World Tree MUSH

Cyber Frost vs Luke!

Character Pose
Drogo Peaudouce
     Here we are back at the Cachamard Arena, the worryingly yellow sky doing little to dissuade the crowd of madly cheering bloodsport fans who have lined the stands. Why, it's so full that some are even climbing the walls from the outside, just to get a peek in at the action!

The ring in the center of the arena has been fully set up now, including ropes to prevent any silly mishaps like tripping and falling out of bounds. That'd just be silly! And boring. More importantly is the large, ornate gong set up outside the ring, in front of which stand Jacques Cachamard and his two lovely assistants, waving to the crowd.

"It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen and street urchins too poor to afford tickets! We've come a long way since the start of this shindig, seen a lot of heart-pounding blood-spurting action, but now we've got what you've all been waiting for! That's right, an actual match between two of our offworld contestants!" Jacques announces with what seems to be a magically enhanced voice, as the crowd goes wild.

Once they've quieted down, Jacques continues. "Fighters, enter the ring and take your corners! Just in case you somehow don't remember the rules: No outside assistance! Touching anything outside of the ring is a loss, as are being knocked down for a ten count and giving up! Dying also counts as a loss, so don't get killed! Finally, anything goes if it makes things more interesting! Are we ready?"
Luke Gray
    Luke was on one of the arena corners, since he had to be relatively close to command and check on his pokemon!, but he promises not to be involved beyond direct advice. The boy walks into view, wearing his Sylph Co. cap backwards, because that's cool, right?. On his side, is the towering figure of Bewear, the creature somehow manages to look both large but also... cute?, harmless?. To any casual observers it looks like a very fluffy, bipedal bear/plush, hell, its main colors are black, pink and splashes of white!.
    The boy stands at the edge of the ring, while his pokemon carefully climbs into the ring proper, slow, lumbering motions with its long arms on its sides. "Bewear, remember this is a serious battle, be very careful." he calls, while the pokemon nods and turns to face its opponent. "Let's win this fight!" Luke calls out, while Bewear raises both arms and lets out a sharp squeaky roar.
Cyber Frost
Cyber Frost EXPLODED into the arena. Literally! An explosion of ice energy suddenly erupted from the arena floor and a cold wind blew outwards freezing the ground. As it dissipated, a tall figure with violently spiked up blue hair appeared. It was the infamous Frost, as she walked forward with that hyper aggressive swagger that was reserved for hooligans. Slack shoulders, deliberately long steps, and even though she was wearing a face mask- you just knew she was grinning.

The Theme Song playing in the background, she raised her arms to the side and looked around, flicking her fingers upwards to urge the audience to cheer more -for her- obviously. Ah.. it felt good to be back in the arena!! It may not be the Mortal Kombat tournament, but it was something, dang it!!

The kunoichi cracked her neck and fixed her power core at the center of her chest.

"Kombat mode: Engaged!" She said to herself as she took a relaxed Tong Bei Quan stance, feet slightly apart, fists forward making an L shape in front of her. She glared at her opponent- oh great, it was Luke with his cute bear Pokemon. Crap, now she was going to have to pull her punches a little otherwise Suiren would be mad at her...

No, no, she can't pull her punches even if this is Suiren's friend, she'd make a terrible example like that. Strike first. Strike hard. NO MERCY!

"Give me a good fight, kid!!" She yelled at Luke and his Pokemon from across the arena, furious blue eyes staring forward.
Drogo Peaudouce
     Jacques is grinning ear to ear at Frost's entrance, glad that /someone/ has a bit of showmanship around here. He can't be expected to do all the work, after all! In any case, now that both fighters are in their places, he nods and announces, "Okay! Let the battle of otherworldly titans... BEGIN!"

In unison, both girls behind him strike the gong with padded wooden mallets. GOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNG!
Luke Gray
    Luke was stunned by the entrance... wait, they had to do something cool like that?, he didn't realize that!. He was in the middle of that, while the Bewear simply clapped a few times, apparently enjoying the display. The bear was already preparing before the gong started, roaring again and raising those big.. can they be called paws?. 
    Luke nods at Frost's comment, and as soon as the gong sounds, he is calling a command for his pokemon. "I don't know what kind of fighting style she has... so let's be careful... Rock Slide!" he calls.
    As soon as those words come out, the pokemon growls, raising both paws as a ring of white sparkles form above it, which transform into... a group of medium sized boulders!, they hover there for a moment, before the pokemon roars again and throws both arms forward, the ring of stones sent flying quickly towards Cyber frost!
Luke Gray
>> SUMMARY[Luke Gray] >> Bewear used Rock Slide!
Cyber Frost
That was the trick, Luke. Cyber Frost always started with something cool!

