World Tree MUSH

Sacred Spring: Faron

    Princess Zelda's escort arrives at last in Faron Wood. From there they hurry to the sacred spring, where Zelda can communicate with Hyrule's guardian spirits and determine what happened to them, and why the light fades from Hyrule. She hope also to learn the exact location of the Master Sword, to return Link to his true form.
    While they're there, the Light Spirit can also answer outsiders' questions, too... if they're polite.
    This is going to be purely social. No combat will be involved unless people are overwhelmingly wanting something to punch, because that costs me a lot of brain bandwidth to run and I've been scraping the bottom of the energy reserves lately.
    NOTE: Start time and date subject to change.
Character Pose
  Travel across Hyrule Field had taken a few weeks, slogging through intermittent snow and wind. The plainsland is vast, spanning some modern-world countries. With senses tuned to the paranoid register, Zelda has led the group around and away from the Twilight, and away from her hunters, whose shrieks have been heard across the plain.

Here in the forest the snow gives way to rain. The princess has been focused forward like a hound on the scent, searching for a route only she seems to know, pausing sometimes as though remembering. She is; memories not her own, as she's said before she's never been this far south.

Those memories lead true. The scent of water presages their passage into the forest. By the time the party reaches the sacred mere, Zelda has pulled the wagon over in a clearing, busily rooting around in the back of it. The canvas is flicked closed and tied off.

"I'll be along shortly," her voice issues, from inside the wagon. "Just a few final details before I present myself before Faron. Oh. If any of you have any questions, now is most probably the best time to ask them." Rustling cloth; the play of light and shadow behind the wagon's rough canvas. An air of anticipation, of waiting. "We may not be given the opportunity, later."

One thing is clear. It may not be snowing, but it's still bloody cold in the middle of the forest just shy of midwinter. Zelda's voice sounds just a hint forced, like she's trying not to shiver. "If the hunters draw near, I will repel them. Sacred springs are a place of power for me..." There's a short pause, and a rustle. "And for Her Grace."
>> SUMMARY[Zelda] >> We're here in Faron Woods. It's cold and wet. We're parked near the spring but making final preparations before we head in sight of it. A good time for discussion and questions.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi has, of course, dug into her own allowance to buy rain jackets for as many members of the group as she can - Rydia and Zelda, at the very least. Possibly a few others. She herself is making do with her existing cold-weather clothes, though they might not hold out quite as well against steady rain. Which is probably why she's tried to spend a fair amount of time in the wagon as well. But their arrival means it's time to hop out and give Zelda a moment, and so the redhead does.

    "I can't think of any I have right now," she replies. "If any come up, I'll ask as we go." As she's speaking, her transformation is already happening; sheets of solid gold-white light wrap themselves around her, forming a dresslike suit of armor in a shower of sparkles. Almost immediately, the girl begins emitting a faint, but noticeable warmth... and, of course, steaming softly under the rain. "If anyone's got trouble with the cold, stick close. I can turn up the heat a little."
    Rydia... Rydia barely looks like she has the strength to be out in the cold, the wet, and the rain.
    TThe fact of the matter is, the girl looks like death warmed over. Her skin is a ghastly shade of pale, bags hang heavily under exhausted jade eyes, but the little Summoner has, thus far, snarled off most attempts to get her off of her chocobo and take a rest. Her appetite has been ravenous, and most of the behemoth steak that she and Terra had brought along has already been cooked and devoured with an almost insatiable appetite.
    Huddled in the warmth of her wolfos fur cloak and new rain jacket, the girl looks something akin to an angry wet kitten in the rain.
    "Oh. My. God. Are we there yet?" She says exasperated. Until it seems like the spring isn't too far off. "I was beginning to think I'd keel over and die of old age before we finally got there." Uttered before she gives Zelda the evil eye. "Not on your own you won't. You look almost as bad as I feel."
    Of course. Looking like she's on death's door isn't going to stop Rydia of Mist from being obstinate about letting someone take that much of a burden on themself.
Amara Ephezen
Amara has been a fairly quiet traveling companion. Traveling with Cecil and his group was not an easy decision, and she hasn't had much to say to him, focusing her conversation efforts mainly on Terra and Rydia. They've been sparing.

