Salome (Dropped)

World: Last Days of Pandemonium-1
Groups: Harvesters
Actual Age: 200+
Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
Quote: "Just because I'm a New York girl doesn't make me a city slicker. You couldn't outshoot me if your life depended on it. ... And trust me, it will."
Role: Gun Toting Witch
Species: Dark Elf
Theme Song:


An elf hailing from a dying world, Salome Highscribe's good intentions to save her homeland are tempered by her insidious means of attempting to do so. Born to a noble family of great magical lineage, a born Manhattanite in the magical realm of Pandemonium, she graduated from the prestigious Columbia University of Applied Witchcraft with top honors and made breakthrough advances in the field of Mathemagics. Salome is a woman with loose morals on a violent hunt for her twin sister and a way to save the home she loves at any cost, regardless of what it forces her to do or who it places in her path. An expert markswoman and trick shooter, she applies her magical knowledge and formula to the very bullets she fires from her guns, aiming straight for the heart of all her problems with a devil may care attitude and a flare for overdramatics in everything she does.


Dark Elf: Salome has nightvision, is difficult to charm, and does not sleep normally.
As a Dark Elf, Salome is long lived. She already has several centuries of experience under her belt, but she gets some benefits to being a member of the elven race. Salome can see as clear as day in dim and darkly lit places, she is naturally resistant to charm and mind control spells, and does not need to sleep, but rather spends four hours in a meditative trance state in order to rest.
Actually Seriously A Witch: Salome knows much about the occult, myths, magic animals, and general witchery.
Salome is long lived and well-studied. She knows many legends, riddles, tales, and fables, but she also has a fair working knowledge of magical creatures, herbs, and other such lore. Even if it's not useful, helpful, or something she can do herself, Sally's general knowledge of the magical world is far reaching.
Attack Mathemagics: Salome cast offensive elemental spells through mathematical formulae.
Skilled in a branch of magic called Mathemagics, Salome imposes her will on the universe around her and creates magic through performing complex mathematical equations via time consuming verbal, somatic, and written mathematical calculations. Through doing so, she may impose her vision of a 'correct' reality and forcibly deny variables and outcomes she does not agree with. The effects are usually short lasting as the true reality re-imposes itself, but through this means, Salome can cast offensive spells of varied standard elements, such as fire, ice, lightning, and so forth. This branch of Mathemagics is her forte, and as such, she also has larger and more potent spells like summoning meteors or incredibly devastating explosions.
Hex Mathemagics: Salome can weaken, disorient, or inflict misfortune upon targets of her spells.
Salome can 'debuff' targets through this branch of magic for a short period of time. Sapping strength, speed, rendering a target feeble minded or lacking wits, blinding, nauseating, or even imposing briefly astounding bad luck upon a person are possible. These spells also take time to draft equations for.
Support Mathemagics: Salome can perform first aid, augment targets, teleport, and fly.
Salome can perform basic first aid spells, or augment herself or others. Spell effects such as quickening the target, hovering, defensive or offensive boosts, even brief glimpses into future 'variables' as a sort of danger sense or intuition are possible. She can teleport, but only herself, and only a long-distance teleport. She cannot do this repeatedly, and her accuracy only puts her in the general area of any place she is not extremely familiar with. These spells also take time to draft equations for. She also has a broom of flying that can ferry her about with the speed and ease of horse.
Formulaic Inscribing: Salome can inscribe Mathemagics spells onto her body or objects, like bullets.
Salome can compress her mathemagics spells she knows and creates ahead of time into runes. Each rune is a specific equation and translates into a pre-prepared spell. Salome can take the time to ink these runes and sigils onto her body or objects. Given enough time to perform the process, she may inscribe it onto almost any surface and dictate the effects that trigger the spell. Salome's main use of this however, specifically, inscribes her bullets with these runes, making each bullet a specific and potent 'spell bullet' that unleashes specific magics instantaneously due to preparation ahead of time.
The Deadeye: Salome's accuracy is uncanny and inhuman because of a bloodline gift.
A magical trait passed down the Highscribe family bloodline. Salome's left eye perceives the world in a different manner than a normal eye does when her magical energy is funneled into it. When she taps the power of her Deadeye, Salome perceives the world around her as sluggish and slowed, while she is able to retain her normal reaction speeds. To an outside observer, this renders her reflexes and reaction times as stunningly inhuman, and her accuracy is almost legendarily un-erring, to the point of being able to shoot bullets out of the air with more bullets.
Firearms: Salome can use, and keeps, an arsenal of mundane and magical guns.
Salome can use any form of mundane small arms firearm she can get her hands on with extreme levels of skill and precision. She can quickdraw on par with world record shooters, perform slick trick shots and ricochet rebounds, and reload her guns with supernatural speed. At all times she keeps a small arsenal of spare revolvers, derringers, and hold out pistols on her person to fire mundane bullets. The main and pride pieces of her arsenal though are several special guns crafted to fire bullets inscribed with her spell runes.
Gunsmith: Sally knows how to make, forge, repair, and strip firearms, and load ammunition.
Salome is an expert gunsmith and maintains all of her firearms on her own. She can fashion and craft new mundane guns for herself or others, but most of her skill is focused in maintaining her cherished magical weapons, which she puts a painstaking level of care into. Salome is capable of repairing her guns under almost any circumstances as long as she has the time to sit down and do so. She also hand loads her own ammunition.


