Benito Bontade (Dropped)

Benito Bontade
World: Chicago-1928-1
Actual Age: 31
Apparent Age: 30's
Quote: "The most important thing in the world is a man's family. If he betrays his family, he betrays himself a hundred times over."
Role: Sword of Vengence
Species: Human
Theme Song: Queen-Another One Bites The Dust
Voice Actor: Clint Eastwood


Once a highly decorated war hero, a member of the Italian Arditi royal special forces during WWI, and one of their most highly trained operatives, now after the brutal murder of his brother he's out for vengeance. He's turned to a life of bombastic crime where subtly is off the menu and justice is always served piping hot. He's a loose cannon who plays by no ones rules but his own strict code of ethics enforced by the heart of a hero deep inside. His skills as a bank robber and getaway driver for the mafia may have got him on the most wanted list but now it's his drive for justice that will see him catapulted up to the top.


Extreme Willpower: Able to keep fighting through severe pain
A never say die attitude where in spite of his body wanting to quit constantly he forces himself to keep going even in the face of death doesn't actually make him more resistant to taking damage just able to take more of it before going down.
Rapid Healing: Heals outside of combat at a high rate
What would normally take years to heal instead takes weeks for him to heal, and what would normally take months instead takes days. It's not instant healing just much faster then the average person.
Firearms Training: Highly skilled with conventional small arms, long arms, and handheld explosives.
He is extremely skilled in weapons similar to those from his native world. Rifles, Pistols, Grenades. He's incredibly skilled in their use from his time with the elite Italian Special forces.
Martial Arts: Highly skilled in unarmed and blade combat.
In particular this refers to the use of blades, throws and conventional martial arts moves granted to him by extensive training with the Italian Special Forces.
Stuntman: Able to pull off dangerous stunts that would normally result in injury.
This covers things like jumping through windows without serious injury, leaping across buildings in general pulling off the archetypal action hero film stunts.
Wilderness Survival: Great at Tracking, Hunting, building shelter, crafting poisons.
Building a shelter in the middle of the harshest environments known to man. Discovering water and food sources for long term survive. Crafting poisons out of berries, mushrooms, and other local flora, but this is limited to sleeping drugs and the like, and is limited by the type of flora found in the region, as he's no herbalist. Highly skilled at tracking and hunting down prey over vast stretches of land. Identification of footprints.
Getaway Driver: Highly competent behind the wheel of a traditional motorized car or truck.
This covers things like stunt jumps crazy manuvers in highly crowded city streets in general highly improbable manuvers like racing backwards while opening fire with a pistol.


Code of Honor: He keeps his word, avoids harming innocents, and values independence.
His particular code of honor is as follows: Any debt dies with the one who incurred the debt. Never betray your family. Never go to cops to solve your problems. Never go after someone else's family. Don't write down actions. Never break your word. Don't hurt kids. It's his personal code of ethics and though he may bend it he refuses to break it.
Go Big or Go Home: He doesn't do silent, and he doesn't do subtle.
He's not a man of subtly by any means preferring bombastic entrances, and head on attacks. He prefers big car chases, massive fire fights, and will rarely if ever be one willing to go along with a quiet subtle approach to things.
Eye For An Eye: He's a vengeful man who doesn't let slights go lightly.
Benito is a strong believer in favors being repaid in favors, of slights repaid in slights. Though he prefers to return a bad deed for an equal punishment he's always one to take vengeance for slights. If one of his own is put in the hospital, he'll put the one who did it in the hospital with similar injuries. He has a hard time letting go of such things, and can be incredibly patient in getting his revenge. He refuses to forget a wrong till it is paid back in full.
Robin Hood: Goes out of his way to rob those who can afford to take the hit.
Banks, Millionaires, The Government, Big Business, corrupt politicians. Benito prides himself on striking at those who can afford to take the loss, or those who deserve it. He also prides himself on giving back to the people who need it most. Soup kitchens, Homeless shelters. He uses his own ill begotten gains to try and improve the lives of those who need it most. He refuses to go after people he doesn't personally think 'deserve it'.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
380 The Cantaloupe Club Dec 15 2018
376 Handle With Care Dec 12 2018
359 The Events of the San Jose Town Hall Meeting Dec 06 2018
253 There Will Be Cake Sep 22 2018
250 Super Peach Tennis Sep 21 2018
241 New Frontiers Sep 20 2018
233 Sight For Shore Eyes Sep 09 2018
231 The Team Skull Struggle or Troublesome Teens. Sep 07 2018
230 Bank Breakin Or: Vehicular Violence Sep 07 2018
224 Nice hat? Treasure and Dungeons! Aug 31 2018
See All 12 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.