World Tree MUSH

Nomad's Land

    When a nomadic barbarian tribe starts passing uncomfortably close to the small town of Northwich, the locals beg any and all passing adventurers to resolve the problem. The question is whether the adventurers can solve the issue peacefully. Or whether peace was ever an option in the first place.
Character Pose
Anna Primrose
    The village of Northwich rests on the edge of a forest that expands westward from the kingdom of Rosalia. With a population of roughly 800 humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings, the people here are a peaceful lot, with only a small guard force because... Nothing ever happens here.
    Nothing until recently.
    The local hunters have run into scouts of a tribal warband encroaching on the town's territory. And even more recently, the tribe in question has been found inhabiting the forests in various camps and clusters, and have a number of fighters and toughs more than enough to make the townsfolk nervous.
    The world's local adventurer's guild set up a bounty... Deal with the tribe and get them away from the people of Northwich by any means necessary, peaceful or not, and a handsome reward will go to the party that handles the situation.
    Anna Primrose is here by sheer happenstance, staying at the local inn and tavern plinking at her smartphone with one hand while sipping a cup of tea with the other when the news hits her and she makes a few phone calls and texts to parties she thinks might be interested...
Valerian Railton
    "Yo Barkeep. Gimme a stein of whiskey." Valerian says as he heads into the tavern upon receiving a text message from Anna that there might be something interesting going on. 

    "So barbarians, huh?" He notes as he drops down in the seat next to Anna and waits, "Ideally, we can do this without people dying. Depends how territorial they wanna be about the whole thing, though, dunnit?" He stretches a bit.

    "So how's the conspiracy-hunting going?"
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi keeps an eye on various adventurer postings when she can; anywhere she can put her skills to use protecting people, she has a hard time keeping herself away. Something like this is right up her alley, the kind of situation where she'll do everything she can to make sure the peaceful resolution is the one they come to. It's pretty much happenstance that it's the same posting Anna sent out a call for, but it's a happenstance she's glad to roll with.

    "I'm hoping we can just talk them down," Yumi replies to Valerian as she weaves her way through the tavern, "But I'm preparing myself mentally for 'honorable duel to convince them to leave' or something like that. Either way, I'm aiming for no one getting killed too."

Muradin Bronzebeard never bothered to buy one of them fancy phones. It was frankly a grave strategic mistake from the Thane's part as communication of such scope was a great boon and would increase his chances of surviving in the World Tree. In fact, it was rather strange as to why Muradin simply didn't bother upgrading his archaic equipment, he wasn't exactly a staunch dwarven traditionalist and usually didn't balk at the idea of using technology. He was prudent with it, yes, but just plain refusing to buy a phone..? How would his friends contact him?

Well, the reason for that was that he got a secretary! Muradin was busy cracking skulls elsewhere when a tiny Shinki responded climbed out of his backpack.

"My Lord. Your friend Anna has requested back up. She is located in an area not far from here--"

"Anna's asking fer help!? Tell 'er I'll be right there! Just gonna finish bashing these skulls! HAAAH!!" And so the Shinki texted Anna back as Muradin got back to his work.


