World Tree MUSH

Two Birds, One Sword

Character Pose
  Due south from the devastation of Hyrule Castle sprawls a vast, primeval forest. It's an old-growth wood, and only parts of it have succumbed to the twilight ruin. Here, close to the boundary, a rally has been put out for those loyal to the Hyrulean Crown.

Folklore claims that the Master Sword, the Blade of Evil's Bane, sleeps here awaiting the Chosen Hero. Other tales identify stranger relics: Musical instruments with divine powers, a rod that controls ancient statues, a boomerang that commands the very winds. The list goes on.

Whatever's hidden in Faron Wood is sought by both the kingdom loyalists and the Twilight King's usurpers. Neither side wants the other to get it. It's a dangerous kind of scavenger hunt.

The late evening sun skirts the horizon, and Faron Wood grows cold. Sinister shadows reach across the glade. Branches scrape in the breeze. Fog rises from the loam underfoot. It's easy to lose one's way here, and easy to see why Faron is considered a spooky old wood; in fog, its trails are more of a suggestion.

In the clearing a horse is tied by its reins to a stump, pawing restlessly at the loam. The ashes of a campfire huddle inside a ring of stones, but there are still coals burning in them. It's a recent fire, though the coals are cooling fast. The leaden sky overhead threatens rain.

Just beyond the ashes rise angular walls of strange, yellowish-orange light blocking the far end of the clearing. Beyond them, the world is faded; colourless. Strange squarish embers rise from the tainted earth. It's the same lighting as dusk, but there's a sinister quality to it.

Even more ominous, there aren't any people in the clearing. The ashes of the campfire and the horse are here, but nobody to claim them.

At least, not at first glance.

As circumstance would have it, Zelda is in fact perched high up in one of Faron's scrubby pine trees with her back to the trunk, halfway up to the canopy, bow and loosely-strung arrow at the ready. Even so, it's pretty tough to spot her in the boughs with that black robe, patient as an owl.

She has no idea who's actually going to show up. Staying hidden would be prudent.

Her bow periodically turns back to the Curtain of Twilight, because in her specific cicumstances, only an idiot would ignore it.
    Only an idiot would ignore the Twilight.
    Perhaps a fool would seek to STUDY it.
    Or perhaps no fool, but those hungry for knowledge? Verymuch so.
    It was an anomaly that begged investigation; a phenomenon noticeable from orbit that immediately caught the attention of an outsider, and begged against every one of their sensibilities to investigate. For that is what it means to be a Warlock. To go and ask questions in the dark reaches of the universe where the only answers are danger and self introspection. And that is why the ship parked in orbit beams down a single transmission to a patch of un-Twilight-blighted land of the world below.
    A lone figure appears in a rippling and muted corona of light, boots touching down on the grass while the fabric of a long, red, coat flutters in the brief breeze stirred up by the transmat jump down. Even with the full face helmet obscuring important features, the figure's bulk and gait says he's a man- and no one the Princess Zelda knows.
    With a leather bound tome clasped in hand he begins his march, already scribbling myriad notes into his journal, only slowing to a more cautious approach when he catches sight of the horse and the quietly smoldering ashes.
>> SUMMARY[Thanatos-4] >> Hello I noticed your horrible darkness phenomenon and decided to come study it.
    It's not as though Magilou was loyal to, well, anyone. Herself included. Certainly not to any king or country. Still, she's shown up, it seems, stepping through the fog, somehow seeming to display a decent level of stealth in spite of the wearing of garish clothing and a giant hat.

    At least she doesn't have actual bells on. Stepping into the clearing, she'll peer around, recoiling away when she spots the man with the tome. She is evidently not planning on continuing to be stealthy, though, speaking up to him.

    "Aah. Are you our host for the evening, or someone else who took the invitation? Or someone we're supposed to be here to drive off. You do look rather sinister..." Says the witch, with a smile.
  "It is unwise to come to this place." The voice is a young woman's, tone gentle and somewhat careworn; it calls from above, in the trees. "The twilight is dangerous, and Hylians are advised to avoid such areas... but you are neither of you descended of the People of Hylia."

Although Zelda doesn't climb down, the figure does reach up and sweep her hood back with a gloved hand. With her hood back, firelight from below reveals her elf-like features, and a touch of royal elegance -- a crown of leaves and sapphire at her brow; hints of royal attire beneath the plain robe.

