
World: Zoophobia-1
Actual Age: 16
Apparent Age: 14
Quote: "Everyone gives in to temptation in the end."
Role: Rebellious Antichrist
Species: Demon Jackal
Voice Actor: Alexander Yap


Damian Beelzly is the half-demon son of Satan, but where one might expect the purest incarnation of evil, one would instead find a more-or-less ordinary teenage boy. More prone to playing banjo and exploring the outside world with his friends than corrupting the innocent, Damian is one of the very few demonic individuals allowed within the walls of Safe Haven, an isolated community populated by mythical creatures. He is known as a bit of a trickster though, and his temper can be easily riled by those who judge him for his heritage. With his demonic powers and poor restraint when angered, this can easily lead to some problems...


Shapeshifter< Edge >: The ability to transform his body into other forms, in whole or in part.
Damian has the ability to change his body into different forms, either specific parts or his entire physical shape. In casual situations, he usually limits this to changing into a human form, more masculine or feminine depending on his mood and present company. He can even change his physical sex, but feels awkward and uncomfortable as a girl.

Otherwise, Damian is able to take the form of virtually any living thing (plant or animal) down to the size of an apple, or up to twice his normal size. He has not yet learned how to copy natural abilities such as venom or enhanced senses, but it's only a matter of time. For combat (or if he just wants to look scary), Damian can also grow tentacular appendages, extra sensory organs, bigger and stronger natural weapons (teeth and claws etc), or even retract his skin for a spoooooooky skeletal look. However, this application still seems to mostly be controlled by instinct, with little conscious control over these combat-oriented transformations. All of Damian's bodily transformations are also limited to maintaining the same overall color scheme and the size restrictions laid out previously, limiting their utility as disguises.

While Damian can shapeshift smaller than scale rules normally allow, doing so takes a concentrated effort and thus requires the use of Edge.
Levitation: The ability to fly and hover in the air unassisted.
Damian has pretty much mastered the art of levitation, able to fly or hover at will. In fact, he prefers to float through the air rather than walk, so it's uncommon to see his feet actually touch the ground. This isn't the speediest method of travel, as his top speed reaches that of a good sprint, but it's slightly more efficient and offers a lot more versatility.
Teleportation: The ability to travel instantaneously between locations.
A fairly common ability in Hell is the power to teleport in a "puff of smoke" style. This is mostly used to cross silently between different planes of existence such as Hell and Safe Haven, but unless Damian has someone he's familiar with to use as a focal target, he has very little control over where he ends up beyond a vague "somewhere in this city", for example.

His teleportation also functions on a sort of "permission" system, wherein if there is some law against entering (including "no demons" and the like) or active protection against teleportation in an area, he cannot teleport inside of that area without explicit permission from whomever is in charge. Similarly, he cannot use someone as a focal point for teleportation if they refuse his presence, or if the laws of the area they are in would make it illegal to visit them (such as in prison), which again requires the permission of whomever is in charge.

Hell may be evil, but they respect the rules.
Regeneration: The ability to recover from wounds at an accelerated rate.
While it doesn't necessarily stop death entirely, Damian has a natural healing factor (possibly tied to his shapeshifting) that allows him to recover from wounds far more quickly than most mortals. Small cuts and bruises can heal in seconds or minutes, while larger wounds may take hours or even days depending on the extent of the damage. Lost internal organs or severed limbs can grow back within a week, but the process is *not* pleasant and will leave Damian out of action for the duration. The healing process is also significantly slowed if Damian is actively engaging in something strenuous, such as combat. This ability may have also slowed down his aging, which would go some way toward explaining why he looks so much younger than his actual age.
Pyromancy: The ability to conjure and control flames.
Damian has learned how to make use of his inherent demonic ability to produce and manipulate fire, including throwing fireballs, creating simple shapes made of flame, and setting himself ablaze to no ill effect (to himself at least). This does not afford him the same protection from other sources of fire, though.
Prince of Hell: Access to daddy's virtually unlimited resources... for a price.
Being the prince of Hell and all, Damian is more or less a spoiled brat with access to daddy's money. While Satan will never grant access to personnel (aside from Tentadora) or weaponry, he /will/ make sure that Damian is never far from comfort by providing food, transportation, and enough local currency to cover lodging or other necessities, with a little extra for extravagances. However, should Damian ask for anything more than the basics, he will have to pay a price like anyone who makes a deal with the devil; it could be anything from a personal sacrifice to pleasing daddy with an act of evil, with the cost increasing based on the relative usefulness of the item or service requested. Some examples include: Clothing and makeup for disguises, keys for locked doors, tools for repair and maintenance of machinery, etc.

