World Tree MUSH

Testing the Waters

    Raylene Dunwich hosts a little get together, all in order to seek out interesting folks for a mutually beneficial proposal.
Character Pose
Raylene Dunwich
    With the security offered in this part of the Tree, the upcoming event is not an announcement asking for help, but simply... a party, actually. The kind of ball that is mostly for people to relax with. What is interesting is it is also advertised with a special invitation looking for adventurers, where a 'proposal of possible interest' is supposed to be given. The mention of a possible paid job is also made.

    But that is for later. Raylene Dunwich is the host, and she looks... well, like a spoiled rich kid. All dressed up nice today, mingling and greeting people. It actually looks like a fairly sedate get together, but it DOES have free snacks. This might be a mistake. Most of the people actually wander off when they realize that Raylene is actively looking for people who go to other Worlds, though the portrayal of her questions thus far has been that of an eager girl asking questions because she is curious of other realms.
    Dress up, they said. Well... Aloy has done that. She's wearing her NICER leathers! Actually, not true, she's wearing some more nicely-made clothing, made of what looks to be cotton or something, and while it's still quite primitive by most standards it is at least not tribal leathers. Avad was nice enough to lend her something for this. Despite that, she has no idea what she's doing, awkwardly standing in the corner for some time before she moves toward Raylene, the host who keeps asking questions. Curiosity is a good thing! In her mind, anyway.

    "Excuse me," Aloy says, demonstrating the utmost level of manners that she knows. "What exactly were you wanting to know about? I'm new to these places, but I've done some travelling."
    It's hard to say that Magilou snuck in to the party, really, because she's wearing a glaringly bright pink outfit and a hat that's large enough to make up for her mostly small self. Still, she somehow makes it straight to the free snacks, free being a magic word that will get all sorts of vagrants to show up to any sort of gathering.

    Really, Raylene's likely to have all sorts of issues with irresponsible sorts like college students, or witches.

    Magilou will nibble on some of the cheese from the plate that she outright lifts up from the snack section, starting to wonder around the room to socialize. Because she WAS invited. Technically.
    There's little need for Vania to dress up. She already looks like she belongs in one of these parties! Although those pointed ears and little head-wings might stick out, depending on who's looking.

    The haughty little princess hovers into the room from one of the windows, rather than using the door like civilized people. She's drawn to the scent of snacks, now floating up sideways above the snacks table. She sees cheese fleeing her grasp and pursues the suddenly lifted plate, right after Magilou.

    "Nooo, slow down, slow down, I can't keep up!
    "Bloodkin, help!"

    A small adorable bat poofs into existence and nabs a cube of cheese from Magilou's plate, bringing it back to Vania. She chomps it down, victorious, but is still hungry.
    She keeps floating after the witch and her snacks.
Raylene Dunwich
    "Do you really believe that, or is it simply something you read in a book?" Raylene is sounding... insulted, actually. Her dress rustles as if she's getting bored with the whole affair. Which she probably is! Good thing Aloy comes to her rescue. The tribal woman in obviously unfamiliar dress gets sized up, eyes darting up and down, and then she motions dismissively to the eager puppy of a woman she was talking to.

    "You do look out of place in a party like this," Raylene agrees. "I am looking more for people who enjoy seeing new places and are inquisitive sorts, than people who have already been everywhere. I have need of that passion..."

    Actually Raylene did expect some to do what Magilou is doing. It's sort of a thing with the sort of people she is looking for! At least Vania isn't too out of place, since this is one of the more cross-world cosmopolitan places. She is mistaken about the girl though. "Oh dear, is that a succubus? Hm, not really appropriate for what I want..." She shakes her head and returns her attention to Aloy.

    "And what sorts of adventures have you had?"
    That doesn't sound suspicious at all! Aloy glanes at the other two and shakes her head, "I don't know them." Because she doesn't! The young woman crosses her arms skeptically at Raylene though. "Really. You're looking for inquisitive sorts?" Hmm.

    Sigh. "I do a lot of exploring ruins in my homeland. And I hunt for myself. I mostly travel to find things, answer questions, but I am on the lookout for anyone who can help out with a broken terraforming engine. If you even know what that is."
    This bat will not go unnoticed by the witch, who had laid claim to that plate of cheese fair and square. Magilou will sputter for a moment, turning on a heel towards Vania. "You.. cheese-chasing cur! Cowardly cretin! Can't you control your consumation compulsions?" Magilou will demand, in a voice meant entirely to carry through the room and make a scene, marching over towards the princess. "Is this party just one where any passing person can partake from another's plate? Have you no decency?"