She leans forward slightly, studying these outlandish strangers. One of them she recognises; the other she does not. The latter is reminiscent of things out of Hyrule's past; shadowy half-memories she can't quite recall, but which makes her uneasy.

There's a pause, as wind sighs through the restless trees. The voice sounds again, softer. "So, I will ask you: Why are you come to this place?"

Hopefully these are people on her side, and not that coward sprawled on Hyrule's throne.
    With a THUMP, the notebook closes. Head slowly turning to face Magilou, the man stares at her in a momentary silence. The kind of stare that speaks volumes in its silence, even with the helmet obscuring his face.
    "... Oh you had to go and use the 's'-word..." A voice pipes up from the collar of his coat. In the next instant a small spheroid of metal with a gleaming 'eye' pokes out. Encased in a protective polyhedral shell, the eye floats free, circling Magilou once before bobbing in the air. "He really doesn't like that!"
    The man though heaves his shoulders as though already irritated, but then shakes his head, about to speak when he's interrupted before he can even begin. His attention is immediately drawn upwards- to the tree and the princess in the branches. So why DID he exactly come here? His reply should satisfy the curiosity of both, as he tucks his notebook into the folds of his coat.
    "I saw the phenomenon from orbit. I decided to investigate on my own."
    "He gets real nosy like that." The floating metal eye chimes in.
    "Descended from the people of Hylia? Of course not! A proper witch never puts herself below anyone." Magilou will say, pointing up at Zelda. Of course, the pointing UP rather contradicts her terrible witch's pun.

    She's being more than a little loud, not seeming to mind that something is floating around her wildly, her arms going back down to her side. "...And I'm a witch, even if I've never been in orbit." That claim will get a sideways glance. "Spooky forests and clandestine meetings are kind of our thing, you know. I only regret not bringing my familiar." Which is true enough, so she's managed to be partly honest at least once!
  As the others interact, Zelda leans forward on her branch; somewhere between one moment and the next, another arrow is held loosely and nocked partway to the string. She does not draw, though, only listening.

Their answers aren't contradictory... one of them is likely not allied with the Twilight King. He wouldn't seek someone like that out; he'd seek out a complacent lackey that he could order around easily. Magilou seems much more strong-willed than that.

Thanatos, however... he's the enigma, but if what he says is true, than perhaps he could be reasoned with.

"We will see whether you can be trusted at your word, but in the absence of choice, I shall have to trust, for the time being. And you, as well." Magilou is given a faint nod. "Although I fear I misremember your name, Witch." The term is given neutrally; without any rancor associated with the term. Spellcasters are about as common as dirt in Hyrule.

"I have called you both here for some assistance in a matter. There is an artifact in this wood which I require. You will both be compensated for your time, if you choose to acc--"

Zelda never finishes.

The Curtain of Twilight, that weird and shifting orangeish wall, suddenly bursts outward with a swirl of those strange embers of twilight, and something huge comes crashing out of the barrier as the wall ripples around it.

It's big, it's quadrupedal, and it's ugly. Most of its form seems to actively swallow light. It doesn't seem to have a mouth, etiher, or even a face; just a flat black metallic plate, and strange, hair-like tendrils sprouting behind the back of it. It's almost like some kind of parody of the human form, but there's nothing funny about those taloned hands or how fast it moves.

There's no real hesitation. It hits the ground running and heads straight for Magilou, swiping those self-same taloned hands with intent to kill.

Just when it seems like things might be manageable, a second one bursts through the wall; this one hurtles itself straight for Thanatos, screeching and flailing with those claws.

A third figure bursts through the wall. This one is different; a tangle of long unwieldy limbs, and it's not until it unfolds itself that it resembles some kind of misshapen, ugly dragon with a strange leaved opening where a head or mouth should be. It also screeches, flapping skyward and circling around for the tree-bound princess.


So much for going in quiet.

Zelda says something unaristocratic under her breath and brings her bow up, drawing and training the arrow on the flying monstrosity.

"Do not let them seize you!" she calls to the two below. "They are strong as an ox and thrice as bloodthirsty!"

