World Tree MUSH

Just an quiet day at the market,... and then!

Character Pose
     It's a beautiful sunny day as usual on Ula'ula Island, and Miwa is on a trip to the market in Malie City to pick up a few things. Mostly food, with a few other supplies for her home. Having finished her shopping makes her way over to a bench in the shade, slings her pack onto the bench before sliding up there herself, and pulls a small bag of malasadas from said pack. She produces one such treat from said bag and begins to munch on it while she rests before making the trip home.
Luke Gray
    There is a bit of a curious situation not too far from Miwa, where a large Bewear is dragging a large cart/wheelbarrow in what is clearly, an attempt to make a Rickshaw. The person being 'carted' around is Luke, and some bags of groceries. "Bewear, stop, this is not a good idea, people might get mad this is not an approved pokemon page rider." he tries to reason, while the fluffy 'bear' seems happy to just briskly move down the road, until it spots Miwa and screeches to a halt, waving. Poor Luke almost tossed out of the cart. "Ow."
     From behind Miwa comes the sound of something hitting the concrete with a clink, followed by a few more approaching clinking sounds as if someone were walking with glass shoes... or more accurately ruby, once the mechanical catgirl comes into Miwa's vision, making it clear her feet and shins are covered in red crystalline boots. Her grin is like that of a cheshire cat, eyes hidden behind bowl-cut red bangs. She makes no move to harm anyone however, simply tilting her head curiously at Miwa, Luke, and the Bewear.

"Excuse me, er, gentlemen? Ladies? I'm not from around here, if you couldn't tell. I was just wondering if you could give me some information about this place, and maybe some directions. I'm a little lost, see." she says, one arm hanging limp while her other palm rests on her skirted hip. "The name's Isotope, by the way, but I don't think that'll matter for long."
     Miwa smiles and waves to Bewear and nearly creates a water balloon to catch Luke but stops as he manages to not come crashing out of the wheelbarrow and onto the street, still wincing a bit as it looked like a rather rough stop. "Hello, Bewear and Luke, nice to see you around." She says with a smile before suddenly turning around at that odd sound of precious stone on concrete. 

     She blinks in surprise and almost asks 'What kind of Pokemon are you?' before Isotope introduces herself and mentions not being from around here. "Alola!" She greets with a wave. "You are in Malie City on Ula'ula Island, largest island in a chain referred to as the Alola Region. I'm Miwa, and this is Luke, and one of his Pokemon, Bewear. I'm a Pokemon as well, a Primarina to be specific. Most don't talk, I'm a rare exception."
Luke Gray
    Luke needs a moment to recover from the sudden spot, before hearing and seeing the familiar face!. He eagerly waves towards the Primarina, "Miwa!", climbing out of the makeshift transport, before the Bewear decides to take off again. "It's great to see you as well!". 
    Both the teen and the odd 'bear' pokemon pause as they hear steps and see the curious metalic catgirl approach, Luke's glance turning to the shiny 'boots' while the pink and black pokemon tilts it's head and waves. "Oh, what my friend said. " he chuckles, "It's a pleasure, Isotope." he offers kindly, while Bewear simply makes a surprisingly high-pitched growl in greeting.
     That unnervingly wide grin turns toward Luke as he speaks up, the segmented metal tail behind the catgirl idly swishing to and fro. "The pleasure is all mine. Can't say I know of any Alolas or Pokemons though, and that doesn't answer what you are, Mister Luke. You kind of look like an Elutara, just with less arms and more eyes. Funny how you've only got fur on your head too."

