Thanatos-4 (Dropped)

World: Destiny 2-1
Actual Age: Over 600
Apparent Age: Adult
Role: Voidwalker
Species: Exo
Voice Actor: Peter Jessop


Living with nothing but his name, his knowledge, and his gun, Thanatos-4 is a solemn, grim, and duty-driven man. Like others from his universe he was one of the many Guardians given their breath of second life by the galactic entity known as the Traveler. An Exo, a constructed race made for a war long forgotten, Thanatos turns his pursuits now to those of the mind. His skills with a wide variety of firearms are complimented by his mastery over the spiritual energy called the Light. As a Warlock he specializes in the seemingly dark powers of the Void. Thanatos seeks to better himself and wipe away his bloodstained memories as a mindless killing machine and find a balance within himself that will bring him the peace and enlightenment he seeks.


Exo: A robotic warrior race made to be stronger, faster, better soldiers than humans.
As a machine made for war, Thanatos is stronger, hardier, faster, and keener eyed, than hardened military career veterans. Though the Exo were fashioned in the image of humanity, their obvious metal and plastic construction makes it easy to tell them apart from a human, however in spite of their appearance Exo have souls, emotions, and free will. Capable of doing almost anything a human can, they can eat and breathe, though neither are necessary, and they are immune to mundane diseases or poisons that would cripple or kill a normal person.
Guardian: Superhuman warriors granted limited immortality and the powers of the Light.
So long as a spark of the Light burns within Thanatos or his Ghost he can be brought back from the dead. The Light, which acts as his life force enables Thanatos to regenerate horrendous wounds, or even be completely reconstructed from being utterly atomized. However in order to be brought back from death, Thanatos' Ghost, Dis, must be present. It is through Dis that Thanatos' wounds are healed or his body reconstructed. Though quick work can be done to patch him up in the heat of combat, more in depth repairs take time. Resurrection, while capable of being done quickly in a pinch, more often than not requires Dis' full focus and takes significantly more time in accordance with how badly damaged a state Thanatos' body is in. If Dis were to be damaged or even killed, Thanatos would lose his unnatural healing factor and even his ability to stave off death.
Weapon Proficiencies: If it is a gun, Thanatos can use it with deadly efficiency.
Thanatos can use any standard firearm put in his hands. Doesn't matter how old it is, doesn't matter if it's ballistic or projected energy, if it's a gun and if it's not super specialized, he can use it with deadly precision.
Arsenal: Thanatos has many guns. Some of them bearing elemental affinities.
Thanatos has many standard and mundane firearms stored aboard his ship, and many of them are customized for his use. In general, Thanatos always has a weapon on hand or close by, and some are imbued with one of the Light's three elemental affinities, Solar (fire/light), Arc (Electricity), or Void (Creepy not-darkness). The pride pieces of his armory are two exotic items... The Ophidian Aspect gauntlets, which increase his manual dexterity and make readying and reloading weapons as fast as blinking, and the shotgun, Invective. Invective is a fully automatic shotgun that loads itself by channeling Thanatos' Light and forming Void based ammunition so long as it is within his arms reach. This process takes several moments to form a full stock of ammunition from nothing, however it can also be loaded with mundane shotgun ammunition.
Voidwalker: Space magic that lets Thanatos glide, buff, disintegrate, and drain life itself.
As a Warlock, a scholar-warrior, Thanatos has put all his studies into applied use of the Light, enabling him to wield it like a wizard wields magic. He is able to hover, glide short distances through the air, open up rifts of energy to grant empowered strength to his allies or heal them, and he can wield the Light offensively. Thanatos specializes in the Void. The Void is considered a dark aspect of the Light, representing the nothingness between everything. This nothingness is represented in his each of his spells, ranging from grenades formed of explosive darkness, bolts of disintegrating energy, dark shockwaves from his palms, and his ability to devour life and use it to repair himself rapidly with energy taken from other beings. So long as he causes some form of close range harm he can add this vampiric benefit to his attacks.
Sparrow: Literally a Star Wars speeder bike.
A hovering speeder bike capable of high speed travel over almost any terrain.
Styx Adrift: A small spaceship for interstellar travel, with short range teleportation.
A small, unarmed, jumpship designed to carry a very small amount of people from one place to another. It serves as a mobile base for Thanatos and Dis, can be piloted remotely by either, travel at light speed, and has short range teleporter to get Thanatos on the ground or back onboard in rapid time. The teleporter's functionality is very basic and can not get him past even the lightest of security, and is mainly to transport Thanatos to the surface of a planet and back. The ship can fly in atmosphere roughly the speed of a jet, however in worlds of lesser technological levels, is not as agile, fast, nor effective as it normally would be.


