World Tree MUSH

Reversal of Fortune

    Tomb raiders have swiped some ancient artifacts from a trap-filled pyramid that had been buried beneath the sands until recently. That's old news. The new news is how the curse has been picking them off ever since, and in desperation the survivors have hired some people to return the cursed artifacts to their resting place.

    Dynavist Corporation on Athena's world has been gathering otherworldy artifacts for a long time, and don't believe in the curse. This is the perfect chance for them to swipe it and put it to better use, so they've hired a team of mercenaries to do just that.

    Players can come as part of the team to restore the artifact, either out of interest in historical relics or because they were hired to, or even as part of the team to steal it!
Character Pose
    Athena was only here because she'd gotten a lead on something Dynavist was after that involved 'magic' somehow. That's the only thing she'd found, and she'd made some calls, and ended up catching wind of the group headed for the tomb. Two and two together, anyone who came with her snagged a ride on escort duty.

    A brief sandstorm had delayed the group, but this world was also weird, for her. Geography was different, and things were not as they seemed. Pyramids and traps abounded. But now the group she was with, consisting of a few dusty and bedraggled porters and mercenaries carrying a large chest-like object, was reaching the surprisingly intact pyramid.

    Only one of the group, a Mr. Cartlin, was from the original expedition. He was looking a little flushed, and had a weird black growth crawling up his neck, but seemed to be handling the heat and fatigue fine. "On the way out, the traps triggered in a different way. The way we went in is sealed off by several doors, and we don't have the equipment to drill through."
Aily Starfallen
    Mysteriously, there's already two people at the Pyramid when the group arrives. Judging by the plethora of candy wrappers on the ground, they've been there a while. Also judging by the bottles of pop littered around, one of them has a sweet tooth. It's probably the one with the hood. 

    After all, she has a Twix in her hand. Aily Starfallen, Sith Lord, had developed a sweet tooth and a minor addiction to off-world candy. She munched the chocolate-covered confection and went over a data pad, talking to her companion, "So Dynavist wants this thing, huh?" She ponders, munching the sweet as she looks down at the pad, "Looks like they're offering any Keeper who brings it to them a lot of money."

    "Personally, I'm curious if it's really cursed. If it's a pretty tainted object, I might want it for my own collection. Stuff with a lot of hate and malice around tends to empower my kind." She flicks the datapad, "Either way, it's a waste to bury it."

    Protagonists, meet your obstacle for actually escorting your relic. She's waiting for you in front of the pyramid.
    Aily is not alone! There's a teenager with her. Long white hair, panicked purple eyes. She's fidgety, she looks uncomfortably, she's... unarmed, unarmored, wearing a white hoodie and jeans.

    "I-I hope it's not cursed, I don't want... I mean what if... i-it could be really dangerous and..."

    This is awful! Absolutely awful. Elise, evidently the primary personality, doesn't know how to deal with potential cursing. Like she isn't cursed enough already!

    "W-What if we just take a picture of it, would t-that work?" No, it wouldn't. The dominant personality is already screeching in her head about letting her out to handle this instead. This mostly causes Elise to whimper without warning or cause, recoiling from an invisible enemy.
Tsuyu Asui
    "So it's kind of a school night for me. I handled all of my homework before coming along, but I can't be out too late.
    That is Tsuyu Asui, pointing out the level of importance she puts on her school career at UA Academy. But the frog-like girl is present; see she had given Athena something very important and precious that a schoolgirl can give anyone.
    Her phone number.
    That's why she's here after a few back and forth text messages. Amid all the sand and dust though, she looks really out of place in her almost aquatic looking green and black bodysuit and goggles. Every now and then she wipes some sweat from her brow, and from the looks of it she brought plenty of water with her, but she's also gone through a good portion of it already. "You know, I've only seen pyramids in books about Egypt. I never thought I'd actually get to see any up close." She muses, eyeing the chest. "Or be around cursed artifacts. Kind of creepy, huh." She muses, tapping at her lip.
    "Too bad we didn't bring one of my classmates along. He'd probably be able to blow the doors down. But he's too much of a hothead, and I think I'm getting enough heat from the desert as it is."
    Squinting and lifting a glvoed hand to shield her eyes as she peers at the entrance to the pyramid, she notes: "Uh, hey it looks like someone's already here."
    There is a tall middle aged man with short blond hair and a look that seemed as hard as he looked. A long black coak with various insignia's and what not indicating he was some sort of sailor. He also wore gloves on his hands, tough leather gloves that seemed to indicate that he used his hands a great deal. The look on the man was no-nonsense. He looked towards Aily and then Elise. 

