owl companion and familiar just delivered to her. She'd read of this in the local 'Yoker Hearld' Newspapers a few months back-- but figured it'd be solved by now-- so off she goes to the point where she'll be picked up with everyone else. Mariam is in her usual dress as she gently bows. "Agent Wensley, then." she says, in her American accent, for all intents and purposes.

She looks over to Hooty, perched on her broom's tip and shoves her hand into his feather fluff. He makes a face as she roots around in there and pulls out a magnifying glass. Hooty gives Mariam a look and Mariam whispers 'Sorry, but I needed this!' to him. She gently looks up back to the officer as she bends down to look through the magnifying glass at the letter. She's reading it carefully as others might ask questions, as she 'hrmmmmssss' a little loudly.

"Is there a shop down the way still selling that jellied glowell? I heard it's a delicacy I need to try." she asks curiously as she reads the notes. She then moves her magnifying glass to the jar and 'eeeeesss!' and backs up suddenly moving the glass away. "Nevermind. Just lost my appetite."

She looks back to Octavia. "Ugh I'd hope not. That'd be two people making trouble off world here then. I think." she says.
    London is still pretty dirty, but the air quality here is much better than most other Londons in the same era. Magic is a cleaner burning fuel source than coal after all. Nevertheless, Wensley leans back in his seat and lets the group examine the kidney and the letter as they please.
    "Local. For now. As far as we know." He admits to Octavia's question, before he frowns. "Read the letter and see for yourself." He says to Serrah before continuing. "Much as I'd like to say I want this killer gone I would't wish him on any world."
    That's when he nods to Josuke. "It is." He says solemnly. "Magical analysis says it belongs to Catherine Eddows, who was found dead with one of her kidneys removed."
    As for Mariam with the magnifying glass, the letter reads:

    From Hell.

    Mr. Lusk,
    Sir, I am sending you half of the kidney I took from one woman, preserved in spirits. The other piece I fried and ate. It was very nice; I may send you the bloody knife that took it out if you only wait a while longer.

    Catch me when you can, Mister Lusk.

    "This was sent to George Lusk of the Whitechapel Vigilance committee. He thought it was a hoax and waited two days before he sent it to me when word of more killings spread around.
Serrah Delany
    Serrah shakes her head at Octavia and Mariam. "Nah, it's an alternate counterpart of a killer in my world who was dubbed 'Jack the Ripper'," she says as she reads over Mariam's shoulder. "One of the great, uh, unsolved mysteries. The best guess is 'probably a vampire', and they had, like, a dozen to choose ... from ..." She grimaces and looks away. "Oh ... great, delayed disgust. I am not used to being alive again."

    She takes a step back and stands by Josuke. "So, uh. I ... don't actually know very many details about the version from my world, so I probably won't have any helpful info. Jeez." She looks back at Wensley, and raises a finger. "I think the name 'Catherine Eddows' sounds slightly familiar, though."
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke nods to Wensley's note that the identity of the victim is known. And then he rubs his chin slightly, giving that thoughtful pout that indicates that he might just have an idea. Probably a bad one. Or at least, really weird.

    He looks at the note too, hopefully being able to read it. And then something occurs to him. "...It said half the kidney?" he inquires. "...Hmm... I wonder..." Pause, and he looks at Wensley. "You'd have to be ready to move immediately if I did, though... So definitely not something that can be done right now...."
Octavia de Tenebrae
    When Mariam reads, Octavia leans over to peruse the letter as well, though she very quickly has to turn and look away from it. She's gone a bit pale by the time she replies to Serrah. "A-ah, so, similar history between worlds, then." At least she's trying to regain her mental footing! "Do, er. Do we have any sort of clues? Recommended places to start investigating?" She might not have any good 'tricks' for investigating like others, but she at least has a good head on her shoulders, right? Right.
Mariam looks to Serrah. "It's signed a 'Catch Me When You Can'." she says. "Wait, why would think you'd know who signed it!?" she suddenly blurts out at Serrah. She narrows her eyes at her and points a little before wagging her finger.

