Nort and Scar

Nort and Scar
World: Gamma World-1
Apparent Age: Early middle age
Role: Animal Supremacists
Species: Human and Wolverine


Inseparable companions, the beings known as Nort and Scar consist of a mysterious man who is rarely seen not in power armor, and his 'mount,' the giant mutant wolverine by the name of Scar. Both Nort and Scar show obvious signs of cybernetic and bionic augmentation, which makes their blatant hatred for cyborgs and robots all the more puzzling. As the leaders of a society devoted to seeing intelligent mutant animals running the world, Nort and Scar might at first seem fanatical, but they are in fact adventurous spirits who do seek to keep the weak from being oppressed. To do this, they use advanced technology like Nort's power armor, or Scar's natural fighting abilities, along with their uncanny knowledge of animal behavior and anatomy. They are never seen apart, and indeed they would suffer greatly if separated.


Ancient Mutants: Both resist disease, regenerate, and Scar is giant, strong, and with claws.
Both Nort and Scar have a rare and peculiar, yet powerful mutation. They are nearly immune to terrestrial diseases and 'natural causes' of death, including aging, and are both centuries old. Both regenerate at a slow pace, healing in days or weeks from even fatal wounds without scarring, though actual restoration of limbs takes longer and vital organs like the heart or brain cannot be restored, resulting in death. Nort appears to be a normal human, though much tougher than most, but Scar is a giant mutant wolverine, large enough to ride upon, with the claws, teeth, and strength to match.
Friend to All Animals: Expert zoologists, vets, and doctors. Can call on nearby animals for help.
Both Nort and Scar are experts in zoology, evolutionary science, and veterinary medicine. They are accomplished surgeons(though Scar lacks the hands for fine manipulation), but their focus is on animals, and human anatomy is not their main strength. Nort can call upon a nearby animal for aid and give them simple orders, either to fight or perform simple tasks, but the animal arrives under its own power and must be within a few miles to call, and does not gain any extra mental comprehension. It merely acts like a well-trained pet for the duration.
Cybernetics: Enhance toughness, radar, sense robots, enhanced vision, eye lasers.
Both Nort and Scar have enhanced cybernetic augments. Both have artificial organs and parts making them much more durable than normal, especially Scar who has a reinforced skeleton. Both also have enhanced senses to see into the infrared or ultraviolet spectrums(heat vision), and a short-range radar(a few dozen meters) that can help detect hidden or invisible objects that reflect radar. They can sense robotic and cybernetic beings out to a much longer distance, with accuracy increasing the closer they are. This can detect(usually) robots intended to appear as human, even if they are meant to fool most sensors, but does not defeat dedicated stealth systems like invisibility or wide-spectrum cloaking.
Mutations(Nort): Nort can blast radiation, read the history of objects, fire mental blasts.
Nort appears human, but is actually a mutated humanoid. He has the ability to fire beams of concentrated gamma radiation from his hands to attack, or can fire a concentrated mental blast at someone to attack psionically. He can also read the vague history of items, such as what purpose they were used for, such as 'for killing' or 'cleaning' along with a rough idea of how often it was used and sometimes impressions of significant events. This can only go back about 10 years unless the impressions are incredibly strong. Nort has no other psychic abilities beyond these narrow abilities and the Psi-Link described in Shared Mutations.
Mutations(Scar): Scar has balance, limited telekinesis, reflects lasers, aura of fire/electricity
Aside from being a huge wolverine, Scar has supernatural level balance and can walk on a thin wire or balance atop a pole easily. His hide is reflective of most concentrated light energy, particularly lasers, and can even reflect them in random directions at times, but in general just makes him harder to damage. He can create an aura of flame or electricity that damages people who engage too closely. Finally, he can use a simple telekinetic arm to lift and move objects with basic, clumsy dexterity much like fingers, but this requires so much focus that he can only do it for a few minutes at a time and up to about ten meters away, making his manipulation skills limited. He can only lift a little more than what a normal unaugmented human can, as the telekinesis does not use his own physical strength as a base.
Shared Mutations: Nort and Scar can focus their minds, share sensations, and invert life drain.
Nort and Scar share a mental link, but not one that directly allows communication. They can sense when the other is in distress, and are aware of pain the other is suffering, though this does not hinder the other. When needed, one can still themselves and concentrate to bolster the other's focus on a task or to resist emotional or mental influence. Most unusually, both have an innate resistance to life-draining abilities, and can even reflect these back when they are used, damaging the life drainer and healing themselves.
Power Armor(Nort): Power armor with life support, blasters/missiles, limited flight, force field
Nort often wears an advanced suit of powered armor, which includes full life support and internal oxygen supply, built in blasters and micromissiles, and a small personal self-only force field to resist damage. The armor has jets to allow long jumps or even very brief short range flight, but rapidly loses charge and must be refueled at Scar's saddle.
Equipment: Generator with force field, advanced firearms, medical kit and basic supplies.
Scar has a saddle containing a portable generator that seems to have a limitless supply of energy, and can recharge Nort's equipment within a few hours. It can also recharge most other man-portable equipment of similar power draw. The saddle projects a force field around Scar and anyone pressed close to him or on his back, which blunts damage directed his way. Nort carries energy rifles and a vibrosword, a high-tech cutting blade, for defense, but also has basic supplies like rope and flash lights, and an advanced medical kit.
Ancient Knowledge: Nort and Scar know how to use high-tech weapons and equipment from their world.
With all their advanced technology, Nort and Scar are both very familiar with high-tech concepts, even if they are not engineers and cannot build anything but the most rudimentary of devices. They are skilled enough to use weapons such as rifles or vibroblades, or similar personal-sized military weapons. Neither are crack shots, but both are experienced combatants who can use weapons effectively. They can drive common vehicles(well, Nort can), but complex specialist knowledge is beyond them, so flying a plane would probably not be a good idea, but driving a car is fine... even if Nort is probably pretty rusty.