    And she'll shove the entire plate, cheese and all, towards Vania's hands. "Well. Like I care! I was nearly done, anyhow."

    She seems to have gotten over that in a hurry.
    Vania has acquired a plate of cheese. She's not going to complain! She straightens out in the air, rather than keep floating sideways, looking at the plate, then the witch.

    "H-Hey! Those aren't nice things to say! I'm a princess, you know?!" It might help if she acted the part. That little bat lands on the plate again, stealing another cube of cheese, this time for herself. Vania gasps.

    "No! Bloodkin, you've betrayed me! Now I'm double on the spot!" A frown, a pout. Vania extends the platter back to Magilou. "Well! I'm a benevolent princess! You can have your fair half of this treasure, then! Oh, oh, let's go that way, they're talking about interesting stuff!"

    Vania hovers towards Raylene and Aloy, raising her hand like a child in school. "Me, me, me! I like going places and seeing stuff, pick me!" By association you're now stuck with Magilou, too.
Raylene Dunwich
    "I see, I see..." Raylene is saying to Aloy. "Exploring ruins. Excellent. I'm afraid that while I do know what a terraforming engine is, mechanical problems are ah... not my strong suit. To say the least. I'm only a young girl, you know." Suuuuure she is.

    A young girl being assaulted by a peppy not-succubus. Taking another look at Vania at least confirms this fact, meaning her sigh is not so exhasperated as it could be. But this is a good start. "It's more of a proposal that would only be interesting to those who might have such a like. I am looking to 'hire' some help. Though 'commission' would perhaps be a better word."
    Magilou will make a humming noise at that. "Well, they do that. I'm looking for a traitor of my own." Still, she won't take back any of the cheese as they move to join the others, Magilou trailing along. She'll fall quiet for the moment, not interrupting Raylene and Vania talking, even though this might be the sort of thing that could interest her.

    Not that being quiet and being still are at all related. The pink-clad woman will wriggle in place, doing what almost looks like a dance as she eavesdrops on the conversation, looking to find out just what the party might be actually about.
    "Memememe!" Vania insists, answering Raylene's unspoken question of whether the VAMPIRE, thank you very much, has such interests. "That's why I fled from my castle! They wanted me to stay all nice and safe in it but I was like, nooooo, that's boring, I wanna see the new worlds like everyone else gets to!" And now she gets to. So that worked out.

    Vania's feet tap against the ground as she lands gracefully, making a polite bow, lifting her dress up a bit and all with one hand. The other is holding onto that platter of cheese bites, because they're priceless treasures.

    "I'm princess Vania, of Medvecia! I've heard all proper adventuring parties need to have a princess, so you don't have a choice to take me along!" That's how it works.

    Though there's a moment where she turns back to Magilou, looking curious. "Traitors are the worst! I hope you find him and make him do silly dances in apology!" Worse than any other kind of capital punishment.
    Traitor? That gets Aloy's attention as well, but she has other things to listen to, so she refrains from asking details yet. Instead, the eldest-looking girl who is probably the youngest of the four here frowns. "I'm not really looking to be hired that way. I do need some money that isn't native to my home, but my last attempt to get that didn't work out so well."

    She actually glowers, looking angry at the thought before she shoves it back. "Sounds like you have something specific in mind though."
  Word of a gathering has gone out, and it has brought all sorts of interesting types to the doorstep of the Lady Dunwich. There's an interesting figure towards the outskirts of the gathering, in fact.

Whoever it is, they're wearing a completely concealing robe of deepest black, of a very heavy lay; rich fabric meant to protect against the elements, its only ornamentation fine silverthread embroidery of curvy, geometric trim and a small, odd symbol between the shoulder blades, of a stylized weeping eye. The heavy hood is drawn over the face, and a sash of deep violet covers the lower part. Only hints of the actual face are visible, not enough to identify.

Despite what might be an intimidating appearance, the figure has been largely peaceful, keeping to the fringes and speaking with no one, merely observing.

Of equal interest is the presence that's gone with that figure -- to those who can sense the supernatural, this figure basically screams 'YES HELLO THIS IS DIVINITY.' Whoever it is, or whatever it is, the figure is positively steeped in holiness, divinity; whatever label one might want to affix it.

Yet the figure hasn't moved up until now -- where it takes a step forward that seems almost tentative, then another; towards Raylene and her small gathering.

