World Tree MUSH

Cruel Summer

The Foot Clan's about to make a serious move on TMNTNY. The Heroes in a Half-Shell are gonna' try to protect it. Help.

(Martial Arts Action! Cool Puns! Pizza! Tag up for some classic beat 'em up action!)
Character Pose
Good Ol' New York! The City That Never Sleeps! The Home of Most Excellent Pizza! And...


Things are a little bit crazy right about now because these couple of blocks of Manhattan are being preyed upon by wave after wave (after wave) of synchronized stomping ninjas that are dressed in black with red headbands. They are all carrying weapons and it seems that they are dead set on making their presence felt. Which is kind of weird considering that most ninjas are focused on being in the shadows and whatnot. These ninjas, though, seem to be taking a different and more intimidating approach.

Maybe because there has to be at least a hundred of them. This is ninja madness.

Whatever actually normal (is anyone normal in New York?) citizens are around, whether they be in their cars or walking or taking touristy photos, they all seem to kind of just turn their attention (and phones) towards the Ninjas En Masse that are making the already crowded streets of the city even more crowded. Whatever traffic may have been moving has probably turned into annoyed and angry honking as the ninjas just take over the streets.

Either something very serious is about to down or this is another one of those weird Improv Everywhere things. Or maybe Impractical Jokers. Who knows in this day and age...

Wait. Why did they all just stop? Um?


"Pizza dude's got thirty seconds." Michelangelo, the orange bandana'd turtle underneath the street right now, is waiting beneath a grate and finishing off a popsicle. Waiting totally impatiently for this alleged Pizza Dude.

Back Up On The Street...

The Pizza Dude (who, hilariously, works at Pizza Dude's) is stuck in the middle of the traffic jam that has been caused by, y'know, NINJAS!
Luke Gray
    New york! such a massive city!, far more crowded and far more full of actual vehicles than the places of Luke's hometown!. He is walking casually alongside one of his pokemon, Bewear, and likely bystanders either stare, move aside or take photos of the weird 'costumed' person following the kid. Luke is even going to a hotdog stand to get one!. Of course, that is interrupted when he spots the ninja stampede, "Is that normal around here?" he has to ask, given people seem more annoyed than scared. In the end, it causes him and the pink/black bear creature to move to take a closer look.
Hyouka Kiyama
    One nice thing about the World Tree is getting to see other places. Hyouka'd never actually been traveling in her own world, outside of one company trip to Okinawa; now, as an Adventurer(tm), she's been to see quite a different number of different Earth cities... some in multiple versions! New York is a first for her, though, and after yesterday's job, she's glad just to have a chance to unwind and not think for a while.

    Unfortunately, something here is requiring her to engage her brain. That something being 'ninjas'.

    "...DARGN. Ninjas aren't normally this... open, right?" she asks, quietly incredulous. The AI chimes in with a dry, "This would be the equivalent of you embracing paperwork as your life's passion." There is a pause. The faux-elven woman takes a bite of her pizza. "...So they've gone completely insane, then."

    She lowers her pizza, then yells, "As a Japanese person I'm ashamed of all of you! You're tarnishing the good name of ninja everywhere! Go hide or something!"
Emily Nyx
    Emily flies through the air towards one of the taller buildings in the form of a woman in a black trench coat, with a matching hat which casts her face in unnatural shadows and dark gray hair only a shade lighter than her clothes, and projecting a hologram with the text Commencing brooding in ... and a countdown timer with a couple of minutes left.

    And then suddenly, ninjas.

    "... Huh." Emily changes her course and makes a beeline towards Luke, then radios DARGN to join in the tactical part of things: <<DARGN, what the fuck is ...>> And then there's that outburst from Hyouka. <<... Hyouka doing?>> Emily finishes without missing a beat.
Mao Mao
     Up on a nearby rooftop, in the shadow of a massive billboard advertising some kind of skin cream, a pair of bright green eyes open up like the first stars piercing the veil of night. Upon closer inspection, or just shining a light in that direction, they're attached to a black, humanoid cat wrapped in a red cape, with a katana sheathed at his side. His watchful eyes scan the crowd of ninjas, trying to determine the possibility of a threat, as a red-gloved hand lifts a hotdog- *all* the fixings, of course- to his mouth.