    "I wouldn't ignore curses. They are very real. Infact, you are walking with one who called 'The Reaper' for a reason." Eizen says, keeping his relaxed pace on the inside of the pyrimid. He looks up, however...

    "Looks like they're here." Eizen says. "Like I said before, you walk with the Reaper. Be careful, more than normal, or the Reaper's curse may claim you." He says, though one might think he was trying to scare a degree he was. Those who stayed too close to him tended to not live long lives, unless they were strong.

    Eizen steps from cover and heads out towards the group of people escoring the item. "I'll be taking that from you." he says, casually.
Elise's postures shifts. She's now standing behind Aily, where it's safe. Safer. Probably safer.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag was clad in desert clothing heck she even had goggles pushed up over her head wrap for the event another storm started up, she was also far more armed than she normally had been seen. Her pack had a shotgun looking a little low tech, hanging from her pack, there was a sword on her belt and she also had a pistol in one holster, she was also not alone. Clever and two other raptors were with her today. 

Olivia then mutters something that might not be expected out of her mouth.

"C4 might bring the house down, too so that's a not a good idea. It's wise to be returning these thing...."

There is someone in the way from the looks of things and she's not alone either. Olivia looks at them for a moment.

"Cursed things should be left buried. You are either too greedy or stupid to understand that somethings are best left untouched."

She's already going for her shotgun and levels the seemingly low tech weapon, she does not seem to be afraid. Her beasts form up with her the trio or Raptors hissing in a threat display, and their eyes seem to hint they are not mindless beast they seem to be forming up with Olivia.

She takes note of Tsuyu and is very glad she's along on this. The other woman before them seems to have an odd thing going on and her clothing is really odd to Olivia. Then again she's a savage likely by Aliy's and Elise's worlds standards.

Then comes Eizen, things are really hitting the fan now, her eyes move rapidly tracking each hostile.

"Tsuyu I can try to run some interference....for you."
#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGE She gives a sharp whistle and the Raptors shift their formation, moving to flank Olivia and wait for the order to attack, if things go that way, this is totally a threat dispaly and one saldy won't likely pause such powerful people, like those before them.
Aily Starfallen
    "Oh. I believe in curses. I just come from a world where if you know how to use them, they make you more powerful," Aily says to Eizen as she cracks her knuckles, "Anyway. You should consider signing on with the Keepers after this. We don't mind that you're cursed." 

    Taking shelter behind Aily won't do much for too longer for Elise, since Aily isn't one to stand idle. Or defend people, really, "Elise. Try to keep up." Aily says as she debates her options. She can go for the lightsaber, but that won't do more than occupy one or two people.

    Thus, Aily instead puts both hands out to her side. She then lifts her hands upwards and immediately claps them. The effect is instantaneous and obvious: A huge amount of the sand in the area is lifted straight up and then churned in the air as if pushed around by an unseen force. It creates an instantaneous and chaotic sandstorm that surrounds a good chunk of the desert around the pyramid.
Aily Starfallen
>> SUMMARY[Aily Starfallen] >> Create: Darude - Sandstorm
    "No, this isn't right either..." Blues is saying. Why aren't his attempts to teleport home working? It's frustrating... both that he can't get back, and that he just briefly thought of Dr. Light's lab as 'home' even though he hasn't lived there in years upon years. Now he's ended up... on top of the pyramid. WAAAAY at the top where it's actually hard to see in the glare of the sun. And now there's an obvious bit of trouble starting. "Huh... those guys had better take cover."