At the very least Frost was elated that the Bewear seemed hyped for the fight with all its roars and eagerness for Kombat. She was afraid that she was going to be fighting so fluffy cuddle bear, but at the very least this Pokemon looked like it had spirit! Good! This might be a worthy battle after all.

"That's more like it." Frost whispered to herself as the Bewear launched a ring of rocks at her, and Frost.. actually.. started running towards it! "Auger Lunge!!" She extended her arms forward and both her hands turned into ice drills, the ground beneath her turning to ice so she could slide and propel herself forward and into the attack. "HRAAAAAAH!!!" The cyber ninja gave a warcry as she drilled her way through the rock like a true miner, breaking through them and pushing onto the other side. She was not about to get zoned by this bear and wanted to close the distance as soon as possible!

As she broke through Bewear's projectile she started running right at him, upper body low and hands closed into fists ready to strike.
Cyber Frost
>> SUMMARY[Cyber Frost] >> Klosing the Distance
Luke Gray
    If Luke is shocked about Cyber's reaction to the attack, he makes no show for it, making note of how fast she was running, clearly prefers things up close!. The pink fluffy bear opened its eyes wide and seems to somehow smirk, shaking both paws, "Bewear, get ready!" he calls. The large fluffy pokemon begins to charge at Frost too, short limbs moving quickly, but clearly running speed doesn't seem to be its forte, the pokemon clearly wanting things up and personal too. "Close combat!"
    There is no flashy reaction to the call, but Frost might notice some slight changes on posture as it gets closer, and in a sudden flash of speed, begins to attempt to hit the Kombatant in a flurry of punches, moving so fast it almost looks like it has multiple sets of paws. Yet, a good eye can tell it is so focused on the strike, it is forgetting its defense...
Luke Gray
>> SUMMARY[Luke Gray] >> Bewear uses Close Combat!. Defense down. Special defense down.
Cyber Frost
Frost's deranged blood thirsty eyes grew bright with delight when Bewear began running towards her to meet her charge. Yes! YES! FINALLY! Some melee Kombat!!

Much like the previous attack, Cyber Frost made no attempt to get out of the way. Her defense to dealing with wanton fury like was to simply charge straight into it and overpower her opponent with fury of her own. "Ten thousands strikes, eh?? Impressive!" Frost cackled as she apparently knew the name of the technique Bewear was using, albeit from her own world. Frost collided into Bewear and suddenly her own arms starting to move in a similar flurry, opening her palms to block each and every strike Bewear was throwing at her with a palm block. Shockwaves of impact exploded with every strike connected, but Frost was actually cackling, she lived for this kind of stuff. "HAHAHA!! You gotta aim those attacks, fluffy!"

Frost was doing far more than blocking though, and -this- is when things might get a little bloody. As she performed her Ten thousand palm blocks technique, she summoned a knife made of pure ice and tried to swing it at one of Bewear's outstretched arms. "Otherwise you're wide open for this kinna stuff!"

If she managed to catch him, she would stick the knife deep into the Pokemon's tricep and yank it hard towards her to try and rip out the fluffy bear's arm ligament and render that arm completely useless for the rest of the fight. Bleed her opponent first and weaken it, then move in for the kill. That was the kunoichi's style.
Cyber Frost
>> SUMMARY[Cyber Frost] >> Klose Kombat? I love Klose Kombat!
Luke Gray
    The pokemon's flurry of 'punches' continues, growling as it realizes the opponent was apparently more than ready for it, what was this thing its was fighting?. Luke is certainly shocked at that laugh, "Bewear!." Perhaps it was jsut something on the voice of the trainer, but seems the pokemon also sensed something going to happen. The pokemon's fur proves to be surprisingly dense, slowing down the stab, and the pokemon's hide is certainly harder than a human's, so the blade manages to not go quite as far as expected, even if it shears a portion of the fur, and leaves a decent cut along the limb regardless. Even as the blade sliced, the pokemon's free arm moved forward, trying to aim a full force punch on Cyber's stomach. Regardless of the 'contact' of the attack, the pokemon jumps back, while Luke tries to get a better view of the bleeding wound.
Luke Gray
>> SUMMARY[Luke Gray] >> Bewear used Revenge. Also, Bewear is now bleeding from one arm.
Cyber Frost
"Ooh! Didn't like that, huh?? HAHA!!" Even if the blade didn't fully sink into Bewear's arm to rip out his ligament as Cyber Frost intended, it still caught him in the arm, and the sensation of a blade sliding into flesh and fur was -delicious-. "Yess..." So much in fact that Frost may have been slightly distracted for the Kounter Attack. WHAM! "OOF! Well, shit.." Bewear's big paw caught the ninja right in the gut and she actually backed off and doubled over, holding her stomach with her hands, eyes wide and in pain.

