World Tree MUSH

Brain Drain

Mirage Mouse breaks into a corporate building in the middle of a city to steal not only money but data! Things of course do not run according to plan when Roronoa Zoro, Dante and Wolf O'Donnell show up!
Character Pose
Mirage Mouse
It was a simple job of disguising herself as just another secretary--psionic hard-light holograms made that a trivial task. There had been some awkwardness at first, of course--learning the filing systems for the corporation on the fly had been... educational, to put it mildly. By now however, Mirage had learned so much about corporate bureaucracy and their... shenanigans that she was definitely going to enjoy this.

"Oh hello sir, I have those TPS reports you requested..." said the short, petite redhead that had just started working there. The CEO was mildly distracted but then looked up as she slid the papers over his desk--then hiked herself up onto the side of his desk--sheer stockinged legs in full view.

"I was hoping we could talk about the new security protocols... maybe over dinner?" the red pencil skirt she wore was hiked up just a bit more, the lady bending down a bit, her blazer creasing.

It was about this moment however, that Mr. Businessman had begun to realize that his new secretary was sporting... large mouse-like ears? and white fur?!

"Surprise," she grinned, but not before the man was able to hit the button to call security just beneath his desk...

And it was then that the windows of the high-rise building around that room blew outward.

The call was going out--there was something going down in this corporation building--and it didn't look like a disgruntled office worker had decided to shoot the place up!
    A white haired, red-clad man watches as the situation develops. He's not so sure what's so special about this place, but he's never been one to really ignore this kind of trouble, payment be damned.

    He drops from a nearby building, landing on the street without so much as a flinch. Normally he'd be squashed flat, but Dante's not exactly human.

    He makes his way toward the building, smirking. "Hero time." He mutters as he draws Ebony and Ivory.
Roronoa Zoro
When Zoro is all by himself, it's small wonder that he winds up in strange places. Well, corporate office buildings aren't exactly strange places, but for someone who dresses like Roronoa Zoro, it's clear he doesn't belong there. Not very 'business professional' attire for sure. To be honest, the swordsman has been wandering around the office building lost for hours, so it's pure coincidence when it turns out he's there at the same time Mickey's psionic cousin decides to rob the place.

When the alarms go off, Zoro's stuck in the emergency stairway. Not because the doors are locked, more because it's just a whole lot of white and grey, and god damn it, why did they number this building so poorly? Visibly annoyed, Zoro stares at the number '4' on the wall, a beacon of red in a sea of white. "Why does the number keep changing from three to five?" He grumbles.

Deciding to simply change course, Zoro calmly pushes the door open near him, wandering out onto what one can only assume is the sales floor. Or some kind of office floor. It's a maze of cubicles, and the alarm seems to be even louder here. He frowns, folding his arms across his chest as he stares around, broken windows and confused people everywhere.
Wolf O'Donnell
     The best part about traveling for your work isn't seeing the sights and taking in different cultures. No, the best part comes down to opportunities gained through the serendipity of lucky timing. Wolf O'Donnell happens to be occupying air space in the vicinity. The world itself bears little importance to him and his group, but it does serve as a junction to hop through Vines to an intended destination. His Wolven starship is flanked by two other small ships, each holding one occupant. 

     The comms panel beeps and the grizzled pilot checks the media feed to see that something has apparently happened. Normally, were his schedule full, this sort of matter would go ignored. "Captain?" voices the monkey wingman in question regarding the potential job.

     "Right. Who knows, maybe the company will want to hire on a few of us as security detail in the future." Nothing wrong with building bridges with new clients, right? "Okay, Wesson. Vance. We're bringing it around. Vance, you're with me. Wesson, I want eyes in the air. If anything happens, you let us know." Vance, the lizard, and Wessan, the monkey, acknowledge their boss's orders and their ships change course.