"Hmph. I get weird looks just for buying a hotdog, but these guys can traipse around like a bunch of jackbooted ninnies and nobody cares. Bet those hairless apes don't even realize how weird *they* look." he grumbles to himself around a mouthful of mushed 'dog, pulling a pair of binoculars from under his cape to get a better look.
    Ninjas?! What's this city coming to? Though given the expressions of most of the people here, this isn't exactly an unusual occurrence. It's still weird though. Maybe even by this city's standards!

    Though they're not the only out of place people. There's a very tall, muscular Japanese man (which might be a little unusual in and of itself, Japanese guys aren't generally this big) approaching the group of ninjas.

    A lot more unusual though is his coloration. Dark purple hair and golden eyes. And the pupils of his eyes look like they're either the same color as his irises or non-existent. Weird. He's dressed in one of those 'Japanese mountain priest' type outfits, in mostly white, purple, and black, and carries a spear with him. Though for the time being it's covered.

    He's not attacking them overtly yet. Operative word being YET. But he is definitely giving them the stink-eye. They look like they're about to start trouble. So he's going to be standing by, in case they wanna be startin' something.

    And on a nearby rooftop, there's a fox that would otherwise look like a normal fox, except... it appears to be wearing one of those white fox masks. Except that's its face, not a mask. Its gaze is trained on the not-quite-ruckus below...
It's super weird that the Ninjas are just out in the open like this. It's even superer weirder that they aren't moving. In fact, if one were to look closely at them, it might even be easy to tell that they don't seem to be breathing. Their stillness resembles statues or something for more sinister. It's kind of impressive. If this is a Flash Mob, they really should have some cups or some hats or something out for tips because they definitely deserve some for being able to be so still.

"Citizens of New York."

Okay, disembodied voices that sound like Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, shouldn't be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Well, in all honesty, it's probably coming from the huge collection of NINJAS that are doing the worst possible job at being ninjas as humanly(?) possible.

"I have grown impatient. This city will be mine. Allow me to give you a demonstration of things to come..."

The voice pauses for a dramatic effect because there's nary a single movement from any of the ninjas that have chosen to just stand. There's a long moment where the citizens are just standing around and waiting for the demonstration to beg--


Immediately, without even a hint of hesitation, the Hundred Ninja March sprout second sets of arms and immediately go into ATTACK MODE, as they leap, twirl, spin, and TERRORIZE the general public with their swords, staves, daggers and Choose-Your-Martial-Arts-Weapon-Heres.



Michelangelo tilts his head at the familiar voice of doom that comes pouring down into the sewer. His eyes bug out for a moment before he starts pacing back and forth.

"Oh no. Oh no. No no no. Not now. Not. Now!" Mikey is definitely freaking out. "I'm freaking out." See? Told you. "Okay, Mikey. Just breathe. It's fine. It's gonna' be fine. There's no way Shredder would be stupid enough to attack the city in broad evelight. Right?" Mikey talks himself out of worrying too much about it and reaches for his skateboard to prepare to skate on down the sewer and away from this problem. "It's gonna' be fine. The cops got it. NYPD is the best in the world!"

Mikey kicks his skateboard down and hops on it, starting to kick and push his way down the tunn--


Cut To:


"BOOYAKASHA!" Michelangelo flips out of the sewer and up onto the street, nunchucks flailing as he makes his dramatic arrival to fight for his pizza! Oh and the city! But...

Crickets. Lots of Crickets. Because the ninja masse is about six blocks East.

"Uh. Oops?" Skateboard Time.
Hyouka Kiyama
    The response to Emily comes in a faintly amused tone. <<Expressing displeasure with her countrymen, it would seem.>>

    As they continue to be unnaturally still, however, the AI speaks up to Hyouka more directly. "Hyouka, their stillness is abnormal. They-" Someone speaks up. Hyouka looks around, head darting left and right, seeking the source of the announcement; wariness and tension slip into her posture... and then nothing happens. "...what kind of demonstration is he-"

    Oh there they go.

