Aily Starfallen (Dropped)

Aily Starfallen
World: Star Wars: Old Republic-1
Groups: Keepers
Actual Age: ???
Apparent Age: 18-25
Role: Upbeat Sith Lord
Species: Human
Voice Actor: Colleen Clinkenbeard


Aily Starfallen was born a member of the nobility in the Sith Empire, known for its brutal and efficient society that ensures only the strong survive. Emotional, willful, and strong in a mystical power with the potential for great good or evil known in her world as the Force: she was a prime candidate to undergo the training she required to become someone who holds a position of leadership in her Empire. In contrast to the fact that many of her peers wound up jaded, cruel, or malicious from their training, Aily's unique personality allowed her to maintain an upbeat and sociable attitude as she grew into her power. This did not, however, make her any less powerful or any less ruthless. She quickly rose through the ranks of the military and achieved the title of Darth Calamitas, marking her as someone at the highest level of power and influence. In battle, she is known as 'The Walking Calamity' among those who have survived encounters with her, both for her lightsaber skills and her unique use of her power to exponentially bolster her physical abilities the longer she is in combat and often wielding her powers to devastating results. She focuses on overwhelming her opponents with sheer violence rather than the study of fancy powers like many of her peers.


Force Enhancement: Aily channels the Force to enhance her strength, speed, endurance and spacial awareness.
Aily Starfallen uses her connection to the Force to channel it inward and bolster her physical attributes. By doing this, she is able to dramatically increase every aspect of her physicality, from speed and strength to the height she can jump, how long she can hold her breath, and how much damage she can take before she eventually succumbs to her wounds. As a Sith, she channels this power through her raw emotion and desire to win, meaning that the more emotional she becomes during a fight, the stronger her physical boosts are to reflect this, making her a sort of Berserker in some ways.
Telekinesis: Aily is able to exert force on objects many times her size over great distances.
Aily's other strongest ability in the Force is the use of Telekinesis. Through channeling the Force, Aily is able to exert her power into the world around her. She can push with an incredible amount of force, lift and move objects many times her size, and apply pressure or grip on points with great strength. Some examples of this power in action would be throwing an opponent through a wall with a wave of her hand, summoning her lightsaber to her from across the room, lifting and throwing a boulder, or crushing the windpipe of a subordinate that has failed her. Using this power has some restrictions: She needs to be able to see the area she's affecting and persistent effects only last as long as her focus.
Combat Skills: Aily is an accomplished duelist who specializes in melee weapons.
Aily is skilled with sword-like melee weapons. Her signature weapon is a silver lightsaber, though she can use any one-handed sword in a pinch. She prefers to leave one hand open so she can use her Force Powers as a part of her fighting style. She is more than capable of handling multiple opponents at once, especially when aided by her force abilities. She is so skilled with a lightsaber that she can reflect lasers and energy projectiles back at their user if she is wielding one. When wielding a lightsaber, Aily focuses on three core styles. The first form is called Ataru and focuses on relentless assault and physical feats. The second form is called Shien and is an aggressively defensive style, focusing on putting up a counterattack-centered defensive stance. The final style, and her biggest focus, is called Juyo and focuses on chaotic assaults and dangerous maneuvers meant to catch an opponent off guard.
Lightsaber: It's a laser sword. Technically a plasma sword. Hers is silver.
Lightsabers consist of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that is emitted from a metal hilt. It is synonymous with Jedi and Sith Force users. The blade is super-heated and capable of cutting through most objects not designed to withstand such a weapon. It is so hot that it also cauterizes the wounds it inflicts.


Can't Stop, Won't Stop: Once Aily begins a fight, she has a very hard time not finishing it.
Because of the heavy reliance on emotion and passion in the use of her powers, it is very easy for Aily to get carried away in her endeavors. Her Berserker-like tendencies means that she won't abandon a fight until the border of collapse, often forgoing her actual objective in lieu of defeating an opponent that has set her off. If she sets a goal for herself, she does not abandon it and will come after it full force, even over a prolonged period of time. This can make her easily distracted and, at times, predictable.
No Patience: Aily does not like waiting and hates failure.
Like many Sith, Aily is not a patient person. She does not like feeling as though her time is wasted and if she feels like it is, she is quick to anger. She will snap at people causing her delays, she will show irritation if she is held up by some process, and she will kill subordinates that she feels have failed her. Because of this impatience, Aily can be provoked into making rash decisions that she thinks will save her time or accomplish her goals faster.
Never Trust Anyone: Aily has learned to never trust anyone, even those closest to you.
The way of the Sith is the way of distrust. Even your closest apprentice is someone who might betray you. Because of having to grow up and survive in this world, Aily has difficulty trusting anyone besides herself. She almost always deals and negotiates with people in bad faith and assumes others will do the same to her. This means that the few times she acts in good faith, people may not believe her. It also means she will be confused when she negotiates with someone who trusts her and they are offended by her actions in negotiations.
Weakness Is Intolerable: Aily believes that the universe should only accommodate the strong.
The Sith Way teaches that only the strong have any right to control the universe and that the weak are merely pieces on the board. Aily takes this philosophy to heart and believes that weak people deserve no help or aid, and that if they were stronger they would be able to improve their conditions or positions. This may seem heartless to some, but it is Aily's way of seeing the universe and one she adheres to strongly. This can cause Aily to be unsympathetic to the plight of others, overlook someone who could some day become strong, or not consider the power of numerous weaker individuals teaming up together.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
98 The Tomb Of King Takhamun III May 02 2018
82 Reversal of Fortune Apr 17 2018
49 Rancor in the Fog Mar 15 2018
27 Tea and Keepers Feb 04 2018
7 Messiah Complex Jan 10 2018
See All 5 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.