It's amazing how the word 'adventurer' can get so much of a reaction from some crowds...
Raylene Dunwich
    A group of eclectic individuals! This is... EXACTLY what Raylene was looking for. Well, maybe not exactly, but very close. It's enough that she eyes them all with scrutiny, and then curtsies. "Raylene Dunwich, as you all likely knew. Ah... please, let's move over to someplace a little quieter, and I can pitch my idea to you as well. I've had a few groups pass through to listen."

    She pauses suddenly. Normally, a skulker at the edge of the crowd is not all that strange, but Raylene does have mystical sight. She eyes Zelda, then motions for her to follow. "Please, this way, I believe you may be interested in what I have to say as well." Exactly WHY will become clear in a moment.

    When Raylene retreats to a quieter corner - near a table of snacks, if anyone is still interested - she smooths her dress primly. "I have an interest in the strange and exotic, particularly material components. The classic unicorn horn or troll's beard, and so on. Normally, I pay to have others fetch me such things, but I've hit upon something more interesting that can also bring me what I want."

    A finger toys with her hair. "All these Worlds coming together... perhaps they quite often have problems that they don't know how to deal with. A hellhound rummaging in the trash of the local apartment in a world without magic, and so on. No doubt many have problems they would be very grateful to have a flexible collection of problem solvers fix. A sort of... interdimensional troubleshooter's association. No doubt many would pay to have help, and in return for finding such jobs the organization takes a cut of the pay, with the rest being given to those who solve it."
    "You shouldn't worry so much about the material, but rather about the spiritual! Troll's beards are far less valuable than the troll's whiskey!" Magilou will insist, even though she's not completely certain if trolls have whiskey. Admitting to not knowing something was far less useful than making it up, though.

    "Still, I'm not certain that I'd be very valuable to troubleshooting. I'm a witch, not a shooter of troubley things, and it's below my dignity to do work in exchange for money. Or at all, really." That isn't exactly a rejection, but Magilou doesn't exactly seem to leap at the opportunity. "Still, maybe I'll watch how some of you do it. I could even give you tips."
  The hooded figure speaks not a word, padding after the rest of the general assembly, silent but for the rustle of heavy cloth. There's no mistaking that the figure is paying attention to Raylene's proposal, though -- the hood is pointed directly at her, and cocked very slightly, the position of 'man listening.' If, indeed, this is a man. It's hard to say; the figure is somewhat slight, even though the heavy robe is obscuring.

There is a very slight bob of the figure's head when Raylene motions for Yes, You In The Robe Too.

Silence meets the proposal, at first. Perhaps the figure is considering the proposal. Perhaps not. It's hard to say, since so little of a face is visible--

"An interesting proposal."

The voice is female, gentle; with the enunciation of aristocracy, but quiet enough not to be overbearing. The tone is soft, in fact, as though the figure were trying to actively avoid drawing attention to herself. That hood turns towards Raylene, expectantly. It shakes softly.

"I am not certain I have the particular type of talent that you seek, nor the stomach for some of the kind of work that you describe. Still, I am willing to hear more, if there are other tasks that you have, perhaps..."

A moment is taken to stare at Magilou. Even though her face isn't generally visible, there's something of a polite sort of skepticism in the gesture.

The hood turns back to Raylene, and the figure draws itself up, sleeves rising for one hand to fold within the other. They're covered by sturdy black gloves, but slender; a woman's hands to match that voice.
    Troubleshooters, huh? "That basically sounds like a bigger version of what I've been spending my time doing anyway, lately." Not like she particularly wanted to. For all her scathing attitude, though, Aloy's very willing to help someone in need. So willing that Magilou's comment actually makes her stare as well, because it's surprising. For some reason.

    Zelda's revelation to be a woman makes her lift an eyebrow. "Is this a girls only party or something?" Just surprising to her, really, and actually makes her smile. "I guess that's interesting by itself. But what if they can't pay?"
    There's a new stranger arriving!
    That sure is a lot of holy radiating off her.
    Vania can't detect that so much as, being a vampire, she's made slightly uncomfortable by being near someone like that. Not enough to justify walking away, but it's a bit obvious when she adjusts her position to be on the opposite end of the gathering to the robed MYSTERIOUS STRANGER, if she can manage it.

    Oh, but that leaves addressing Raylene.

    "I'll shoot some problem! I don't have guns but I can make really convincing noises!" Fingerguns. "Bang bang!" Convincing. "I'll take any excuse to go places though! I'm fine with helping people for free even, as long as they can at least give me snacks! I just wanna see everything that's out there! Home is so boring and same-y, you know?" Her home island, anyway. The other islands are plenty interesting.