Looking up toward the sky, her hair parts slightly to reveal one of her eyes, which looks... surprisingly normal, albeit with a red iris. "What's the name of this planet, then? Maybe I can find something in my memory about it."
     Miwa is glad that Luke is OK, but for the moment most of her attention is directed toward this newcomer who is clearly quite alien to her world. "What planet? Well, I believe the humans call it Earth. Though from my travels I have learned that there are several worlds that have a planet called Earth, and I've yet to find another that had Pokemon. Can you think of anything to add Luke?"
Luke Gray
     Luke considers for a moment at the question, looking more than a bit curious about Isotope's words, and well... the odd mechanical nature, then again, he has seen other odd stuff. "Yeah, Pokemon seem pretty rare, I have seen other worlds with monsters, or... dinosaurs was the word?, but not many similar things. This particular planet is Earth, but... I hav eseen other earths, so it gets a bit confusing." he chuckles. "So you haven't seen humans before? that's a first for me."
     That eye glances between the two before the rest of Isotope's head follows, giving them a curious expression. "Earth? It's named after /dirt/? Heheheheh, oh that's just precious! And there are more with that name too..." she giggles, then gives Luke another once-over. "Humans, huh? Never heard of them. Weird species." A moment later, her tail flicks and she turns slowly toward Miwa, hair covering her eyes again. "Wait a minute. The way you worded that sounded strange. What do you mean 'worlds'? Not planets, obviously."
     Her eyes widening a bit, Miwa realizes this strange mechanical person must have just discovered the tree and happened to end up in her world first. "Oh I'm sorry, I nearly forgot what it was like when I was in your position. My world is connected with many others via portals that most people call vines. I never really thought about it but I guess each one probably does have a galaxy of planets and stars around it, but only on a few do people actually travel among them."
Luke Gray
    The boy nods, "It gets really confusing really fast... I don't really get how this all works... I just know that... there are... alternate worlds? realities?, some quite different than my this." he says softly, patting his Bewear. "I certainly haven't seen a world with... metalic creatures like yours... I mean you seem like you are at least... part machine?" he says.
     The explanations cause Isotope to start letting out a low chuckle which persists for perhaps a bit longer than it ought to. "So it's like that, huh? Heheh, looks like Paradigm doesn't hold a monopoly on extradimensional scouting anymore..." she remarks, then hold out a hand for Luke to feel. "I'm entirely machine, yep. Go ahead, touch all you like. I used to be squishy like you guys, but that was before I joined the Cybers."
     Miwa certainly was curious, even if perhaps not as much as Luke, and so she moves a bit closer and reaches out to touch Isotope's hand with her right flipper while she balances her weight on the other. "Interesting. To be honest, until you started talking, I would have almost mistaken you for some undiscovered steel type Pokemon. Do you eat food?" She asks as she gestures to the bag of malasadas on the bench. "Malasada is an Alola specialty, you must try one if so. There's one for you and Bewear too Luke. If I didn't bump into you three I would have probably eaten one more and given the others away to someone else."
Luke Gray
    Miwa takes the words out of his mouth, "Yeah there are some... pokemon that are metallic, or at least look like it, but they are not machines, as far as I know at least." he muses, reaching to carefully poke at hte arm. Even the Bewear reaches, with those weird stubby paws, 'gently' bumping one side of the arm, and letting out a curious noise at the talk of Cybers and turning into metal, seems curious about how one goes about that. "So you were turned into a machine?, interesting!" he says, before glancing at Bewear, "I think I prefer you fluffy." he teases. Of course, when Miwa offers the food, he reaches to pick up two, and hands one to Luke.
     As they all go about touching her metal skin, Isotope grins even wider somehow and nods. "Yep! I couldn't be happier either. The Cybers have let me really explore what I can do with my powers, more than I ever could otherwise. As for the food, I'll have to say no thanks. I /can/ eat, but I'm not in the mood right now." she explains, then turns from one to the other. "So... Could I interest either of you in joining the Cyber cause? The human there seems entirely mundane, but I think I feel some potential from you... Pokemon, right? All it costs is a little flesh to push your limits beyond your wildest imagination~"
     Miwa smiles as Bewear is the first to go for the offered food and offers one to Luke. She then turns back to Isotope and actually giggles a little. 