It's not hard to read her: She's unsure about what she's doing.

The forest brings her some degree of calm. The scent of water draws her; the blue mage, wrapped in a heavy overcloak of what looks like mottled rabbit fur, smiles a little as she steps down from the wagon when finally it does come to a halt. She moves with ease, as though no stranger to travel in a woodland, or on a cold midwinter's day. A soft breath steams in the air as she lets it out, her eyes darting through the treeline as if in search of what creatures might lie out here. It's more instinct than sense of danger. Looking for the wild things is simply what she knows.

For a moment, she's tempted to ask the Princess - Zelda, was it? - ask the Princess what a Faron is. She suppresses the impulse. If anything, Amara's an intruder in this setting, really just tagging along to see if Rydia was right about Cecil.

"Is there anywhere I shouldn't stand?" she asks a bit lamely. "I mean, other than not in the water. It's too cold to swim anyway...."
Terra Branford
    Even with breaks and jaunts to other places included, that has been quite the trip. Terra has no complaints, of course. Or little in the way of commentary in general but that's usual for her. Is she the most quiet here? Probably.

    Terra is all too happy to accept rain gear and she's even willing to compensate Yumi for it but honestly, all she has is a little of what's left of that large bear person's gold. That she didn't spend on more supplies to help continue the trek across these seemingly endless plains.

    Of course, while she has no complaints of her own, the half-Esper is all too willing to let Rydia snarl and grump while she does her best to steal the small summoner's personal space. No, she will not stop worrying and mother hen-ing. Get used to it, you! Though, she's about as soft spoken and generally quiet as always. Lots of looks, lots of knit eyebrows with occasional looks to others for help.

    Stop trying to act tough! Let me help! If only she weren't so unwilling to be confrontational. Alas.

    Subtly, she may even try to urge Rydia a little closer to Yumi once we're stopped. It's warmer there. Let the warm happen. Amara gets another look, one of many through the trip so far.

    The look doesn't say much. Terra has an excellent poker face, weirdly. The suggestion of not standing somewhere so cold and maybe closer to a heat source is on her lips, honest! Sorry Yumi. Without any questions or anything to say, she does her best to also not be in the way.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil is fine with Amara not talking to him. He's ashamed of what he did, and while he admitted to it, he knows better than to try to talk to her. Instead he will simply give her space and attempt to protect... others. Given Rydia and Zelda's obvious exhaustion, he's going to be sticking close to them.

    "I am glad you are here, Yumi," he notes. "And not just for the warmth. We really should be at full strength, but I know waiting is not a luxury we have." He turns his gaze, now shadowed by the helm, toward the others. "Hopefully we won't need any violence tonight, anyway. I will be nearby, but I think my nature would make asking questions a last resort on my part."
Anna Freeman
Anna brought her own raincoat. Spared Yumi some money! It's a nice cobalt blue one, which matches her hair when she's in her magical girl form. She's the kind of person who jumps at the chance to help people out, and this is just another point of interest and exploration for herself and Spiral, the golden-furred catlike creature who stays perched on her shoulder.

And she's somewhat pointedly sticking close to Yumi. "Turning up the heat would definitely be cool," she says; her voice is slightly androgynous.

Spiral looks at Anna sidelong. "What," she says. She's looking quite damp, but she doesn't actually seem particularly bothered.

Anna blinks. "Uh ... so to speak," she adds hurriedly.

She looks over at Cecil. "You can give me any questions you have, and I could relay 'em!" she says with a smile. She's willing to jump at the chance to help people up in that manner, too.
  There's a last rustling from the wagon before the canvas is flicked open and tied off. Zelda climbs down from the back, having traded her riding clothes for a white ceremonial dress. Covered in precise embroidery evoking sacred Hyrulean symbols, it looks... not really that warm.

