Demon Queen (Dropped)

Demon Queen
World: The Demon Queen is an Intern-1
Actual Age: ~200
Apparent Age: 20
Quote: (monotone) "I am the Demon Queen. You are brave to face me, heroes, but your journey ends here. Your sword may have cut through my demons, but it is no match for my powers etc etc please make sure to leave a good review."
Role: Demon Queen/Intern
Species: Deity
Theme Song: Guiseppe Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor, Allegro assai
Voice Actor: Laura Bailey


Daria Qarr'zy, or "Daaria" as she insists because the first 'a' is supposed to be long, is the daughter of the current Goddess of Harvest and the current Judge of the Dead. She grew up a lazy good-for-nothing godling confident of and resigned to being shoehorned into a promising career path. When she was just a bit over 200, she was given the Demon Queen internship by the Management. She roams around the World Tree and tries to fulfill her getting-heroed quotas, scrape together rent and a warm meal, get some travelling and seeing-places done, and find distractions from the drudgery of her job commanding the demons of Hell.


Responsive to Prayers: Hears people say 'damn'. Scales with intensity.
As a diety with a portfolio, She is able to hear prayers directed towards her. As the Demon Queen of Hell, the divine phrase for prayer is Damn. She gets a mental ping, with direction and distance, when someone uses an obscenity or verbally wishes harm on something. The distance that she can feel it at depends on the emotional intensity of the cursing. A toe-stubbing is perhaps the next building over. Swearing eternal hatred towards the destroyer of your loved ones is close to continent-wide. She can hear and discern any number of cursings simultaneously. She doesn't receive the words but rather just the intent. She can discern Damning at twice the distance if it's actually wishing demons on someone or wishing someone to Hell.
Own, Personal Hell: Hell as a pocket dimension for storing junk.
The infinite realm of Hell rests with the godhead in a theological sort of joint existence. She can create or close a portal to this dimension at any time, though She only has skill to do so within arm's reach. The portal leads to wherever She intends to open it within Hell. The portal appears to be a completely unremarkable, oval-shaped hole. The portal can be picked up and moved by anyone. She can currently keep one portal open at a time and can cause an opened portal to close with a thought from any distance. There are no restrictions on passage in either direction through the portal. She can use the portal as personal storage. She can find anything within arm's range by rummaging (about a closet-sized space). She can shout for demons to run and bring her stuff, which takes anywhere between minutes to weeks seemingly at random.
Fortress Vileheart: The mindnumbingly vast palace of the Demon Queen in Hell.
The divine seat of power, the eternal home, and the ominous symbol of the Demon Queen, Fortress Vileheart is awesome in its scale - a black-and-gold-and-lava construction six miles tall, six miles across, and six miles deep. It's constructed of stone and populated by countless demons. Its decor is all spikes and stones and grinning toothy skulls and flames and lava and suspiciously-sourced leather and iron chains and furniture with feet that you can stub your toe on. Its mazes of long hallways and spiraling stairs and precarious skywalks and enormous rooms and non-Euclidean geometry means that there are no maps of the place and games of hide-and-go-seek tends to be to the death.
Regalia of Hell: The crown, which is on fire, and mace, which is huge.
The Crown is a single 6-inch emerald lozenge worn by pressing against the forehead. It then manifests a very spiky crown of green hellfire floating about the head. It also manifests an armor of green hellfire in the wearer's desired aesthetic. The flames burn everything but the wearer's body and the Mace. Putting on the Crown causes the Mace to manifest at hand.
    The Mace is 6 feet long and weighs 36 pounds. It is a single piece of silver engraved with ever-shifting scenes of demons making war. It grants the wielder the strength wield it, so, somewhere near the top of human capacity. It doesn't grant skill or rooting to wield it.
Numberless Mob< Edge >: Endless demons at her beck and call.
She can use the portal as a source of demons, generally by hauling someone out by the name or by a grip on its neck or calling them to run through, one at a time. The portal can practically be up to the size of her maximum range - which is arm's length right now.
    By spending a point of Edge, the Demon Queen can briefly create a house-sized breach into Hell for several seconds, allowing sixty-six demons to come through in six seconds.
    With 6 hours of preparation constructing a scaffolding or other supporting structure, and holding concentration the Demon Queen can create a huge breach into Hell, a hundred meters across and able to spew forth a torrent of demons. When backed by a full-sized Hell Portal, there is an endless torrent of demons pouring through and swarming everything, blotting out the sun/moon/stars. These demons are all considered personally led by the Demon Queen and battle at B-Tier due to their numbers.


