World Tree MUSH

Ghosts of Mysidia

Character Pose
    The arid desrt town of Kaipo has become something of a constant supply stop for the vagabond refugees and expatriots of Baron. It's not too out of the ordinary to see a small green-haired girl working at the inn to curry favor with the inkeep, whenever they return to the desert oasis to pick up necessary materials for the expidition deeper into Hyrule.
    Today is one such day Rydia is puttering about the inn, tending to the occasional patron, running back and forth with fresh linens, working hard with only the occasional grumble about something under her breath.
    "Those two should be done getting everything we need about now." Uttered to herself in regards to two certain Dark Knights she sent shopping.
Amara Ephezen
Off in the desert somewhere, a distant shape approaches. The heat radiating off the sand obscures who it is at first. But they draw closer. A few villagers look up.

The arrival seems a little out of place in some ways. It's probably the blue garments, and the fact that she's put up a huge blue sun hat to keep the sun out of her face. It has done absolutely nothing for the heat, though, and she looks up with a soft brath, fanning herself with one hand. The other clutches a long, silvery staff, which she leans against a bit heavily.

The glitter of the oasis is far too tempting. The stranger manages a smile at some of the villagers she passes, curling her fingers a little.

The door to the inn opens with ease as the arrival slips through. Sliding her sun hat off, she shakes her hair free with a soft puff of breath, briefly flipping the hat to coax a bit of cooler air across her face. Then she starts forward.

She has to bring herself up short, though: Something tiny and green has just darted into her path with an armload of laundry. She puts the brakes on to keep from steamrolling the little helper.

"Whoops! Excuse me! I don't mean to get in your way."
Duncan Ritter
    Duncan might be a Dark Knight, but he doesn't like to advertise it unless he has to. So by the time he'd entered Kaipo originally, Duncan had shed the Dark Knight armor, and had been wearing traveling clothes. He hadn't put that armor back on while inside the walls of the city, either. So currently Duncan's wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers with black riding boots. Over the lot he wears a hooded cloak of a dark forest green.

    This is the picture of 'Dark Knight' that walks into the inn. Duncan is a man possessed of short black hair and dark, ruddy-toned skin. He's a very large fellow aside from this, standing well over six feet and having quite broad shoulders. His size might be a problem too, because he's carrying stuff and might not be able to see things over his armload of stuff.

    Hopefully the blue-clad woman hasn't stopped in the doorway, otherwise this might be awkward. Fortunately she has a warning -- a deep voice asks, "I got everything that I could find that you asked for. Will this suffice?"
Cecil Harvey
    It isn't far behind Duncan that another young man appears. With how Cecil is built, without his Dark Knight armor he is a bit less intimidating, but he hasn't shed the sword at his side, remembering the attack in the night from not too long ago. He's carrying bags though, not blades, in his hands.

    "I'm beginning to think we may need some kind of mercenary work," he grumbles, looking at all they bought. In a voice that might be familiar.
Terra Branford
    What's Terra doing, huh? She's being useless! Or at least not really useful but at least she's not in the way! In fact, she's even carrying whatever she could get away with carrying that Duncan and Cecil absolutely wouldn't insist on handling themselves. Probably not much; they're both knights, afterall!

    Hopefully, there isn't in fact a traffic jam at the doorway to the inn. Despite her frankly weird tolerance to the heat of the desert village it is nice to get some shade after awhile. She has largely escaped sunburns thus far and she's certain she doesn't wanna try it out today.

    "What would we do for work?" Mercenary. That's kind of vague, at least for her.
    Tiny, green, and pretty nimble. Rydia deftly skitters out of Amara's way on entry; so there shouldn't BE a traffic jam, and if there is, Rydia is certainly not the cause of it.
    Shifting the weight of some fresh blankets into one arm, Rydia motions Amara for one of the free tables, "Don't worry about it, take a load off, I'll get right to you in a second, let me just set these down." She says before her shopping posse returns.
    "Oh good, you're back," she says to the three following up not much later after that. "You know, Cecil, you can do things other than swing a sword around too." She pipes up on the mention of mercenary work.
Amara Ephezen
The woman in blue did in fact get all the way through the door! Amara stepped out of the way of Rydia, sidling to one side. Now she smiles a bit and touches a hand to her collar, briefly charmed by the girl's politeness. "Thank you!" she answers as she moves to the table, resting her staff against the chair beside her and lowering a travel bag to the floor. She sinks into the chair with a relieved sigh. The trip's been long, and heaven knows how long she'll stay.

