World Tree MUSH

The Warden: Interlude

    Post-assault, the developments of the assault and information gleaned needs to be reviewed. A largely social scene to coordinate and plan the final assault. This will also be the time to set up and plan any remaining sidequests.
Character Pose
Nort and Scar
    The assault was a success... even if not all three anchors were taken care of. The commander looks mostly pleased, though there's some murmuring among the camp. The formerly grey androids from the newest batches have continued to darken, turning into a gentle, deep blue over time. And this comes up in the brief strategymeeting.
    "So, the situation is, we have a number of minor anchors, that final major anchor, and the main penetration here," he taps the crude map on the table. "Even taking that third anchor out wouldn't free us, but we THINK if we can wrest the main body free, that last anchor will snap. Probably with some damage to the ship, but letting it stay longer would be worse."
    He sighs, "So our current plan is a frontal assault, this time with some help and heavy weapons. It'll be tough, with our current forces, but we just need to get far enough to put demo charges in the 'mouth' of the opening and blow it away. If we could get our ships moving properly maybe we could just take out that third anchor and somehow manage to move the asteroid externally, but that's a long shot."
    He gestures toward the androids in the distance. "Our new troops seem okay, but they've been acting more and more erratic. Nothing dangerous, just... divergence. I'm not sure if they'll break down, or if it's just a harmless deviation that the new code allowed, but it worries me. These were supposed to be factory fresh. Any input on how to make this more viable?"
    Circe is, at least, no longer obviously high, though given that her eyes are always red with little lines running through them maybe it's a little hard to tell if she's hungover. She'll listen to the briefing, but she really isn't much for direct assaults; even in a circumstance like this, it makes her more than a little uncomfortable.

    On the other hand, given that she was the one to work with the code, she'll just hum to herself for a moment after the request for input. "Oh, they're definitely factory fresh. I would imagine any modifications I had to make to gaps in the code would only be an improvement over the mess that it was before. I'm better at this kind of thing then most others are. It's not a problem of any sort, is it? Nothing I did should have changed their ability to fight, as long as they want to."
Samus Aran
    Samus Aran is here, of course. Though she's clad in her usual power suit, she's holding the helmet clasped in her hand as she listens to the plan. Though she HAS noticed the subtle coloration difference in the newer androids, she still hasn't pieced things together yet.
    Whatever things may be.
    Frontal assaults are always risky; but there can be a large reward for such a large risk. But she does purse her lips at the mention of the new troops.
    "Erratic how...?"
    Then she looks to Circe.
    "... Modifications?"
    What did you do, Circe?
    "Sounds like the second option would be safer, but I have no idea how to do it," Belle admits, thinking. The erratic androids problem isn't something she WANTS to think about, but she scratches her head and for once, gets something LIKE a good idea. Maybe.

    She looks at Samus, and then says, "Hey, what if only a few needed to get through, but didn't need to get back? If we go in, and then escape another way to Samus's ship, would that make it easier?"
Nort and Scar
    The commander levels a stare at Circe, then sighs, "So far, no, but I'm worried. The biggest problem is uh... they don't seem to be aware they're time-limited. Making plans for after they free the ship. Nothing wrong with that, but they're very long term plans." He shakes his head, "And with their other minor erratic bits, I'm not sure how they'll take being told otherwise. For now we've decided to wait until after the battle so they don't waste what time they have left, just in case they react poorly."
    He looks to Belle, "That would be fine if you're all willing to risk it and can arrange it. It'd probably reduce our casualties, but rough on anyone who was on the team."
    "Oh, right. They wouldn't be aware they're time-limited because, presuming I did it right, they're not time-limited. So there's nothing there for them to react to unless I've messed it up, and I am pretty good at what it is that I do, you know? To artificially limit the lifespans of a thinking creature just because you're scared of them is the kind of abominable behavior that Zoo.. that certain relatives of mine might have engaged in, and I'm not having any part of it if I can control it." Circe says, sitting there and looking slightly smug.

    "I look forward to seeing what it is that they become, with a false barrier taken out of their way."
Samus Aran
    Oh that makes sense. Circe just disabled the android lifespan issue entirely.
    That could be bad. Especially if the new androids decide they don't want to continue fighting now because they want to live on.
    Samus sighs.
    Well that can be a problem for future-them.
    "I'd have to get my ship in position in advance, but I'm sure it's doable."
    Belle scratches her head again. "I'm not too keen on people playing god, but were the people before you playing god worse? I don't know. I just hope it doesn't cause a problem later on, but I guess I can understand wanting to get rid of that." She makes a face about the one year limit, but then changes the subject.

    "We're tough, I'm sure we can handle it! I mean, as long as our escape route isn't cut off. I can't breathe in space."
Nort and Scar
    The commander stares at Circe for a long moment... but shakes his head in the end. "I'm not sure that was a good idea. I am not naive enough to think they couldn't have made us with a longer lifespan, but there may be a practical limit."
    He doesn't yell at her though. Nor does he thank her, on the other hand. "All right, we'll go with that plan. I'll inform the troops. Anything else we can do to prepare?"
    'Aida' will look over to Belle, and snort. "Don't worry. I don't *play* god." She doesn't seem that interested in debating either Samus or Belle about it, but she will speak back to the commander.

    "All mortal things have some kind of a practical limit. We don't go around chopping people down at forty just because they might start to go a little senile. They'll be able to reach whatever those natural limits might be. I'm sorry it's not within my ability to remove the limitation on all of you, or I would." She actually sounds sincere in that apology, even.
Samus Aran
    So that's what Circe did. Samus heaves a sigh.
    Especially when the woman says she doesn't play god.
    "You didn't think it would be a good idea to do that after we dealt with the crisis at hand?" She simply says, before her MASSIVE BASKETBALL SHOULDERS heave in a shrug.
    "Fine. We'll just deal with it." IF the new androids decide to bail early because they want to live... Well Samus can't fault them for that.
    She'll just fault Circe.