Demons< C-Tier Basic >: People with bat wings, horns, tails, and evil.
Demons are human-shaped, human-sized creatures with a variety of skin shades, between one to many demon horns of some description on their heads, a thin, spade-ended, prehensile tail, and sometimes bat-like wings growing out of their hips. They exhibit the intelligence of ordinary humans and perhaps a little more strength. They do human things, with no special powers from simply being demons, except for the flying part with the bat-winged ones. The majority of the gamut of human professions are reflected amongst the skills of demons, with particular preponderance in lawyers. All demons are fanatically loyal to the Demon Queen, irrationally brave, and entirely expendable. All demons are evil-hearted and naturally attempt evil deeds if not controlled.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;The demons are alone and not in the direct presence and leadership of the Demon Queen, the demons battle at D-Tier. But when they are led personally by her in battle, the combined forces are C-Tier


Divine Duties: She compulsively confronts heroes.
Godding is a job, and that means She has to fulfill its basic duties. She has to meet quotas of heroes confronted (and usually defeated by). Hapless innocents menaced. Things like that. She's the type to often slack off and then suddenly need to go find someone, /anyone/ to satisfy Her quota against. She is compelled - by her job requirements - to confront heroes when they present themselves. She's required to monologue and make bombastic claims and have lots of dramatic flair and impressive effects because That Is What Demon Queens Do. Threatening to leave Her a bad review for unsatisfactory menacings, epicness, and such is always an effective threat because it'll go on her performance review - bad interning means she'll have trouble getting a 'real' god-job later.
Unpaid Intern: She needs to get into money-making schemes and odd jobs.
Unlike a 'real' god-job, the Demon Queen hasn't got any real followers and, therefore, hasn't got any church tithes or donations to go back upon. That means She has a net income of zilch. Nada. The unpaid internship is exactly what it says on the tin. The Demon Queen is impoverished and has to resort to working part-time jobs, gigs, or outright begging to afford a cup of instant noodles to eat while sitting in one of the enormous dining rooms in Vileheart. This probably leads to lots of "money making schemes that inevitably backfire".
The Scourge of Nature: All natural creatures are uneased and repulsed.
Nature abhors Hell and all that it stands for. The Demon Queen's very presence causes great fear and revulsion in animals and other natural creatures. They hide and go silent. They run away in alarm. Those that can't hide or run, attack. It's an instinct that screams This Is All Wrong. More intelligent creatures like dolphins and maybe humans are usually able to will themselves to ignore this reaction. It's undirected - not that they hate or feel disgusted by Her specifically, but rather that they have a Bad Feeling About This but can't place their fingers on why. Presumably this doesn't happen to robots.
Demonic Presence: Stand out to all forms of detection like an evil beacon.
As a divine manifestation of All that is Evil and as the bearer of All of Hell, the Demon Queen registers to detection methods as Extremely Evil, Extremely Magical, and Extremely Powerful because, without adjustments, they detect Hell instead of Her. More precisely, they fail to separate out that these are two entities residing in the same location. Simple detection spells are able to pick Her up from the other side of the world. All sorts of supernatural senses ('killing intent' senses, scouters, 'ki' senses, divining rods) can pick up on Hell's overwhelming presence.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
529 Cluster One Jun 23 2019
511 My First Bank Heist Jun 02 2019
509 Caffeine Incursion Jun 02 2019
484 Interracial Cooperation May 12 2019
468 The White Hug Apr 13 2019
458 Ye Olde Antagonist Faire Apr 13 2019
457 The End of Clerk's Ferry Mar 30 2019
See All 7 Scenes


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