Ranks of the Fit< Basic D-Tier >: Disciplined troops of animals with battle powers and some flight.
Nort and Scar control the Ranks of the Fit, a massive military organization on their homeworld. Most of the troops are handling their campaign on Gamma Terra, but Nort and Scar may divert some troops to other purposes. These animals mostly rely upon military tactics for effectiveness, and generally fight tooth and claw or with simple ranged mutations blasting bolts of energy or the like. Some of them may fly, and some are capable of using weapons like swords, bows, or rifles, though most lack the hands needed to use humanlike arms.


Giant Mutant Cyborg Wolverine(Scar): Scar is very conspicuous and large.
Scar is a giant mutant cyborg wolverine. This means he lacks fine motor control over his digits, is rarely recognized as intelligent, and can have trouble in tight spots. He's also very memorable, because even in worlds with lots of strange beasts, that is a unique combination.
Psi-Link: Nort and Scar must remain close to one another as much as possible.
As Nort and Scar are psychically linked, they must stay close to one another. Generally they must remain within about fifty meters of one another or they begin to feel very uncomfortable and distracted. Staying apart too long, over an hour or two, will actually make both feel weakened, and eventually result in a deterioration of their physical state, even possibly to death. This means they are reluctant to part, and Nort brings Scar with him even to places where a giant mutant cyborg wolverine aren't particularly welcome or inconspicuous.
Animal Supremacists: Fanatically protective of animals, distrust humanoids.
Both Nort and Scar truly believe that mutated animals are superior to humanoids by their nature. Off their own world, they will not usually attempt to overthrow humanoid governments, but evidence of mistreatment of animals will cause a violent reaction, and they will often advocate their view if given the chance. Mistreatment does need to be actual abuse, neither consider housebreaking a puppy or riding a domesticated animal to be mistreatment.
Cybernetic Prejudice: Heavily distrust and hate robots and cyborgs.
Nort and Scar loathe cyborgs and robots in their own world, and are immediately distrustful at a minimum, usually attacking on sight. Cyborgs and robots of other worlds are treated without such an extreme, but they will distrust heavily and look for excuses to eliminate them. Even when given good reasons, they will avoid and distrust any cybernetic life. The sole exception is that of prosthetics for medical reasons such as a lost limb or bad heart.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1232 The Warden: Asteroid Assault Jun 30 2024
1231 The Warden: Anchors Away Jun 26 2024
1174 The Warden: Interlude Sep 20 2023
1172 The Warden: First Assault Sep 13 2023
1170 Come with me, Take the Journey Sep 10 2023
1167 The Warden: Backup Plan Aug 16 2023
1164 The Warden: Deal with the Devil Aug 02 2023
1155 The Warden: Blitzkrieg Apr 23 2023
1088 The Warden: Asteroid Insertion Oct 11 2022
1081 The Warden: Invaders Sep 19 2022
See All 33 Scenes


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