The princess is in better shape than Rydia but not by much. She's sapped her strength casting her senses wide and steering the party away from the Twilight and the things that inhabit it.

Smoothing down her dress, she steps forward, at least wearing her boots and the rain jacket from Yumi.

"Good," she tells the redhead, passing by her and coming to Rydia. A light hand is rested on the girl's shoulder, falling away as Zelda advances. The Summoner does get an oblique look and a smile. That's probably more dangerous than any retort. It means Zelda is thinking of an appropriate riposte.

As she passes, she casually tugs the snarling wolfos visage of Rydia's cloak down over her face. Yoink. See, she's not without humor. There aren't too many royals willing to backsass the sass engine.

Amara's question draws a thoughtful look. The princess' regard is at once kindly, and also age tremendously beyond her twenty-odd years. At length she smiles, but softly. "You may stand where you like. You are no prisoner of mine. I ask only that you stay away from where I stand. It will disrupt my focus. The shore is fine; it will be warm, there."

Tugging her jacket closer and shivering, she passes by Terra, reserving a warm smile for the half-Esper, but no words; Terra has no use for those. Cecil is one of the last, and Zelda's study of the Dark Knight passes for a long, long moment. Eventually she smiles that faint, warm smile again. "Would that time were a luxury on our side, Sir Harvey, but you are right; it is not. Still. Ask. We will not deny you answers. Your blade may be a miasma of corruption, but the heart that wields it is not without light."

Last is the Freeman girl, but the princess doesn't seem to have much to say -- yet. She passes by, heading for the spring, stepping lightly over the wet earth. Just around the bend is the spring itself.

Faron Spring is a shallow spring, with a few points deep enough to submerge in. Mist rolls over its surface, and somehow the world seems a little brighter beside it, as though the darkness simply can't touch this place. Zelda steps up to the banks, slipping out of her boots and handing her rain jacket off to... in this case, Amara, along with that faint smile and a gracious 'would you be so kind?' furrow to her brow.

Whether it's taken, dropped, or handed off to someone else, she turns, closing her eyes and drawing in a deep breath.

She steps into the spring; hot water and mist pool at her ankles as she strides purposefully toward the deeps. Water rises to her shin, then her knees; finally she comes to a halt waist-deep, shivering despite the heat of the water.

No, none of this nonsense could have happened in the middle of summer.

She closes her eyes, and whispers something unclear.

Light blooms around her, almost difficult to see, mirrored in the very depths of the spring.

"Waken, Spirit of Light." When Zelda speaks, it's her voice, and yet also not hers; strong, sure, and confident. "Desert not the province you were tasked to guard. Return to me, and offer this Daughter of Hylia counsel..."

What's gonna happen? Nothing, yet -- but it's getting to be awfully bright around the Hylian princess. Is it just imagination, or does her hair seem just a touch brighter; her eyes just a touch darker, like the hard blue of an autumn sky...?
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi's concerned looks towards Rydia are nearly constant, and a frown is doing its level best to take up residence on her face. She's fighting it down, but the girl's never had the best poker face. So instead, her attention slides over to Amara. The new girl is a subject of some curiosity, but here she just plain has nothing she can think of to say or ask. So for now it's simple observation - and listening for Zelda's answer to her question. That seems important to know.

    Secretly, though, she's grateful for Terra's efforts to nudge Rydia closer. The warmth is in large part for the summoner's sake. But in Rydia's fragile state, it's best not to say anything, leaving the younger girl her pride. Instead, the redhead gives Cecil a nod. "Well, I'm a frontliner, so if anything does happen..." She's fresh and well-rested, and more than that, she's perfectly glad to be the person meeting trouble head-on.