     Two of the three find a spot to lower and the canopies of the cockpits open to let their pilots hop out. It doesn't matter where it happens to be or if something gets squished or knocked over -- what's a little collateral damage in the face of emergency? O'Donnell's heavy boots sound with each step closer to the front of the building...and then they crunch of shards of glass. He passes a cyclopean gaze over the lizard, a reptile armed with a rifle of some sort, and they press their advance. Wolf's gaze studies the scene as they walk up to enter the building. "Where's Security? Somebody around here want to tell me what the heck is going on, because I'm just dying to see what kind of screw-up has happened this time."
Mirage Mouse
At ground level, the security staff are way too busy with what's going on INSIDE the building to worry about someone like Dante--or even Zoro, even with his freaky lime green hair! No they're paying more attention to the apparent hostage situation that's brewing inside the building itself.

As Zoro and Dante step inside he'll notice there is a lack of people around at the moment, even the other secretaries have vamoosed. There is a stairway and elevators right up to the CEO suites, however.

Meanwhile, as Starwolf begins to drop down onto the roof of the building, Mirage is still busy with her new 'boss'... and it doesn't seem like the working arrangement is going to last.

"Afraid we'll have to cut the sexual harrassment short for today, I need something else from you right now..." Mirage Mouse's secretary disguise has bled away entirely, revealing the 5-foot nothing mouse lady in her black jumpsuit, boots and visor--currently floating off the floor as she suspends the CEO in mid-air, lavender energy waves are being sucked directly from his head into hers as she begins more or less rapidly 'downloading' a fair chunk of his memories in her quest for ill-gotten gains!
    As Dante goes upstairs, he seems to just kinda wave off the concerns of security personnel. "Relax, guys. How hard could it be?" He doesn't seem to care about his own safety, for that matter. And he gets in just in time to hear Mirage.

    "This feels a bit backwards." He says, clearing his throat as he brazenly storms into the office to find Mirage levitating and trying to suck the CEO's secrets out.

    "...that's a new one. Can't say I agree with it, though." He levels one of his pistols, announcing his presence by firing a round right next to Mirage's head. "Let the old man go."
Roronoa Zoro
Oh, right, there's not many people here. Anyone left, any stragglers, give Zoro wary glances before leaving for the emergency stairway. Calmly, Zoro enters door after door, each leading into offices for managements, or meeting rooms. Eventually, the swordsman finds an elevator; he presses the button, it slides open with a gentle 'ding', and he steps inside. Of course he's greeted with buttons.. and he calmly presses one at random. He stares at the door as the elevator hums to life, only to open several seconds later, allowing him to step out to find himself on the correct floor.

Not the floor out, of course, but the floor where all the action is. That means he's found himself in the same general area as Dante and Mirage Mouse. Roronoa Zoro first turns his attention to Mighty Mouse, considers her quietly for a moment, then adjusts his attention back to Dante. If the guy has a blade on him, as Dante is want to do, that'll at least catch his interest. The gunshot, however, doesn't even make him flinch in spite of the loud bang. Ebony and Ivory are leagues fancier than any pistols he's ever seen back home.

Anyway, to say the least, Zoro sticks out like a sore thumb. Even Dante fits in at least a little bit.
Wolf O'Donnell
     The distinct sound of Wolf's massive blaster pistol being pulled from its chain-held holster comes in prelude to the gun knife being pointed down the hall from the entrance taken. The HMD worn on the lupine's head, the lens a brilliant blue, helps to scan for even minute details -- low to no light, no problem; it can even pick up on heat signatures. The aim of the gun whips into position and a gesture with his other hand has Vance the Venomian advance. With no information to go on and this obviously being the correct location of the emergency, the first matter is doing a full sweep and clear in order to properly secure a point of exit. 

     The heavy frame of the lizard presses forward to find and take up a position, establish a visual clear, and call it out. He does this with a rifle that looks far too large and heavy to be easily handled by the average human. "Clear, Captain."

     O'Donnell rushes up to take a new position. If they actually manage to find civilians, they'll no doubt be directed to the the only safe point available that they are positive about: the roof. Any Security, if met, will be met with immediate identification: Wolf O'Donnell of the mercenary group Star Wolf have responded to the emergency and are there to assist in securing the safety of civilians while pressing an advance to cure the core of the matter.

     Like most fancy office buildings with roof access, there is likely no direct lift access to the top; only stairs. The roof access can have lift access within the building, however, leaving two potential methods of approach: the elevator or the stairs. There's little doubt there's money behind the company that owns this building -- especially if such an emergency warrants immediate calls for assistance -- which means that upper management will be located on the upper floors.