    "Important question! Do we get cool titles?"
    That IS an important question.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene smiles. "Do you think I am suited for going into ancient ruins and sealing the snarling demon king?" She gestures to herself. "I will not lie and say I am all that I appear, but I'm certainly not the Godslayer in hiding. These tasks are sometimes simply investigating a strange thing that needs an outside opinion. Or negotiating between two very different cultures." She shrugs. "All right, probably not too much of the latter, but this is still an idea in the formative stages. I haven't even settled on a name yet."

    A pause, and she considers Magilou. "Perhaps you would not be a good choice. Perhaps you would. Would you consider it?"

    Sigh. "Titles? Like... Impish Exterminator? I... suppose we could..." She frowns. "I am not good at that sort of thing, though. I can make no promises they would be good ones..."

    She can at least smile now. "Well then, I do have some good news for you," she says to Aloy. "I have no interest in charity work, but neither am I against it. I would imagine we would have enough of an income to back a few of those, so long as we were careful not to overstretch our bounds."
    "Oh, I have lots of titles already, anyways. I'm surprised you hadn't heard of me already, though it's a long way from home, here." Magilou will say, seeming to consider. "And I suppose I can think on whether I'd be a good choice or a bad one! Still, it would have to be good on both sides, rather than bad for me but good for you."

    The witch will frown, though, placing her hands at the back of her neck and stretching out. "I can't really do much of anything unless I track down a traitor first, anyways. I should be doing that, but I heard the most spectacular rumors on my way out of prison and had to see them for myself."
  The cant of the figure's hood suggests she's listening intently to what the others have to say, giving due consideration to every piece of input; her head moves slightly to suggest she's listening to each individual speaker.

Pausing a moment when she turns to Aloy, there's a quiet, amused exhalation from the hood; too forceful to be a sigh, but not forceful enough to sound exasperated. A chuckle without voice, as though the stranger didn't want to have much attention drawn to themselves.

That sure is a lot of holy radiating off the stranger. She pauses a moment to stare at Vania, or at least that's where the hood points for a moment, as though gauging that reaction of suddenly escaping to the other side of Raylene's immediate gathering. Hmm. That hooded stare stays a moment on Vania, canted just slightly in curiousity, before turning back towards the others.

The hood tilts, just slightly. "I would not presume to pass judgement either way. There are many beyond the bounds of--" She was about to mention where hse came from, but that's not a good idea. The stranger catches herself and shakes her hooded head. "There are many, here in this place; this joining of worlds. Their abilities, I would imagine, are as varied and as many as stars in the night sky."

There's a slight note of amusement to the voice, but subtle; so subtle, and something kindly in that voice. "I am not opposed to investigation, or negotiations. I have... some experience in negotiating."

"I require no title, however." This is given pretty much straight-faced. Aloy's request is given some apparent thought, the hood canted slightly towards the hunter-warrior in question. The hood turns a moment towards Aloy herself, as though the hooded figure were studying the hunter; sizing her up perhaps. Or, maybe lingering on that bow -- the hood clearly lifts just for the briefest instant, as though to examine its recurve. It's so... bizarre. Is that mechanical? The string looks like rope, but there's a metallic hint to its coil...

The hooded figure shakes her head again, as though she were clearing it. "I am sorry," she adds more quietly, to the hunter. "I do not mean to stare."

Magilou is also studied for a moment, thoughtfully; hooded head tilted. The figure almost seems about to speak, but the hood turns back to Aloy, interested.
    Aloy's bow is pretty nice even in her world, so the stare at it isn't TOO unusual. She shakes her head, in a way that says it was nothing to be embarrassed about. In truth, she's more wary about Magilou's comment about being in prison than anything else. Is this a woman she should consider stable? She's certainly a lot... weirder than anyone else Aloy has met.

    "I am Aloy," she finally replies, looking back to the other three after staring without reservation at Magilou. So many strange people. "I don't really need a title. I mostly trade for what I want, but I have a feeling that I'll need to know more about other kinds of barter very soon."
    "Well if you guys don't want titles I don't mind taking them all for myself! But impish investigator is no good, think of something better!" Vania demands. As methods of payments go, snacks and a title are probably significantly less money and time in the long run than Raylene might have been thinking about spending per member.