    Alarmed, Hyouka takes a step back. "W-whoa! Cyborgs?! O-or are they robots...?" DARGN smoothly cuts in, "Not important. Civilians are in danger." The cyborg nods briskly, then declares, "Fisto, ON!" In a span of two seconds, her forearms come apart, and larger pieces begin folding out from glowing space within. It's almost like watching a clown car of technology, armor plates and machinery and crystalline lines of 'circuitry' expanding and locking into place, a rapid-fire transformation that leaves the woman with two massive gauntlets in place of her forearms.

    Hyouka slams both immense fists together with a tremendous WHAM, and several lines along each of them light up, radiating a soft orange-gold light as earth mana suffuses them. Sadly, for as cool as her FISTEAU activation sequence is, she lacks any kind of polished fighting technique, so the massive punch she aims at the nearest Foot ninja turns out rather clumsy. But she makes up for it by having superhuman strength and speed, so it's certainly still a threat!
Luke Gray
    Luke is unaware of Emily, or all the others really, his attention was from sightseeing, to hotdog, to crowd of ninjas suddenly sprouting extra arms and attacking!. He has no clue if they are cyborgs, or people, and at t his point, it doesn't matter. Whatever poor Robofoot decided to approach Luke while he was shocked, gets smashed into a building courtesy to Bewear, who lets out a squeaky roar at the attackers!. 
    "R-right, need to stop those guys before they hurt innocents!." he exclaims, "You all have to get away, stop taking photos!.. Bewear stop those guys!, let's try Darkest Lariat!". At that command the pokemon nods and charges towards the group of ninjas, holding out both 'hands' and spining rapidly, smashing into the hopefully not living attackers.
    Already on-hand for this ninja flash mob, when the voice appears, Tonbokiri's frown gets deeper. And then the ninjas... well, flip out. "...Entirely expected," he sighs, striking the butt end of that spear firmly on the ground. The cap on the blade flies off into the air, and the fox is on-hand to leap over the battle-to-be and catch it.

    "You say this is a demonstration? I say this is a poor display!" Tonbokiri declares. It stands to reason that if someone can be heard at a location, then they can also hear at that location, right? Immediately he begins trying to cut and stab these things -- the spear's blade can do both. Whether he knew those were robots or not, Tonbokiri's strikes are lethal. He is not playing around.

    With his swings he declares, "I have cut down both men and demon swords by the hundreds! THIS is pathetic! You face TONBOKIRI, of the Three Great Spears of Japan, blade of the undefeated Tadakatsu Honda!" He can indeed smack-talk and fight at the same time, yes.

    There actually is a reason he's running his mouth. This is a lot of ninjabots, and he's not sure who all is coming to help. So he's trying to establish himself as the greater threat, to give the civilians a chance to escape. And he's also being loud so that Konnosuke can get all this, just in case he needs help. Aruji may be able to send someone to drag him out of the dustcloud if needed.
Mao Mao
     The cat man continues watching through his binocs while grumbling more about the situation. "Some weird voice coming from them. Wait a minute... those aren't people, they're robots. Who- and where- is their master..." he wonders aloud in a slightly irritated mumble, taking another bite of his hotdog. "Gnrf... probably building a- mnch- giggle ray or something... nom..."

But then, the ninjas sprout weapons! And start attacking people! Shoving the rest of his 'dog in his mouth, the cat man leaps down to the street with his red cape flapping behind him, immediately bouncing off the ground in a sprint toward the nearest victim being terrorized by one of these mechanical monstrosities. A flash of gold splits the night, and the ninja, as he draws his katana for a stylish single stroke, pointing it at the others.

"Alright, you ninjoid nincompoops! Sheriff Mao Mao is on the scene, which means your reign of terror is about to be cut-" He emphasizes this by slicing another ninja in half as it jumps at him. "-short! Surrender now to the proper authorities and I'll think about letting you keep your limbs!"

