Amara Ephezen (Dropped)

Amara Ephezen
World: Final Fantasy 4-1
Apparent Age: 18-19
Quote: "Yep, I learn spells from monsters! I even learned this from you."
Role: Blue Mage
Species: Human
Theme Song: William Kage - Mysidian Lament
Voice Actor: Kana Ueda (J)/Mela Lee (E)


Amara is a talented young magic student from the magic town of Mysidia. After being left alone in the world by a past calamity, Amara has dedicated herself to the study of blue magic - the art of learning the spells and techniques used by monsters through observation. Friendly and energetic, yet with a deep internal pain she hasn't fully coped with, Amara hopes to bounce back by mastering her magical art and seeing more of this world and many others - and by befriending as many people as she can.


Blue Magic< Copy-T >: Learns enemy spells by sight
Amara is a Blue Mage, a student of monster magic. Her spell discipline enables her to learn certain enemy spells by seeing them used, but only if the spell does not require her to have animal parts, is not technology-based, and she is personally struck by the spell; it can't just target a party member. Amara can learn a new spell by spending Edge per Copy-T rules, but this is modified in the FF4-1 world.
Caster Fighter: Wields a staff and wears light robes, is physically sturdier than most mages
Blue Mages tend to be better in a physical fight than most other wizard classes, owing to the unusual nature of blue magic. Amara currently comes equipped with a staff (she may upgrade to a light sword later, FFXI-style) and can deal reasonably good damage with it even without her magic. She also comes equipped with mage robes, but she also has the ability to equip light armour in the future, and she can both evade and roll with hits fairly well.
Outgoing Personality: Amara is at home in social situations
Despite the burden of loss she carries with her, Amara is extremely outgoing, friendly and in fact quite flirty, and she tends to fill a room with her personality even when she's not trying. She tends to get along with authority figures and goes out of her way to befriend people and build social links. She's just a real nice fun person.
Do It For Them: Amara converts her feelings of loss into determination
The loss of her family, while traumatic for Amara, also imbues her with a powerful drive to go on. In her heart, she knows her mother and brothers would want her to live and be the best she can be, and she puts her heart into making the most of her life. When she's in a tight spot, it's often the memories of her family that will drive her to muster her will and mount a big moral rally. This tends to manifest as a heroic second wind and may be an excuse for her to use Edge.
Offensive Blue Magic: Learned attacks with ice, drain and physical damage
Blue magic's set of offensive spells can be diverse, giving Amara the ability to strike multiple elements or no element at all. Amara currently knows four spells of this nature: Icestorm (A strong ice-elemental blast), Needle (A barrier-piercing physical spell), Bloodfeast (a middling-power HP drain) and Self-Destruct (in which she knocks herself out to deal heavy damage).
Home Spells Stick< Copy-N >: Amara can only permanently learn spells from her own world
Amara's blue magic abilities do not translate easily to other worlds on the World Tree; she cannot learn any technological spells, and other spells are somewhat foreign. While she can master them for a short time, she will soon forget them. However, she may learn spells from Final Fantasy 4-1 on a permanent basis through the staff update process. As such, while she still needs to execute the Copy-T rules to learn a spell from FF4-1, such spells may be modified by Copy-N, as she has the ability to learn them permanently.
Status Blue Magic: Learned spells inflicting paralyze, weakness or silence
Monster spells often affect the enemy's status in curious ways, enabling a blue mage to affect status and cast debilitating effects. At the moment, Amara knows one of these spells: The Slap spell gives a random chance of inflicting Paralyze (freezes temporarily), Curse (temporarily weakens attack and defense) or Silence (temporarily locks down magic).


Reckless Learner: Will put herself in harm's way to learn a spell
Because of how blue magic works, Amara cannot fully understand an enemy spell unless it hits her. As such, just seeing it hit someone else is not enough. Her drive to master blue magic will often lead her to throw herself into the path of attacks or lead her friends into battles with extremely dangerous enemies en route towards trying to become THE BEST blue mage. As well, this makes it virtually impossible for her to learn curative blue magic without somehow fooling a monster into healing her.
Didn't Read the Tale of the Tape: Sometimes picks fights she can't win
Amara tends to be both confident and passionate. As such, in group combat situations, she has very little fear of going up against enemies stronger than her. She also has very little fear of confronting people she feels are out to hurt her friends, even if those people are significantly stronger than her. Basically even if there's no blue magic on the line, Amara's prone to walking into fights and getting her butt kicked because she bit off more than she can chew.
Bad Book Learner: Has a hard time picking things up through book reading
Amara's blue mage training has had consequences in her personal life: She can't book-learn to save her life. If you write her a letter, she'll read it and then it'll slip her mind. If you give her sheet music, she'll look at it in confusion. If you give her a novel she'll give up on chapter two. If you give her an important message on paper, she'll forget what it says. If you ask her to conduct research by reading, she'll fail. She just doesn't have the patience or the right mental framework to be a good reader.
Grudge Holder: Can't hide her deeper resentments
Amara's personality is expressive, especially when she's truly hurt. If she really hates someone or really dislikes something, she'll express it, often with scowls and acid-tongued remarks and cold-shoulder treatment. This is especially true when she's dealing with those she feels have hurt her or taken something from her. Basically Cecil's going to get a few sassy remarks from her, as are all Baronians.
Over-Curious: Trouble tempts her far, far too much
Amara is a very, very curious person with a strong sense of adventure, and the prospect of excitement and mystery are enough to entice her into doing a little exploring. This often tends to result in her encountering hardship or getting into trouble, often of the sort that's a threat to her person. Oops.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
425 Blue and Red Feb 19 2019
417 Dark Blue Feb 05 2019
410 The Blade of Evil's Bane Jan 23 2019
403 Sacred Spring: Faron Jan 16 2019
396 Have You Stopped Crying Yet? Jan 08 2019
394 Ghosts of Mysidia Jan 08 2019
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.