     Lord O'Donnell pulls out his holdout pistol and hands it over and takes the rifle from him to rest it over a shoulder. He has no problem hoisting the heavy gun, either, but Wolf is a large fellow. "Vance, I want you to keep this exit secure. I'm going to start clearing floor by floor down." Wolf pushes the elevator button; due to emergency fire and demolitions safety protocol, most elevators are unable to be locked down even during a crisis. Still, there can be exceptions. "If it arrives, drop a satchel in the lift and send it down." The lizard nods and Wolf and his boss turns to hustle down the stairs swiveling that rifle around to keep it pointed at where he's going to be before he rounds the path to get there. Nowhere else to begin except the next floor down, whichever floor access that may grant.

     "Wesson, change of plans. Roof is secure. Hit the ground floor, get inside, and locate their security hub. Pass over a transmitter to their superior to patch them through to us, and then find the main power control. We may have to go dark for CQC." An acknowledgment is given, but Wolf goes silent. He presses his back against the wall beside the first door down, listens closely for any activity, and then turns to breach the door with a powerful kick, rifle at the ready, only to burst through the CEO Office's private exit to witness a man discharge a pistol.

     "LOWER YOUR WEAPON AND IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" he commands. His HMD's Heads-Up Display also calmly points out the three other people in the room, including the one with the hostage, but fired weapons and those who fire them certainly raise the most red flags. "All of you!" The rifle so pointed may look crude and militaristic in comparison to the elegance of those pistols, but it sure makes up for it in size. "This building is now being locked down under the protection and command of Star Wolf until the situation is resolved. Please don't make me have to repeat myself." He pauses a beat. "There. I said please."
Mirage Mouse
The purple energy stream stops just as Dante breaks in and makes his one liner, blinking and whipping her head around to face him.

"You're not... security..." and then BAM, the massive slide of one of Dante's guns rocks back--one of the rounds headed straight at the mouse's head!

Mirage Mouse has to drop the man and cease her psionic shenanigans to force all of her kinetic energy into stopping the bullet and turning it away--causing it to whiz just an inch past her head! it smacks into the metal frame of what used to be the windows--tearing it outward and leaving twisted metal in it's wake.

"Ow--you could have hurt someone, young man," Mouse reared back towards him and growled.

Then Roronoa Zoro shows up.

"That's... an interesting take on the Joker--considering where the design has been going iwth him so far though, can't really complain I guess--not sure about the face, though--needs a nice... big... smile~" Mirage then directs a kind of psychic attack on Zoro--trying to cause him to start uncontrollably laughing!

Dante will also find his gun arm being pushed back and away from Mouse--something is pushing it telekinetically back towards his head!

"Lets have that pointed in the right direction, hmm? Careful--don't want to tense up those muscles and accidentally pull the trigger now?" Mouse grins, floating in her spot in mid-air, still.

Star Wolf's men will find that there might be some resistance as they arrive and storm the building--but the security force for the building is also confined to the lower levels for now--Wesson will likely have less problems getting to the power room, as will the lizard--meanwhile Wolf walks right on in. As Wolves do.

"And just what are you supposed to be?" Mouse deadpans to Wolf.
    Dante's hand jerks as he struggles and tries to release his arm from the psionic control. "Try it. You think I haven't gotten shot in the head before?" He says with a snort. Hopefully swordman and the furry committee. Maybe they can distract Mirage a bit.

Roronoa Zoro
This has to be the strangest showdown ever. First, a Man-Wolf starts howling orders, and then something strikes him. It doesn't feel like a normal attack, more like a suggestion. The irresistable urge to laugh uncontrollably. He leans his head back and just kinda laughs out loud. It's tough to tell who exactly he's laughing at, but to say the least, he's got a lot to laugh at. "I don't have any.. hahaha.. idea.. hehe.. who you're talking about.."

There's a clack of metal on metal as he grips the sheathe of one of his blades, slowly removing it. ".. but.." He levels it toward Mirage Mouse, the blade reflecting the fluorescent lighting. ".. you talk too much!" He laughs, holding the sword horizontally, before performing a swift, circular swing. The slash creates a fierce whirlwind, and a brilliant blue swirling projectile of compressed air that screams in the Mouse's general direction.