    Magnifying his vision, the robot scans the pyramid, looking for any openings that might be hidden in some way.
    Sigh, "Oh come on..." Athena gripes, when resistance pops up RIGHT in front of the objective. "Don't be that way. We just want to put this back." It's a reasonable request she thinks! "You should respect the religion... or something. I don't actually know this pantheon."

    While she's talking, Athena is looking at every one of the opponents in front of her. Eizen, Elise, Aily... and the upcoming dust storm that Aily is whipping up around them. She grimaces, but steps in front with a nod to the others. "I guess they needed our help after all. Thanks for coming." Tsuyu and Olivia are reliable support... but these guys look strong, which is making her worried. The dust storm is even worse, but she just covers her mouth and directs the people nearby to head in the right direction, using her awareness to guide herself and the allies. "We need to find a way in while distracting these guys."
Tsuyu Asui
    Eizen steps forward and states some pretty outrageous demands. Tsuyu assumes that, in being together, Aily and Elise are of the same goal, and froggy girl stares at them rather vacantly for a moment.
    "Interference for me? I thought that was my job." She asides to Olivia in a mild croak.
    But then the sands flow in, the Sith-derived wild sandstorm making it difficult to see and breathe. Pulling her goggles down helps at least in keeping the sands from getting in her eyes.
    "I read in a book once that most of these tombs don't have just one entrance. There's usually another one aside from the main way in." She notes. "Finding it though might be a little tough. For all we know it could be buried under years worth of sandstorms."
    Being in another one right now probably isn't helping. "I'll try and keep an eye out for it but... Well I'm going to be honest things are looking pretty bad right now."
    "I-I'll t-try," Elise stutters, forced into action by Aily moving out of the way. She's not comfortable! Not in the slightest. But she's being told to do something, and it's a nicer tone than her alter egos use, and, and...

    It's all just very scary and overwhelming right now.

    A blade appears in the air, large, black and purple, triangular, more like a sword sheathed in a big technosheath than an actual blade. Elise grabs on to it as it lowers within reach, and a swarm of purple butterflies suddenly forms around it, the sheath clicking open to release her power.

    The blade, and Elise, disappear in the swarm of butterflies, and after some purple and black flashes, there's just Elise left again. She's armored now, in black and several shades of purple, a suit that'd easily let her pass off as a Reploid if she wanted. Her scleras are black, her hair's turned purple though is largely hidden by that cobra-like helmet.

    Sadly, the newfound armor has done absolutely nothing for her confidence or posture. She's still meekly hunched over and fidgetty.

    What it DOES help with is let her release some kind of bright purple flash of light. And then nothing else. She's helping, okay!!! Just wait for it.
    Eizen shrugs towards Athena, "Nothing personal. Someone has paid a lot of money for the relic, and it's not part of my creed to go back on a job taken in good faith." Eizen says, before looking sideways at Olivia. "Greedy? Probably. Stupid? Why don't you come see." Eizen says, and whips left arm down, revealing a sort of braclet around his arm. It's too thick to exactly be a decoration, but it's...not exactly a weapon either. He seems to take a relaxe stance, as the storm of wind and sand spin around him...what's funny, is that he seems not bothered by this in the least. 

    Infact, as a spirit of Earth, and master of wind...he decides to aid the sand storm along, aiming to seperate the defenders from their charges, so he could go after the artifact directly and get it out of here.

    He looks towards Tsuyu... "A Malak?" He asks, not sure what she even is.
Aily Starfallen
    "You should respect my religion, instead, girl. Which says artifacts like those should be claimed by the strong, not squirreled away for dead people that have no point any more in this world," Aily pulls her hood up but none of the sand seems to actually threaten her mouth or eyes. A benefit of having such a strong telekinetic power is she can repel that away from her. 

    Aily reaches down to her hip and draws a silver cylinder from her beltline. She rotates her hand slightly and it immediately ignites with a cyan-colored blade that seems to erupt from the end of it. She has her lightsaber in hand now, "Besides. I honestly need a win right now. The last time I did an artifact mission, a bunch of people were a pain in my ass."

