Michelangelo (Dropped)

World: TMNT-1
Actual Age: Fifteen
Apparent Age: Totally Awesome Teenager
Quote: "Booyakasha!"
Role: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: The Wild Card
Species: Mutant Turtle (Red Eared Slider / Human Hybrid)
Voice Actor: Greg Cipes


The youngest of the aptly named Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michelangelo serves the function of fun loving goofball with all the heart in the world. Always ready with a joke, a prank or a situational one-liner, Michelangelo's curiosity, creativity and love of pop culture make him a lovable wild card that's more than meets the eye. A trained ninja, Michelangelo has mastered the art of the twirling nunchaku and eating the deliciousness that is Pizza. A born and bred New Yorker, Mikey's philosophy pushes him to always do the right thing and to have fun doing it. God, he loves being a turtle.


Mutated Awesomeness: What do you call a four foot turtle with a bulletproof shell? Mikey!
Starting out his life as a pet turtle, Michelangelo was transformed into a reptilian humanoid mutant by an alien mutagen from Dimension X. Often referred to as a "Mutant Turtle", Michelangelo possesses the natural abilities and affinities as a turtle that has been mutated to a humanoid form. He effectively functions as a humanoid, though the properties of being a turtle have also been magnified by the mutagen. His shell allows him the retractability of all his limbs while also providing protection equal to what could be found on a military tactical vest. His ancestral advantages allow him to be an exceptional swimmer and the ability to hold his breath for extended periods of time.
Turtle Supremacy: Mikey's peak humanoid balance and physicality are from his Mom's side.
Being transformed by an alien ooze has given Michelangelo a physicality that defies the laws of human physics. His body and strength have been pushed to the peak of humanity's limits and possibly slightly beyond. The same goes for his agility, speed and other areas that are physical in nature. Michelangelo's abilities in the physical realm put him on par with Olympiads and others that have reached that Peak Human status. As bonus topping on this already stacked pizza of physical perfection, Michelangelo exhibits an incredible sense of balance and an extraordinary recovery rate from wounds and injuries.
Shell of a Ninja: Trained in the ninjutsu arts of stealth, spirituality and skateboarding!
Michelangelo is very well learned in stealth, free running, parkour and then some. His ninjutsu training has been coupled with a variety of other things he's learned over the years to give him a complete physical arsenal of ninja training that allows him to traverse landscapes both urban and otherwise, disappear with ease (which is incredible for a four foot tall turtle) and to even perform some of these feats with a skateboard.
Party Dude: Mikey's creativity brings the fun to activities great and small.
Out of the four brothers, Michelangelo is probably the one that leans the most towards the "Teenage" of the Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a sponge for all things pop culture, human and hip, Mikey has developed a rolling expertise on a variety of subjects that may seem trivial on the surface but could prove to be useful in some potential capacity. He excels in finding the functionality in "fun" and can often use his expertise in things like comic books or cartoons in creative ways.

    Some of things in Michelangelo's skill set include gaming, cooking, drawing, music, skateboarding, dancing shadow puppeteering, pranks and to an even surprising degree: teaching. His creative mind and imagination also affords him an ability that he keeps near and dear to his heart: Naming Things. This goes for villains to allies to gadgets to whatever he comes into contact with that doesn't have a name already.
Cool Stuff, Bro: Ninjistuff & Equipment! Shelltacular Vehicles! Pop Culture Junk!
As one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michelangelo has access to almost anything he can get his hands on. Living in the sewer gives him all kinds of furniture, toys and various articles of junk that have been lost by the people above the surface. There are also junkyards galore in the city which have helped to keep Mikey's quarters supplied with almost anything he could want such as comic books, video games, boomboxes and various articles of clothing that definitely don't fit a walking, talking turtle. Of course, Mikey has access to ninja stuff galore, ranging from his transforming nunchaku/kusarigama signature weapon to various other ninja based things like shuriken, grappling hooks and climbing claws! Mikey also has access to (which may be a bad idea) Donnie's lab and the inventions or vehicles therein.
Deus Ex Michelangelo: Unpredictability at its greenest.
Michelangelo has an unpredictability factor that often changes the way things are happening around him. His brain works on a different wavelength than most brains and his very particular way of thinking (or lack there of) allows Michelangelo to operate without actually trying to operate. For instance, in his world's Dimension X, Michelangelo has an affinity for how things work as opposed to his sometimes clumsy actions while in normal circumstances. He has shown an even higher aptitude for combat while listening to music and reacting to attacks without actually thinking about it. Michelangelo seems to do his best work when he's not trying to do anything. His actions, which are often considered childish or foolish, may have yield positive results for himself and his brothers.
Turtle Power: Teamwork makes the dream work, dudes!
While Michelangelo is a capable ninja in his own right, there is something to be said about working with his family and his allies. The Hamato Clan, as it were, is filled with everyone from the four terrapin brothers to their extended members of the human, mutant or even alien variety. Things tend to work better when they are all working together, firing on all cylinders. Mikey finds it a lot easier to deal with issues while working with others towards a common goal. Being part of a team, a family, just makes everything Mikey does better.