A moment later, Hyouka and Luke's Bewear catch his attention, before Tonbokiri catches it even harder. "Well, at least we have some respectable warriors to defend this place."
Emily Nyx
    Emily regards the motionless ninjas for a moment. <<I'm not detecting any life-support systems or biomass that would indicate that they're cyborgs,>> she says. <<This is because my sensors aren't good enough to do so. Though, there is a radio transmission, I think ... uh-oh.>>

    As they spring into action, Emily glances between Hyouka, Tonbokiri, Luke, and Mao Mao. A hologram is suddenly projected above her: Releasing Capacitor Seals 3 and 2. Her usual gold, silver, and pearlescent auras appear, and the first two shatter and the third fades, before she disintegrates into what appears to be silvery glitter, spiraling through the air surrounded by (holographic) Lunar Tear petals, before she rematerializes and comes crashing down feet-first onto one of the robot ninjas directly between Luke and Tonbokiri.

    Her new form is a white-haired woman with glowing purple eyes, silver hair in a pixie cut, and massive holographic twintails that spiral inward and clip through the ground. She's wearing a pinstripe waistcoat and slacks, a matching hat, a white buttondown shirt with a bright red necktie, and pointy anime sunglasses.

    She decides to follow Tonbokiri's lead. He's not the most heroic person here, but he's the loudest, so she can't help but make noise herself. "And I'm Emily Nyx," she says. A second pair of arms materializes on her, as well. "And two can play at the bonus-arms game!" Rectangular swords appear in her hands, with one of the card-suits on the base of each, and then she starts slashing at the robots around her, pinwheeling around in a way which is highly-visible in addition to being (hopefully) damaging.

Hyouka's FIST OF EPIC DOOM makes short work of the Footbot that got a little too close. Those razor hands are all that's left as the thing practically explodes into pieces from the sudden arrival of SUPER STRENGTH PUNCHING. This, of course, causes head swivels from other Footbots nearby and they leap at Hyouka one after another, bladed arms twirling and spinning for some Sayonara Surgery!

Luke and Bewear have the displeasure of dealing with some Footbots that are clearly rushing at them from the crowd. They don't even flinch when the lead Footbot gets smashed into a building. The office worker on the inside of the building looks up, blinks, takes a sip of their Iced Coffee and then gets back to work. New Yorkers, right? Anyway, there's a line of Footbots rushing for Bewear, but they get knocked this way and that way by the spinning fists of Darkest Lariat! And yes, people are still taking photos.

"This is so cool!"
"I heard they had something like this in L.A. last week!"


The bladed hand of SHREDDER smashes into the console at which he's watching (and listening) in time to hear Tonbokiri's witty banter. And then the visual goes away because a spear goes through that particular Footbots skull. "KRAAAAAAANG! I thought you said these things were indestructible!"


FOOTBOT SWARM! Not that they have any feelings to be burned or dissed by Tonbokiri, but the Footbots waste no time in sending about a dozen of themselves in his direction. After all, they keep getting speared through in vital locations like the skull (home of their CPU) or the chest (power core) and they just go down with relative ease. Which only makes room for more. Dogpile Attack!

Mao Mao draws the attention of the Footbots as well, as more of them head in that direction. The poor Footbot that was sliced in half is still trying to attack something, anything, crawling around in varied directions in an attempt to stab some feet. It probably isn't going to do much else. But there are Footbots coming at Mao Mao from all sides!

Footbot CRUNCH! Emily Nyx's super arrival is visual bluster enough that a wave of Footbots is definitely headed in her direction. While they do happen to have their hands of blades, one arm each seems to be firing out shurikens at a rapid pace. Machine Gun style. There's even that little sound effect to come with it. Emily's pinwheeling deflects some shuriken back at the Footbots and cuts down other Footbots to size.