One of them is carrying something -- the flying ugly, which apparently has something in its claw. It's too dim to see, though, and the thing is trying to wing its way up above the treeline to take a dive at the treed princess.
    It's not wild floating, it's more of a curious orbit, though even the Ghost's attention is pulled upwards. The floating cycloptic eye alternates between Zelda and Magilou several times before the chipper, feminine, voice notes: "She's kind of already above you! Literally, I mean."
    That faceless helmet though is locked squarely on Zelda. "I didn't come here to be trusted, I came here to research." He says, matter of fact tone hinting to a lack of care on whether or not Thanatos gives much of a damn in that regard. As long as no one gets in the way of his studies, he'd stay out of other people's affairs and it can be a nice live, let live, and completely ignore the others kind of situation.
    It's not that simple.
    Zelda speaks but is interrupted, and the man is already reaching into his coat again, presumably for that book of his, when the pale orange wall of darkness comes to life in a new and interesting way.
    Interesting and deadly.
    The emergence of the first beast holds the little eye-machine's gaze intently, staring as though entranced. The second makes its shell nearly pop off. The third earns a hushed cry, "The Darkness...!"
    And that's all it takesfor Thanatos to be in motion.
    "Dis. Coat. Now." He commands, the Ghost zipping back out of sight into the folds of his coat as he draws something that is NOT a book. He draws as quick as lightning, and with the roat of thunder, the rifle in his hand barks repeatedly, a fully automatic series of cracks split the night, opening fire on the initial beast with a cold, brutal, efficiency.
    "Witches are also very figurative, not literal." Magilou will reply to the Ghost, more than slightly annoyed by that. "And my name is very simple, and known far and wide! I am Mazhigigika Miludin do Din Nolurun Dou, but if that's too complex for you, you can call me Magilou."

    And then there's a set of attacks, and Magilou will leap into action! Or, well, into putting herself well out of the way of the creatures. She'll duck behind the tree, starting to run. "I'm afraid I never really got along with oxen, though I never thought of them as all that bloodthirsty..." She'll call up to Zelda, as she manages to completely not help her savior at all. At least she's trying to defend herself. Sort of.
  Several things happen all at once.

The first creature to burst through the twilight realm throws itself mindlessly at Thanatos with every intent of slicing the Exo apart with those vicious clawed hands. It never gets that chance. Thanatos reaches into his coat, pulls out a long rifle, and plugs the thing with fully automatic death. As soon as the rounds rip through its slick hide it drops like a stone. It doesn't get back up.

The second creature skids on the loam on its way through the gate, scattering leaves and twigs in an effort to regain its footing. It bounds on ahead like a hunting hound, launching itself for the witch. It's at the perfect position to get a shot in on it, and while it doesn't quite reach Magilou to make another lunge for her, it's gaining on her. It's quick -- quick enough that just trying to dodge it won't last for very long...

The third creature, the winged one, throws itself into the treeline with an ugly squawking cry. Branches snap and the tops of trees shatter under its weight and momentum, and the sound is almost deafening from the top. Zelda looses an arrow at it, then another one; when neither of these have any effect, she hastily throws herself out of that tree before it splinters too. Crashing into the boughs of the next tree, she scrabbles for purchase before hauling herself up, turning to fire off another arrow at the winged creature. They fly wide; the creature's thrashing talons send the bow spinning from her grasp.

Zelda says another unaristocratic thing and draws her rapier, aiming a thrust at the creature's eyeless head while clinging to the trunk of the tree she's in. While she doesn't score a hit, it seems to stalemate the bird-thing, which snaps at the blade and hisses.

At closer inspection, the thing in its claws seems to be some kind of lyre or harp. It looks very, very old. How it hasn't been broken through all this abuse is a astonishing. It does feel like there's a faint vestige of magic left in it, for the sensitive.

That must be what they're here for. Huh, it doesn't feel all that powerful...
    Well, Magilou turning tail and bolting to duck behind a tree... At least she's out of harm's path by virtue of not being in the way. It's the little things in life that need to be appreciated, even if that leaves two of the creatures left to handle. As the first drops, Thanatos shifts his attention. The second is off balanced and still going after the Witch, but the flier is presenting the good princess with difficulty.
    Reloading his rifle, the Warlock takes aim, but it's only a second or so before he decides the auto rifle puts unwanted targets- like Zelda- at too much risk. He swaps it to his off hand, not brandishing it but simply holding it, right hand held up, fingers curled into the air. Like a black fire erupting to life in the palm of his hand, a flickering purple-black force forms in his grasp, and he reels back and pitches it like a fastball.
    Where gravity should take effect and pull it down, the small mass of sheer darkness streaks onwards, curving up into the air, spiralling, leaving trailing contrails of purple vapor in its wake as the Axion Bolt homes in on the flying beast. It's not powerful enough a spell to fell it from the sky, but the impact- and disintegrating chill it slams with should certainly provide Zelda the opening she need to properly defend herself.
    Magilou will manage to bring out a little bit of resistance as she's finally forced into a confrontation with one of the creatures; she'll twirl her hands, and in between them will appear a weapon beyond all comprehension:

    A paper doll.

    Well, it's tough to comprehend how the witch thinks that will help things, at least until it grows in size, smashing forward with the force of a boulder, trying to smash into the twilight monser's face. That does seem to be rather more capability than Magilou had actually shown to this point, but she's not going to count on it sticking, continuing to back up.

    "I do hope there's some sort of plan for these kinds of things!" She'll call over to Zelda, because she doesn't like all this efforting.
  The beast chasing Magilou stops short when a paper doll is brandished in its face. It even cocks its head to one side as though trying to figure this one out. And then suddenly a boulder.

That flat disc-shaped mask shatters with a sound like tortured metal shrieking, and it pitches over slowly. Ichor leaks from beneath it, soaking into the loam. It's not going to get back up again.

"You seem to be handling it well enough from up here!" Zelda's comment sounds a little distant, because she's still trying to stab the bird-thing, and the bird-thing is still avoiding her blade. It's a messy little game of cat and mouse.

Fortunately Thanatos distracts it. The Axion Bolt slams into it, and it turns its head to snarl at Thanatos. That's all the opening Zelda needs to shove her rapier into its neck and wrench it back out again, ripping a trail of shiny black ichor.

It reels away, shrieking in what is presumably pain and indignation, but not before dropping the thing it had been carrying, which miraculously manages not to shatter when it hits the ground. In fact, it bounces in the soft loam. The beast, wanting nothing more to do with a meal that bites back, awkwardly throws itself into the sky and circles over the Curtain of Twilight, disappearing back into the border with a ripple across its surface.

The clearing is silent.

Slowly, Zelda slides from her tree, kicking off from rough and broken branches to land in a crouch; black robe flaring.

"Thank you," she offers, cautiously, sheathing the rapier and stooping to collect her discarded bow. "I am Queen-Regent Zelda of Hyrule, and the kingdom offers its thanks for your assistance. I am sorry to have tested you when you arrived, but Hyrule teeters on the brink of collapse. I must be cautious." Stooping again, she retrieves the thing the flyer had dropped and dusts it off, very carefully.

That done, Zelda regards both her rescuers. "Hyrule has little to spare, but we do remember kindnesses paid them. I am in your debt. If you ever have need of my assistance, you need only ask -- I will owe to each of you a favour, gladly paid."

She's going to regret that, but she's intention-rich and cash-poor at the moment. Clutching the harp, she tugs the reins to free the knot, climbs onto the saddle, flips her hood back over her head, and -- provided the others don't stop her -- urges her horse to a reckless canter down the forest path, lost soon to the shifting branches and lonely wind.

Well that was... something.
    With the beasts fended off and retreating, Thanatos keeps his auto rifle trained on the flier once it decides Zelda is too much of a gamble to try and eat. And he does not lower the gun until after if disappears beyond the oppressing veil of bleak orange twilight. Slowly he lets the gun's barrel dip, and the cycloptic little construct peeks out from the collar of his coat.
    "Is it safe yet?" She asks, peering left, then right, then to Zelda, when the Warlock turns to face her. He is silent to her word of thanks. "HI, I'M DIS!" She chirrups.
    A debt though, a royal favor owed, that could be of use; but where many people would capitalize, he rolls one shoulder in a half shrug. "Thanatos-4." He gives as a simple introduction. "I don't need anything your kingdom can spare." He says bluntly. "But you're going to pay me in a different way, your highness." He's brusque and gruff in demeanor but formal in mannerism, as he at least added the title once she had given her station.
    "You're going to tell me everything about that." He says, pointing towards the Twilight, as his Ghost flits out from his coat.
    "Knowledge is the most valuable currency there is!" She pipes. "That's why it should be spent well."