Not that Zoro is aiming to kill, but Mirage Mouse is probably going to have to break her concentration and move to avoid the attack. Odds are, though, it's going to do way more damage to the wall than it will to the target. Maybe his aim was a bit off because of the laughter? It likely worked in her favor.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Because of Zoro's ascension to the heights of bureaucracy, the lift pings politely as it rises further to reach the awaiting Venomian lizard. He quickly checks inside for anybody, then unfastens a small satchel from his hip and tosses it in. Leaning over to press five random floor buttons of the lower half of the building, the lift doors close and the lizard remains in position to keep roof access clear while sending those contents down...whatever they may be. 

     Wesson, the monkey, works on his infiltration amidst the chaos. Sure, he's a monkey-person, but aren't humans similar enough? While patching through to Security would be nice, the tactical soundness of having control over building power is more important.

     Wolf O'Donnell finds himself standing in that doorway facing down two unknown hostiles, one civilian hostage (possibly injured), and another potential civilian(?) -- Wolf isn't sure what to make of Zoro, but he doesn't have the luxury of time to think too hard about preconceptual judgments that would mean nothing. "A real problem," he replies to Mirage Mouse dryly. "Although to whom is currently the question." After all, Wolf sees the strange consequences in the shadow of the woman's dialogue.

     His HUD registers the minute movement of Dante's pistol indicating some type of struggle. He also hears the laughter from the other man before a sword is pulled -- he's definitely not a civilian -- and some sort of attack is sent in retaliation. "Let me guess -- mind powers?" It's not a random guess. He has experience being around those with psychic ability, after all. "Krystal would just love you, kitten." It's fine. Wolf isn't the kind to freak out.

     Instead, O'Donnell uses the attack to his advantage by stepping inside the office, strafing a little closer to Mirage's position, and demonstrates some of his raw strength by supporting and aiming that big rifle in the general direction of the other two non-mouse and non-CEO types while his free hand pulls out his hand cannon blaster and levels it toward Mirage. "Now, I already asked for identification and got nothing from you all. I even said please and everything. So, let me ask just one question that I -- and I mean, really, it's not so much to ask for -- really need to know or else I'm going to ground all of you:"

     "What are doing here with that man and can the job really be worth that much money to go through all of this?"
Mirage Mouse
"Well, no? I mean I don't see a metal plate in your head," Mirage frowns a little, in response to Dante. She is trying to give him some incentive to back off with what she's doing--but so far she is able to push his arm back--not like he doesn't have two arms and two guns, after all!

In an instant, Zoro manages to break Mirage's concentration with his sudden air-slash attack--the force of it kicks Mouse backwards and rends the front of her suit open--sending black bits of spandex into the air--and she flips back toward the windows, lifting the large desk up in front of her. It obviously is super heavy--a large wide wooden thing made of oak, getting ready to throw it when Wolf starts speaking.

"I'm Mirage Mouse! So you know Krystal, huh? The electric blue fox? I've gotten some information out of this one here already--if you help me escape I'll share the credits with you, 50/50!" Mirage Mouse paused. "Oh, alright--40-60?" she added with a bit of a sheepish grin.

Dante would find the telekinetic power wresting his arm from him suddenly dropped--perhaps throwing him quite off balance!
    Dante struggles, trying to free himself just as the hold is released. He stumbles but regains his balance as he reaims at Mirage. This time, he doesn't shot to scare, Mirage doesn't seem too skittish. Instead, he opens fire upon Mirage with his pistols, bullets capable of shredding the wood to pieces in a few shots. "Thanks, Greenie!" He calls to Zoro.
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro turns his attention toward Wolf when he speaks up. He'd heard what Wolf had said before, but it hadn't registered; he'd been sort of distracted by the Mouse's earlier attack. He's still chuckling a bit, but it seems to at least be wearing off enough for him to speak normally. "Heh. Sorry. I'm Roronoa Zoro." Though Zoro is quite clearly lost, he doesn't want to admit it. He never wants to admit it. Still, that gun is leveled in his general direction, and with Mirage Mouse now currently hiding, he's adjusting the tip of his blade in the direction of the more immediate threat. That just happens to be Wolf.