     "I'm not sure I like the idea of becoming machine-like, but I am a little amused by your offer of pushing our limits beyond our wildest imagination when you don't even know what they are to start with. I meant to say this earlier when I was talking about this world, but it slipped my mind. This world, Alola in particular, is remarkably peaceful for a land where children travel on their own with creatures that can create small earthquakes, powerful bolts of electricity, searing blasts of flame, or concentrated jets of water that can cut through steel, to name a few of the major ones."
Luke Gray
    Luke takes a bite o fthe Masalada, and smiles, "I am sure there are still people here, or even pokemon that might be interested in such a change, but many pokemon are quite strong, my fluffy friend here would just pick up a car and toss it into a target without much trouble, if he wanted, and another of my pokemon can call lighting bolts." he says. "Miwa here is really strong too." he says. "I think, what might be wildest imagination, for a pokemon might not be the same as for most people." he muses. "Kind of scary to think what it might be."
     Isotope's ears perk up at the further elaboration on Pokemon abilities, and her eyes seem to glint from behind her bangs. "You're just making me even more interested, you know... and I was /hoping/ you'd decline." The temperature immediately surrounding her body, not to mention her body itself, suddenly spikes up considerably, the glowing spheres in her torso beginning to shine brighter than before. This light quickly envelops her body until it's no longer visible beneath the scarlet brilliance, blinding and burning like a small sun.

And a moment or two later, it explodes, leaving a crater in the cobblestone road, and possibly worse for Miwa, Luke, and Bewear if they don't react in time.
     Miwa's smile remains as the information given by herself and Luke seems to have interested their guest. It falters though as she somehow doesn't like the way Isotope says she was hoping they'd decline her offer, and the sudden rise of temperature, easily felt against the relatively cool autumn weather, is certainly alarming. 

     She let's out a fearful cry in Pokespeak as it gets a little too hot for comfort, Miwa quickly creates a barrier of ice to try and shield herself from the heat while she tries to retreat to a safe distance. Unfortunately she's not terribly fast on land and might need some help from Luke to get far enough away that the explosion doesn't do her any harm.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems somewhat confused at the sudden spike of heat and the glowing on the robot like kitty, being the trainer of a pokemon that is an expert in self detonation, he seems to recognize the telltale signs of an explosion, "Bewear!" he manages to call outloud as he tries to move back. Thankfully for the boy, the Beawear seems to notice a similar pattern on the cat's 'action' and his first instinct is to pick up Luke, and start making it's way away, deciding to try to make some distance, pushing Miwa aside and trying to block the fiery blast with it's fluffy, vulnerable self.
     Fortunately, it seems that Miwa and Luke have escaped the worst of the explosion, albeit with some possible damage to Bewear. However, the bench is so many splinters scattered about by now, and the metal parts melted into slag. The ground is a debris-filled crater several meters wide and about a meter deep where the explosion occurred, and as the dust settles, it turns out Isotope is standing in the middle of it, brushing herself off.

"Oh. You survived." she dryly remarks upon seeing her three would-be victims, her voice tinged with disappointment. Raising a hand to aim her palm toward them, she fires a couple of quick-moving electron bolts that fly in a strangely wavy pattern.

"Then again, maybe this will be fun..."
     Miwa blinks a bit after the blast is over and the dust is starting to settle, her gaze falling upon Bewear who took the brunt of it for both herself and Luke. A frown quickly graces her face as she hears Isotope's tone in response to the fact that they weren't killed by her explosion. There is a hint of fear added though as she hears the sound of electricity and sees the bolts of energy flying. 