    Aily dashes into the sandstorm soon after saying this, not that hard to track due to the glowing blade of her sword as it moves through the flurry of dust and sand. Luckily, she wants people to know exactly where she is, since she's trying to scatter anyone that might be guarding the relic so she can prevent it from moving forward.
    Wait is that a REPLOID?!

    What's a Reploid?

    Blues does see some weirdness, but he's seen a lot of that. And right now, he also sees someone he knows. "Huh..." And a someone in trouble, or multiple someones rather. Athena seems like kind of a shoot first kind of girl, but she's protecting someone? That's kind of interesting.

    That's interesting enough for Blues to step in. He doesn't want to just shoot people in the back, so instead he is going to give them a hand by providing a pincer. His shield is tossed onto the slope of the pyramid... and the fluttering yellow scarf marks his progress as the robot hops onto it and 'sleds' down the side at high speed, ending up ramping off the major entrance and slamming into the ground with a spray of sand from behind, his arm cannon lifted.

    Of course, in midair, because he's nervous, he ends up whistling a particularly memorable tune.

    "Hey, I think you all need to step aside if they want through."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag eyes narrow ate Aily moves the sand like it's water and she shouts out. 


she's got time to get her goggles down, which will keep the sand out of her face but there's no way she can get a clear shot for the moment. She looks to Athena,

"What is going on who is that witch!?"

The raptors are not happy, she whisles ordering them to move and try to flank their employer to guard them while she's trying to do what she can to make herself useful a normal foe she could fight? Something like this was more akin to a force of nature, and now comes the girl who transforms.

She gets an idea of what to do she will end up opening fire on Elise trying to keep her focus off artifact the shotgun roads as it fires a shot for her, it doesn't need to hit. All Olivia needs to do is get her attention on her...rather than the relics.
    "I don't know what's going on," Athena shouts back over the whipping wind and sand. She's trying to step back into a defensive stance... or at least, that's what it looks like. She isn't really making good defense because she's whispering something to the drone on her shoulder.

    "You don't know what you're dealing with! It's a curse that will eat you alive!" She isn't actually sure of the specifics, but she's trying to keep things going... while Little Owl is off and launched, zipping around to try to escape the sandstorm and scan for the entrance Tsuyu was talking about. She seems to know what she's talking about.

    When Blues appears it's something of a relief, and a surprise. "Blues? Is that you?" She's never seen him with his helmet on, but the voice she can tune in on.
Tsuyu Asui
    "A what?"
    Tsuyu has no idea what a Malak is to say the least, and the girl turns her goggle-clad vacant-eyed stare at Eizen for a moment. "I'm a human." She says pretty matter of factly.
    Now there are a few issues here. One of them is that Tsuyu does not want to get into a direct confrontration, she won't be able to stand up to much of anyone.
    Aily has that laser sword.
    Eizen is making the sandstorm worse.
    Elise is... Being kind of cute, but should probably noy be tested.
    It's now, between desperation and curiosity that Tsuyu just starts lashing the relic case to Olivia's raptors to get it moving again, but once that's done, she does something curious; heaving on the lid of the case holding the artifact. "Geeze this thing is heavy..." Muttered as she lifts the lid up to get a look at the thing inside.
    Elise is getting fired at by Olivia. It's awful.

    At least she has the common sense to raise her armored wrists up, those big, weird sleeves acting as decent shields against a firearm. Not as good as Blues', evidently, as the armor is getting dented up and the wearer is... almost flailing.

    "W-Why isn't it doing anything I u-used my power I swear!"
    She really did!
    It's just taking a moment to register.

    That's fine, though. Here comes the calavry.

    Ancient mummies rise from the pyramid and the sand. They are being led by a larger, nastier-looking mummy who wears what might be the trappings of a former king. There's a lot of gold and obsidian.

    What little of their skin is visible is covered in purple veins, per Elise's particular brand of necromancy. She should be happy it worked, but...