Pierce< Named Feature F-Tier >: Salome's Familiar. A fey black cat linked to her senses, and conduit for spells.
Salome's Familiar, Pierce is a fey black cat capable of intelligent speech. Though he can't do much more than anything a normal black cat can, Salome can see through his eyes, hear through his ears, and otherwise take control of his senses. She may use him as a conduit and cast certain basic offensive or supportive spells through him if he is within range of a target. Salome and Pierce always know where the other is as long as they are on the same plane of existence or world, and if Pierce dies or the two are separated, Salome may re-summon him with a magic ritual.
Mimsy< Named Feature F-Tier >: Salome's hat. A mimic. It can swallow items as storage space for her or attack.
Salome's hat is a mimic. It can swallow medium to large sized items for her and act as a storage space, somewhat like a living bag of holding. Though Mimsy normally takes the form of a witch hat, it can also take on the form of other small or medium mundane objects and catch unsuspecting foes off guard and harass or even injure them for its master with its sharp and violent teeth gnashing. The largest shape Mimsy can take is a chair or the default mimic treasure chest.


Pay You Back In Spades: Sally holds grudges. And like any good witch, she holds them long.
Salome is a long lived elf, and she remembers things from long before most people were born. Slights against her do not go forgotten easily, and unless reparations are made to appease her, Salome will plot or even go out of her way to 'repay' these slights. Usually she intends to repay them by magnitude of three.
It's For Home: Salome ultimately wants to do the right thing, and can be occasionally swayed.
Salome's world is dying. Therefore, everything, everything, Salome does is to the desired end of keeping Pandemonium from falling apart. However her means of going about this task are pretty nasty. Salome can be convinced, or even manipulated into other possible routes or courses of action if convinced that the new course will be more beneficial to her cause.
Mariam: Salome's twin sister. She seeks her out with a violent passion.
Salome was separated from her twin sister when Pandemonium began to fall apart. Their sibling relationship is very strained; to the point of 'murderously lethal'. Okay the fact of the matter is, Salome wants to kill her sister. If any leads arise that point in the direction of Mariam Highscribe, Salome will drop everything else for the sake of following them.
Complete and Total Mercenary: Salome will sell her services to highest bidder for a cut of the profit.
If someone else's goals align with hers, Salome will offer her services for a price. Be it monetary, personal gain, or a means of prolonging Pandemonium a little longer; if she gets a cut of what's on the table, she can be bought be even the lowest of the low and the baddest of the worst villains and monsters. For the right price? She might even change sides entirely, for a day.
Dashing Desperado: Salome is always dramatic. She is not subtle.
Salome has a bombastic personality. She is an utter sucker for attention. She puts on sultry airs, is a vicious tease, but most importantly she must do everything with extreme flair, dramatics, and panache. She will not do stealth, she does not play well with group tactics, and she is generally hard to work with and corral, once she starts working with someone. If you challenge her to a gun duel, she'll even drop everything else to show off who is the superior shooter.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
844 Tomb Rescue Jul 14 2021
807 Rollicking Randy Dandy O' Mar 10 2021
780 Murder Scene Investigation: Mary Jane Kelly Dec 29 2020
771 From Hell Dec 01 2020
745 The Prodigal Knight Oct 04 2020
743 Red Tide Sep 30 2020
738 The Surface Breaks Sep 25 2020
734 The Curse of the Mermaid's Voice Sep 22 2020
684 A Fading Catastrophe Jun 28 2020
622 Stakeout at the O.K. Corral, or Showdown at High Moon Feb 21 2020
See All 26 Scenes


Title Date
Goodbye, Fare-Ye-Well Sep 30 2020
See All 1 Cutcenes