
World: World of Warcraft - 2
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Muradin Bronzebeard is a dwarven warrior and mountain king, middle child of the royal family of Bronzebeards, monarchs of the dwarven kingdom of Ironforge. Having always shown a remarkable aptitude for warfare, Muradin forged his legend in the battlefields of his world of Azeroth by assisting the human Alliance against the ravages of the orcish Horde. A veteran of countless battles already, Muradin has traveled far and wide in his never ending quest for thrill seeking, butting heads with horrible monsters in search for treasure. Eventually, his plucky personality combined with his battle prowess landed him in the World Tree. Though much has changed around him, Muradin continues to be the same dwarf he has always been, always eager to go on perilous missions for treasure and test his mettle, and his war hammer and battle axe, against the biggest, meanest warriors he can find. As long as there is ale, gold, and good proper fighting, Muradin will go on as he always has.


Seasoned Commander: A Craftsman of War; Tactician and Leader.
Withouth a doubt, Muradin knows what he's doing in large scale warfare, with a clear understanding of things like logistics and supply lines. Tempered by war and forged in battle, Muradin has fought and won against countless enemies; ranging from orcs, undead, demons, walking trees-- you name it. He's both capable of leading massive armies efficently, or he can take command of a small band of adventurers. Muradin is experienced enough that he can glance at someone and device how their expertise might best help a group out. Naturally, these individuals have to actually tell what are their attributes for Muradin to put them to good use, although the dwarf is experienced enough that he might be able to guess what a particular individual can do.
Superb Athletics: What Strength! Pretty Fly for a Dwarf Guy
Muradin has stopped being an average dwarf, or indeed an average mortal, a long time ago. After decades of warfare, training and adventuring, he has adquired supernatural athletic abilities. He can clear a small house in a single bound and has enough strength to lift at least a ton in raw weight.
Stoneform: Healing Factor
Muradin's endurance is the stuff of legends, and it could almost qualify as regeneration. Although incapable of outright regrowing lost limbs, Muradin can take blows that look outright fatal and get back to fighting after a short resting period. Wounds heal at a drastically fast rate, and he's been known for being impaled completely through the body, only to have the gaping hole in his chest and stomach close up after just a few days of rest.
Mithrios and Troggbane: Exploding and Returning Axe and Hammer
Muradin's legendary weapons, the warhammer Mithrios and the battle axe Troggbane. Besides being nigh indestructible and a marvel of weapon craft, the weapons are soulbound to Muradin and are very difficult to remove from his body as he can simply call them back at will. Muradin often takes advantage of this ability as he has a fondness for throwing both his hammer and his axe at opponents. Upon contact, the weapons damage everything around them in an arcane explosion, but they appear back on the dwarf's hands a few seconds later.
Dwarven Battle Style: Skilled in combat with both axe and hammer.
Muradin is both a highly skilled and strong opponent, liberally mixing technique with sheer strength, opponents might be surprised just how knowledgeable the dwarf seems to be when it comes to combat, as he has an excellent understanding of take down techniques, counter attack stances, parry and evasion and both grappling his opponent as well as escaping grapples himself. He makes full use of both his weapons, mixing in the armor crushing blows of his warhammer with the swift rending strikes of his axe.
Avatar Form< Edge >: Can turn into a Stone Giant.
Arguably Muradin's strongest weapon, by way of focusing all his power on his stoneform, Muradin is capable of turning into a full on stonegiant. Growing at least 15 feet in size, Muradin's skin, armor and weapons (even his beard!) turn completely into stone granting him a vast increase on his already considerable strength and vitality. Turning into an Avatar takes an enormous amount of effort for Muradin and he can only mantain the form for a short amount of time before returning to normal dwarven form.
Firearm Training: Can use muskets and flintlocks.
Though not his preferred fighting style, living in Khaz Modan has taught Muradin plenty on gun usage. He is only adept at old fashioned ball and powder firearms such as muskets, flintlocks and blunderbusses, with the occassional use of satchel explosive and the like. Even then, Muradin isn't an amazing shot, and he prefers being stuck in the melee, however, it's always nice to have ranged combat options.