     She quickly ducks low to avoid them as much as possible, possibly still taking a lesser hit depending on Isotope's aim, but either way quickly fires back with Moonblast, a pinkish white sphere of energy forming near her mouth before launching as a beam toward Isotope. "No one blows up the town on my island!" She cries, soon also flashes Luke a quick look while pointing away from the city. She doesn't want any innocents in the city getting hurt by this newcomer before the island police show up.
Luke Gray
    Luke is thankfully pretty much unharmed, if ruffled from being shoved aside by his pokemon. As the explosion stops, Bewear is seen standing, the heat from the blast having burned through the dense fluff of it's back, and leaving the thing singed. "Bewear!" calls the boy, the pink and black creature wobbling a bit, still moving to try to shield the boy from the blasts of electricity. "Return!" calls the boy, even as the bear tries to signal a denial, causing it to vanish in a beam of red light, that returns to a small orb in Luke's hand!. 
     The young trainer nods, "Dynamo!" he calls, a second creature appearing! a large, very round looking tiger, with what looks like a lighting bolt drawn on it's chest. "Help Miwa, Light screen!". As the boy says that, the 'tiger' growls loudly, rushing to Miwa's side, a translucent, yellow 'wall' forming in front of it, and the water type, the wall apparently facing towards Isotope.
     Isotope uses her free hand to move the hair out of one eye, getting a better look at the thing Luke did with the ball and the red light and... "Wow, is that a portable digitizing device? That stuff's rare even for the Cybers! After I rip your head off, I think I'll take it!" she says with an excited grin, though her good mood is dampened a bit by the Light Screen blocking her electron beams. "Oh come on, a barrier? You think that's going to stop me? I'll just-"

And then Miwa's Moonblast smashes into the cat's chest, knocking her flat on her back with a simple, surprised "Oof!" She doesn't stay down long though, picking herself up and dusting herself off again as she climbs up out of the crater, drawing closer to the trio until she's just a couple paces away from the barrier protecting them. "Yeah, you know what, I was wrong about you guys. You're pretty tough, I'll give you that."

Her hand reaches out again... but this time, in a gesture more indicating an offer of a handshake. "Sorry I attacked you, I was wrong, yadda yadda. Truce? I don't blow you up, you don't hit me with any more of that wacky pink crap..."

But while she's talking, a couple of red atom-shaped spheres form in the air above them, behind the Light Screen. Slowly, they drift toward each other, until they make contact with an ominous beeping... and a moment later, erupt in another explosion, albeit smaller than the one earlier.
     There might have been a time when Miwa would have accepted Isotope's offer of a truce without an ounce of suspicion about some sort of deception. However, her time spent living on her own and traveling the vines of the World Tree has made her a little less trusting of strangers and a lot less naive. Instead of moving closer and offering a flipper for the sort of handshake, she stays with Dynamo, waiting a moment to see if this was some sort of trap. 

     She happens to see the orbs in the reflection of a nearby storefront's glass doors and quickly leaps to the other side of the light screen, pushing Dynamo that way in the process. Now her eyes fiercely lock upon Isotope, clearly angered by this hostile guest to her relatively peaceful world. A stream of water rapidly flows from her mouth, enveloping her completely, and then a moment later, it suddenly rockets her forward, aiming to slam directly into Isotope like a water-propelled rocket.
Luke Gray
     Luke seems more concerned on the fight, not quite believing the attempt at a 'surrender', not after the casual way the weird cat person just tried to blow them up, while speaking just as calmly!. Dynamo does not quite to be convinced either, even if it tilts it's head at the offer for surrender and as Miwa brings attention to the attack, the translucent wall automatically shifts around to better block some of the blast at least. 
     Luke seems to begin ordering an attack, when Miwa simply rockets towards Isotope, getting in the way of pretty much anything his pokemon can do, attack wise. "Dynamo, flank, Rain dance!" Amusingly, the very odd 'tiger' begins dancing on it's paws for a few moments, static electricity building up, before it lets out a loud growl, glancing upwards. A thin bolt of energy flies to the sky, and several dark clouds begin to form over a small area around the group, a modest rain starting to pour on the area, hopefully putting down any sparks around the two blast areas.
     It looks like they're too smart to be fooled by a fake truce! Not that this seems to bother Isotope too much, because /now/ they're on /her/ side of that barrier, meaning they're no longer protected by it. "Heheh, that was pretty silly of you guys." she taunts them, though Dynamo's strange little dance gives her pause. "I'm sorry... what is that supposed to accomplish? You look kinda like a Kitera, but dumber. The dance isn't helping either, buddy."