"And I'm not being paid. I don't even know why any of you are here. Hell, I don't know why I'M here. This place is a confusing mess." And that's the truth. It's about as close to 'I'm lost.' as he'll admit himself to being. "But don't think I'm going to take kindly to someone pointing a gun at me just because they're a Zoan-type." To be fair, both Mirage Mouse and Wolf O'Donnell would pass as Zoan-type Devil Fruit users back home. Humans that can turn into animal hybrids as part of their powers. Most they'd get are curious glances.

Though the compliment from Dante earns him a mildly annoyed look. It reminds him a lot of that shitty cook.. though the difference lies in the tone. Sanji making fun of his hair is condescending. At least Dante's words are genuine. So for that, he lets it slide.

At any rate, it becomes quickly obvious at this point who's on what side. Dante is clearly here to stop Mirage Mouse; Wolf is here because wolves are awesome. This seems more like a hilarious standoff than anything else, so Zoro isn't taking it especially serious, even with the Mouse's earlier attack. And Dante firing on the Mouse may be what sets off the powder keg. So Zoro stays on the defensive for now. He's familiar with people that use guns, and Wolf is still the x factor here that he can't pin down yet. An opportunist, perhaps? Actual building security? He's trying to piece it together.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "A tempting offer," is what Mirage gets in immediate reply from the scarred and grizzled wolfman. With the mouse on the defensive, Wolf is able to cross closer to the fallen man (close vicinity to gunfire doesn't faze him) where he can lower his pistol and replace it for the moment and, with that free hand and with a careful bend of the knees (his tail helps him keep excellent balance), drop his posture while keeping his large gun thing aimed ahead of him to put the CEO in reach. It would seem there are a lot of wild cards in play, even if the Joker has already been it or not. That clawed hand grabs the man by the back of the jacket and lifts up, legs straightening and Wolf rising, to 'rescue' the hostage in question. "But I get two-thirds of it or you get nothing other than the Samurai's blade. Your knowing Krystal means nothing to me here and now." 

     "Captain," comes a voice through to Wolf's ear that only he can hear. Wesson states, "I'm in the power room. I can cut the mains if you need it."

     Wolf stares down the room. Choices.

     "Fine, it seems that things aren't going to go as planned, after all. Roronoa Zoro, then. You're good with a blade, I imagine? I'd hate to have to cross blades with you. So I don't plan on it. Maybe next time. Wesson, Lights Out. Vance, blow the satchel. Give our swordsman here a reason to help Security leave. And the pretty boy, well..." Wolf grins at Dante's display and levels his rifle at the CEO...and fires.

     It's not a rifle. It's a concussive shotgun. The blast is loud and sends debris immediately scattering -- furthermore, it launches the innocent man straight out the nearby open window with stunning force and velocity not too far away from Dante's gun-slinging position. "Catch." The sound of the blast is followed by all power shutting off, although light should still stream inside from the glassless walls. Additionally, a rumbling vibration echoes up the elevator shaft.
    Dante doesn't really have time for hesitation. He doesn't even seem to pay Wolf any mind. He'll deal with that guy another time.

    He takes off, sprinting towards the falling executive as he holsters his guns. "PEACE!" he bids farewell, leaping through the open window as he dives for the CEO.

    He practically teleports, zapping to grab the exec in hand. He'd so much rather this old fart be a hot blonde, but oh well, heroes can't be chosers.

    "You're gonna want to hold on tight." He manages to say over the rush of wind as the two plummet, just as Dante draws and drives his sword into the side of the building like a climbing axe. The jolt from stopping so suddenly practically dislocates the Half-Devil's arm, but other than a grunt of pain he takes it like a champ. "DO me a favor, dude...grab the gun and shoot a window out so we don't have to wait on a helicopter or something..." He suggests, motioning to one of his pistols.
Mirage Mouse
As Dante fires, she brings the desk up--the bullets wind up smacking right into the upturned surface of the hard wood--the thing still splinters and begins to break into 2 and then 3 pieces, of course--because what would you expect such a mundane piece of artiface to do when confronted with Dante's demonic marksmanship? The splinters are thrown back--one rather large one plunging into Mirage's leg. Ouch.

