Lucia de Marli (Dropped)

Lucia de Marli
World: Devil May Cry 2-1
Actual Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Quote: "I'm Lucia... Don't call me Chi."
Role: The Protector
Species: Artificial Demon
Theme Song: Wings of the Guardian, DMC2 OST - (
Voice Actor: Françoise Gralewski


An artificial demon created by a power-hungry man named Arius, Lucia was deemed a failure and discarded. However, a woman known as "Matier" found Lucia and took her in, passing down the teachings of the Vie de Marli clan, the clan that used to protect Dumary Island. In battle Lucia is quick and agile, preferring to dart in, attack with her paired reverse-grip curved short swords, and then get out of an enemy's reach, or take them down from a distance with thrown daggers. The powers of the devils sleep inside her, and she can unleash it to become a demon herself. Her demonic powers can be further augmented by her amulet, which holds gems containing the souls of other demons. Lucia's generally serious and to-the-point, particularly about her job as a hunter of demons. It's not until one gets to know her that one can see how kind and caring she truly is.


Demonic Physiology: Being a demon gives Lucia supernatural physical condition.
Lucia is made of sterner stuff than a human -- literally, since she was an artificially created demon. She is strong enough to kick even heavily armored enemies into the air without assistance from her demonic abilities, fast enough to hit lightning-fast enemies precisely with thrown daggers, durably enough to withstand shockwaves powerful enough to crack solid concrete without damage, and has enough stamina to spend long periods of time running across a large area fighting powerful demonic enemies.
Devil Trigger: Being a demon also lets her turn into one!
Lucia, as all the Secretaries created by Arius, has the ability to unleash her full power, changing her form in the process. She retains her paired reverse-grip short swords, but rather than throwing knives for long-ranged attacks, she flings supernaturally sharp feathers from her wings. In addition, her already impressive physical attributes increase dramatically, and she becomes even faster and more agile. Her appearance in this form is that of a white dove-like/harpy-like humanoid demon.
Acrobatics: Lucia is incredibly quick and flexible, in and out of combat.
While her physical condition gives her greater strength than that of a mortal human, it's her speed and agility where she really shines. Even without her demonic transformation, she is agile enough to leap between rooftops in an urban environment, her leaping ability is enough that she can leap across wide gaps, and she can tuck and roll fast enough to save herself from damage in high falls. Lucia can double-jump, run up walls, jump between walls, fling knives fast enough to hit even very quick, precise enemies and/or small objects great distances away. In combat she can hit a collection of enemies very precisely while spinning, her kick-based combat style sees her flipping and dodging around enemy attacks, and she can spin while in a handstand to spin-kick at enemies.
Combat Knowledge: Skill with reverse-grip blades, thrown knives, bombs, and unarmed kick attacks.
Amongst the combat talents taught to Lucia by Matier are the ability to wield a pair of reverse-grip short swords, the ability to throw several knives at the same time while still remaining precise enough to hit her target, bombs that she can either accurately throw or place and set them to go off after a short amount of time. Unarmed, she is capable of chaining kicks together in impossible ways, seeming to fly across the battlefield even without her demonic form, spin kicks, handstand-spin-kicks, and her kicks are strong enough to break through reinforced concrete.
Demon Hearts - Elemental: Gives attacks either a fire, an ice, or an electric quality.
Lucia's amulet is made of some kind of metal, and has places for three gems to be inserted. The first slot, which is round, houses gems that give her attacks, both melee and ranged, elemental attributes while in Devil Trigger. These are the Flame Heart, a bright orange and yellow gem, which gives her attacks a fire attribute; the Frost Heart, a blue and white gem, which gives her attacks an ice attribute; the Electro Heart, a yellow and black gem, which gives her attacks an electrical attribute. She can only gain the benefits of one of these gems at a time (one turn to swap). A downside to this is that these little bitty bits 'n bobs, or the Amulet itself, can be lost or stolen, and then Lucia would be without the extra powers they offer.
Demon Hearts - Movement: Water freedom, flight, or increased running speed.
The thin crescent-shaped area of her amulet houses gems that improve her movement abilities while in Devil Trigger. The Aqua Heart, a blue colored gem, offers her water freedom and the ability to swim much faster; the Aerial Heart, a teal-colored gem, allows her flight; the Quick Heart, a dusty rose-colored gem, increases her running speed to superhuman levels. She can only gain the benefits of one of these gems at a time (one turn to swap). A downside to this is that these little bitty bits 'n bobs, or the Amulet itself, can be lost or stolen, and then Lucia would be without the extra powers they offer.
Demon Hearts - Support: Increased attack, regeneration, and time-slowing.
The third slot of Lucia's Amulet, shaped like half a taijitu (the modern yin-yang symbol) is for Demon Hearts that give her support abilities while in Devil Trigger. She possesses three of these -- the Offense Heart, a bright magenta gem, which increases the amount of damage Lucia does with a physical attack; the Healing Heart, a blue-green gem, which improves the amount of damage to herself that Lucia can regenerate; the Chrono Heart, a gray gem, which lets her slow time while attacking enemies, making her appear to move at lightning speeds for ten seconds. The Chrono Heart has a further restriction in that it only can be activated when engaging an enemy in melee combat. Its effects last for approximately ten seconds, after which the effect ends, and Lucia must re-engage an enemy in melee before it can be re-activated. She can only gain the benefits of one of these gems at a time (one turn to swap). A downside to this is that these little bitty bits 'n bobs, or the Amulet itself, can be lost or stolen, and then Lucia would be without the extra powers they offer.
Four Arcana: Four relics with the power to seal away demons.
The Four Arcana are four relics with the power create small parallel dimensions and seal very powerful demons within these dimensions. The four relics are the "Arcana Medaglia" ("Secret Coin"), the "Arcana Spada" ("Secret Sword"), the "Arcana Calice" ("Secret Chalice"), and the "Arcana Bastone" ("Secret Staff"). The Arcana must be used in a ritual by the clan of the Vie di Marli to seal away a demon. While these relics are available to Lucia, they are in the care of Matier, the woman who rescued Lucia from being "disposed of" by Arius. Matier can also provide healing between missions, knowledge of Dumary Island, its legends, its geography, and a few things about the Demon Knight Sparda.


