Vania (Dropped)

World: Granblue Fantasy-1
Actual Age: ???
Apparent Age: ~13-15
Quote: "Boo! I'm gonna bite you and suck your blood! Hehehe!"
Role: Vampire Princess
Species: Vampire
Voice Actor: Rie Kugimiya


Vania is the princess of Medvecia, a flying island where only vampires live. A civil war and assorted unrest having caused the queen to vanish, Vania left a ruler in her stead that she may explore the rest of the world and see how it all is, finding the castle life boring. Childish, selfish and haughty, this sheltered princess knows little of the world and is easily amazed by its countless wonders. Not a bad person at heart, she is still vampire nobility and behaves as one would expect. In combat, Vania calls upon an assortment of dark powers and her traits as a vampire, blasting foes away or summoning swarms of bats to consume them.


Vampire Princess: Vania is mildly superhuman and can fly.
Vania is superhuman, able to claw through a large boulder, move very swiftly, and endure hits no human could. She can fly fast enough to fight efficiently in the air but couldn't outpace an airship or dedicated flyer.
Charming Bloodsucker: Vania can charm people with eye contact and drink blood for sustenance.
Vania can drink the blood of a living being, or a very freshly slain one, to heal her injuries and replace the need for food. Through this bite or through eye contact, Vania can charm a being, a low-key form of mind control that makes them more suggestible to her commands, and makes them treat her like their princess. This can't last longer than a scene and can be completely mitigated by willpower. Once the spell wears off, victims won't question their actions during it until someone else brings it to their attention.
Summon Bats: Vania can summon and control magical dark-elemental bats.
Vania can summon, control and commmunicate with bats, whether mundane or magical. If no real bats are present for her to command, the ones she can summon (up to dozens at a time) range from hand-sized to car-sized, possess a dark-elemental breath weapon, a weakening poison bite, sharp claws and fangs, and can generate or turn into mist.
Bloody Carnival: Vania can turn her bats into beam attacks, and beam attacks into bats.
Vania can fire small blasts of energy. She can turn her summoned bats into more of these attacks and turn the energy beams into bats as well.
Scarlet Gift: Vania can attack with blasts of darkness and blood, as well as drain life.
Vania can strike with blasts and large beams of darkness, as well as conjure up blades and waves of blood. These attacks can siphon life from targets, weakening them rather than damaging them if needed.
Wyrm Tamer: Vania knows a lot about dragons and gives off a friendly aura to them.
Vania possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to ride a dragon into battle, and may make herself appear harmless before one to get on its good side more easily. Smarter dragons resist more easily.
Azoth: A dark-elemental, life-draining knife that can empower dark and fire magic.
Vania's favorite knife and a family heirloom. It's extremely sharp, acts as a focus for both dark and fire magic, can drain life from those it strikes, and can infuse attacks with dark-elemental properties.


Malinda< D-Tier Named Edge >: A death-elemental pet dragon that can fly, breathe doom and eat people.
Vania's pet dragon Malinda is a death-elemental dragon the size of a child. Thick scales, sharp claws and teeth, flight, strength, endurance and speed are all as would be expected for a dragon of her size. Her breath weapon dooms weaker victims to rapid decay and death, leaving stronger prey in significant pain instead. By spending a point of Edge, Malinda can grow to enormous sizes for a short period of time, long enough to make an impression, launch an attack or two, or transport people on her back.
Ghoulish Retainers< Basic F-Tier >: Vania can bite people to turn them into loyal undead servants.
Vania's bite can inflict undeath on weak individuals, turning them into mindless, loyal ghouls and zombies. Without a treatment capable of reversing this, the effect is permanent. The victim's personality, memories and powers are completely suppressed, leaving behind a superhuman thrall who only cares to feed on flesh and obey its princess. They can only obey simple commands like "stay there" or "kill". Ghouls are weak to holy attacks, standard anti-undead measures, and operate poorly in sunlight.


Sheltered Princess: Vania knows little of the world and is easily distracted by flowers.
Vania has spent the last decades holed up in her castle with for only company her brother, books, and occasional news of the outside world. She doesn't know how things work out there, she doesn't have the same moral foothold as most people about what's OK and what isn't, and to make matters worse she is very easily distracted by shiny, pretty things she hasn't seen before, or interesting-looking people. She cannot help but reach to touch glowing orbs or buttons, armed with dangerous child-like curiosity and selfishness. She's also hard to keep focused on a task.
Holy Weakness: Vania can be hurt and weakened more easily by holy attacks.
Vania can't deal with holy attacks as well as other sources of incoming damage or effects. They slow her regeneration down, hurt more, and make her uncomfortable all-around. Sunlight merely distracts her.
OK With Slavery: Vania's decision to enslave servants may not always please people.
Vania sees nothing wrong with enslaving or dominating lesser people, especially those who get in her way. Vampires, especially noble ones, must have followers and bloodkin, after all.
Haughty And Quirky: Vania is a princess and ensures everyone knows it.
Vania frequently treats people like servants and retainers, even if they aren't. She thinks of herself as the princess of all vampires and it's not hard to see how her insistance of this fact could get her in trouble, especially against stronger vampires than her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
109 Just a looksie... May 09 2018
104 Two Amidst A Crowd May 05 2018
92 Cult of the New Beginning Apr 27 2018
17 The Pure of Heart Jan 25 2018
7 Messiah Complex Jan 10 2018
4 Testing the Waters Jan 06 2018
1 Friends to the End Oct 31 2017
See All 7 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.