A three-toed green foot smashes into the skull of one of the random Footbots and what can only be described as a Mutant Turtle seems to have made his appearance as well. Where'd he come from? Who knows. He just appeared. Like a Ninja. There's a grin on his face as the Footbot drops, short circuiting from the arrival kick. "I always knew you guys were real Metalheads." Welp, he's quipping. There's the Teenage part. "Wanna' see some of /my/ Greatest Hits?" And the nunchucks come out for some swinging action as well.
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Hah!" Hyouka lets out an exultant yell at her first smash of the night. She even pumps one huge fist. But in the next couple seconds, she suddenly has several more looking right at her. "...DARGN, I don't suppose I can use that dragon-mode thing?" The AI replies simply, "No. Power output is not nearly high enough." Hyouka looks as if she's about to reply, when- "WHOA!" Here they come.

    It's almost comical, really. She genuinely has only 'the fights she's been in' in terms of combat training, and while she's no longer a TOTAL newbie to brawling, she still hasn't developed proper balance, footwork, or evasive maneuvering. So it ends up being like watching a controlled flail, at higher speed than a human could pull off. Naturally, that makes it only a matter of time before a buzzsaw arm swings in at just the right angle-


    To get stalled out in a shower of sparks against her abdomen. Hyouka takes the opportunity to reach out and grab the Foot soldier's arm with a hand as big as its torso, and grins. "You know, my body's artificial too. The armor's pretty good." Nevermind that it actually managed to gash her artificial skin.

    However, now she has a hold on an android ninja. So what the heck should she do with it?

    It's obvious. She'll beat some robo-suckers with another robo-sucker.

    With an exultant yell, she uses her strength to haul the thing up into the air and start flailing around with it at the other Foot. She's so engrossed in this that she misses the arrival of a turtle.
    Emily's appearance and smashing that ninjabot between himself and Luke draws his attention. "My thanks!" he offers in response. It's the old-fashioned samurai way of thanking someone, if that translates somehow.

    The dogpile attack is exactly what he was planning. Tonbokiri is not only a guy with a spear, but he is a Big Dude. So what he doesn't pierce or cut with his blade, he can probably smash. And he is not above using the time honored method of 'use one MFer to hit another MFer' either -- Hyouka's proof of just how reliable this method is!

    That said, he probably shouldn't be underneath the dog pile too long -- he has a human body now, and that very much does bleed. Which is made clear when several of those Foot-wielded swords get through his guard. Most of them cut rather shallowly at his arms (since they're moving targets), but one cuts deeply into his chest before he can knock the wielder away, and he staggers.

    ...Is that a shallow crack on the blade of the spear he carries? It appeared just as the wound in his chest appeared...

    More to the point, that is real blood, and the coppery scent it carries is unmistakeable. Hopefully that will get the looky-lous to get the hell out of here.

    The timely arrival of what seems to be a local fighter draws Tonbokiri's eye. Given some of his housemates, the quips don't prompt the expected groan or eye-rolling that one might have expected. No, he just looks in Michelangelo's direction and asks, "Are these the usual enemies one finds here?"
Emily Nyx
    "... Hmm!" Emily raises her eyebrows at the fired shurikens, and spends more time dodging than deflecting. She isn't any more experienced or trained than Hyouka, but she's definitely chaotic enough that she'll hopefully be able to confuse their AI.

    -- Hey, where's that piano music coming from?

    It's coming from Emily. She's playing "Ninja", by 7 Seconds of Love.

    And then the bass drops. On the fly, Emily is synthesizing dubstep and electric guitars over the existing song. I'm gonna flip out ... like a ninja ... The relatively gentle vocals sound totally out of place.

    Suddenly, a high-tech signet ring covered in glowing runes appears on one of her fingers. "Timestop Templartifact!" she announces. There's a flicker of inverted-colors around her finger, and then ... nothing. "... shit." A thrown shuriken slams into the back of her head in a miniature burst of damaged nanomachines. A second later (because it took her that long to get the idea), an exaggerated spray of holographic Lunar Tear petals flies out from the injury.

    The injury disappears as she hides the damaged nanomachines under the surface, and she connects the handles of two of her swords together, forming a double-bladed weapon. She then does the same thing with the other two, and starts slashing ahead and behind herself, trying to carve a path in the robots in a figure-eight pattern around Tonbokiri and Luke.
Mao Mao
     "I'm going to take that as a 'no' and assume you're all resisting arrest." Mao Mao says, a little bit darkly, as his mouth splits into a threatening grin. His golden-bladed katana flashes in the city lights as it cleaves through more Footbots, the black cat proving himself no less of a ninja as he nimbly darts and leaps about like a sword-wielding flea... which, considering he's barely over three feet tall at his ear tips, might not be a bad comparison.