    Anna, meanwhile, receives a more cheerful sort of grin. "That was awful." However, the warmth radiating off the girl does ramp up a little. Still not enough for her to start glowing, but it probably makes sticking close a fair bit more pleasant. Especially for Zelda, in that outfit.

    Wait, did Zelda just-

    Yumi has to stifle a snicker.

    But no, this is serious time. And they're there, after a short walk. Yumi lingers on the bank as Zelda walks in, doing her best to stand where everyone will be able to at least benefit a little from her warmth. Other than that, she waits... though the luminous change wrought in the princess does evoke a small smile. She knows that radiance.
Amara Ephezen
To Amara, Terra's almost as inscrutable as Cecil is. The blue mage's eyes briefly catch the half-Esper woman's, and she blushes a little. /I can never read her,/ she reflects anxiously, before her gaze travels to Yumi. Another person she doesn't know. But then, does she really know Rydia, or Terra, or that murderer?

When the princess brings that look to bear on her, it's hard for Amara to resist her natural impulse to blush. There's something in the other woman's eyes that reminds her of the Elder. "As you wish," she says, remembering her politeness and opting to treat Zelda the way she would the venerable leader of her own town. Folding her hands, she bows her head shallowly and offers up a neat little smile. "I'll do my best not to make a nuisance of myself."

The Princess's assessment of Cecil isn't missed. For just a moment, Cecil can feel Amara's eyes boring into the side of his head. Her expression isn't unkind, but that gaze seems to quietly dissect him, as if she could somehow define just by the proportions of his skull whether there really is light in him --

At least, until her study is broken by Zelda's approach. Amara blinks, then takes the jacket in hand with a polite tilt of her head. "Of course," she assures, then folds the jacket neatly and drapes it over her arm. She won't hand it off. The responsibility of holding it was entrusted to her!

Amara looks on when Zelda wides into the water. Whatever counsel she gets, the blue mage is privately hoping the mystical spirits of Highly-Elfy-Land will start with an executive summary.
    You know what. Yumi radiating warmth and all... Rydia is going to take it. Hopping off her chocobo onto wobbly feet, she manages to at least not topple over, but she doesn't quite need Terra ushering her in the magical girl's direction right now. Adjusting her cloak, she glances up as though expecting Zelda to have something important to say when that hand rests on her shoulder.
    And then the her hood is flipped over her face.
    There's a momentary flail before the child flips it back and regains her composure, but not without a menacing point and scowl after the princess regent as she heads for the spring. And then she turns that look on Yumi. She heard that snicker. But after a moment she calms herself with a small huff.
>> SUMMARY[Rydia] >>
Terra Branford
    Terra can be a pest when she wants to be and she isn't likely to let up entirely on Rydia. At least she doesn't nag and grouse, though the quiet treatment might be worse in its own way.

    She's likewise grateful for Yumi's presence. Cold, while not so debilitating to her at the moment, isn't the most comfortable state. The warmth, to her, also carries with it - at least in her mind - a sense of safety. She makes no overtures to her more modern magical friend for conversation other than yet another brief look. She's doing her best to pay attention to everyone here, if not everything around! Though yes, it's with that same not-quite-resolute neutral expression she often wears.

    Though, despite that lack of expression, she does feel rather self conscious under Zelda's smile. No words is perfectly fine; she's liable to stumble over her own if prompted anyway. Amara's attention, while not quite pushing her to shyness, does have her scrambling in her mind for an appropriate response. Any response beyond more staring! She would love nothing more than to dispel the tension between her and Cecil. Alas!

    Anna does get curious looks, though. New faces are exciting to some. To her, she's satisfied that the rest of her company accepts her while being somewhat curious. Still, Zelda's on the move toward the springs and she missed Rydia getting some come-uppance for her snark. She'll stand near, anyway. Just in case a summoner needs somewhere to lean.
Cecil Harvey
    It is very cold, and despite the sudden craving for a milkshake of some kind, Cecil tries his best to ignore it. His helmet hides his expression, yet he somehow still manages to convey a vague sense of dubiousness at Zelda's comment.