When the pair of men and the teal-haired woman arrive, the woman in blue looks up with a curious blink--

Something nags at her senses. Something she feels she should know. But she can't place it. There are no sets of dark armour to be seen, and Amara can't tell what a sword is by its hilt alone.


Rydia says the name. Amara's still smiling, but it's a frozen smile because her eyes have snapped towards the one she's talking to.
Duncan Ritter
    "I'm working on that," Duncan notes to Cecil's mention of mercenary work. "I have a couple of marginally useless talents that I might be able to work into a bit of extra income." Since those he's traveling with have likely seen the stuff he carries around, the guitar's likely been seen -- this is likely what he's talking about.

    Not to worry, Terra. Duncan has seemed pretty open to having her help him carry stuff. And if she's asked why? He'll relate the tale of his mother, who would likely render his ears useless for a week if she saw him try to patronize someone for being female. So ultimately he'd just have cautioned her not to overload herself.

    Back to the present -- Duncan nods to Rydia's words, setting the stuff down nearby. "That is a good point," he notes. An assessing look at Cecil, and he asks, "Are you musically-inclined? I might have use for you, then."

    At present he hasn't noticed Amara and her discomfiture yet. Or if he has, he thinks she's just another patron at the inn. Though that may be likely to change depending on what she does next...
Cecil Harvey
    If Cecil has noticed Amara's discomfort, he doesn't assume it is from him. He probably makes things worse with what he is about to say. "Rydia, just being a mercenary doesn't mean killing things. Though I'm afraid I have little talent for entertainment, and my only other real talent is as Captain of an airship. As those are only in Baron at this time, it would have to be offworld."

    He sets the bags down, oblivious to what he just said. "Musical talent... not really. I could try to learn, I can at least keep a beat. What about you, Terra?"
Terra Branford
    Well, seeing new people isn't such a strange thing in a populated village right?! Anyway, still mystified by the tale of Duncan's stern mother, she doesn't even think to immediately put the things she's holding down. Off her mind goes, wandering into the fuzz of her broken memory in search of anything like that.

    In time for her to inquire about the mercenary trade, she finds herself being at least briefly regarded by Amara. Her response? To look away and step closer to Duncan as if she might vanish from sight in the large man's shadow.

    Further stopping her from becoming aware of Amara's rising tension she starts, put on the spot by Cecil. "Huh?" A pleading look goes to Rydia but she bows her head. "I'm really not sure." She can heal but she feels ever so slightly uncomfortable just saying that out loud. For some reason. She does seem to be pretty good at not putting things down, though.
    Politeness is... Well. It's a term. It doesn't quite describe Rydia perfectly, but she manages to affect some air of being a proper and professional inn girl while on duty.
    "I hope you're really not thinking of starting a boyband with Cecil as the front and Terra as the token girl."
    It's clear the girl knows the trio from the banter alone but Rydia has WORK to do, and once she sets the blankets where they're needed she returns to...
    Clay jug in her arms and a cup in hand, she sets the stoneware mug in front of the blue mage and starts pouring a cup of water out for what is clearly a road-weary and hot traveler, but pauses.
    It only takes her a second or so to follow the older woman's gaze.
    "... Hey...? Are you okay? The sun didn't get to you, did it?"
Amara Ephezen
It's sweltering outside the inn. The cold feeling shooting down Amara's back is not the way she wanted to cool down.

/It's probably nothing. Just a name, that's all,/ she assures herself quietly. After all, the odds of the Captain of the Red Wings showing up in some vanishingly small desert oasis town to lug cargo for tiny girls seem quite remote. Her eyes nevertheless search Cecil intently, descending--

Her gaze settles on the sheathed sword. /It can't be./ The cold feeling heightens a little.

Rydia jerks her train of thought back onto the rails. With a little gasp, she straightens, folding her hands in her lap. "A little sun has never stopped me before!" she says with a cheery smile, though it's forced. "Thank you very much." Leaning forward, she rests one hand on the cup of water.

Her voice lowers once she's within earshot of Rydia, dropping to a whisper: "You should be careful. If he's Cecil the Red Wing, he's a dangerous killer."
Duncan Ritter
    Duncan nods to Cecil's words. "That is, unfortunately, one of the caveats of being in the army -- it tends to be one of the few things one can really do well. Though..." He pauses. "There are many worlds outside this one. There must be something that would suit your particular skillset."