    Elise, still reeling from GETTING SHOT, looks at Aily with a panicked (more than usual) stare. "I-I- didn't do that! T-That's not me! T-They overpowered... ah... my Septima... just woke them up i-instead of..." Well. She's not in control.

    That's probably bad for everyone.
    Eizen laughs, shaking his head. "I'm used to Curses." He says, taking another step...until SOMEONE mentions something about a witch. Olivia seems to catch his attention for a moment, as she goes on and on about something about the storm, and something about the witch... and then this causes his gaze to fall solely on her. 

    Of course, this is broken when the shot from Blues fires, causing Eizen to jump back and stare at him.

    "Don't tell me what to do." He says, matter of factly. Tsuyu announces being human, which causes Eizen to consider her words for just a brief moment, "Is that so? This universe is stranger than I would have thought...a place where Humans take the forms that some Frog Malakhim take...huh."

    Of course, this is until the Kingly Mummy announce his plans.

    He opens his mouth, closes it...and then.. "The Reaper's curse in action." he says, knowing exactly what this was.

    "If you want your artifact so badly, king of old..." he says, and smashes his leg into the ground, aiming to cause the artfact to start sinking into the well as people around it, causing the earth to shift and the sands to swallow it whole.
Aily Starfallen
    Aily is steadily getting more and more annoyed at the current situation. This is bad for Aily, but due to her powerset, it's arguably WORSE for everyone around her. She glowers as the Artifact gets lashed to the raptors and people are working on getting it out of her range of being able to defend it. Her head slowly turns towards Tsuyu as she works on it. 

    Her breathing, slightly ragged, turns more into an angry sort of growling, "Why is it... that every time I try to use an artifact... people GET IN MY WAY." She hurls her lightsaber, which is a spinning lasersword of doom towards Tsuyu as she tries to open the artifact.

    Reaper's Curse Modifier: Outside of Aily's immediate grasp, the immense amount of sand quickly gets stuck in nearly every crevice of the lightsaber and short circuits it with a flash and a pop, the blade extinguishing halfway between herself and Tsuyu.

    This actually... makes Aily MORE angry. She lets out a strifled scream of rage, made worse by the rise of zombies around her, "I am done playing around."

    Something changes. A red, sinister aura surrounds Aily abruptly as she lurches forward. She seems to flicker out of existence for a second, but that's actually just sheer speed as she moves in towards the case. In passing, she seems to pass through a mummy in her way only for it to explode a moment later. And it's in that fashion that she moves towards Tsuyu, glaring the entire way, flickering in and out of sight to cross distances.

    She doesn't attack Tsuyu when she approaches. Instead, she places her hand on top of the case and presses down on it. Now, the case is heavy. It is made to take multiple people to carry it. But the one hand Aily is using to press it down on the artifact is very likely enough to resist both raptors carrying it. It has about as much force behind it as ten trained men, pressing downward to hold the case down as she glares across it at Tsuyu.

    "Give. Me. My. Artifact."
Tsuyu Asui
    "I have no idea what a Malakhim is." Tsuyu is, at least, polite to Eizen in spite of his being with the opposing force. But it's true, she is both human, and unknowing of the creatures where he's from. But...
    In an instant everything has... Gone absolutely downhill.
    The dead rise. The sands swirl and try to swallow the case and raptors and Tsuyu with it. The world has turned to pure chaos, and the amphibian girl counts her lucky stars that frightning looking laser sword sputters out as the sands clog it up, but it's terrible luck in and of itself for HER that Aily catches up and sets her hand on the heavy case and stops it DEAD.
    Between evil mummies and staring down a furious Sith Lord, most highschoolers would likely wet their pants.
    Tsuyu just stares Aily dead in the face. Though the girl slowly lifts her hands in an 'I give up' gesture. She can't beat the dark Jedi in a battle of strength, if the woman can halt the two raptor team. It's a one-sided battle, and the girl calmly accepts that she has no chance of getting Aily's hand off. Not by force.
    "Ribbit... Sorry. I'm kind of not supposed to but. Well, you're clearly kind of strong." She admits matter of factly. "But you won't fault me for at least trying, right?" She asks as she draws a deep breath.
    What comes out of her mouth is the mother of all loogies. And she aims the toxic, venemous spit for Aily's eyes in an attempt to blind her and at least hopefully make her reach her hands for her face. But she's banking on a lot there, considering how at best it would probably be just a horrifically minor but stingingly bad inconvenience.
    But there's always hope.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Spent Edge. Spat horrible frog spit at Aily. Cue 'You Say Run', but it gets stopped by a record screech part way in.
    "Mummies, huh? Where is Pharoah Man when you need him? He probably knows how to deal with mummies, right?" That's part of exploring pyramids, isn't it? Fighting mummies? You know what, maybe he isn't going to think this through too hard. These weird screaming people and mummies and such are messing with some of the few people he's met who seemed nice.