    Anna offers, and he considers, "I will ask myself if it comes to that. Right now my major thought is what kind of weather to expect, and that seems some bit of pettiness to ask of a great spirit." He looks at Rydia. "She would be the one to think of such things, despite her youth. And we have others skilled in magic here." He shifts, the only sign that he's cold, since he's giving the others more room to enjoy Yumi's warmth field. He hushes as the light grows though. He's seen Zelda drawing on her reserves before.
Anna Freeman
Anna giggles at Yumi. "I swear I didn't say it like that on purpose," she says cheerfully.

And then Zelda does that, and she hurriedly puts a hand over her mouth and turns away from Rydia, struggling to stifle her giggles.

Terra's general bearing catches her attention next; she frowns, slightly concerned, as if she wants to talk to her, but ... well, it's clear that the other girl is shy, so she doesn't press the issue. She nods to Cecil. "Okay, got it," she says.

And then Zelda's light show is beginning, and Anna and Spiral both turn to look. "Interesting," murmurs Spiral; her eyes flicker with pearlescent light as she tries to spot any interesting magical effects ... or beings.
  "Waken, Spirit of Light." There is a thread of entreaty in Zelda's voice as she pleads for the spirit to return. "Your spring awaits and your province languishes in the Twilight. Your protection is needed now more than ever..."

The spring water bubbles softly, and light plays around the depths, but there's nothing forthcoming that looks like a spirit. The line of Zelda's shoulders droops a little, as though in defeat, despite the light that blooms about her. Whatever it is, it's trying to make an appearance, but the flickering light seems to lack the strength.

"Then I have no choice." This soft affirmation seems spoken mostly to herself. Zelda brings both hands up to clasp before her heart, bowing her head, hair spilling across her face and her closed eyes.

She exhales, softly, and the light gathers gradually around her. It's a familiar, warm light, like standing in the sun on a summer afternoon; a presence no doubt familiar to Yumi and some of the others. To those who can sense magic, it's a bit like having a floodlight turned on while wearing night vision goggles. The sense of power about her, of light, of divinity; is almost overwhelming.

Guardian of the Province, seek ye the strength to return to your spring. Your people have need of you. Your mistress seeks now your counsel. Waken to me.

It's like a telepathic hammerblow, a voice of confidence, power, surety; alike to Zelda's own tone of voice, yet also different -- older, wiser, less uncertain and almost motherly. Hylia, the protector; Hylia, the light-bringer. Hylia, the manifestation of Hyrule's own wrath when mired in such catastrophe. Yet her voice isn't necessarily angry, or aggressive. It simply is. She is a goddess. There's only so much downplaying a deity can do.

The air itself seems to crackle and thrum with power. Zelda raises her hands as though in entreaty to the sky.


Something flickers, a ghostly image of what might be a small creature. A monkey, or a squirrel, maybe even a lemur. The traces are wrought of light, and leave afterimages as they fade. The creature looks feeble, uncoiling from the tremendous length of its tail as though sleepy.


It sounds feeble, surprised; its voice genderless, its tone one of mild, sleepy surprise.

You have been absent so long, Mistress.

Zelda lets her arms fall, opening her eyes and lifting her chin, regarding the spirit through eyes of a hard, dark autumnal blue. Glints of brightness reflect in her hair, so brighter and more golden than its usual chestnut colour.

No. Not Zelda.


She must want some serious answers.


This time, her tone is one of warmth, even if it still carries that hammerblow intensity.

I had feared you lost. I thank the Goddesses that you are not. Hyrule needs us, old friend. There is a darkness swallowing the land.

Faron, hovering in the air before Zelda, twists as though rolling over, coiling its tail tightly about itself like a small creature afraid, shivering.

His darkness spreads. Nightmares follow behind. Lanayru is lost. Ordona hides. Eldin fights Him still. We have failed you, Mistress.