    He blinks, though, as Terra steps closer to him. And doesn't put her burden down. This is when he finally looks at Amara, noticing the look on her face. However, he merely offers a nod to the blue-clad woman, and looks to Terra. "I think you can put that down if you like," he notes quietly, with a bit of a teasing voice.

    He can't help but snort a quiet laugh at Rydia's statement. "Gods no. I would not bring any such affrontery to this world," he answers, amused. "But busking can be reasonably lucrative. And I'm afraid my own set of skills is rather limited too, for the same reasons." Duncan pauses, though, as Rydia draws his attention to the apparently dumbstruck blue-clad woman he doesn't know. His face picks up a frown of concern as Rydia questions her.

    However, he's visibly relieved as Amara seems to wake up. "Ah, good. One can never be too careful in the desert," he offers. "Please let someone know if you do feel faint, though." He tilts his head a bit at the whisper, as if confused, but since he's not close enough he doesn't hear it...
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil isn't close enough to hear the whisper either, but joins the others in voicing some concern. "Even if you are feeling well, the desert heat is brutal. Have some water and sit down," he suggests.

    Turning to Terra and Duncan, he laughs, "I don't think I have the temperament to front a 'boyband' as they call them. I suppose I am decent at dancing, but I doubt that is what you meant, and I'd b uncomfortable dancing with the young lady here for entertainment." He nods to Terra. Then he explains to her, "I'm already taken, no offense to yourself." Though reminding himself of Rosa brings a faint frown to his lips.
Terra Branford
    Ding. Oh! Right. Terra stiffens momentarily, as if responding to a call to attention before putting the things she's carrying down. Carefully and neatly, of course, before bobbing her head, "Sorry, I was just thinking." The deferential way she behaves may seem odd to a stranger; it's honestly odd in general.

    Up until now, Terra hadn't really studied the new woman. She takes a moment to look, clearly concerned about that look. When an explanation offers itself, she nods. Yes, of course. The heat can Do Things to people, certainly.

    Sassy talk of boybands, though! She manages not to look absolutely horrified, good on her, though she looks down at herself. Boy band? Token girl? So many questions! It's Cecil's turn to get a look from her.

    "Taken?" Can of worms GET.
    Thankfully the Baron Boys isn't going to be a thing, then.
    But Rydia now has a much more pressing issue on her hand.
    The girl nearly drops the water jug when she processes Amara's whisper, and she's immediately beset with that forced smile and a sudden thrill that slides down her own spine as slippery as an eel.
    Cecil has been made.
    Rydia casts a glance askance towards the Dark Knight pair and the half-esper and quickly weighs her options. She could just lie and say 'no that's not him', but it would be forced and pretty hard to believe.
    That's why when she looks back up to Amara, the child's face is dead set and grim. The expression of someone who will not be countered in what they're about to say next, regardless of whatever rebuttal may come back her way. Her focus is a little too locked on Amara, because in spite of that open can of worms across the room that she could use as ammo to playfully needle the Dark Knight, she forgoes any opportunity to tease him as she replies.
    "Cecil is a good man."
Amara Ephezen
Dumb? Oh no. There's a lot of rapid thought going on behind Amara's eyes. She learns visually and verbally; small signs register easily enough. A name, a sword, a memory that fires further towards the front of her brain than she'd like.

Lifting her eyes towards the larger and brawnier of the two men, Amara flashes a small, polite smile, straightening and folding her hands neatly in her lap. She smooths her expression over as best she can. "I think I will be alright, thank you. It's a little hotter here, but I had a hat." Here she gestures to the hat in question.

It is a big hat. There's no way the sun would hit her with a brim that wide.

The tiny girl with green hair then hardens the smile again. Once more, something cold races along Amara's back. She doesn't answer right away, processing the grimness in Rydia's face and the simplicity of her answer.

"I see. Then I must have misunderstood," she says quietly as she lifts her cup to her lips. She takes a slow sip from it. The water is cool and refreshing. It cuts through her thoughts like a freezing knife and centres her a little.

And then it's gone, and Amara closes her eyes, holding her poise outwardly. She lowers the cup to her lap, then smiles quietly down at the younger girl. "You're very kind, miss. Thank you."

