Isotope (Dropped)

World: Zoincailla-1
Actual Age: Young adult
Apparent Age: Young adult
Quote: "I'm sick of waiting! I'm gonna do this MY way!"
Role: Explosions
Species: Cyber Kitera
Theme Song:


Isotope is a cat-like humanoid called a Kitera from the binary solar system of Zoincailla, who was brainwashed and forced to become a cyborg by the mysterious Cybers. As one of their newest "recruits", she is brash, impulsive, and hotheaded, preferring to have a good fight over any form of subtlety. This personality suits her unique ability well, as she is able to produce unstable atomic reactions to create explosions, fire electron beams from her hands, generate miniature suns, or even propel herself through the air like a rocket. Despite her power, Isotope's reckless behavior and lack of respect for even her allies can easily have her biting off more than she can chew without anyone to back her up.


Cyber Kitera: Isotope possesses enhanced strength, agility, and senses.
Isotope is, or was, a member of a catlike species from the planet Rhiotara called Kitera. Primarily a lithovoric subterranean species, the Kitera evolved with excellent night vision, hearing, and echolocation, as well as crystalline growths on their legs (or arms, for males) to shatter solid rock into a more easily consumable form. Of course, since being converted to a Cyber, Isotope's body is almost entirely mechanical and does not require any sustenance at all. Her natural physical abilities have also been enhanced further.
Explosive Entanma: Isotope can generate explosive projectiles, massive heat, and electron beams.
Isotope is an Entanma, someone capable of harnessing the magic left by the gods in ancient times. Entanma powers are (mostly) unique, based on personality, life experiences, and emotional state, and Isotope has the rather fitting and deadly ability to manipulate atomic reactions. In practice, this allows her to fire electron bolts from her body, summon atom-like spheres that detonate on contact with one another, produce massive amounts of heat, launch herself like a rocket, or even create what appear to be miniature suns. It's likely she hasn't even realized the full potential of this power yet...
Tough Kitty: Isotope is very tough and difficult to put down for good.
The magic that empowers Entanma is derived from willpower, and as such Isotope's basic will to live acts as a sort of invisible forcefield around her body which shields against damage at the cost of some of her magical energy. Visible wounds are a sign that she's running low on energy, though her Cyber augmentation makes her a tough nut to crack regardless.
Kwondai: Proficient in a kick-based martial art. Can deflect projectiles with kicks.
Kwondai is a Zoincaillan martial art similar in many ways to taekwondo, focusing primarily on strong, yet graceful kicks, which meshes well with the crystalline "greaves" of female Kitera. Isotope began practicing kwondai from a young age, but once her powers began to manifest, she let her training fall off. She still knows how to carry herself and has excellent balance and body control, however, and her Entanma magic allows her to deflect things with kicks that most (sane) people would never think to, such as bullets, missiles, or energy attacks. This also extends to her own projectiles, allowing Isotope to freely knock her own attacks around to reposition them or save magical energy.
Dominion: Isotope can manifest her magic from anywhere within 10 feet of her body.
An Entanma's Dominion is an area surrounding their body in which they have absolute control over their magic. Isotope's Dominion is a sphere roughly 10 feet in diameter around her body, and she can freely conjure, direct, and move her magical attacks from anywhere within this sphere with nothing more than a thought. Once they leave this sphere, however, she no longer has direct control over them.
Rocket Power: Isotope can 'fly' by propelling herself with explosions.
By utilizing her explosive powers, Isotope can propel herself through the air at high velocities, achieving an effect akin to flight. She also likes to weaponize this ability by suddenly ramming her enemies at speeds they may not expect.
Disruption: Isotope can return from the dead, though not guaranteed.
In the event that a fatal blow is landed, there is still a chance for an Entanma to save themselves. If they have enough energy left, and their will is strong enough, their body will disappear without a trace only to reappear sometime later, completely intact. This 'disruption' cannot be triggered voluntarily however, and is indistinguishable from true death by those who experience it, so there is no way for an Entanma to truly know if they are going to wake up a week from now, alive and well, or not at all.
Remote Hacking: Isotope can remotely take control of other machines.
Due to being a Cyber, Isotope possesses the ability to remotely hack computer systems and take control of other machines. If they have a mind of their own, then it becomes a mental battle for dominance... usually visualized as a literal battle within the mind for the sake of convenience (and rule of cool). This also divides her attention, so she's slower to react to things in the "real" world.


Impatient: Not good at waiting.
Good things come to those who wait, but Isotope does not know how to wait. If she goes too long without action, she's liable to MAKE something happen, even if it means blowing her cover and ruining her allies' plans.
Blood Knight: Revels in destruction and the prospect of a challenging fight.
Isotope is violent and destructive, and she /really/ doesn't care what gets in the way of her explosive fighting style. The way she sees it, if you get blown up, then you're either an enemy or not important enough to be worth her time anyway. Of course, there are some individuals strong enough that even Isotope will give them a wide berth, but they are few and far between.
Sore Loser: Defeat is NOT friendship.
For all that she may love a good fight, Isotope is not exactly a good sport about it. She is disrespectful toward her opponents, openly mocking them when she gets the opportunity, and refuses any sort of respect in return. Should she be defeated in battle, she is also very much the sort of person to hold a grudge, fuelled by hatred just as much as her competitive spirit.
I'm Not Listening: Isotope is bad at taking advice.
Isotope is stubbornly bad at heeding the advice of her wiser compatriots, often recklessly charging in and paying for it when she fails to assess the situation properly. Just don't tell her you told her so.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
581 Just an quiet day at the market,... and then! Oct 23 2019
See All 1 Scenes


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