Temulin Dotharl (Dropped)

Temulin Dotharl
World: Final Fantasy 14-1
Actual Age: 16
Apparent Age: 16
Quote: I'm an adventurer, not a charity worker. Pay me or get lost.
Role: Dark Knight of Light
Species: Au Ra (Xaela)


The Dotharl tribe believes Temulin to be the reincarnation of a powerful but dark warrior that once was part of the tribe. As such, her people have been wary of her as she grew up. Soon after coming of age she abandoned her home to become an adventurer in a distant realm. She's lacking in tact or subtlety, and honest to a fault; traits which mesh poorly with her temper. Nonetheless, Temulin is a good person at heart, taking on the dangerous job because she wants to protect people; even if the best way she's found to aid them is by indulging in her dark side. She's dedicated to completing what she sets out to do; and so despite her ruthlessness in battle, she's been chosen by the goddess Hydaelyn to be a Warrior of Light. Temulin is a great swordswomen who forges her pain into endurance and determination. Should she need to take to the sky, the giant bird Denhes she has bonded to is never more than a whistle's call away.


Denhes: Denhes is a 'Yol' a kind of giant bird which Temulin rides.
Denhes is a 'Yol' a kind of giant bird which Temulin rides. The bird is strong enough to carry her and her armour over long distances, and both agile and fast enough to be useful in a fight. While not weak by any stretch, Denhes is not an independent combatant, and will not provide more combat assistance than as a mount.
The Echo: The Echo allows Temulin to communicate with people regardless of language.
The Echo allows Temulin to communicate with people regardless of language. It does not let her understand people who speak no language, and since this is essentially a form of instinctual but powerful mind-reading those with strong enough wills might not be susceptible to this effect.
Echoed Visions: Sometimes, Temulin sees visions of events of the past.
Sometimes Temulin freezes up, her ability to perceive the world around her abandoned in exchange for a vision of events that occurred to someone nearby. While varying in importance and in her ability to derive meaning from these visions, they are never meaningless. She cannot control when these visions happen, nor what she sees.
Dark Knight: Temulin is an able swordswoman who augments her performance with martial magic.
Temulin is an able swordswoman, wielding a large two-handed sword into combat unflinchingly. She knows how to use it quite well, and combines her swordplay with simple magics, both magics to enhance her strikes and simple blasts of magic to deal with those she cannot reach in melee.
Darkside: By deriving strength from her own suffering, Temulin gains inhuman durability.
Temulin's greatest strength is to turn her own suffering into durability, calling upon her own anguish to toughen her skin and strengthen her resolve. It's by no means a limitless resource, but it effectively gives her inhuman durability, keeping her fighting even beyond the point where most people would be dead.
Au Ra: Temulin is an Au Ra, a kind of humanoid species.
Temulin is an Au Ra, a kind of humanoid species. There's no substantial differences between Au Ra and most other humanoid species beyond the presence of a tail and horns, which do not meaningfully impact their capabilities.


Temper: Temulin has a temper, is honest to a fault, and isn't quite sure what tact is.
Temulin has a temper, is honest to a fault, and isn't quite sure what tact is. These three combine to make it very easy for Temulin to get into fights that can gain her nothing and lose her plenty, and that's without accounting for the possibility of people using this against her.
Height: Temulin is short. She knows this. She doesn't like it.
Temulin is short. She knows this. She doesn't like it. It doesn't matter that for a woman of her species she's only slightly on the short side, she's spent too much time around species taller than her, has had too many people remark how they expected someone taller, for her to be look on remarks about her height as anything other than a grave insult.
Darkness: There's a side of Temulin that's done with being nice, and it isn't quiet.
There's a side of Temulin that's done with being nice, and it isn't quiet. This darker side will occassionally speak through Temulin's mouth, and Temulin doesn't quite realize she's the one bringing it up.
Bog: Temulin hates swamps, bogs and the like.
Temulin hates swamps, bogs and the like. She wants both of her feet either riding her bird or on firm ground, even boats make her unhappy but at least then her feet don't sink into the ground. If she has to go through any kind of swampy area, it will cause her immense frustration and her inability to deal with it well also impacts her ability to concentrate, which can prove disastrous in any dangerous situation.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
720 The Company You Keep Aug 14 2020
714 Lord of the Inferno Aug 07 2020
708 Amal'jaa Wrong Places Jul 31 2020
703 Spelunker of Light Jul 24 2020
697 What Poor People Think Jul 17 2020
692 Into a Copper Hell Jul 10 2020
678 Summertide Jun 21 2020
677 Lightshard 17 Jun 20 2020
675 The Lurker Below Jun 17 2020
673 Floor 99 Jun 12 2020
See All 52 Scenes


Title Date
A Talk with the Teacher Nov 16 2019
Not So Mercenary Jun 10 2020
See All 2 Cutcenes