She's not looking at Cecil. She can't.
Duncan Ritter
    Duncan starts to laugh then, at the thought of Cecil dancing on a stage for others' entertainment. "Ah, you should see them outside this world," he notes. "All dancing in troupes of five or more, so energetically there is no way they're dancing like that AND singing at the same time. Boys and girls both sometimes." A shake of his head. "I doubt I have the energy for all that, myself."

    He does offer a smile and a chuckle in Terra's direction. "Careful with that, I've known people who would hurt themselves that way," he teases, at the mention of Terra 'thinking'. He's only kidding though. And when Terra starts questioning Cecil about being 'taken'? Duncan offers a hearty laugh of genuine amusement.

    The amusement starts to drain, though, when Rydia's words register. And he looks quickly to Cecil, with a nod. The look is a concerned one. And then he flicks his gaze to Amara again. However, when he sees Amara's looking in his direction, he offers a nod. "That's good," he replies, as she notes she's all right. His voice is carefully controlled -- he's no bard but he's had time to learn to control his voice decently well.

    Duncan is... not really sure what to do, to be honest. Is it his place to intervene? To speak up? But if he doesn't, won't that look like he's throwing Cecil to the wolves? He decides to split the difference -- he moves to stand at Cecil's side, aiming to place a supportive hand upon his shoulder.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil is not exactly dumb... just very forgiving. And he doesn't immediately know who Amara is, but the words Rydia says are very blunt much like everything else the girl says. Duncan's uncertainty is palpable as well, and with Terra without guile or clue, he should probably clarify.

    He moves away from Amara, toward a different table, and explains for Terra's sake. "The Dark Knights of Baron are feared for a good reason... not just martial ability, but also many recent acts that have been... not understandable, even by myself. Hiding it will make things worse. This is not the first time my reputation has made others nervous, and with good reason."

    He finally turns to Amara and attempts a smile. "This is Kaipo, not Baron. You have my word as a knight that no one in this room will harm you unless you give us cause. Please, relax."
Terra Branford
    Did she say something funny? Terra looks genuinely confused at the reaction from Duncan! She was truly curious! Not that she takes offense or feels put out but now she really doesn't know what to do or say. Well, alright!

    So, this new person having a conversation so politely with Rydia is enough to steal a fragment of her attention. Rydia's often serious but serious -and- politely quiet? It's nice to see!

    Then it's back to urgent matters. Rydia's sudden words get a sharp look as she moves to join Cecil and with worry suddenly washing over her, she sits and regards Cecil. More confusion. "But-" She's seen that there's been mind control involved. She gets that better than many others might. She holds nobody present at fault for any wrongdoing, though she certainly isn't really the best adjudicator for this whole thing given her relative lack of understanding. "I- Right."

    Though she certainly doesn't appear fearful, the red-clad half-esper does nod once for Amara's benefit. Everyone here is cool. Except herself. She's terrible for scaring children with fire.

    But, really. She must have been misunderstood so she asks again with the situation apparently not so tense that something bad is likely to happen. "... Taken? Is that what you meant by..." The tense situation? Something else?
    It's true, Rydia is a kind girl. She just... Shows it in different ways than other children her age. And in this case, her ability to forgive Cecil for the events at Mist are a herculean display of that very kindness in and of itself. But that doesn't change things right now. Cecil has been identified.
    And the Dark Knight himself is owning up to his identity right then and there.
    "Terra, now isn't the time." She does jab the half-esper about Cecil's taken-ness.
    "I mean it. He's a good man."
    Rydia is very firm on this.
Amara Ephezen
Amara takes a slow sip of her water. She crosses one leg over the other, her eyes migrating towards the window.

The sand is at least safe to look at. The sand doesn't evoke emotions. It's all coarse and rough and it gets everywhere, but it doesn't make her want to think things she hates.

"I suppose that might be true," she answers Rydia noncommittally. She raises her water again and parts her lips.

And then the thing she dreads happens. She's going to have to actually talk to the Dark Knight. Quiet eyes focus towards the window as she opens her mouth a little. A thousand barbs hang at the tip of her tongue. She could kill this man with venom. She could carve out his tripes with sass. She's /going/ to. She /owes/ this man, this /monster,/ all the bile and anger and righteous indignation she can muster Slowly, she turns her head, bringing her eyes to bear on Cecil.

