Drogo Peaudouce

Drogo Peaudouce
World: Aricelle: By Her Wandering Blade-1
Actual Age: Definitely Adult
Apparent Age: Adult
Quote: "I will show the world that a bear can have the will of a man!"
Role: Bandit Boss Bear
Species: Moon Bear
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/jxLGHa38f3Y
Voice Actor: Kevin Grevioux


Drogo, the Laughing Bear, is a bandit leader and martial artist known both for his kindness to his men and his explosive temper. The other thing he's known for is being an actual talking bear. As a cub, he watched humans fight, learning the language of the fist (and verbal language, eventually). As he grew, he became one of the most feared bandits in the land, looting and pillaging to use his ill-gotten gains to support his home village. Despite flying into a berserk rage when attacked, he is normally very easy-going and not prone to holding grudges for long. As a bear, he enjoys a natural advantage in strength and toughness, as well as a thick layer of fat that makes it difficult for other martial artists to hit his pressure points. This does come at the cost of his agility though, leaving him to rely on simply muscling through enemy attacks.


Man Bear: Drogo is literally a bear. Big, strong, tough, the works.
Drogo is a bear who has surpassed the limitations of his species, pushing his natural abilities beyond what others of his kind are capable of. He is stronger, tougher, and smarter than ordinary bears, who already possess a physical advantage over most ordinary humans to begin with. This of course means he is also armed with the natural weapons of his kind: Powerful jaws, lined with many sharp, carnivorous teeth, and deadly claws on each paw, giving his unarmed attacks an extra boost in lethality. His heavy fur coat and thick layers of fat also provide him plenty of natural resistance to cold and, more helpfully against other martial artists, a near-immunity to pressure point attacks.
Massive Martial Arts: Self-trained, learned martial arts by watching others. Wields a large iron club.
Drogo took up the martial arts in order to better himself and become closer to the human fighters he idolized. Rather than train in any specific style, he has developed his own nameless style focusing around making use of his massive size and weight, emphasizing power over grace. To this end, he has also adopted a large iron club as his weapon of choice when not fighting strictly unarmed.


Laughing Bear Bandits< Basic D-Tier >: A ragtag group of bandits with varying martial arts skill.
Drogo is the leader of a gang of bandits from the town of St. Aimery and its surrounding countryside. As most of them were ordinary farmers or townsfolk to begin with, they don't have much experience, though Drogo has made a concerted effort to teach them what he can of the martial arts. They can pose a significant threat in numbers, but are easily taken care of in one-on-one combat by any seasoned warrior.<br/><br/>Tier Disclaimer: The bandits are only D-Tier if all of them are present. Smaller groups will be E- or even F-Tier. The idea is simply that their full forces can overwhelm de-powered characters through sheer numbers, and contend with a single D-Tier character on equal terms as a whole.


Explosive Emotions: A habit of over-emoting that often results in things being broken.
Drogo struggles with controlling his emotions. He has a habit of casually destroying things when overcome with joy, and when angered, he loses the more refined thinking he's learned and resorts to more and more bestial behavior. In battle, this is his most common downfall, as he forgets how to fight tactically and rationally until he calms down. This can also be dangerous for his allies, as he fails to take his surroundings into account when swinging his claws or club around.
Beer Bear: Addicted to alcohol which exacerbates other problems.
Drogo has a habit of heavy drinking, which exacerbates his emotional problems and further dulls his wits in both combat and social situations. Although he easily spends enough on alcohol to keep most taverns in business on his own, his destructive binges have made him very unpopular among innkeepers and barkeeps alike. Unfortunately, he simply can't resist the allure of a stiff drink, especially in large quantities.
Fearing Fire: Natural animal instinct says FIRE BAD.
Many wild animals fear fire, and for good reason. It's destructive, most of them lack the ability to deal with it, or even comprehend why it's happening. Drogo still maintains his deep-seated instinctual phobia of flames, though he has learned to recognize when they're safe (i.e. a torch or stone-lined campfire, which he will nevertheless keep at arm's length at best). There's no quicker way to send him into a panic than to threaten him with immolation, though. In fact, given his frequent drinking, and all that hair and fat, maybe he's right to still fear it as much as he does. Who knows how much he's accidentally sloshed on himself, after all?
Weakling Weary: Drogo has little respect for those who do not fight.
Drogo respects willpower, and the tangible power that backs it up. Those who have the will and/or strength to take what they want, or stop others from taking things from them, will find him very respectful or even friendly. However, he has no time for non-combatants, the weak-willed, or those who make others do their work for them. If he does not find someone worthy of his attention, then they are little more than a potential victim for him to do with as he pleases.
Authority Aggravation: Drogo does not like authority figures.
Drogo has a pre-disposed prejudice against authority figures, including law enforcement and government officials. While he may not attack them outright, he has no issue with antagonizing them in general, be it with taunts, insults, property damage, or otherwise. He will also actively hinder their efforts against other criminals if at all possible, barring extreme or personal exceptions (someone he personally dislikes, or some world-ending threat, for example).

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1004 Drogo vs Piera Apr 13 2022
1003 Suiren vs Rez Apr 13 2022
1000 Cyber Frost vs Luke! Apr 08 2022
995 Tournament Arc! Mar 25 2022
881 Rocket Bears Sep 23 2021
823 Underworld Dreams: The Hollow Men May 08 2021
766 The Blessed Desert Oasis Nov 16 2020
571 Diantha: By Her Wandering... Hooves? Sep 16 2019
565 Empty Spaces Sep 15 2019
See All 9 Scenes


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