Honey< Named E-Tier >: Tiny robot helper. Infiltration and sabotage specialist. Can use tiny guns.
A Rabbit Type Waffebunny Shinki created by Vulcan Labs. Honey is a one foot tall robot assistant that specializes in infiltration and sabotage. She's proficient with small arms like handguns, daggers and machine guns. As a stealth specialist she can disable locks, dismantle machinery and computers, all while being incredibly difficult to spot thanks to her size and sneaking capabilities. Unlike most Shinki, Honey doesn't have true flight but comes equipped with a jump pack that allows her to keep up the pace with most individuals. Muradin and Honey's bond is average due to the Thane simply buying the Shinki at a store, however Honey seems particularly thrilled at the idea of serving an actual King and is fiercely loyal- even for a Shinki's standards.


Slow Speed: Curse these short legs!!
Despite all his strength, his athletism, his magical items and his endurance, there is one thing that Muradin has never been able to overcome; his height! As a dwarf, Muradin is pretty short, and that means short legs. He might be able to jump like a grasshopper but when it comes to straight up running he's as fast as a turtle. This is simply a fact of life that he's had to overcome through other means. Muradin has never allowed his short legs and stature to hamper his fighting ability as he's still very agile, but he's just not going to be winning any foot races soon. It is also a point of high embarassment when a warrior of his caliber gets outrun by something like a human child.
Greedy Treasure Hunter: Gotta have me gold!
While Muradin is not exactly an amoral mercenary who enjoys benefiting from the misery of others.. he is nonetheless very greedy, and will go almost to absurd lengths to earn a profit. Muradin won't, for instance, cut down a whole sacred forest just for gold. He will, however, descend into an ancient forbidden catacomb because he heard there was some good loot there. In a sense, Muradin's greed extends beyond simple gold, he also craves adventure, and generally speaking the more dangerous an expedition sounds the more appealing it'll be to him. Muradin is the kind of dwarf that will be the first to dive head first into the abyss seeking to fight or plunder whatever might be in there. If there are laws or rules that specifically forbid people to go to a certain place, it almost 100% guarantees Muradin will barrel his way in there.
Surly AF: You wot m8!? Let's get stuck in a brawl!
Being a dwarf has its drawbacks. Although Muradin fully enjoys all the durability perks that his dwarven nature gives him, he also is a perfect example of how unpleasent dwarves can be to other cultures. At all times, Muradin will reek of alcohol, dirt, sweat, blood and/or iron. He's almost always drunk, even in public, he is loud mouthed and quite a braggart, and even if he's a jovial fellow, many people might even mistake him for a bully for his perchant to exhibit tough love by punching people on the shoulders. Muradin might be royalty, but he is -dwarven royalty- and that is the equivalent of being a drunken tavern brawler in most places. If taken to diplomatic meetings, expect him to pick a fight with dignitaries or at the minimum challenge them to a drinking contest.
Old Hatreds: Sod off, Horde!! Keep yer undead and monsters!
Muradin and his people have been locked in a war that has lasted decades against the Orcish Horde. One does not simply let go of such hatreds from one day to another even in lands that are not of Azeroth. Muradin still holds a deep grudge against all those he views as enemies of the Alliance, and he has great difficulty seeing races that look like a orcs, trolls, taurens, undead, goblins, or blood elves as anything other than enemies. These indviduals will have to go through great lengths to prove themselves and earn Muradin's trust if they wish to associate or work for the Mountain King. Needless to say that Muradin is all too willing to maim or outright kill orcs, goblins, undead or anything resembling a Hordite even if they aren't actually from Azeroth.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1066 The Corrupted Hero Aug 09 2022
1058 The Dark Cathedral Jul 26 2022
984 Into the Mists Feb 18 2022
981 We Control The Horizontal... Feb 08 2022
968 Nomad's Land Jan 25 2022
961 OuterSite Station Jan 14 2022
960 Shelter Jan 11 2022
942 Restful Silence: Finale Dec 14 2021
937 Restful Silence Pt 4 Dec 07 2021
935 Trouble on the Beach Dec 04 2021
See All 21 Scenes


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