The spirit-creature's form tremors as though it were still shivering.

Darkness comes. We are not strong enough. Time grows short, Mistress.

Hylia is silent for a long moment; Zelda's body stares up at the spirit, almost forlorn. She closes her eyes, the light from her eyes briefly masked, and shakes her head slowly.

It is time. We must seek now the blade I had wrought so many ages ago. Will you open the way?
Yumi Tachibana
    The accusatory glower from Rydia gets a guilty look out of Yumi. She can't help it! That was funny and kind of adorable. But at least the greenette doesn't seem too offended about it. No moreso than normal, anyway.

    For the moment, she's content to be the world's most knightly space heater, however. All the others are afforded warmth without complaint; even Cecil receives a look that suggests she's surprised he's staying so far away. But it's left at that, for Hylia herself is in attendance... and if anything, it's a more ostentatious presence on the divinity's part than Yumi is used to. Her eyes widen faintly at the display of power... and then moreso at the feeble appearance of Faron. The spirit's words do little to mollify her surprise. If anything, it's tinged with concern, now; things sound dire. Part of her is tempted to reassure the spirit... but it's not her place, is it? Anything she said would be little more than a hollow platitude.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil is torn about speaking, and looks to the others. Concern is there in his eyes when he considers the situation. He decides not to speak to the spirit... he has not enough familiarity with the situation to ask intelligent questions. But the others do hear him murmur softly.

    "Not much time, then?" He considers longer. "I wonder if there is a way to buy more time. Just finding the sword will not solve everything, will it?"
Amara Ephezen
Amara purses her lips as Terra seems to just stare at her with uncertainty. The blue mage sends the green-haired woman a tentative smile and a little dip of her head as she makes a mental note to try and socialize with her later.

Before she can ruminate further on that, Zelda awakens a magic Amara can scarcely understand. The girl winces and squeezes her eyes closed for a moment, as if she could shut out some of that light just long enough for her to adjust. She cracks one eye open, bringing her hand up in the hopes of filtering things a little. The heavy telepathic call of it just about bowls her over, but she manages to stay on her feet by virtue of taking a step back.

Some darkness is spreading across the land. Things are lost. Places Amara doesn't fully understand - only that this otherworldly menace is something Cecil and his friends have deemed worthy of standing against, like a bulwark between a world not their own and some unholy force even literal gods can't stop. She is fairly sure they're literal gods because of the way every communication feels like someone is driving a railroad spike into her mind.

"Excuse me," she says out of nowhere.

Amara squints, her hand still partly in front of her eyes. "Hi, um, gods. I know I'm a little out of the loop and not, uh, reallyfromhereoranything. but.

"If gods can't stop whoever /He/ is, how will a sword?"
Terra Branford
    Soon, despite her distraction and obvious desire to dote on Rydia, the half-Esper has something else to attend.

    The spectacle of Zelda's power, the overwhelming magical presence is enough to rouse something inside of Terra that has her hugging herself as if she fears she might burst open or catch ablaze. Happily, she's at peace and surrounded by friends so there's not much outward sign of her distress. Not beyond her attempt to shrink smaller than Rydia, anyway.

    Then, to her own surprise, she speaks, even if her answer to Amara and Cecil is a bit lame. "It's... a... Special sword." Well, it is! Right? Her outburst is followed with an anxious step closer to the tiny summoner. This time more for her own comfort than the other greenhair's. She frets, as much over her own silly statement as the nervous energy making her stomach tumble.
    It's not the first time Rydia has seen Zelda call upon the goddess within her. It is not the first time Rydia has seen Hylia. Yet when a girl who constantly summons great titans and entities that are forces of nature themselves can be silenced into a state of cowed awe... Well it says something.
    In general it takes a literal act of god to silence Rydia of Mist into a cowed awe as Faron is called and heeds the summons of royal divinity. The very mist that lingers around her swirls restlessly.
    Before the child elbows Amara in the side.
    "It's not just any sword. It's called the Sword of Evil's Bane or something." She hisses. It's clearly an important sword, like Terra said, but...
    Oop. There she goes. Teetering off to one side. Someone should probably catch the collapsing Summoner.
Anna Freeman
Spiral seems the most startled by Zelda's sudden transformation. "What the ..." She frowns, and narrows her eyes, which flicker once again as she murmurs, "Did she just ..." She stares for a moment, and her eyes flicker again when Faron appears. "... huh."