Yes, Serrah explains this, but she still keeps her eyes on her.

She then looks overs to Josuke and frowns as she looks back to the Agent. "Who was Catherine Eddows. I'm making a guess at another witch." she says softly with a little purse of her lips. "Unless they've started straying from the usual?" she asks.

She gently taps her bottom chin a little as she hrms. "I'm going to need access to the current files and evidence too. I mean, we are all probably. If we're gonna figure out a place to start."

She looks to Josuke. "Huh? You have an idea?" she asks.
    It's now that Wensley rises from his seat once the group has read the letter and have been properly briefed. As properly briefed as they're going to get anyway.
    "Jack the Ripper is the name the newspapers have given him." The elf explains before opening a drawer-- and pulling out several more letters.
    One is signed 'Saucy Jack'.
    Another is addressed 'Dear Boss'.
    "Multiple letters have come in. Most of them are fakes- written by journalists wanting to keep interest in the case alive and driving us police up the damned walls." He grouses. But then arches a brow.
    "Did what, boy?" He asks curiously of Josuke, before motioning at a map of London- specifically of Whitechapel mounted on the wall, with five red pins marked into place.
    Attached to this wall are various photographs (made from silver), and strings connecting them.
    "Those are the five locations of the killings." He says pointing at the pins. "You can begin your search at any of them. That one was the first; in Buck's Row was Mary Ann Nichols. There was Annie Chapman, on Hanbury Street. Elizabeth Stride was next, found dead in Dutfield's Yard off Berner Street. Catherine Eddowes was killed on the same nigh as Stride, found dead in Mitre Square, fourty five minutes after we found Stride. ... And the worst of them was Mary Jane Kelly, found in her own home in 13 Miller's Court off Dorset."
    That one seems to make him shudder before he turns back to the group. "All the victims were witches of little known repute. ... With all the blood at every crime scene I'd be hard pressed to say our culprit is a vampire. Not a single drop of it was consumed, but rather left to go all over the place."
Lucatiel of Mirrah
  Lucatiel of Mirrah has been here all along. The knight has a singular talent for blending in with the shadows, lingering in the untrodden corners of rooms and observing in silence. She hides well; doesn't fidget, doesn't even move, aside from the occasional slow, subtle tilt of her head as she listens to various individuals.

As usual, the mask and the hat and the fencer's regalia obscure most of any identifying features she might have, aside from that rope of blonde braided hair trailing down her back. She's had to take her hat off to clear some of the doorways, though, because that magnificent black plume is a bit too tall.

Still feels like Dead Person, too, to the appropriately sensitive.

For now, though, she just keeps her arms folded and listens. If she can see the letter from where she's leaning against the wall, she doesn't comment.
Serrah Delany
    Serrah raises her eyebrows at Josuke. "Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" she says. "Because if you're thinking of using Crazy Diamond, that would be kind of a ridiculous idea, I approve."

    She puts a comforting hand on Octavia's shoulder, and furrows her brow at Mariam. "... Because this world's in just about the right time frame, and I sorta recognized the name of one of Jack the Ripper's victims from my world?" she says, a touch defensively. "You can freaking go to Hartford and look it up in a history book if you want." She pauses. "Wait, shit, I jumped the gun, didn't I."

    Fortunately, Wensley quells those worries. Serrah snaps her fingers. "Saucy Jack, that was it. I got it mixed up." She nods. "Yeah, definitely not a vampire, if they aren't idiots who waste food for the hell of it."