Note: While this perk could theoretically be used to solve a scene's primary "problem", it is entirely up to the scenerunner whether Damian can do so.


Tentadora< Named C-Tier >: A highly realistic android nanny/bodyguard with combat capabilities.
A human female-appearing android originally built to induce the sin of lust in the hearts of mortals and thus corrupt their souls, Tentadora was repurposed as a bodyguard and nanny for Damian when her model's line was discontinued. She boasts an hourglass figure and a flirty attitude, but a pretty face isn't the only thing going for her: This gynoid has a dedicated combat form boasting superhuman strength, speed, and endurance, as well as being armed with razor sharp steel talons and a collapsible buzzsaw in each arm. In addition to this, she is equipped with an intuitive sensor that alerts her whenever Damian is in danger, as well as his location. Like all inhabitants of Hell, Tentadora possesses the ability to teleport, as detailed in the Teleportation entry of this sheet.


Green Eyed Monster: Damian is prone to bouts of envy and does not handle it maturely.
When you get right down to it, Damian is a spoiled brat. If he sees something he wants that is already owned by someone else, he has a nasty tendency to let his jealousy get the better of him, concocting schemes to get his hands on the object of his envy or at least put it into a better position for him to claim it. He also gets very possessive with things he's already claimed as "his", viewing anyone who so much as hints at interest in such things as an enemy. This extends to anyone who seems to be trying to take attention away from him, even getting rather clingy with his friends when they meet someone new.
Red Eyes Take Warning: Has a short fuse when religious evangelism or anti-demon propaganda come up.
Damian is, at best, annoyed by religious evangelists, propagandists, and pretty much anyone who tries to preach at him or his friends. At worst, especially when these people call him evil or more descriptive permutations thereof, he has a habit of succumbing to his temper and... well, unfortunately, it doesn't help his case when he sprouts horns, tentacles, and glowing red eyes. Or when he attempts to kill and/or maim the offender. It's something he needs to work on.
Mischief Maker: Damian just can't resist a laugh at someone else's expense.
At heart, Damian is a troublemaker. Be it (relatively) harmless pranks or seeing how far the rules will bend, he likes to have fun at someone else's expense. In his mind, it's okay as long as nobody dies, right?
Devil You Know: If you can detect a demon-tainted aura, he can't hide from you.
Not all worlds are very tolerant of demons or other beings of darkness and "evil". Damian practically wears his demonhood on his sleeve, taking only the most minimal possible measures to disguise himself... but he can't disguise the tainted aura that surrounds him, which can be picked up by those with psychic or spiritual sensitivity. As his father was originally a being of light, holy weapons and attacks do not cause any extra harm to Damian, but getting shot is still going to hurt... especially if he has a whole militia hunting him down.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1176 Writhe In Pain Oct 09 2023
1162 Frontier: Caretaker Jun 28 2023
1139 Chiaroscuro Mar 08 2023
1018 Falling Deep Into The Sky May 04 2022
953 Years of Uneraseable Acts Jan 06 2022
933 Hell and the Wrath of the Divided Rabbit. Dec 01 2021
863 Not the Cows Aug 24 2021
839 Wasp's Nest Jun 17 2021
813 Lord of Vermin IV Mar 25 2021
802 Lord of Vermin III Mar 06 2021
See All 35 Scenes


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