The rain does put out a couple fires that started up due to the explosions, though Isotope herself is unbothered by it apart from her now soggy hair... until she sees Miwa launching herself like a rocket surrounded by water... which seems to be aided by the addition of the rain!? "Oh no you don't!" the Cyber-kitty shouts, one of her crystal-clad feet whipping up in a roundhouse kick to knock Miwa out of the air and interrupt her attack.

In the process, however, she leaves herself well open for Luke and Dynamo, whom she doesn't seem to regard as much of a threat.
     Miwa lets out a yelp which is muffled by the water surrounding her as the kick strikes the side of her torso and sends her crashing into the ground with a splash. She tumbles a bit and then flops into a messy heap of blue hair and flippers. She would have been rather shocked by the fact that Isotope managed the timing on that kick, as fast as she was going, but for the moment she was a little dazed by her rough landing. Physical combat was not her specialty anyway though, she had just let her anger get the better of her. 

     Once's she's picked herself back up off the ground, she shakes herself off a bit and wastes no more time before lashing out at Isotope once more. This time her breath turns frosty just moments before she fires a frigid aquatic blast at the robo kitty's legs and feet that would freeze on contact, encasing whatever it touches in ice. Hopefully, that will prevent her from kicking Dynamo or moving out of the way of the electro tiger's attack.
Luke Gray
    Luke just blinks as Isotope manages to kick Miwa mid rush, and starts to wish Bewear was in a better condition, he feels maybe getting close range might have been better!. Still, being ignored certainly has it's perks, like not watching that the big electric type never stopped building that static power on it. He waits for Miwa to be pushed aside by hte kick, before shouting "Miwa, back!, Dynamo, Thunder!". 

    The round 'feline' roars again, and a much larger discharge flies from the electric pokemon up to the clouds, ominous rumbling coming from them before several bolts of lighting strike the ground all around Isotope as if guided by some invisible line, a couple of them perhaps even directly. While not an actuall full blown real 'thunder' it is a heavy discharge.
Luke Gray
>> SUMMARY[Luke Gray] >> Thunder+rain dance =100% accuracy
     "Ha! Serves you right, idiot!" Isotope calls after Miwa as the sealion songstress hits the ground, then starts to make her approach for the finishing blow... only to find her feet frozen to the ground. "What the... hey! You can do ice too? No fair!"

While she struggles with that, the robo-kitty hears Luke calling for his less-robotic kitty to do something with... thunder? "Haha, I'm not scared of a little thunderclap. My explosions are /way/ louder than any-" she starts to boast, until the first lightning bolt strikes a few feet away from her, the electricity traveling along the water and through the ice to give her a little taste of what's to come. Her tail and ears droop as she realizes what's happening. "Crap."

Several more bolts strike in quick succession, a couple blasting Isotope herself with enough force to knock her down to her knees. There she kneels, sizzling after it's over, smoke and steam rising from her charred metal frame. No more snarky quips, no more explosions, just a droopy electrocuted cybercat who seems to be unconscious... or worse.
     Miwa tries not to think about what Isotope would have done to her if she hadn't gotten back up when she did. Having moved to get some distance to avoid being collateral damage to Dynamo's electrical discharge, she just looks upon the smoking metal feline for a moment, then to Luke. "Is she... dead, or just... wait robots don't faint, do they?" She asks as she looks back, moving slightly closer and listening for any signs of life within Isotope.
Luke Gray
    The boy glances back at Miwa for a moment, then at the 'unconscious' cat, "Maybe we should... call someone?" he asks, "I don't really know about... this kind of stuff either." he says, glancign back at Dynamo, who is panting heavily and slowly approaches the 'supposedly' fainted Isotope, "Dynamo, don't get too close, we are not sure it's safe!"
     As the two talk, Isotope continues to just sit there, sizzling and not moving or saying anything in return. The ice around her feet seems to have melted from the lightning strikes, yet she makes no effort to escape. It seems she really is down for the count.