"Owww--damnit, that hurts!" Mirage Mouse howls, releasing a psionic scream outwards that is more telekinetic--breaking the rest of the windows of the building in a storm of glass!

The glass shards pelt the room, including the area around Zoro and Dante--though most likely due not much besides make them bob and weave or take up a defensive stance--it's hurtling glass, as a sort of area hazard.

And then Wolf happens. Oh, well then!

"Oh my god get me out of here--my suit is ruined!" Mirage yowls in a tone that is more angry and complaining as she drifts out the window--suddenly flying up and out of sight as she heads toward where Wolf likely has his ride.

Dante is amazingly able to grab the man as he falls, both going out the window--the man is disoriented, out of breath--but is apparently able to still hold onto the Half-Devil! It remains how they're getting back into the building at the moment--though it seems like the windows had been already blown out... the man likely couldn't /lift/ Ebony or Ivory nevermind fire it without dropping it.

<I hope you got some trauma kits on that ship of yours, Wolf> comes Mirage's telepathic message to Wolf once she is finally out.
Roronoa Zoro
Wolf admits that he has no desire to cross blades with him. "Smart choice, wolf," he grins playfully, though he doesn't let a compliment like that coax him into lowering his guard. Which is probably a solid decision, since a loud concussive blast sends the CEO out the nearby window - and odds are, Dante chasing after him - and the lights go out. Leave it to someone like Zoro to not be at all deterred by the sudden darkness. It's not complete darkness, since there's windows and holes, but it's dark enough to cover the Mouse and Wolf's escape.

Zoro closes his eye, since it'll do him no good. The silhouettes of Dante and the executive are obvious outside, as well as Wolf and Mouse's silhouettes. In his mind's eye, they're simply like shadows; if Zoro had any real reason to pursue them, he would have, but he has no stake here and Dante's solved the hostage situation. The rain of glass is treated in the same way as any hazard; the movements are quick, but he deflects any shards of glass that might be a potential hazard or distraction.

By this point, though, Wolf and Mouse are both gone, and there's something else. A rumbling. He frowns, quickly moving to head for the door Dante entered through. Just in time, as the rushing air from what we can only assume is an explosion fills the room with fire, blasting the elevator doors out. The building's fire alarms go off seconds later, which not only gets Zoro drenched from the water raining down, but it also gets the security on the ground floor moving.

The only thing to do at this point is to follow them out via the stairs. None of them are paid enough to be here for this kind of chaos, and Zoro doesn't really want to be around if anyone shows up to start asking questions.

And so, dripping wet, Roronoa Zoro begins to dry in the sun. The search continues for.. something. Someone. Somewhere.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Up above, on the roof, are two ships. A large lizard man rushes out of the roof entryway as glass outside all shatters; the sound is absolutely horrible and gut-wrenching. Imagine Vance's surprise at having somebody make an appearance by flying. "Eyes on a...flying...lady, Captain," he reports. 

     Inside the building, Wesson aims to make an escape in the additional confusion of whatever just ruined the lift and the sudden loss of all lights. Wolf brings up an arm to shield his face from the sudden glass storm, although the debris never actually touches him. In fact, any loose shrapnel or glass that gets within a foot of him causes a flicker of light that keeps the potentially harmful stuff away. Through this, O'Donnell is able to give Roronoa Zoro a firm staredown in the dim light as he prepares for whatever counter-maneuver is made while the storm rages around them. "Get out while you can." The firebomb in the lift going off might start a fire, but the fire suppression system may likely kick in, power out or not, which will only add more difficulty and confusion to the security force working their way up the building.

     With that, the wolfman mercenary turns and dashes for the door he came in through...which leads to the stairs and a way either up or down. Wolf heads up. "Extract. We're not welcome here anymore. Get our resident kitten loaded up as your passenger, Vance; we don't have time to treat her right now. We need to get away first. This damn well better be worth the money. We'll set down outside of the city near the Vine and see about keeping her from bleeding out. Wesson, move it or lose it! Load up and let's get the heck out of here." The things he does for money.