Dis< Feature F-Tier Named >: Thanatos' Ghost, connection to the Light, and helper AI.
Thanatos' Ghost, and his direct connection to the Light of the Traveler. Dis is a small floating AI construct, spheroid in shape and encased in a protective shell. She serves multiple functions for her Guardian, as Thanatos' ever present assistant and support. Dis must be present to resurrect or heal Thanatos, she can hack technological security for him to a limited degree, and can store massive amounts of data, which she usually reserves for Thanatos' study materials. She also can be a handy flashlight.


Hungering Curiosity: Thanatos must learn the universe's secrets.
As a Warlock it is Thanatos' job to find out what makes the universe tick. He has many questions and he looks for answers anywhere he can in order to learn everything he can. This can lead down many dark paths of coming in contact with things and or beings he should not, or drive him to delve for secrets that are better left buried, just because he can.
Grim: Thanatos' personality isn't as sparkling as his plating.
Thanatos does not exactly have a sense of humor. He is a dour man with a dour disposition and a dour temperament. Almost always aloof and distant, he does not exactly have an amiable face to put on in many situations, and if he has any sense of humor it is always bleak enough to kill a room. While he is not unable to make connections with others, it is difficult and slow going because of just how numb and cool he can seem. Like most Warlocks he also has a bit of an inflated perception of his own genius, sometimes philosophizing at inappropriate points in time. These factors can make him seem difficult to approach, or present him with a difficulty in approaching others, or even give people the wrong impression about him entirely. He is slow to warm to others, but once he does, the people who earn his friendship will find him to be a dedicated addition to any team.
These Memories of Mine: Flickering memories of Thanatos' past lives haunt him.
As a constructed race, Exo were made for war. Their creators viewed their memories as unnecessary, resetting them multiple times. Every reset wipes the memories of the Exo. Thanatos has been reset four times, but sometimes catches flickering glimpses of experiences, violence, and atrocities he does not fully remember. These can be triggered by a variety of external stimuli; seeing other mechanical life forms in battle, witnessing war crimes against non-combatants, or perhaps most curiously, children in danger. This can be a haunting distraction, or move him to take actions he would view as, otherwise illogical. His memories are also the reason he seeks out a means of balance and control, while at the same time giving him drive to seek out the past he does not remember, when he was human.
Dis: Thanatos is very protective of his Ghost partner.
Thanatos and Dis are inseparable. Though Thanatos acts grimdark and tough, his Ghost has earned a place in his mechanical heart. He needs her more than just to resurrect him in the event he's killed; to Thanatos, Dis represents a companion he'd never want to part ways with. If the two are ever separated then something, somewhere, has gone horribly wrong. Thanatos will go to great lengths to retrieve Dis, even from nearly suicidal odds of danger. In the event of possible capture, she can be used as a serious weight to leverage against Thanatos.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
237 It Started with One Bullet Sep 16 2018
218 The Darkness Beneath the Crypt Aug 22 2018
215 The Tomb Of Azoros The Undying Aug 19 2018
50 So About Those Drinks Mar 16 2018
49 Rancor in the Fog Mar 15 2018
13 Welcome to Summer City Jan 21 2018
12 A Favour Owed Jan 18 2018
11 Two Birds, One Sword Jan 16 2018
See All 8 Scenes


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