A man who is smiling and promising not to hurt her.

"Did you promise to that the that is the promise the puh people of My s s s s id ahh ghknh aaaaahhhhhaaaahhh" she manages eloquently. And by eloquently I mean she starts off that way and by the end of the sentence she's beginning to realize that she's bawling uncontrollably and burying her face in her hands and sliding forward in her chair until her elbows hit her knees to leave her hunched forward and shaking as her tears turn into low, tearing sobs that seem to rip her in half.
Duncan Ritter
    Duncan will head to the table with Cecil, and listen to his explanation to Terra. There is truth to Cecil's words, and Duncan nods to confirm. "You are right," he agrees with Cecil. "It will only sow mistrust and suspicion when it is inevitably found out. Best to get it out of the way now and be done with it."

    And for Terra's benefit? "You remember how and when you found me, yes?" he adds. He speaks, of course, of the attack that he needed to be figuratively slapped in the face with the image of Rydia under attack by one of his cohorts in order to wake him up. "I believe this is what Cecil refers to." He's leaving a lot of details unspoken, since... well, Terra was there, and he doesn't want the patrons overhearing.

    Though Cecil's on his own when Terra asks about Cecil being 'taken'. Sorry bro, that is totally your ballpark. All kidding aside, even if Duncan has suspicions -- or even if he's fully aware that Cecil and Rosa are an item -- it's not Duncan's place to comment or make assumptions about their relationship.

    He nods to Rydia's words of Cecil's being a good man. "He is. Had he not been, he would not have forgiven me for what I have done." He pauses, and then realizes that might need some explanation. So, he approaches where Amara sits. He's about to try to explain it to her, explain that he's also a Dark Knight, and tell her about the mind control...

    But then she starts to cry. Duncan's brow crinkles in concern, and he makes to kneel down next to Amara's chair. His explanations can wait; Amara is upset. And from the looks of it, this has been building up for a long time. He doesn't seek to shush her, but he will try to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil clears his throat, and... boy this is uncomfortable. He'll answer Terra first! Much easier. "I ah... have a girlfriend," he explains quickly and simply for Terra, trying to get that out of the way as a means of gathering his thoughts. Thanks for the support, comrades!

    He shouldn't have rushed it, because now he has to deal with a crying mage? And he winces at this. He has to explain more clearly for the benefit of the others. "When I was Captain of the Red Wings, I had a mission. To Mysidia. This has to be what has her upset. I was under orders, and I followed them. There were... casualties. It was this mission that made me question the King's orders, but that does not excuse me from carrying them out even while I had doubts."

    He turns back to Amara, no longer smiling. "I did not promise that to them. That does not make my actions more forgiveable. I can apologize, but that does not heal the wounds. I can only state that I want to prevent anything like that from happening again... to Mysidia or anywhere else. I was not controlled, merely believed, at the time, there was a good reason for my actions." He bows his head. "I will... take my leave, I can understand you are upset."
Terra Branford
    Duncan gets a small, solemn nod. She knows more than it seems, at least, she'd estimate that it's a functional knowledge about what happened. To Cecil, Rydia, so many people here- Even Duncan. It's a grim, terrifying thought.


    Terra couldn't let it go! It seemed important to Cecil! She thought be matter with Amara was settled and it would be okay and then the answer she gets is not exactly what she was expecting. What /was/ she expecting? The half-esper pieces it together though, nodding once after a pause and then- Then...

    Amara's trying to say her piece to Cecil. Or just to the room. The universe? The outpouring of emotion is stunning. She's seen Rydia inconsolable with fear but grief is different. It makes her uncomfortable. It should, really, but she clams up. It really isn't the time, it would seem and she winds up feeling rather foolish for not picking up on that much faster.

    Should she try to comfort the woman? Perhaps Duncan is best at this- He's been very nice so he must be good at that. Comforting people. Being nice.