Anna is just transfixed by the sight of Hylia before her. And she's ... Is she blushing faintly!? Oh dear ...

She's brought back to reality by Amara's question, and she furrows her brow. She looks for a moment like she's trying to decide whether to argue against it or for it.

But then Terra speaks up, and she turns, frowning in concern. Argh, shyness one of the problems Anna can't help with! She reluctantly turns back to Zelda and Faron.
  Dark eyes sweep the members of the group as she converses with the spirit, but Hylia doesn't comment to any of them, at least not yet. Her attention is taken entirely by the feeble spirit held in thrall by her aura of power. Faron seems to bask in that light, the same way a drowning man clings to his life-raft.

Hylia's presence seems to be for the benefit of that feeble little spirit, offering him light and warmth as much as she can. The body of the princess she possesses is looking mightily pale, but it's a worthwhile cause. She can crumple into a heap after this is all over with. She, much like the divinity possessing her, knows it's a necessary sacrifice.

Gone? Hylia sounds almost puzzled, the tilt of her head almost bird-like. How can this come to pass, Faron?

The darkness comes, the little spirit insists, shivering again. Power, and hate, and destruction. He comes.

Hylia only shakes her head, looking... well, as troubled as a goddess can look. She seems to bear some recognition for what the Light Spirit mentions. In fact, she looks like someone who doesn't want to face a bitter truth in front of them; someone made fundamentally unhappy by that truth, and wanting to grasp at any other solution but that one.

I understand.

Cecil's soft comment is either not as soft as he had intended it to be, or Zelda's hearing is far greater than she might otherwise let on. Those hard blue eyes sweep over to the Dark Knight, and Hylia studies him in silent thought for a moment.

For the moment, it is what we have. But you are correct. That will not be enough. Hylia sounds a little melancholy. It is but a first step among many.

Amara is afforded some small sympathy, but Hylia doesn't lessen her presence. She can't. She simply is, like so many of the other guardians, gods, and spirits of Hyrule. Apparently, she's a more reasonable one, too, willing to entertain questions as long as she has an earthly tether.

It is not any sword. Hylia's gentle correction is still the voice of a goddess. Faron only blinks sleepily, apparently confused by the question, or maybe confused by the fact that a mortal is second-guessing the very goddess that tasked him to his eternal vigil. It is the Blade of Evil's Bane, as young Rydia of Mist says. Ah, someone may wish to catch her, she adds, distractedly, before swiveling her hawk-intense gaze back to Amara. This sword was forged specifically to destroy Him. It cannot kill him: We of Hyrule's gods cannot be slain, for we are eternal. But it can lay him low for another thousand years.

She is unsmiling in the wake of Anna's study, and the look she casts is like a mouse being stared at very intensely by a hawk. Finally, she shakes her head. Faron. Open the way. We will follow. You have fulfilled your duties admirably. Continue to stand. We will do what we can for the other Light Spirits, and lift the darkness that plagues Hyrule.

Faron bows its small head, tail flicking as though nervous. I serve, Mistress. It fades, soon, although not without a final curious look at each of the others.

Hylia turns in the pond, shaking her head. Time is short. We must move east and seek passage to the Sacred Grove, the resting place of the Master Sword. I must go. The longer I linger, the worse it is for your princess.A mortal body was not meant to contain a goddess. Goddesses watch over you all, and... Hylia pauses, autumn-blue eyes solemn. I thank you.