    "You know what? I think maybe I should just get back to looking for a way in. You guys can handle the mummies, right?" He doesn't want to leave Tsuyu alone, but with Olivia here and Athena, he just... does a quick call to the goddess to tell her to keep them at bay while he does his thing.

    His thing being... PROTO JET! The sled materializes and he's going off to whip toward the pyramid. "Come on then, follow me before I break in, huh?" To the mummies. Maybe it'll work, but his real idea is to seek out that spot where he thought the stone was slightly offset.
Olivia Montag
Now there is a mummy, oh Gods her father story about them is true, she'll never hear the end of it if she lives and he finds out. She also likely has a very unhappy Elise ti deal with here. She has no idea the mummies are acting of their own will she does hear however. 

"OI OI We're here to return what is yours!"

the witch as Olivia has called Aily scereams for the Artifact, and terrible powers are let slip.

The raptors work quite well with Tsuyu they seemed used to working with people and Clever knows her too. Still the sith has them spooked but they are tryint ot move it. Olivia meanwhile is whistling several commands to them this is getting serious she has to use every ounce of her ability here not to win but to stay alive in the face of a horror fueled by the dark side.

Meanwhile Olivia is facing Eizen now and this likely won't go good for her the sand starks to sink, Olivia whistles several more commands and is trying to get the raptors to push themselves hard though she's open to counter attack as she does so. The dead are rising a women bends the elements to her will, a man with a reaper curse is here? Then she sees Tsuyu is in pretty big trouble. She has raised her raptors since they were chicks and trained them, today is the day that she sees if she's done well or has failed.
Aily Starfallen
    "You made the smart decision," Aily says, her face slipping to a smile as she looks at Tsuyu, "There's no shame in choosing life against someone you can't win aga-" And then Tsuyu springs her trap. 

    Aily was not expecting someone to vomit poison in her face and it shows in that Tsuyu hits her clean in the face and the Sith Lord immediately steps back, hands clutching her face as she screeches in agony, thrashing around as she tries to claw the corrosive fluid out of her eyes as best she can to make the burning stop.

    "You bantha-fucking whore of a girl!" Aily screams in raw, unbridled rage, "I am going to KILL YOU. I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. I! AM! GOING! TO! KILL! YOU!"

    Blind from the spray of poison in her face and trying to get her bearings, Aily reaches out around her using the Force as best she can. This is not her forte, so she elects to find the biggest thing she can grab and use that.

    (That's the Pyramid)

    With huge swipes of her hands, Aily is ripping chunks out of the side of the Pyramid and flinging them upwards before slamming them down around her. It essentially causes the area around her to become a hailstorm of cottage-sized chunks of stone and rubble as she tries to crush Tsuyu with the sheer volume and scale of debris she is dropping onto the field.

    People trying to find an alternate way into the Pyramid will discover their lives made easier(?).
Aily Starfallen
>> SUMMARY[Aily Starfallen] >> Blinded by poison. Using Force TK to rip chunks of the Pyramid off the pyramid and blindly chuck them at Tsuyu.
    OKay they're all stuck in a sandstorm, mummies are attacking, the ground is trying to EAT everyone, and... stones are hurtling through the air. Athena is feeding data from her drone to Blues to see what he can do, and the robot can quickly find the stonework that can be slid apart. With a little effort, the super strong android can probably open it.