Had it been a regular human, the wind would surely be knocked out of Frost and she'd be down on the ground trying to recover. But.. that was the thing see? Frost was no longer human, and though she had sustained some damage from that attack her cybernetic body allowed her to simply shrug off having the wind knocked out of her. Frost didn't actually needed to breath anymore.

Recovering from the attack far faster than a normal human, Frost looked up back to her opponent and- oh look! Bewear is checking his wound!


"Hmrrr!!" Frost pushed forward by digging her back foot onto the ground, hands together and pushing towards Bewear. She had been sent several feet away so there was no way she could reach Bewear in time right?

Well, that's what the massive spear made of ice was for. A giant icicle suddenly elongated from Frost's hands and the ninja aimed to use it as a spear, trying to impale Bewear's thigh and run it right through his leg. This time she was targeting the bear's mobility by rupturing the peroneal artery and trying to make him bleed out.
Cyber Frost
>> SUMMARY[Cyber Frost] >> Bleed some more.
Luke Gray
    Indeed, Bewear was not paying attention, checking on its wound, and Luke was moving to get closer, but an experienced pokemon trainer never stops paying attention to whatever is happening in the ring, he is aware Frost is not going to respect turns. And thus, Luke has time to make one command, as she seems to shrug off the body blow that might have not just knocked someone, likely cause very severe internal damage too... the pokemon was being careless, or perhaps, simply aware of what it was fighting?. 
    "Substitute!" comes a single command, with clear panic in its voice at the sight of the weapon, and his pokemon instantly reacts, smashing both paws on the ground, causing a cloud of dust!. Still, Cyber feels something impact with the impromptu spear, and as the dust fades, she sees a translucent copy of her target, standing right in her path, with the spear stuck on its leg. A moment later, it fades, while the original pokemon is now charging ahead. While unharmed, it is clearly worn down, seems using that style of defense is not easy. "Thunder punch!" comes the command, as the pokemon rushes to bring another punch, electricity bursts around the fluffy beast's pelt and focuses on the approaching fist, trying to both slam her nad hit her with an electric discharge.
Drogo Peaudouce
     "Are you as speechless as I am, folks? We've got a great fight so far! Our contestants are really pulling out all the stops, but it looks like the bear might be put on ice!" Jacques announces, his voice echoing through the stadium over the cheering crowd. "But wait, looks like the teddy bear has some tricks up his sleeves too! It's a real back and forth, folks!"
Cyber Frost
"Aw! Come on!!!" A fake out clone!? She was supposed to be the ninja who used those kind of techniques, not this bulky fluffy bear!!

At the very least it appeared that moving that quickly had taken a bit out of that bear, no doubt it took a lot of energy to move that much bulk around. Frost threw her ice spear away and shifted her stance towards the incoming Bear, eyes widening a little bit as she tried to move out of the way only to get clocked right in the jaw by the electric punch!

"BWAAGGH!!" She yelled out, her ninja mask going flying out and her head..uh.. it actually went backwards. It looked like Bewear had broken her neck!

"You little--" Oh right, cyborg. Frost grabbed her own head and pulled hard to the side so she was facing forward again, that attack had hurt!! And now she was pissed!

Aiming to throw a blow for a blow, Frost swung forward, her fist turning into a drill and she swung it hard at Bewear's sternum, trying to literally punch through the Bear's body.