The light fades.

Zelda turns, managing two shaky steps back towards the bank, before crumpling. Looks like someone better catch her, too.
Yumi Tachibana
    Two in need of catching, and Amara is much closer to Rydia than Yumi is. Besides, in truth, Rydia's collapse was unexpected.

    Zelda's isn't. She's seen the Hylian channel that divinity before, more than once - and even much lesser efforts have left the princess drained. As it comes to an end, Yumi's already stepping forward; Zelda will find herself collapsing into a waiting, strong arm. "Easy, now. There we go... you and Hylia both don't take half measures, do you?" she teases gently.
Amara Ephezen
Amara was expecting to get smote, not elbowed! She lets out a squeak as Rydia prods her, toppling to the right but pinwheeling her arms to catch herself. "Iyaa~"

And the worst part about it is, she can feel that goddess beaming things at her. It feels like someone's pulled up next to her frontal lobe and cranked up the bass well past 11. And here she is, trying not to fall on her hinders after getting elbowed by a sassy kid. Who is also about to fall over

She totters back the other way in what is probably the most graceless outfielder dive in the history of the Hylian realm, swinging her arms out - and she lands with a flop in the snow, soaking her knees. But she's got her arms up to catch Rydia by the shoulders, keeping her from toppling over.

She really wishes she could've done that while literal elf-god was talking to someone else.

"Oh, okay," she puffs quickly as she props up a tiny caller. "I think I understand. Thank you!"

It never hurts to be polite, even when you're making a complete ass of yourself in front of the elf god.

The elf god who is now a princess emerging from the light. Amara opens her mouth, but Yumi's got Zelda. Amara lowers her eyelids a little. "At least I don't have to make another diving save on that one."

There's snow in her boots. It sucks. This must be Hylia's punishment for her sass.
  The princess finds herself caught by her red-headed friend, and manages a grateful huff of breath, because she's suddenly too winded to do more than that. Her eyelids flutter; she isn't going to be awake for much longer.

"No," she manages to croak, somehow managing to exude her own sass despite having no voice. Seems this monarch isn't quite as uptight as most, what with the sassing back and forth with multiple party members!

She rolls bloodshot eyes toward Amara, but doesn't have the strength to respond. They're a lighter blue, now, the same gentle summer-sky colour as before. Back to normal. Zelda croaks something else to Yumi that might be an irritable consensus of how miserable she feels right about now; there's a thin trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth that she clumsily swipes away.

"Camp." Sleeping for a week sounds really attractive right now, and it's not like Rydia's in any better shape to go do heroic things. They need to rest before they can tackle the next step, which will be to claim the sword.

Her eyes flutter closed, and the princess offers no more commentary. Sorry, Yumi, looks like you get to carry her back to camp, and Amara gets to lug the tiny bundle of sass-Summoner.
Terra Branford
    That was so much to take in. So stunning, overwhelming and fundamentally agitating to her for some reason that Terra can only look on like a buffoon as first Rydia and then Zelda crumple from exhaustion. Ah!

    So preoccupied by the intensity of her own weird feelings even as she watches two of her longest known dearest, she only manages to blabber out a few syllables before freezing. No, no, breathe. It takes her a few long beats to get it together before she at least tries to help support Rydia after Amara steps in. Basically, though, she's so rattled that she's more in the way than helpful. "Ah! Sorry."

    Give her the rest of forever and she'll probably be helpful again.
Anna Freeman
Anna actually recoils when Hylia meets her gaze. Crap crap crap ... And she stays frozen and somewhat nervous until it's suddenly time to move, and she discovers that she just stood there boggling until other people ended up stopping Rydia and Zelda from falling over.

Spiral bops Anna upside the head. "Hey. Earth to Anna."

Anna sighs. "... that should probably be 'Hyrule to Anna', but yeah," she mumbles.

Another worried glance to Terra. "Hey, uh, are you all right?" she calls over to the half-Esper.