World Tree MUSH

Hell and the Wrath of the Divided Rabbit.

Character Pose
Benedicta Cornell
It's a sunny morning in Camino Al Atardecer. Of course things aren't all they seem. Benedicta was supposed to be waiting for Damian outside of her apartment for a day on the town. She's not present in front of the building but her door is oddly unlocked. The magical city was normally a peaceful place but like all places had ran into its share of problems from time to time.
     Well, it's been a while since Damian has visited Benedicta, and at her own place no less! Lucky girl, getting to live on her own instead of being stuck with her parents. Not that he doesn't love his parents of course, it's just that it gets a little stuffy sometimes.

Well, enough stalling. As he comes up to the door, he does notice that she's seemingly nowhere to be found. However, trying the door shows it's unlocked, so he cracks it open and calls a tentative, "Helloooo? Benny, you didn't forget, did you? Or did you just need some help freshening up?"
Benedicta Cornell
There's a faint moaning sound and if Damian looks further inside it's clear that's there's been a struggle. Shelves are on the floor and books are scattered all about. Benedicta herself has been thrown up again a wall in her Al-Mir'aj form and looks quite stiff. There's with severe bruising visible around her neck even with all the fur, it looks like she was in a rather one-sided fight.
     Damian blushes briefly as he hears the moaning, but a further look inside quickly quashes any untoward thoughts as he rushes in, flying straight over to Benedicta. "Holy shit! What happened, Benny? Can you talk? Where's the nearest hospital?" he starts asking rapid fire questions, panic starting to rise as he starts gently slapping at her cheek to try to bring her around. He doesn't even think about who might have done this, just that she's hurt and he is not equipped to deal with this.
Benedicta Cornell
"Damian...I don't know...feels like I was being drained..." There aren't any visible bite marks on Benedicta's neck. "Beacon Society..." The words come from her in a raspy near monotone. She opens her eyes and does her best to try and look at him as she talks.
     Damian checks out the wounds on her neck, looking more like she's been strangled than anything. Giving her a gentle hug, he nods and says, "We can worry about that after you're fixed up. You need to go to Beacon Society? I guess that makes sense..." Snapping his fingers, the smell of brimstone briefly fills the room as a portal starts to open up.
Benedicta Cornell
She can't really nod right now, but her horn blinks yellow a moment. "Never thought...a demon...would save me. Teach me that." Benedicta says in a deadpan. "Still have part of my soul..." It seems like her attacker wasn't fully successful but that her wounds were more than just physical. "Odd that she spared me..." Her other half must have more humanity than she though.
     "You know I have no idea what you're talking about, right?" Damian remarks, but even so he carefully picks her up (tricky given his spindly frame) and carries her through the portal to Beacon Society... whatever part of it he can access, given his permission-based travel. "Alright, now who do I talk to..."
Benedicta Cornell
The pair arrive at the front desk of Beacon Society, "I'm trying to stay awake..." Benedicta's not the most coherent right now with the pain she's in. At the front desk is a rather tall anthromorphic bird-woman. 

She lets out a squack and her beak opens rather widely at the state that the al-mir'aj girl is in at the moment. "Benedicta, what mess have you got into this time!" She scolds the teenager and press a button on the desk in front of her.

"Not quite sure myself, Ava..."

A pair of paramedics step out from one of the side doors carrying a stretcher. "Sir, you can place her down here." They look at Damian a bit oddly, but figure he can be trusted.
     "Dunno. We were gonna go out for some hijinks, but when I got to her apartment it was trashed and I found her like this. Someone attacked her, but I don't know who or why or how or..." Damian tries to explain, but as the paramedics arrive, he stops and just hoists the injured bunny onto the stretcher, taking a deep breath. "Phew. She gonna be alright?"
Benedicta Cornell
"It's too early to say, we'll have to run some tests on her first. Plus, I'm sure they'll need to do an investigation of her place to figure out who what or attacked her. It's out of the norm for violence to happen here to begin with. We'll do everything we can for her though." The paramedic gives Damian an honest outlook on the situation.

"You better, I don't want to have to explain all of this by myself to Oriana!" Ava's going to already have her talons full filling out paperwork.

"My life always seems to be a mess..." Benedicta can't help but to point out.
     Damian nods as they tell him what's going to happen. Not the most reassuring answer, but it's something at least. Giving Benedicta a gentle hug, he smiles at her and tries to provide some reassurance of his own. "I think you'll pull through it, Benny. Things are gonna turn out just fine, and I'll be here for you when they do."