As Luke might recall, Suiren told him that Frost had casually broken a Blastoise's shell with a punch, and she was probably not using her drill fist in that fight.
Luke Gray
    The technique was simply... not quite like how Frost might know it, less trick of speed, more brute forcing the double. In ideal circustances, the double can actually work as a decoy for prolonged periods of time, even absorb some damage before passing. Luke is no longer shocked, all he is seeing makes it clear Cyber is far from just... normal, and has a feeling that at this point, asking for a forfeit might not work, until either Frost was satisfied or he won.
    Bewear seemed quite ready to keep fighting for sure, "Endure!" he calls, the pokemon's paws move to get in the way of the drilling fist, aiming ot stop it from... well... goign past its intended path. It did damage for sure, to his paws, and to his chest, tearing more of his fluff, and leaving clear cuts and bleeding spots, but to the pokemon's credit, it seems as stubborn as the cyborg ninja.
    Still, the damage was done, and was bleeding, and there is one final attack to try, before throwing the towel. "Reversal!". The pokemon seems to takes one step back, before letting out a loud, deep snarl, a bright orange aura flaring around it, the Bewear's eyes glowing, before the bright orange aura focuses on its paws, and attempts a final, high speed punch, just aimed at the Kunoichi's direction, discharging most of his remaining strength, and pain, in that last attack, before staggering back, panting and clearly having trouble even standing up. If that move was not enough to secure the win, he was in deep trouble.
Cyber Frost
Oooh! The Bewear caught the drill with his paws?? "Huh, that's pretty badass, not gonna lie." Cyber Frost's grin was now visible since her mask had been blown off, and she had to admit that this fluffy looking bear was giving her more of a fight than she expected. Nonetheless, she was determined to rip through him, friend of Suiren or not, and she kept grinding into him with her drill. Her heels dug onto the ground and she pushed harder, intending to actually walk into the blow, pressing against him harder and harder, all the while her sadistic grin and wide eyed look endured.

When Bewear backed off however, it was clear that he wasn't quite done despite having taken a drill to the hands. She sensed massive chi coming from him which signaled that a massive attack was coming. "Bring it on!!" Frost snarled and brought her own arms up to take the blow in the forearms. As a ninja she far preferred to try and dodge out of these things, but having seen the Bear just 'tank' her attack like that was inspiring and it drove her to do the same.

"Uggh!!!" Bewear's attack SLAMMED into her, and she dug her heels again trying to resist it as best her cybernetic body could. Frost's body arched backwards and her left arm actually went flying, crackling with electricity along the way.

But she was very much still standing.

"I told you." She snarled as she straightened herself up. "You gotta aim those attacks!!" The ninja surged forward again, not caring that she was missing an arm. She leapt at Bewear and did a full frontal flip, swinging both of her legs forward to try and slam her heels on Bewear's collarbone, trying to shatter his clavicle completely with a double axe kick.
Luke Gray
    As Cyber attempted that final attack, the pokemon simply seems to collapse, perhaps from a mix of exhaustion and bleeding. As the big fluffy pokemon falls, the boy lets out a final call, reaching for his belt and pressing something, "I give!". The pokemon is engulfed in a flash of red light and seems to be 'absorbed' by something in Luke's hand, with Luke's face showing how nervous and worried he had ben about the fight by this point. "You win!" he repeats, even as he takes some steps away from the ring, in case Cyber gets a bit carried away after being 'denied' the final attack.
Drogo Peaudouce
     The gong sounds again, marking Cyber Frost's victory. As the audience lose their minds, some literally as a few fights break out in the stands, Jacques declares, "And there you have it, everyone! With a cool head and ice in her veins, the winner of this round is... CYBER FROST!!"
Cyber Frost
Where's the crunch?? There was supposed to be a crunch!! "Oop! Hey! What the hell!?" Cyber Frost cursed as her kick hit nothing but air and she landed on her feet. She glared at Luke at taking away the glory of her finishing move and just looked about ready to jump out of the arena and try to attack the boy directly.

Fortunately, there was the gong, and the cheer of the crowd.

Frost exhaled cold air and kept staring at Luke, but nothing doing, it'd be very bad form to continue attacking.

She just stood there and raised her remaining arm up in victory.
Luke Gray
    The trainer takes several steps back, now a bit panicked... is this the person Suiren wanted to train her?... he looks around nervously, and only seems to stop when Cyber finally pauses. As scared as he is, he cares too much about his pokemon, and without much waiting, lets Bewear out and begins to quickly offer first aid to the fluffy pokemon, bandages, and sprays, this will keep him busy for a little while.