And then Michelangelo appears, and he stops for a moment. "Oh sure, a big turtle too. What's so weird about *me*-" he says, cut off by one of the ninjas kicking him square in the chest and knocking him to the ground. Coughing as he tries to catch his breath, he rolls out of the way just in time as a sawblade comes down right where his head was a moment ago, trying to regain his footing.
Luke Gray
Luke turns his attention from his pokemon's beating of the ninjas to spot Emily crashlanding near him!. Of course, that also leads him to spot at least Tonbokiri, wincing at the sight of blood, and making his way towards the seemingly wounded, strong looking person!. He has some first aid things on his backpack, maybe he can help?. "Bewear, just smash them, they are robots!". Of course, him yelling around might draw some robo ninja attention, so Bewear moves from beating up random ninjabots to keep closer to Luke and act as Bodyguard. 
     The bear seems surprisingly hard to actually wound, might be just the weird fluff around it, but there are some visible cuts already as it is assaulted by the Foot. "Bewear, watch out!, substitute!" the trainer asks, just as a 'sneaky' Footbot charges behind Bewear and seemingly manages to stab its blades through the poor pokemon!. The stabbed bewear vanishes in a puff of white smoke, before, a moment later, the stabbing ninja is smashed to pieces by the same pokemon. The turtle person gets a wave from Luke, who seems clearly interested, but more focused on the deadly robots than socializing, at least until they stop trying to stab him.
Even Footbots don't like being used as weapons. The one Footbot that gets snatched up by Hyouka actually has enough programming left to frown annoyedly beneath that mask before it slams and smashes against other Footbots! It breaks and shatters with each swing but the resulting sparks and destruction of other Footbots in Hyouka's path is the true carnage! Er, heroic carnage! That's a thing! Really!

Tonbokiri, of course, is going to town on the Footbot Swarm that was all over him a moment ago. Granted, there are less but there are still some... that end up meeting their short-circuiting demise at the hand of Tonbokiri swinging around their Footbot brethren. The smashing is just too perfect to be passed up.

Speaking of perfect, there's a moment where both Hyouka and Tonbokiri smash Footbots into Footbots and those Footbots end up smashing into each other for a little DOUBLE TEAM ACTION! NOICE!

"If by enemies you mean total losers, then, yup!" Mikey passes by with enough time to answer Tonbokiri while chucking some Footbot in the face and sending sparks everywhere.

Emily Nyx's dodging is working wonders because the few shurikens that are deflected end up striking Footbot SkullPUs and those Footbots go down swinging. The music that's being played also seems to have done something to the programming. Krang didn't account for weaponized dubstep so this has the nearest Footbots faltering in their movements. They can't even attack without their limbs pop-locking up and forcing their bodies into hesitated jerking movements... which makes them easy targets for the figure-eight slicing and dicing and julienne bots!

"Pump up the volume! Woo!" Mikey seems to have popped up nearby again, this time cackling almost to the beat and dragon kicking a Footbot off-screen!

Mao Mao's sword cleaving makes short work of the Footbots in his vicinity. Some of the Footbots actually drop down into creepy-crawly mode to see if they can't slice at the Sheriff Cat more on his level but they just end up getting sworded into oblivion. With ease.

"Whoa! Samurai Cat! Awesome!" Mikey's passing by again, this time running from a couple of sawblading Footbots. "You wouldn't happen to be a Pizza fan would yoooooooou?!" He'll be back for the answer once he escapes these Footbots!

The tag team of Luke Gray and Bewear seems to be the stuff of Pokelegend because the Footbots near them are getting the BEAR necessities when it comes to Bewear's claws. Even the one Footbot that was making some headway has to tilt his head when he ends up stabbing through smoke and not Bewear. There's only time for that Footbot to look annoyed before it is smashed to pieces by the Unbearable Bewear!