Fears Her Own Power: Lucia fears that her demon blood will eventually overcome her human heart.
Lucia was created as a "Secretary", an artificial demon in the shape of an attractive woman, to serve Arius. She was deemed defective and thrown away, whereupon the woman she refers to as "Matier" took her in and trained her as a demon hunter. While logically, Lucia knows that Arius would have said anything to have his will done, his words that "Everything that belongs to the devils will eventually revert to its original form" have stayed with her. And so, despite her well-meaning attitude towards people, she still fears that she will also return to being evil, and attack the innocent. This leads her to try to handle missions alone, when she could possibly have had allies if she had merely gone to others for help, as she seeks to save others from having to deal with a demon (herself). Sadly, there are plenty of demons -- in her world alone, let alone in the rest of the World Tree -- that are much stronger than she is, and this is likely to get her in serious trouble.
Plagued With Self-Doubt: Lucia tends to doubt her strength.
Despite knowing that she is stronger by a large degree than most people, Lucia often doubts that she's strong enough to take care of large, important jobs. This is partly due to how she's screwed up in the past with Arius, and partly because she also still fears that she will turn evil because of her demonic roots. This leads her to hesitate at crucial moments and may mean that she misses a chance for victory.
Naivety: When faced with harsh truths, she can't always accept them.
Lucia has a view of how the world "should" be, a view that is quite firm and unbreakable. When the truth ends up not fitting in with that world view, it tends to... well, rock her world pretty hard. This kind of complete shakeup can leave her unable to accept these hard truths, and lead to her doing foolish things and getting herself in serious trouble.
Guardian Angel Complex: She feels that people with power should only use it in defense of others.
Lucia has kind of a rigid way of viewing the world. She believes that those with power should be working to protect those without, and should ask nothing in return. To that end, she tends to grow cross with others, especially from outside her own world, who use their power only for their own personal ends. She is easily provoked into fighting by someone who intends to use their power to harm or oppress people who can't. And she may argue with potential allies who refuse to get involved in "the little people's" struggles, or pester them until they agree to assist in things that may or may not really be their business -- or hers.
Reckless: She is quite reckless when it's only herself in danger.
Lucia feels that, if it's only herself that's in danger, then there's no reason to worry. She is, after all, just a demon. She's "expendable", she feels, in favor of a mortal being that has a true life -- who can love and be loved in return.
Wards and Seals: Anti-demon stuff works against her.
Despite her good intentions, Lucia IS a demon. And as such, wards against demons will keep her out of (or inside) an area. Additionally, sealing techniques can depower her, and may even incapacitate her if they are strong enough.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
522 The Time Of Her Life Jun 16 2019
516 A New Challenger Arrives Jun 07 2019
508 Err Superiority May 30 2019
502 Border Problems May 27 2019
496 Canned Preserves May 25 2019
See All 5 Scenes


Title Date
Protectors' Guidepost, 14:1 May 17 2019
See All 1 Cutcenes