Natsu Dragneel (Dropped)

Natsu Dragneel
World: Fairy Tail-1
Actual Age: 400-ish
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Quote: "As long I'm still breathing in this world... As long I'm still standing, I will never give up!"
Role: Fire Dragon Slayer and Reckless Wizard
Species: Human?
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Todd Haberkorn


Headstrong, brash, and about as hot-Tempered as you would expect someone who embodies a divine creature of flame to be, Natsu Dragneel is arguably one of the most famous Wizards of his world. A member of Fairy Tail, a magical guild of Wizards cooperating to learn magic, he has a reputation for being the kind of person to go in swinging as a first resort and never ask questions. For all his hotheadedness, however, he is also a deeply loyal person who cares about every one of his guild-mates as if they were his own flesh and blood. To that end, Natsu is always trying to get stronger in order to protect his guild and generally seeks out the strongest person he can to test himself against and try to learn something new. In battle, he wields the lost magic known as Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, which relies on a mixture of powerful flames and martial prowess to emulate the abilities of a mythical dragon.


Dragon Slayer Magic: Natsu uses a form of magic that invokes draconic physical prowess in combat.
Dragon Slayer Magic is an ancient form of magic that was designed to defeat dragons by emulating them. Those who study Dragon Slayer Magic gain immense physical strength, enhanced durability, enhanced reflexes, and much better senses. Natsu's strength is such that he requires almost no effort to lift large objects such as boulders or piles of rubble. His body is also capable of withstanding immense amounts of punishment and continuing to function. His hands and feet can become like claws, as well. Finally, his eyesight, hearing, and especially his sense of smell are all heightened to superhuman levels. Oh! In addition to physical attributes, he also has access to spells that utilize his primary elements, detailed below in a new entry.
Dragon Element: Natsu's specialty is fire. He can create and hurl it, or propel himself with it.
An important aspect of Natsu's magic is an affinity towards the specific elements he is meant to embody. Natsu's focus in this is fire. His body temperature is hot enough to melt steel when he focuses, as he unleashes his power the air around him heats up, and he can even breathe fire. He can infuse every one of his attacks with fire, often coating his hands, elbows, feet, and even head with it while attacking opponents. His command of flames is such that he can generate jet-force blasts of flame from his hands and feet to rocket-propel him across the battlefield and grant him more maneuverability in short bursts. At its upper limit, his flames are powerful enough to melt buildings and evaporate lakes.
Elemental Consumption: Natsu is immune to, and can empower himself by consuming, fire.
As someone who embodies a Dragon, Natsu is able to consume the elements he is aligned with, granting him a form of invulnerability to them. The element this applies to is fire. Consuming an element grants Natsu moderate healing, restores his stamina, and can grant him a boost to magical power. Natsu can effortlessly consume mundane elements, but completely consuming the elements of specialists requires consent. Natsu is unable to consume Flame from beings of higher power and authority than Dragons, though in his world this exclusively refers to 'Gods'. Natsu is also unable to eat his own fire for a power-up.
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Natsu is also a master of using punches, kicks, and even headbutts in combat.
Natsu is incredibly proficient in unarmed combat. Even without the added power of his flame magic, he is able to use his hands, feet, elbows, knees, and even his forehead as a weapon. Years of training, combined with a natural talent for feeling out the flow of a fight, are focused into his love of fighting. When these aspects are combined with his immense strength, speed, and durability, it allows Natsu to hold his own against giant enemies or multiple foes at once.
Dragon Force< Edge >: Natsu can enter a form that makes him 'equal to a dragon', providing a boost.
Dragon Force is an Empowered fighting mode available to Dragon Slayers who have consumed a large amount of their native element or possess sufficient willpower. When entering this mode, a Dragon Slayer's appearance changes, taking on more draconic traits than usual. When Natsu, personally, enters dragon force his teeth elongate and he grows scales around his eyes and forehead. It provides him a substantial boost in power, allowing him to overwhelm even the strongest opponents with his power. Entering Dragon Force is an exhausting process and cannot be done regularly, making it something to be used in the most dire circumstances.


Happy< Feature F-Tier Named >: Happy is a flying cat and Natsu's best friend.
Happy is a blue, talking, bipedal cat-like creature known as an Exceed. He has very little combat capability, but he can sprout wings that allow him to carry Natsu long distances, particularly when combined with Natsu's jet propulsion. Happy is Natsu's main form of transportation.


Loyal: Natsu places loyalty and friendship above all other virtues. Often to a fault.
Natsu has a fairly rigid code of honor and loyalty that he operates by. He believes that a guild is a family, that friends come first, and that if a friend does something bad, you just need to smack them until they fix it. He believes that you never abandon a friend, that you trust the people close to you, and that you never abandon a friend. This is generally fine, save for the fact that Natsu expects everyone ELSE to not only understand his code of loyalty, but also to act in line with it. If he feels someone betrayed a friend, he has no issues lecturing them or even picking a fight over it. He will outright ignore plans or orders that involve leaving a friend behind, and will generally be difficult or outright defiant to authority figures that expect him not to put his friends first and foremost.
Headstrong: Natsu tends to decide first and then think about it later. If ever.
When Natsu decides on a course of action, it is very hard to dissuade him from that course. He also tends to go based on his gut, rather than common sense or strategy. When he wants to do something, he does it. When he thinks he knows what's best, that's what he decides to do. This can make Natsu detrimental to involve in complex plans where his part of the plan is more elaborate than 'Go to Location and fight person'. It also makes it very hard to change Natsu's mind once he makes a decision, whether it is about a person he meets or how he wants to handle a challenge.
Motion Sickness: Natsu is borderline useless on moving vehicles.
A side-effect of Dragon Slayer Magic is that the more a user develops their talents in it, the more draconic they become. This is usually a benefit, however the act of placing the senses of a dragon in the body of a human causes an imbalance in their perceived senses and the inner-ear canal that controls their balance. As a result of this, Dragon Slayer Mages experience motion sickness when on artificial moving vehicles. The severity of their motion sickness depends on the motion of the vehicle and how developed their dragon traits are. Natsu is a particularly developed Dragon Slayer, meaning that most vehicles almost incapacitate him, taking the majority of his willpower and effort to move or accomplish anything. The size of the vehicle also affects this, as Natsu might be slightly queasy on a space station, but on a boat or in a car he would be hanging over the side trying not to lose his lunch.
Hot-Headed: It is very easy to make Natsu angry or get him riled up.
Natsu is incredibly easy to get riled up to the extent that he will throw common sense out the window. Goading, insulting his friends, or outright challenging him to a match of strength are all ways to distract Natsu from an objective or get him to break a plan to fight you directly. Combining this with his impulsiveness, it means that Natsu can be goaded more easily than other people, particularly when it comes to the chance to stand up for what he believes in or fight someone strong.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
696 Black Tide Over Kyoto Jul 16 2020
606 The First Snowfall of the Year Dec 30 2019
562 The Thunder Lizard Sep 04 2019
552 The Machine Village Aug 11 2019
528 The Desert Ruins Jun 22 2019
512 The Salem Witch Hunts Jun 03 2019
508 Err Superiority May 30 2019
See All 7 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.