"Cool bear, bro!" This time Mikey's running after those Footbots that were just chasing him a moment ago! Only not because he's chasing them... but because they're all running from another swarm of Footbots!

Speaking of, the combined efforts of the Anti-NinjAvengers seems to have put a serious dent in Shredder's demonstration. There are only a few sparsed Footbots left (and the swarm chasing Mikey chasing Footbots) so there's been some seriously good work done. Most of the people that were watching and filming have run or are doing so from behind whatever cover they can find... and still get a good phone camera angle.
Hyouka Kiyama
    As Hyouka hews and flails about herself with the remains of her robotic shinobi foe, it comes apart bit by bit, until there just isn't much left. Eventually, she gives up and tosses it aside, hauling back her arm to deliver another earth-elemental blow-

    "...DARGN, is that a giant turtle?"

    -when she notices Michelangelo at last.


    "And is he... grooving to Emily's music?"

    "It seems so."

    Hyouka just sort of stares for a moment... which gets her stabbed in the shoulder by another Footbot. The strike doesn't penetrate, but it does enough damage that she lets out a pained-slash-annoyed grunt. "Ow! I was distracted, you-" Whatever she calls it, the sound is hidden by the sound of her fist smashing some more. Thankfully, it looks like most of them are gone, so perhaps just a bit of mop-up left...?
Mao Mao
     Mao Mao's sword cleaves through several more Footbots as he gets his bearings again, blocking an overhead strike from one of the ninjas as Michelangelo skates past him. "I don't know what that is but... thank you?" he responds, then shouts over the din of battle to be heard as he answer, "YES, NOT RELEVANT RIGHT NOW THOUGH!"

As he takes note of Tonbokiri's injuries, though, he breaks off from his current set of opponents and rushes over to help the spear wielder, dropkicking a couple of Footbots away from the much taller man. "Fear not, for Sheriff Mao Mao is here to render aid to a fellow warrior!" he says with a wink and a thumbs up.
    Luke approaches, and Tonbokiri strikes at any of the Foot-bots that tries to get too close in the young man's wake. "Careful," he cautions. "These mechanical cretins will not stop long enough to allow us to see to wounded."

    The wound's not gushing, thankfully. It's bleeding yes, and the skin around the wound is angry and red, but he's not going to bleed out in moments or anything.

    Fortunately their numbers seem to have thinned out considerably. They may not be completely gone, so no one can relax JUST yet, but there are significantly fewer of them.

    Michelangelo's response to Tonbokiri's question gets a nod. "I thought as much," he confirms. Having a varied base of housemates does have its benefits -- most notably in that Michelangelo's modern parlance doesn't seem to be difficult for him to understand.

    Mao Mao's appearance also gets a nod, and he offers an honest, "Thank you." Again, that old-fashioned samurai way of speaking, if it translates. "But aid can wait until these mechanical monstrosities are dealt with," he offers. "I will survive until then."

    And indeed, he's still fighting the robots. Though he does appear to be slowing down, it's worth noting, relying more on broad sweeping strikes of the spear than the more precise stabs and slashes from before the injury.
Emily Nyx
    Emily snikers at Hyouka's reaction. She's ... wobbling slightly, after getting hit by that shuriken. Still, she's smirking, slicing through some of the few remaining Footbots with her double-swords. "Nice," she says. "Hey, Mikey!" That directed at Michelangelo. "Sorry I didn't greet you sooner, but, y'know." She looks ... completely different from any of the previous forms she had in this world, but her voice is the same.

    She floats over towards Tonbokiri and Luke, firing golden bolts of light at Footbots behind herself. "I could probably help make a bandage or something," she says, "but it'd be temporary, and I'm not sure I'd actually be good at it. I'm a general-purpose model, not a medic. 'specially not a combat medic." That seems to make her snicker for some reason.

