World Tree MUSH

The Warden: Anchors Away

    The asteroid crippling the starship Warden is hanging on by a single point... but it is the most well-guarded point. It's time for the offworlders, the androids, and the locals to make one last push to get rid of the asteroid!

    Will the group attempt to push forward as-is, or will they hold off to recruit a larger force?
Character Pose
Nort and Scar
    Thanks to the efforts of our heroes, the asteroid full of alien invaders is now barely hanging on to the Warden. Unfortunately, the Warden can't fully repair and reboot until it's fully freed. It's been a while since the release, enough time for certain alterations to have sunk into the android vats, and for the badgers and androids to manage to set up a reasonable front.

    So checking in with the battleground, they've got barricades, a defined front, an actual communications line, and everything! But actually making that last push... they're massed, but not quite ready with the weird tech they have to face. Currently, the androids and the badgers are arguing about if they should try to recruit the xenophobic city androids on the City level, or make an assault, or try to come up with another plan.
    "How big of a difference would the City androids make?" is the main question that Circe will have about the circumstances they're facing; she's done everything she could to work with the androids, after all, so what's one more set of them? 

    She may also be biased on this because direct assaults are not really her style. That's more her paid mercenary's thing, really. Circe could lend a little bit of support for such a thing, but she's certainly not going to be inclined to get out and fight on the line herself, though she might send a drone or two. She will at least offer one point to the other side. "Can we afford to wait any longer to, ah, convince them to help?"
    Belle scratches the back of her head. "Yeah uh, probably useful but... weren't those guys basically robot nazis or something?" She looks a bit uncomfortable there. Then she remembers Circe is from some weird future world.

    "Oh right. Do they still talk about that? Or did they take over? Basically would they just kill everyone else too?"
Samus Aran
    Circe is paying Samus?
    This is news to Samus Aran; who is here by the way.
    "The question is. What will the city androids want in return *if* we manage to convince them to join the fight." She points out.
    Those guys were basically robot nazis, yep.
    "I'm good for a frontal assault, but I know that's not an option everyone here wants to take lightly." Says the woman in hyperfuturetech bird-alien power armor.
Nort and Scar
    The badger and the android look at one another as the others join the discussion. "That is the problem," the android says. "They are... malfunctioning. They think they're human, and they also hate everyone else. Maybe they would help due to the common threat, but they seem to be very... they don't use logic," he finishes.

    "We've tried before," the badger says. "They've got the armory, so yeah they could help, but they don't even want to look at us. Shoot on sight, and that's IF we can get up there." Not being human, Circe would know that these creatures probably have a lot of issues with the automated systems of the ship.
    "Would they have the knowledge to maybe agree to help and then turn on us right after the fight? If they have the armory it might make it worse than if we hadn't even bothered." Circe says, because that's exactly the sort of turning on someone at their weakest that she might do in the right circumstances. "We could get there and talk to them a lot easier than you could. I'm just... not completely certain that it's going to be worth the delay to do it or not, that's all."
    "I'm not much of a thinker but even I can see that problem. I say we do a full frontal assault." She cracks her knuckles and nods to the others. "I mean, I guess we could do something else, but I think asking them for help is just... way too dangerous. I'm impulsive and reckless, not stupid."

    She frowns as she considers the other forces. "And we'll have to be able to handle the like, toxic gasses and stuff. Ugh this is way more work than I'd like, but it'd be nice to get this thing free, right?"
Samus Aran
    "I agree with Belle." Samus says. The xenophobic androids, in terms of risk versus reward, are too much of a risk. A complete and total liability, really.
    "Didn't we find hazmat suits on another level, before?" She does point out though on the topic of toxic gasses. "There might be more around the ship."
Nort and Scar
    The android in charge - a different one than before, but who seems to know the group - nods his head and crosses arms. "We know where some hazmat suits are. Androids aren't immune to all chemical and biological weapons, so we have some in store. Not right here but we can get them quickly if needed. Your help earlier has given us a lot more options, and the badders here have proven to be capable allies." He gestures to the little fuzzy.

    Said fuzzy snorts, "Thanks. Now if only the rest of the ship didn't class us as wandering animals or pets."
    "Are you wanting to equip just us out or all the badgers and androids too?" Circe could probably source one for herself or maybe a few other people; certainly not enough to equip an entire army. "Anyway. I've tried my best to shift the classifications and everything around in the ship's computers the best I can, this whole thing is just kind of a mess is all. Even seperated from the current situation, I'm not sure if everything will work out or not." Circe's even mostly being honest about that. "It might mostly just stop getting worse for a while."
Samus Aran
    "I'm fine in that regard, but." Samus starts to say. "Are there enough suits for every person going on the assault?" She asks, already assuming the answer to be in the negative.
    "Still, things not getting worse for a while is a better alternative."
    Belle frowns, "Can it even continue its mission? Can we talk the computer into turning around? Does Earth even REMEMBER its mission?" She scratches her head. "Maybe after we clear this up you should talk to the big AI or something. I'm still pretty unclear on what happens after we free this thing."
Nort and Scar
    The badger shrugs, and the android says, "As far as I know, this is a colony ship, but beyond that we were not told what it is or whether it is capable of continuing the mission. So many systems are damaged or destroyed, but this is a large ship. So large that many on other floors do not understand if it is a ship or a world. My programming is to stop the current problem... presumably other programming may self-repair the other problems once the immediate crisis is resolved."
    Colonies are something Circe is familiar with, in a small sense, and absolutely doesn't have the logistical know-how to know if the ship will be able to pull it off. "...It is a large ship. I'm uncertain if we've even seen everything there is to see here. I'll maybe have another try with the main computer after we deal with this situation." She could see at that point if it might be more ameniable to a coup, for one. 

    "I think let's get as much weaponry as we can scrape together, as much protective gear as we can, and then we've just got to give it the best go possible and hope for the best."
Nort and Scar
    The android adds, "I don't think we can provide equipment for an entire army, but we can get enough for a small strike force if you want some backup. You're all much better at this than we are, so that's up to you."
    Belle rubs her nose. "My transformation might protect me from some of the effects of biologicals, but it'd be better without relying on that. Then again, a suit wouldn't let me transform... so I'd have to stick to using my bow from the back." She looks at Samus. "Got any other ideas on how to approach? Can we maybe use your ship to go in from the side, and outflank or something?"
Samus Aran
    "We can try using my ship." Samus says after Belle suggests it. "It can carry a couple of volunteers at least, if we blow a hole in the asteroid as another means of entry."
    It has the weapons for it, too.
Nort and Scar
    The android nods, "Sounds like a plan. We'll provide some for the larger badders that go with you, and a few of our troops, and when we see you go forward with it, we'll do a frontal assault. That should keep them from overwhelming you. Sound good?"

    The fuzzy badger grunts, "Much better than just trying to push through. All right, I'll find some volunteers. Preferably ones who are good at fighting."
    "I'm, mm. Moderately skilled with things that are close enough to biological threats that I have some familiarity. I guess I like the idea of a small strike force, then, if you two do. I might also stay in the back and just direct some things to help out, though." She'll gesture vaguely at the side of her head, or more specifically at her earrings. 

    She mostly feels happier with this plan than any sort of clash of armies, at least. That was really more the vibe of some of her cousins.
    "Works for me," Belle agrees. "Maybe we can find a big 'let go' button or something and we won't even have to tear things apart too much. That'd be cool, right?" She flashes a grin, which has a bit too much fang in it from her anticipation of the fight.
Samus Aran
    "Alright. Works for me too." Samus says, all business. "I'll be ready whenever you all are.