    She does a double-take at Lucatiel, having not noticed her until now, and ... suddenly, she's a few feet further away, as abruptly as a video skipping ahead, as she was startled into stopping time. "Jesus, I didn't see you there," she says, smirking faintly.
Octavia de Tenebrae
    While Josuke's abilities will come in handy, Octavia doesn't quite know just how this particular gift of his works; so she'll leave it to him to explain, instead turning her eyes to the photos. Absently, she muses, "As odd as it seems to say, it might be best to visit the most recent killing first. I should think the trail would be freshest there, even if... ah, even if other things are fresh as well." She sounds a bit unsteady, but Serrah's hand seems to give her a bit of poise back.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke nods to Mariam. "Yeah. My Stand might be able to 'fix' the kidney," he replies. He'll look to Wensley too as he explain the next, so he'll understand too.

    "If he really did... eat the other part of the kidney..." He looks a little grossed out by this, understandably, "...If it hasn't passed through his system yet, this part here would go flying towards the other part. It might lead us to him, or to somewhere near him. But like I said, you'd have to be ready to move immediately."

    Serrah's question is thus answered, and he nods to her. "I don't know if it would work, though. Other worlds on the World Tree seem to react funny with it sometime, and I don't know how it'd work in such a magic-heavy world," Josuke notes. "Magic is, at it's core, just energy, right? That energy might mess with the function."
Mariam turns her attention to the map and photographs as she frowns and taps her chin. She doesn't see any obvious physical pattern. Maybe she'd have to go to the physical locations to peek more at them- find out if there's something that might had been missed. Leylines? She has no idea.

She looks back to Serrah and narrows her eyes. "That's a good idea. If your world has had a similar event happened." she says. She hrms a little.

She strokes her chin a bit more as she blinks. "Right. I don't think. Going to punch the first guy we see is gonna work here. I mean. It might. it'd be great if it did! But..." she purses her lips.

A pause. "'Your Stand'? Is that a form of magic?" she asks curiously.
    "Unfortunately," Wensley begins; "The kidney and letter were delivered to us weeks ago." He says, pausing breifly. "If that method of your works, I would assume the other half of the kidney to be deep in London's sewers by now. We only just started reaching out for offworld assistance." He says rubbing at the back of his neck.
    And then... Then he pales. Especially when Octavia suggests going to the latest crimescene.
    "Are you sure about that?" He asks gently. "The final victim... The killer was especially unkind to her. I'm afraid to even show you a picture of the state her body was in."
    Nevertheless he nods. "All of the crime scenes have been closed to the public but I can get you clearance to see them if you so see fit."
Lucatiel of Mirrah
  Lucatiel's hat and mask tilt incrementally towards Serrah as the young woman simply skips away from her. The mask hides her nasty little smile, but it's in her voice. "I am on your side... for the moment."

To the rest she's quiet, listening and observing. Is she here to help, or is she here observing on behalf of Salome Highscribe? Hard to say, and she hasn't made any mention of it one way or the other. Not exactly a friendly kind of person.

She has her reasons; Salome knows that much.

Finally, a voice rings from behind the mask. A woman's voice, but hard and low, and weirdly distorted by the bronze.

"If that is what is required to solve this, so be it." Lucatiel pushes herself off from the wall; slow, deliberate steps take her to Wensley's desk. "I, at least, am no stranger to blood and death. I will look."
Josuke Higashikata
    "Not really magic, no," Josuke explains to Mariam. "It's more like... a poltergeist. I've heard that in some worlds, poltergeists come about from people that have psychic abilities they can't control. Mine's under my control."

    And then Wensley introduces another complication! "Yeah... by now it's not going to give us much," he agrees. "I could restore the pieces of her that are missing, but it wouldn't bring her back to life. And I think her family's beyond being made to feel better by making her body whole again."
Serrah Delany
    Serrah grins faintly at Josuke. "Yeah, like I was saying, it is gross and amazing, and ... eugh."

    She blinks at Mariam. "Oh. It ... probably would, wouldn't it?" She shrugs. "Well ... it was unsolved, so, uh, I guess it ... can't hurt to look up the incident in other worlds ..."