    She raises her eyes at Mao Mao. "A sheriff, huh," she says sardonically. "Is this even your jurisdiction?" She hesitates, and then in a more neutral tone, she says, "Genuinely asking, I don't know what your jurisdiction is, or even whether or not you're from this world."
One after Another after Another after That One Over There... the Footbots are dealt with on the most permanent level. Smash, sliced, cleaved, Beweared and then some, the Footbots are dealt with in a most triumphantly heroic fashion. Thus giving time for the regrouping to come to fruition and for wounds to be tended to. It's a glorious moment of blissful heroic battle aftermath.

The clean up, however, is going to be seriously annoying.

Mikey ends up making his way over to the collective of heroes that just kind of totally saved his shell. He's grinning like he just won the lotto because even though he's a giant turtle and there are piles of mostly broken and shattered Footbots everywhere, Michelangelo is carrying about eight large pizza boxes.

"It's still warm, dudes!" Mikey must've used this ninja skills to get over to Pizza Dude as the rest of those Footbots got dealt with because he's now ready to share this deliciousness with the others. "Who's..." A random Footbot tries to grab his ankle but gets stomped until it stops moving for good this time. "... hungry?"
Hyouka Kiyama
    And now the giant turtle is offering them pizza.

    "Well, I already had... half a slice," Hyouka muses aloud. Her meal was interrupted by robot ninjas, but technically she doesn't need to eat at all.

    "...but, I suppose if you've got that much to spare..."
Mao Mao
     Mao Mao cleaves one last ninja straight down the middle, but it politely waits for him to spin his sword around, slide it slowly into its sheath, and make that oh-so-satisfying 'click' before the two halves fall apart in opposite directions. With a hearty laugh, he remarks, "Gwahahaha! Another bunch of bad guys brought to justice! Now if only we could track down their leader..."

Though Mikey showing back up with *eight pizza boxes* breaks his train of thought. "Where'd you get that much pizza?"
Emily Nyx
    Emily shoots her usual amused and faintly smug smile at Mao Mao. "Eh, the leader'll probably show himself betimes," she says cheerfully. "That's how these things usually happen. Reapplying Capacitor Seals 3 and 2." The pearlescent aura reappears, the gold and silver one reconstructs itself, all three fade, and the swords dematerialize.

    She shrugs grandiosely at Hyouka's comment, making sure to be expansive as possible with her four arms. "Hey, Hyouka, the two most important words you can ever hear are 'free' and 'food'," she says. "Especially in conjunction!" Not that she needs to eat either, but it's the principle of the thing.
    When the tide of ninjabot finally ends, Tonbokiri can finally relax. A little. He's still hurt. But fortunately it isn't too bad. He sighs, winces a bit. "Ow."

    He's soon joined by the tiny fox that had been on the roof, carrying the sheath for his blade. He'll get that dealt with, and as he does, the fox intones, "Should I have Aruji send Yagen?"

    "No, that will not be necessary," Tonbokiri replies. "I will be fine." He pauses, though, as Michelangelo returns with what's clearly food! He seems to be in agreement with Emily here, though he does note, "If you have it to spare, I would be honored." A bow. He does need to feed a soon-to-be-healing body.
"Pizza Dude." Michelangelo tosses a thumb (he has a thumb, right? his hands are weird) over his shoulder and off in the direction of the Pizza Dude Delivery Driver that's currently yanking his visor and name tag off and tossing it into the Pizza Dude car and just walking away from this entire mess like he's going to go work somewhere else. Or maybe not even work ever again at this rate. "I gotta' get a new route!"

Mikey just starts handing pizzas out to everyone that's around because that's the kind of Turtle he is. "Courtesy of your favorite turtle bro: MICHELANGELO!" He's super excited about all of this and it's now time for a heroic moment of chowtime.


"That stupid brain and his miserable robots have failed. As I thought they would." Shredder does not seem happy about this turn of events. Not happy at all. Especially as he watches the Heroic Chowtime through one of the eyes of the mostly downed Footbot. The image is fuzzy but he can make out a collection of heroic types basking in their victory. "You don't send robots to do a mutant's job."

Shredder almost seems like he's grinning beneath that metal mask of his.

"Bebop! Rocksteady!" Shredder's eyes narrow at the screen. "I've got a job for you..."