Diantha Windsong (Dropped)

Diantha Windsong
World: World of Warcraft - 2
Actual Age: 800+ years.
Apparent Age: 25 years
Quote: "Ah, the great outdoors!"
Role: Defender of the wilds
Species: Dryad
Voice Actor: Tara Strong


Diantha is a dryad from Azeroth, a quadrupedal race with an upper body that resembles elven Kaldorei, and below the waist resembles a deer. Diantha recalls a simpler, more peaceful time on Azeroth in her younger years. However, war seems to be a constant fixture on Azeroth through the ages, and during the last decade or so it seems like war is erupting all around her. As a being that strives for peace, all the senseless death and destruction she has witnessed has only strengthened her resolve to avoid acts of violence unless there is no other option. She has grown to accept that some conflict is inevitable, but she vows to do everything in her power to reduce the bloodshed and ruin befalling the world around her, even if she dies trying. As a druid, she is a talented shapeshifter, and can also use nature magic to heal the sick and injured, or to strike at foes that won't listen to reason. She is searching for friends and allies to help her toward this cause and if she can't go home, she will focus her efforts toward the World Tree.


Abolish Magic: Can destroy magical curses and enchants. Most harmful magic less effective.
As a dryad, Diantha has an innate resistance to magic, causing harmful spells cast against her to be less effective. However, beneficial magic, such as healing spells, are not affected by this resistance. She also can remove magical curses and destroy negative magical enchantments, though success depends on how strong they are and how much time she is able to work at them without being interrupted. It is important to note however that this resistance has only been proven with the magic known on Azeroth. It's unknown if magic from other worlds will also be resisted or be unaffected.
Healing Magic: Use nature magic to soothe animals, mend wounds, and cure poisons or disease.
Diantha can focus the power of nature to soothe aggressive animals, cure most disease and organic poisons, and heal the wounded. While powerful, most of her healing magics require her to channel the magic without interruption for as much as several minutes for more severe injuries. She knows faster acting healing magic, requiring several seconds of uninterrupted cast time, but this will not fully heal severe wounds, and will drain more of both her own energy and the natural life essence around her. Thus, she sticks to slower channeled healing magic unless the need is truly dire or the situation won't allow her or the wounded individual to stay still for that long. Because it draws from nature's essence as well as her own energy, if cut off from nature, her healing will be weaker and will drive her to exhaustion if used too much.
Offensive Magic: Use nature magic to entangle her foes or blast them with wind and focused light.
Having learned to wield the powers granted by the natural environment around her including the sun, moon, and stars, Diantha can employ arcane and nature magics in the defense of herself and the wildlands which she holds dear. From blasting foes with concentrated solar and lunar light, to knocking them back with strong wind gusts or willing nearby roots and vines to grow rapidly and ensnare them. She is adept at keeping her foes at a distance while attacking from afar or slowing them down while she makes a hasty retreat. Similarly to her healing magic, her offensive spells draw from the power of the environment around her as well as herself, so if she's cut off from nature, her magic will be weaker and will drive her to exhaustion if used too much.
Shapeshifting: Able to shapeshift into an elk, panther, dolphin, or raven.
Perhaps due to already being part beast to begin with, Diantha has proven to have a special talent for shapeshifting. She is quicker at shifting than most druids of her age and level of training, able to change from one form to another in just a few seconds if she pushes herself, and otherwise can control the change to be almost look natural, even strangely beautiful. The forms she has learned are, white elk stag for strength and stamina, nightsaber panther for stealth and ferocity, tideskipper dolphin for moving through water, and a purple raven for when she wants to take to the skies. While changing to a sturdier form while injured will give her the stamina to keep going a bit longer before succumbing to her injuries, changing forms does not mend injuries. Rapid consecutive changes are also very exhausting and will drain both her physical stamina as well as her mana reserves.
For the Trees!< Edge >: Diantha creates walking tree-folk from the nearby plant life to assist her.
Diantha can use nature magic to convert a group of nearby trees or other plants into a group of walking tree-folk to assist her in battle. This is not a spell she uses lightly, as it requires a lot of magical power, so using it carelessly would be very wasteful of both her own mana and the power of nature which she draws from. If created from smaller plants, the resulting tree-folk will be smaller or fewer in number, and the magic can't be used at all without significant nearby plant-life.


Pacifist: Diantha abhors needless violence and aims to resolve conflict diplomatically.
Like most dryads, Diantha does her best to avoid violence, preferring to live in peace as much as possible. While this doesn't mean she won't defend herself, she will always try to exhaust all other options available to resolve potential conflict before taking things to a physical level as a last resort. On her own world she makes two exceptions to this rule, first being the demonic races of the Burning Legion, and the second being all factions of undead besides the Knights of the Ebon Blade. At every turn they have proven to be enemies of life itself, she would only stay her wrath long enough to attempt confirm their identity and intentions. She is likely to treat demonic and undead characters from other worlds similarly, and such beings will have a much more difficult time earning her trust.
Ah, The Great Outdoors!: Committed to the balance and well-being of nature wherever it may be threatened.
Being both a dryad and a druid, Diantha is doubly devoted to preserving the balance of nature and protecting the natural environment from anyone who would willfully cause lasting harm or engage in taking its resources at a rate beyond what natural renewal can endure. However, trying to protect the things you care about without resorting to violence can be rather complicated and challenging. Those that refuse to concede to her requests to align their actions with the balance of nature, she will ultimately resort to fighting when all else has failed. However, by the time it reaches that point, said person or persons will have had plenty of opportunity to take advantage of her tendencies toward non-violence to get the upper hand over her, leading to a situation where Diantha is so far in over her head that she's in serious trouble if she doesn't have some friends to help her out.
Au Naturale: Diantha has a strong aversion to modern cities and small spaces.
Diantha doesn't like urban environments and generally tries to avoid them. A settlement built among nature, such as her world's Darnassus for example doesn't bother her too much, but cities of stone metal and glass just feel unnatural to her to the point of being more than a little unsettling. It certainly doesn't help matters that the more she is removed from nature the weaker most of her abilities become. To top it all off, she is also moderately claustrophobic, so she further avoids being indoors whenever possible, being more unnerved the smaller the room, potentially leading to debilitating fear if forced into a small enclosed space.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
776 Riding the Winds Dec 21 2020
571 Diantha: By Her Wandering... Hooves? Sep 16 2019
531 Welcome Home to the Multiverse Jun 26 2019
512 The Salem Witch Hunts Jun 03 2019
511 My First Bank Heist Jun 02 2019
508 Err Superiority May 30 2019
504 Seals, Chocolates, and a Symbiote May 28 2019
502 Border Problems May 27 2019
496 Canned Preserves May 25 2019
494 Finding a Safe Haven May 29 2019
See All 21 Scenes


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