    She gives Lucatiel a look at that 'for the moment' comment, then sighs softly. "I am ... honestly kinda not looking forward to going and taking a look," she says, more-or-less to Octavia and Lucatiel's comments about visiting the crime scene. "Like I said, I'm, I'm, I'm still not used to being alive, and specifically, I'm not used to having a ... living stomach. So, uh. Giant question mark."
Octavia de Tenebrae
    The gentleness in Wensley's voice actually seems to spur the opposite reaction in Octavia; perhaps it's a touch against her pride, but her demeanor steels, and she seems to stand a bit taller. "Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Octavia Alicette de Tenebrae, a noble daughter of the Tenebrae house. It is the duty of every noble family in my kingdom to stand against the awful creatures of the wild places, and in my life I've no doubt I shall have to see and deal with many awful things."


    "If I must see something unsightly to ensure that a murderer is brought to justice, I shall do so without reservation," she declares finally, arms folded. Her choice is made, it seems!
Mariam ahems. "A witch sometimes needs to get her hands dirty if she's going to get anywhere...!" pause. "But I mean, we'll wear gloves anyways." she insists. She looks back to Lucatiel who speaks up and blinks. She looks back to Josuke. "So. Not... magic but like a pet wraith then?" she asks as she taps her bottom lip. Still, she frowns a little with a sigh.

"Mpgh. We'll start with that at least. If it's the worse. I wonder why it's the worse...." she says curiously as she taps her bottom lip. "Hrm..."

---"Without Reservation but with gloves on!" she insists. "Need to preserve the evidence anyways!" she insists.
Josuke Higashikata
    "Not... exactly a pet, or... I guess a 'familiar'? Is that the term? Nothing like that," Josuke says to Mariam. "It's hard to explain, but it's part of me."

    As for why the last scene is the worst? "Killers tend to get progressively more violent as they get away with more and more crimes," he notes.
    A slow breath and Wensley opens his desk drawer again. Without a further word he pulls out a photo from the crime scene where Mary Jane Kelly was found and slides it over to Octavia.
    "You asked, ms. de Tenebrae." He warns.
    It is not a pleasant picture. It's a photo of Mary Jane Kelly postmortem, as she was found in her home.
    There's blood everwhere.
    'Completely and utterly mutilated' is a gentle way of putting what has been done to the body. It's bad. It's worse than bad.
    "I'll get clearance for you all to investigate the locations as soon as I can. I'll keep you all posted. ... And be careful when you step out again. London nights are cold and dangerous these days, especially with the Ripper about."
Serrah Delany
    Serrah looks at Octavia, slightly startled by her forcefulness. "Well, shit," she says. "With that kind of go-getter attitude, I don't feel like I can stay behind, either!" She smirks faintly at Mariam. "Oh, settle down, Highscribe, literally no one is gonna complain about wearing gloves."

    She nods to Josuke. "Wait'll you see what happens when you visit his world," she tells Octavia dryly. She certainly hasn't forgotten conjuring up her pseudo-Stand, Lovato.

    ... She grimaces at the photo. "... d ... definitely not gonna complain about gloves," she mutters.
Octavia de Tenebrae
    "O-of course, with gloves," Octavia replies to Mariam.

    Then, Wensley slides her a photo.

    Well. She asked for it.

    It is to Octavia's immense credit that the only signs of her reaction which show outwardly, are the way her face goes pale, and the way her hand shakes just briefly. She forces herself to look for just a few seconds - long enough to confirm to herself that yes, she can stomach it, briefly. Then she flips the picture over, sets it onto the desk, and slides it back with a soft nod. "All of us will do our best to find something, I'm certain. I don't have any talents quite so unique as Mr. Higashikata's, but I have holy and light-elemental magics, a fair rapier arm, and a noblewoman's keen eye."

    And if someone's foolish enough to accost her on the street, they're in for a very nasty surprise.