    Meanwhile the workers are all screaming and huddling, trying to escape this madness. And Tsuyu was left in the care of Athena. She's not one to be protective, but that was the deal she made with Blues, so when Aily goes after the frog girl, Athena is the one who has to take care of it. She can only hope that Olivia can handle the mummies and maybe Eizen, because now things are going so badly she can't afford to deal with the bad footing Eizen is creating.

    So she launches herself hard at Aily, leaving herself open for Elise to do something but it's all she can do. The armored, /very/ fast moving woman is suddenly hurtling toward the Sith, trying to do a flying takedown and disrupt her concentration. "Sorry, made a deal."
    Then things litterally went to hell around Eizen. 

    Especially when a piece of the Pyrimid flies too close to his head, causing him to snap back towards Aily, "Hey watch where yo-oh your blind." A beat, "That's disgusting." He says towards Tsuyu. Of course, she is the center of the rockalanch heading her way, and Eizen after a few moments decides that he doesn't want to be near THAT. Athena seems to be heading towards, he is sure Aily can handle her too.

    Of course this leaves Olivia directly in his way...and now that there isn't much he needs to do /right this moment/ he decides to close the distance, using the sand storm to mask his approach.

    A powerful blow aims for her upper chest, aiming right for the wind pipe to try and cause the wind to be knocked out of her...because he doesn't want her whistling again. "That's for calling me a witch. I'm a Malakhim."
    It's a testament to how horribly overwhelmed Elise is that she still hadn't noticed there are DINOSAURS on the field, too. That could be pretty cool, if they weren't pretty scary too. Which they are.

    Wisely, Elise doesn't use her powers over life and death a second time. Odds are she'd wake up the mummy's ancestors and they'd side with it, too. Like that isn't bad enough! No, as she is, the best she can do is make awful whining noises as Athena charges for Aily.

    "A-Ah, no, p-please don't!"

    Her visor lowers, the two purple-pink halves of it coming off her helmet and over her eyes instead. "I-I'm sorry, p-please stop!!"

    A beam of light shoots for Athena! It's... actually it's just light. Not energy or lasers. What it is on top of light, though, is some kind of weird death-effect that tries to lock Athena in a state between life and death momentarily. For all intents and purposes it petrifies the target for a few seconds, and getting damaged in that state really sucks.

    Luckily she just wants to interrupt the charge and keep Athena in place for a moment, nothing more!

    MEANWHILE, an army of mummies of spreading faster and faster. Additional bodies raise from the sands, and when parts of the pyramid come off, additional soldiers join the fray from inside.

    "FOOLS! I AM KING TAKHAMUN III, AND THIS IS MY LAND!" the larger, more kingly mummy screams. Bolts of dark magic fly in every direction! At Blues, at Eizen, at a frog, at Aily, at... everone! They're not that powerful but they're a shocker.

    They're also a distraction, because mummies are rising from the sand directly under the artifact. A dozen of them, trying to football pile-up on the macguffin.
Tsuyu Asui
    If it was a trap, it wasn't much of one. It was just the first and last thing that would come to Tsuyu's mind in the heat of the moment, and briefly she kind of regrets pulling that stunt.
    And... Aily... Doesn't take it so well.
    She doesn't take it well at ALL, in fact. Though it does free the raptors to run with the artifact and hopefully follow Blues, it presents Tsuyu herself with a much larger problem. The problem of the pyramid itself being brought to bear on her like a weapon.
    "Oh. Oh shoot." The girl croaks, as debris and huge chunks of stone go flying. She leaps- lands on a giant brick and jumps again. There's a moment hastily jumping from stone to stone in the air, as they fly. Some landings are harder, and more painful than others as she grunts and is battered about through the air, Aily's telekenetic strength overpowering her agility by far. And it is one particularly bad impact of a hefty stone against Tsuyu's goggles and head that sends her sprawling through the air before she tumbles to the sands in an unconscious heap.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> GOOD NIGHT
    Athena is pretty capable, Blues thinks! She seemed that way last time he met her. So he trusts that she'll keep Tsuyu safe, and Olivia has dinosaurs so....

