Roronoa Zoro (Dropped)

Roronoa Zoro
World: One Piece-1
Actual Age: 21
Apparent Age: Early-20's
Quote: "There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day...not even Death itself can take my life away!"
Role: World Tree's Greatest Swordsman
Species: Human
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Kazuya Nakai


Originally a bounty hunter and prominent swordsman, Roronoa Zoro had a fateful run-in with pirate Monkey D. Luffy, who promptly saved him from death; be it starvation, or from the the Marines. Joining Luffy's crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, put him at odds with numerous powerful opponents over the years, pushing his skills, strength, and endurance beyond the limits. His dream - to become the world's greatest swordsman - is second only to his desire to see his captain, Luffy, become the Pirate King. Despite his complete lack of orientation, Roronoa Zoro is a stern, serious swordsman you dont want to find yourself in opposition to.


Three Swords Style: Zoro fights with three blades. Includes a compressed air projectile!
Santoryu Three Swords Style is a style of sword fighting where the practitioner wields three Katana; one in each hand and one between the users teeth. This style generally encompasses high speed attacks, including quick draw techniques, and compressed air projectile attacks. Typically, Santoryu is only necessary when a fight calls for it; outside of serious fights, Zoro utilizes Nitoryu (Two Swords Style) and Ittoryu (One Sword Style), and is capable of lesser forms of his Santoryu techniques while only wielding one or two blades. Roronoa Zoro is the creator and only known practitioner of Santoryu.
Nine Swords Style <Edge>< Edge >: Zoro exerts a tangible spiritual aura, seeming to wield nine blades.
Kyutoryu Nine Swords Style is an extension of Roronoa Zoros spirit and are not, as many opponents learn, an illusion. Zoro exerts a large amount of spiritual energy to emanate a dark aura to briefly transform himself into a being with six arms and three heads, typically referred to as an Asura. This technique effectively triples Zoros potential as a swordsman and is often used as a finishing blow. Attacks from the Asura happen so quickly and with such ferocity that any effect created by an attack from it take a few seconds to be seen.
Color of Arms Haki: An 'invisible armor', enhancing defense and exposing the incorporeal.
Busoshoku Haki Color of Arms or Armament Haki, whichever you prefer is a form of Haki that allows its user to extend their spirit to create an invisible, skin-level armor. Its defensive applications allows users to absorb blows that would traditionally do damage, or decrease the damage an attack might have caused. Experienced Haki users like Zoro are capable of pinpoint defenses that decrease strain on spiritual energy. This can also be used on weapons, which can then be used to successfully strike the incorporeal.
Color of Observation Haki: The ability to sense the presence of others.
Kenbunshoku Haki Color of Observation or just Observation Haki, either or is a form of Haki that allows users to sense the presence of others, even if theyre concealed from view or too far to see naturally. When a user is viewing others using this form of Haki, the user doesnt actually see the person with any physical characteristics, but rather recognizes and observes their targets by their aura, which forms as a light silhouette on a dark background. This Haki also allows Zoro to get a rough idea of an opponents power based on the strength of their aura. Experienced users like Zoro can predict opponent's moves through their mind's eye, thereby making the attack easier to evade.


Lack of Orientation: Zoro can get lost easily, even in a straight hallway.
Roronoa Zoros most obvious weakness outside of combat is a complete lack of orientation, often demonstrating he can get lost everywhere and tends to walk in the wrong direction despite clear directions, sometimes even his own directions. Typically, Zoro requires someone to help him get to where he needs to go who can constantly keep an eye on him. Because of this, Zoro often winds up in places he shouldnt be, though sometimes he accidentally winds up where he needs to be, even if that isnt his original intention.
Blade Reliance: Zoro is far more effective with blades than fisticuffs.
While Zoro is strong enough to scrap with his fists if necessary, his hand-to-hand combat is unrefined at best and a danger to himself and others at worst. As a result, its better for Zoro to wield a butter knife if in a fight without his blades than it is for him to throw punches and kicks.
Lackadaisical: Zoro will often not take things seriously until things actually get serious.
Zoro isnt in the business of underestimating opponents, though hes in the habit of observing situations and not taking action unless friends are in trouble. He also has a penchant for napping, sometimes sleeping through situations that most people consider extremely dangerous. This makes him seem careless and lazy to others, but simply, Zoro doesnt take things seriously until its time to get serious.
Bushido: Zoro fights fair and won't allow people to interrupt his fights.
Zoro follows a samurai philosophy and doctrine known as Bushido, a code of honor and integrity where he strictly fights fair and square, one on one, as well as refusing to attack enemies that have their backs turned. The only time Zoro is known to break his Bushido is when friends are in immediate danger of losing their lives. Typically, Zoro will decline the help of others in a fight, even if hes at a disadvantage. Thats not to say that hes incapable of teamwork, of course.
Reckless: Zoro often approaches situations recklessly, with no consideration for himself.
In the face of major fights, Zoro often demonstrates an absurd recklessness, oftentimes at the cost of his own well-being. In many battles, Zoro has suffered injuries that would kill a normal man and muscled through them through sheer willpower. Fights against powerful opponents typically find Zoro heavily wounded and bloody, and this even extends to self-mutilation if the situation is dire enough to call for it.

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206 Brain Drain Aug 01 2018
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