    When working with others, Mikey often fills the role of bait or distraction. Willingly. He loves the attention.
Nunchukya Business: Mikey's living his best Nunchuckin' life. With a side of Ranged Weaponin'.
According to a particular radical rat, Michelangelo has the most raw and undefined ninjutsu potential of all of his brothers. While his lack of focus and goofiness prevents him from being a complete ninjutsu powerhouse, Michelangelo does possess the talent and skills necessary to perform his duties as a certified ninja warrior. He is a very capable fighter and can handle himself, for the most part, when entering into physical confrontations. Mikey's personal style of ninjutsu features a wild and unorthodox rendition of the formal martial arts training mixed with an unthinking and improvisational style.

    Michelangelo has mastered the art of the Nunchaku and the Kusarigama. As his primary weapons of choice, these are the ones that Michelangelo is the most comfortable using. He can perform the best when utilizing these sidearms. He has reached a mastery level of skill when it comes to using the short-ranged Nunchaku or the long-range of the Kusarigama. In addition to his "Nunchukya Business", Michelangelo is an expert in other weapons such as the Kama and the Tonfa, as well as the weapons used by his brothers. He can utilize the Shuriken to great effect and is awesome with the Yumi and archery.


Immaturity: Growing up is hard as shell to do.
Michelangelo's immaturity can often hinder some of the more serious aspects of his life. He often finds himself unwilling to understand the severity of situations. He's the youngest of his brothers and it shows in his trustworthy nature. He can be naive at times, trusting and thinking the best of others and not truly understanding what may be happening around him. He has a lot of growing up to do both physically and mentally which could easily complicate matters for him. He may also have a bit of a laziness streak.
Thinking: Mikey puts the ADHD into TMNT.
Michelangelo is not the most capable turtle when it comes to... using his brain. He's much better at acting on his gut and instinct than he is trying to think his way through a problem or an issue. This is as much as part of his personality as it is just the way his brain works. With a serious difficulty in being able to focus on one thing at a time, especially if it is something that he's not interested in, there are shades of Mikey living with an attention deficit disorder. Sprinkle the fact that his brain operates a mile a minute and Mikey lacks the discipline needed to truly focus on one thing at a time. In fact, Mikey's talents and skills operate so much better when he's not thinking about them.
All Heart: If there's such a thing as caring too much... that's Michelangelo.
Michelangelo is the type of turtle that wears his heart on his shell. He gets so emotionally invested into almost everything that he does that it's kind of easy for him to get hurt or to care too much. He may often let his emotions dictate how he acts or reacts to a situation, whether that be good or bad. He's very open and empathetic when it comes to his relationships with others and makes it a point to never hold much of anything back. He's a free spirit in that way and who knows what could happen as a result.
Pizza: Mikey loves Pizza.
While Pizza is often considered to be a "favorite food" of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it performs a much more severe function in Mikey's life. Mikey doesn't particularly just love pizza, he's almost a borderline addict for it. He's obsessive to the point that the promise of pizza could lead him into a trap or that his dreams and nightmares are filled with killer pizzas. Pizza is such an integral a part of Michelangelo's lifestyle that it also serves as one of the key elements of his psyche that lets his brothers know that something is off or wrong with Mikey... if he ever doesn't want pizza.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
834 Cruel Summer Jun 03 2021
728 Attack of the Killer Tomato Sauce Sep 06 2020
638 Strange Sights In an Urban Jungle Apr 01 2020
See All 3 Scenes


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