    "Hng!" A yank, a pull, and then finally the stone slap is lifted outright by the scarf-bearing robot, heaving it up to hold it above his head like a totally different hero. He doesn't have breath, but he would be panting after that. Now there's an entrance... if they can just get the artifact to it. Things are looking a little messy down there! "Guys? I think you might want to get over here!"
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag is doing her damnest but she is so in over her head it's silly, to be perfectly honest, there is a sandstorm called forth by powers that she can only even grasp at being a form of magic or witch craft, worse her allies are getting hammerd and she's foced to make a call here, she's whistles and the reaptors will snap themselves free having to abaond the artriaft least they sink into the sand and die, she has to think about how to deal with this. She's getting ready to fight and then she gets bush wakec she goes down in confusion here gasping as the air is punched out of her. 

"Yo...your...not......the witch..."

No she was calling the Sith Lord the witch, and she's down in the sands while her raptiors are busy not dying and have abaon3ed the artfiact.
Aily Starfallen
    Aily is blind, Aily is angry, and Aily is throwing Telekinesis around like it's going out of style right now. That means it's best to... clear the area around her. As a Force Berserker, for lack of a simpler description, she will run out of steam eventually, but it will take her a while. 

    And without a specific target to focus on, and with so much anger in this moment, she is going to blindly fling blasts of telekinesis around herself just to make sure no threats can enter her immediate zone and gank her while she's trying to regain her eyesight. It's one of those critical differences between her and a Jedi. In this situation, a Jedi would simply calm down, focus, and sense the world around them with the Force to see.

    Aily is instead electing to throw blasts of Force Waves that impact the ground like bombs or meteor impacts around her. So strong are the impacts that she's creating that the ground around her is turning into Shocked Quartz as she repeatedly flings blastwaves of Force around.

    When Athena manages to weave through the thrown blasts of Force energy and actually take her to the ground, the actual nature of the power she demonstrated against Tsuyu earlier shows through: Aily's Force Enhancements are directly tied to her emotional state. The more injured, the more angry, and the more unstable she is, the more her Force loops back into itself and increases her physical state.

    Aily is taken off her feet and put to ground by Athena, but Athena is going to take a few hits herself as Aily blindly swings her fists down towards whatever is tackling her. Aily was blind, but Athena has given her a physical target to throw her rage into by making contact with her. It might be smart for Athena to back out before too long, because Aily's throwing blind haymakers that could probably dent the plating on the side of a starship right now. Then again, Athena is a god reincarnate. Maybe she can withstand it, "KillYouKILLYOUKILLYOUKILLYOU!" Aily repeats as she strikes at Athena.
    Now instead of pummeled by force waves, Athena can get pummelled by fists! It does not help at all that she's caught off guard by Elise, freezing in midair and ending instead crashing into Aily with an uncoordinated grunt, and getting a bloodied nose in the process. She's tough, so it isn't going to kill her, but after sputtering up blood she is forced to roll aside and try to recover her wits. She can hear Blues, so that means the artifact is-

    Vanishing under a mob of mummies? The ancient king is laughing in triumph, and the civilian crew is shouting in panic. It's a complete mess with a robot on the pyramid holding a giant stone slab by himself, undead wandering around, dinosaurs all over, a sandstorm still whipped up by the fight, and impacts all around. Which is...

    Exactly what Dynavist encounters when their two air vehicles hum along and approach, lights flaring to try to take in what's happening. The artifact is sinking under the sand, and there's obviously a lot more going on here. These are just normal soldiers, so even if they're backed up they take one look at the complete mess everything is in and decide 'no way.'

    Turning around, they're flying off while the artifact sinks beneath the sands with the mummies, leaving Athena scrambling to recover Tsuyu and hurry the civilians into retreat from the crazed Sith, and shouting at Blues to grab Olivia.