    The half-esper looks on stonefaced. She would be a miracle card player.
    That was not something that Rydia of Mist had expected.
    She had waited; no sooner than the first words to Cecil had left Amara's mouth, the child was already calculating no less than a hundred retorts more vicious than a dagger in the back with a sudden twist at the end.
    And then... Then the woman started crying.
    Not pansy, wimpy crying, but full on ugly crying and for very good reason- the very same reasons that Rydia herself had- still has to cry herself, despite not doing so. For a moment- for a good few heartbeats- Rydia is left staring at the blue mage as though caught in a state of shellshock as Cecil explains just what he did at Mysidia. But where Terra remains as incredibly awkward as ever, Rydia is already crossing the short distance between herself and Amara; small hands gently clasping the woman's briefly, before the child rummages for- and finds- a clean rag to dab tears away in a rare display of the girl's gentle nature WITHOUT her nettlebarb attitude.
    "... It's okay. I understand. I lost a lot because of Baron, too."
Amara Ephezen
/I'll get up and kick his butt!/ Amara tells herself fervently. /He'll pay for what he did! I can't let my brothers down--/

"aahhuuhhh" is all Amara can outwardly manage, and even then with not all that much force behind it. There are tears welling in her palms and she absolutely hates it.

When Duncan plants a hand on her shoulder, he can feel the depths of those sobs: She shakes horribly with each one. She can hear Cecil talking to someone else about his mission, even through it all.

Amara draws in her breath to try and steady herself. It takes the form of a graceless *SNOOOOOORK*. She looks up; she tries to give Cecil a look of indignation.

It's undermined by the fact that her lower lip is shaking and the constant stream of tears down her cheeks is ruining her mascara.

S-s-sorry won't bring them back," she manages to choke out. "My f-f-family--"

Before she can break down again, someone tiny and green steps in front of her, and a pair of tiny hands are dabbing away her tears. Amara sniffles again, indignation falling from her face as Rydia resolves in her vision through a blur of tears. A lump wells in her throat, and she swallows it.

"...T-thank--," she manages, then pauses a moment to choke back a sob.

"...c-can I be alone for awhile," she asks in a very small voice. "Please."
Duncan Ritter
    Duncan does send a look to Terra, an encouraging one. Perhaps he's encouraging her to come forward, to try to comfort Amara as well? He is, as it turns out. He's not sure that he can comfort Amara here. He's... well, he's from Baron too. She'll probably hate him, and will need a not-Baronian to turn to, right?

    Rydia seems to have the same idea, as she notes that Amara is not alone in having lost so much thanks to whatever is going on in Baron. And Duncan offers her a nod of thanks as she comes to comfort Amara as well, to dab at her tears. Amara seems to need time to herself, and Duncan nods.

    He pauses to pat her a time or two more on the shoulder gently, before standing up. "It's a lot to take in," he agrees. "I offer my sympathies... I know it won't bring them back, but know that finding out the why of it all -- and to stop it from happening again -- is foremost on our minds." He offers a small smile, and then, "Be well."
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil stands. "She's right to feel this way when she heard it was me, but running and hiding from what I did would be even more dishonorable. To think that a Mysidian mage was out here though..." He stops and thinks.

    "Rydia, Duncan, Terra... we have a lot of work cut out for us. But for now, I should go. I am... truly sorry, miss." He bows again and takes his leave.
Terra Branford
    Despite her apparently hard look, Terra is almost screaming inside. If it were Rydia, what would she do? A bit mechanically, at first, her eyes shift to Duncan briefly and she rises.

    The soft tapping of her bootheels is Amara's only warning.

    Briefly, Cecil gets a look as well. She still doesn't know what to say. She can only answer the one undeniable instinct and she hugs the crying woman. Alone? Nonsense. It's a hug not unlike the kind she might've used to soothe nightmares, or especially to provide comfort after the numerous traumas she's experienced alongside Rydia.

    She says nothing, offers only physical contact and...

    ...and red cloth to do ugly crying on.

    If anything can be read from her expression it might be regret. For not knowing what to say besides, "I'm sorry."
    This might take a while. And though Amara asks to be alone, Rydia lingers. Between her and Terra they'll at least get those tears dried, for a while, before leaving the Blue Mage to her own devices. But Duncan and Cecil get the right idea.
    They're men of honor, the both of them. The wear their dark armor as a symbol of pride rather than as blackguards, and Rydia has her own reasons to be as forgiving as she is. But Amara is another matter entirely, and despite being so young, the girl knows full well the difficulty of the weight and pain bearing down on the older woman.
    To the men, Rydia gives a subtle signal but it's one Cecil knows well by now and Duncan may have picked up on if he's observed the child enough.
    It's Rydia's little 'I'll handle it' grunt as she daubs away more tears.
    "I'm not leaving you alone until you stop the waterworks. And even after that I'm going to be in and out checking on you."