That is, until Dynamo does exactly what he was told not to do and gets too close, whereupon Isotope's arm lashes out to grab the tiger by the throat. "You really... are... a bunch of idiots..." she growls, her mouth widening into a grin with an unsettling amount of teeth showing. "Falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book..."

With that said, she hurls Dynamo at Luke with strength only a machine could have at her size, and then there's another explosion- not at any of the trio, but at Isotope's feet, propelling her own body at Miwa. It's a lot like her Aqua Jet attack from earlier, only this time it's a cybernetic catgirl as the projectile, teeth and claws bared!
     Miwa jumps with fright as she sees Isotope grab Dynamo and throw him at Luke. She doesn't have any time to worry about their wellbeing though as Isotope quickly turns and rocket-leaps at her. She quickly kicks her tail against the ground, using it like a spring to propel her into a leap of her own. She manages to avoid being tackled, but she isn't quick enough to escape unscathed, wincing and letting out a sharp cry as she feels those claws dig into her tail. 

     As soon as she lands, she quickly fires off another Fairy Type attack, this one called Dazzling Gleam, that pinkish white energy explodes into bright beams of light. It's not as powerful as Moonblast, but might just disorient or temporally blind Isotope. Miwa then begins to sing, hoping to put the aggressive metal feline to sleep.

     Just a moment after Miwa finishes singing, the police finally show up, four of them, with the lead officer being a woman with amber eyes and cerulean hair, an Arcanine at her side while the others have Growlithes. She seems to recognize Miwa but her attention is mostly on Isotope, as the robot-like life form was almost certainly not from this world. "Alright, move away, we'll take it from here." Miwa nods and backs away but warns. "She is very explosive, so I would recommend getting her off-world to somewhere that can better deal with her powers."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray lets out a loud yelp, he is just a boy, and can't really get much of the way, the fluffy tiger pokemon basically bowling him over and pinning him!. At the very least Luke is out of comission for a bit, with the tiger dazed by the sudden motions as well, so neither can't assist Miwa for a bit, at least police are here! maybe they can free luke from being under a big pokemon!
     "You can't escape me forever!" Isotope declares as she sails under Miwa, just managing to nick the Primarina's tail. As she skids to a halt on the ground, she licks the blood off of her claws and gives the songstress another of her wide, toothy grins. "You're not a gemstone, but when I'm done with you, I think I might just expand my diet a little."

This, however, is immediately followed by spluttering and surprised cursing as the brilliant light of the Dazzling Gleam blinds her, causing her to start flailing until Miwa's singing has the intended effect. Her movements slowing down, Isotope eventually stops completely and simply flops over on the ground, instinctively curling up in her sleep. She may be cybernetic now, but she *is* still of organic origin after all. And as long as she doesn't wake up, it shouldn't be too hard to send her off somewhere else...
     Officer Jenny handcuffs Isotope while one of the other officers calls for backup, requesting an officer with a Jigglypuff, and plenty of earplugs. Don't want this one waking up. The two remaining officers tend to Luke and Dynamo, helping the boy out from under his Pokemon and making sure they are both well enough to make it to the Pokemon Center on their own. In fact, Miwa should probably head their too, even though the officer that called for backup notices the Primarina is bleeding and tends to her with a super potion. 

     "You really should be more careful. Off world threats like this are best left to us, or the Island Kahuna if they're around. You both could have been seriously hurt. I'd hate to see us lose a promising young trainer, and I don't even want to think about what would happen to the community around here if anything happened to our resident siren." Says Officer Jenny with a stern gaze given to both Luke and Miwa as the other officers start hauling Isotope away as she sleeps.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray thanks the officers for the help, and makes sure to reassure them that he is well adn can go to the pokemon center for a chek without any issue, he is certain his Bewear needs a bit of treatment!. But, before going there, makes sure to check on Miwa as well, "Are you ok?" he asks, "I am sorry I wouldn't help more today..." he begins, before realizing the officer was starting to chastise him. "I am sorry, it's not like we had much of a chance... we were attacked by... her, no prior warning, just a bit of conversation adn then we found caught in the fight."