    If the tiny vampire notices the long stare from the cloaked stranger, she doesn't seem to react or care! In truth she hadn't noticed, that's far too much attention for her to be paying to anyone. Plus, Magilou just said some interesting stuff.

    "Oh, oh, I know, how about we help her find her traitor to show her what we can do! But why were you in prison? Was it because you stole food from royalty before today?" It's theft, now. This is CLEARLY not what happened. Vania grabs a cheese cube and tosses it into her mouth.

    Omnom satisfied princess squees.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene chuckles. "I seem to have enough interest to at least try it. I will... see what I can do, and be in touch. If you'd like, provide the details of your traitor issue? I'm curious if nothing else." Raylene doesn't seem all that bothered by the prison matter.

    "As for whether we take on that job... it is an interesting suggestion. We'll have to see," she admits. "I kind of enjoy seeing what this sort of thing leads to."
    "Well, I don't know where he is, but I'll find him and deal with him. I had a lead or two. Once that's done, then we'll see! And I was in prison for the ghastly crime of being a witch! Left to starve and rot, whether I wanted to be or not, in a damp and miserable place! At least until the riots and the fires warmed it up." Magilou will muse, before turning away.

    "I'll keep the offer in mind, not that I care about it." She'll finally add, starting to whistle to herself - and reaching out to snag another plate of snacks - as she walks away.
  The hooded figure seems to listen, although half her attention is on the others, hooded head periodically looking from one individual to the next. As the others introduce themselves, she almost seems to hesitate, as though very slightly shrinking away from the gathering.

Names, names... oh, she was never much good at those. Hiding her identity is not very easy, and when she feels under the microscope like this, it's even worse...

But she has to give them something. It would be suspicious not to.

"I am..." There's clear hesitation. Giving them her real name would be not only foolish but dangerous. "My name is Sheik," the robed figure says, softly. Memory touches her briefly, of a race that had sworn its service to the royal family, before they had gradually died out; the Sheikah are more myth than reaity, though, having been gone from Hyrule countless generations before she was even born. It does make for a handy nom-de-guerre.

The hood tilts just slightly. "Perhaps it might not be wise to track what may be a dangerous fugitive without knowing the full story of why this individual is a fugitive, hm?" Then, to Raylene, "You are trusting. How do you know we will not betray you in some manner, or otherwise pose a threat? How do you know we are worthy of your trust; to take us at face value, as it were...?"
    "That's a good question," Aloy agrees, to what Zelda says. She's more curious about Raylene's answer than accusing though. "You don't seem like you're nearly as naive as a girl your age should be. That's a little suspicious, if you don't mind me saying."
    "Hey now! What's suspicious about people like us?!" Vania protests to Aloy, in defense of evidently herself and Raylene. Sadly, Magilou has decided to embark on Snack Quest 2: The Hungering, so the tiny princess only has the much wiser princess left to reply to. "That's easy! I wouldn't betray someone because that's a super rude and mean thing to do! Sheesh, talk about easy questions to answer."

    In her defense it IS super rude and mean.
Raylene Dunwich
    Tsk, "We'll be investigating first, of course," Raylene points out. "That's part of the job. She teases a lock of hair around her finger and sighs, "You make a good point, about trust. I've been betrayed by those close to me before as well. I do not simply take you at face value, but this is going to be a business as well. I have to hire SOMEONE, and my experience says that an eclectic collection of ragtag misfits is best for this sort of thing."

    She pauses. "No offense, of course. You, Aloy, are right that I am not exactly naive. Nor am I defenseless or without allies. Presumably, we can work out the details of each of our arrangements once I have an actual organization to work for, yes?" She chuckles, "Not to worry, I am not rushing in. Merely... testing the waters."
  The hood turns toward Aloy again, with evident interest with the way the head raises just slightly. An eye gleams from the depths of the hood, but it's still not bright enough to actually see the face, or make out any identifying features.

The young woman in the robe makes a soft, thoughtful sound. "Indeed, Lady... Aloy, was it?" She glances toward the hunter before the hood turns back to Magilou, head tilting slightly at the tiny princess. She apparently reserve judgement, though, looking back to Raylene.

After a moment the hood bobs.

"Very well. There is wisdom in testing the waters," she replies, to Raylene, something like approval in her voice. "I would speak with you further, but later. Thank you for the invitation. I believe we may be able to reach an accord... but for now, I must go. I will remain in touch," she adds.

With that, provided nobody else tries to snag her, the hooded figure threads her way back into the general crowd. And, presumably, toward the nearest exit.