A certain dwarven Thane barreled into the bar, cleaning bits of blood from his beard. "Alright, I'm 'ere! Got yer message!" The dwarf ordered himself his own drink and went to join the others by Anna. "Let's see wot we got 'ere.. well, I see we got a few ideas already, but I reckon the first thing to do in this kind of situation is go and talk to them gits, ideally meet with their leader and all that rot." He said sipping his drink.
Shirou Emiya
    By now, it's surely not terribly unsurprising that Shirou Emiya isn't really particularly interested in enormous rewards (though all this moonlighting as an adventurer *does* help keep him fed in his stranded-in-world-tree situation). But Anna, at least, knows that he's more than willing and eager to help with...
    Well, anything, honestly. Even more so when it's Anna who ends up calling him along for the ride.
    Read into that however you wish.
    Anyway. This is all to say that when he got a text message from Anna, the failed magus got to making his way for this world and Northwich as quick as he reasonably could with his limited understanding of Vine navigation and lack of special means of transport. Nevermind that the former has gotten, somehow, a bit easier, and at the same time feeling a bit more... odd, for him. It's... probably nothing though.
    Anyway, a couple Vine hops and an express wagon ride still end up owing to Shirou being not here in a *very* quick manner. Not very late either, but taking enough of a time that he comes bursting into the inn well after the others coming to get involved, panting a bit in his post-hurried state.
    "Oh, good, you're still here!" He calls out to Anna & Co with his approach, giving a casual wave on his way there. "I was afraid I was going to miss you. I need to make friends with a teleporter some day..."
Anna Primrose
    And so the party gathers. Drinks in hand at the tavern, Anna furrows her brow. 
    "Mn." She replies to Valerian first. "I've done some research... Baron Xaxugor is apparently a big name in the Abyss, but that's as far as I was able to find out." She murmurs, sipping her tea a moment longer before rising. Because once everyone's had their drinks she's heading for the tavern door.
    "I'm hoping it doesn't get violent, either. ... At least too violent, anyway. Talking to them first seems like the best idea so..."
    So it's time to go, and just as Shirou arrives, Anna flashes the youth a bit of a smile.
    "Don't be silly, Shirou. Teleporters are just a fantasy."
    Says the girl from the world of magic, elves, dwarves, and such.
    So she leads the way out of town, putting her tracking skills to work to lead through the brush and follow the trail leading to where the tribe's main encampment might be.
    It's not too long before the group finds it-- a large clearing, with several trees cut to expand it marks a rather large camp site. There are probably a hundred here all in all, and there are likely other campsites like it not too far off. The tribe itself seems to be an intermingled mix of humans, orcs, and their half-orc offspring.
    "Okay... So how do we want to do this...?"
Valerian Railton
    "I mean... the simplest option is to ask to see their Tribe Chief." Valerian says as they arrive at the large camp site, "Things like these, they all follow a single leader. If we can reach an understanding with him, I am willing to bet that the others will back off and give the village some fair space." Valerian scratches at the underside of his chin as he considers that.

    He folds his hands behind his head as he looks to Muradin, Yumi, and Shirou to see what they take from the situation.
Yumi Tachibana
    Though she knows Anna, Shirou and Valerian already, it's Yumi's first time meeting Muradin. Her eyes widen in surprise at her first glimpse of the dwarven man - but it quickly shifts over to a warm smile at his personable demeanor. "Hey, good to meet you. Yumi Tachibana," she introduces as they start to head out. "Yumi's fine. I know I don't look like it, but I'm a heavy frontline fighter, if it comes down to a fight. You don't have a problem with fire or sunlight, right?"

    As they head into the woods, it becomes obvious why she says that - in a manner rather similar to another magical girl Muradin knows, the redhead is enveloped in a brief flare of warm, gold-white light, which seems to burst or disperse away from her after a half-second to reveal an outfit somewhere between a fancy dress and knight's armor. She doesn't call forth her weapon just yet, but it's obvious enough from the way she carries herself that she's a seasoned fighter.

    To Valerian, the girl replies, "I think we should probably wait. Not approach anyone, not make it look aggressive. Let our presence speak for itself, let them approach us. See how they play it."
"Hoping ain't good enough fer these kinna situations." Said the dwarven Thane in a surprisingly grim tone. Muradin was usually quite jovial despite his blood thirsty nature, but something about the situation stroke a cord in him. "I've been involved in this kinna thing before.." He said, rubbing his beard idly and finishing his drink.

"Whether they may be refugees or marauders, best thing we can do at first is talk softly, but be prepared to hammer their skulls in. As me people say, those that donna have axes will be hewn by them." As he finished his drink, Muradin laughed heartily as he saw none other than Shirou. "Oi! Shirou! Ye complain far too much for someone of yer age, me lad! Walking's good fer ya, ye know!?" Cackled the dwarf. "Besides, wot ye really need is get yerelf a griffon! Far more reliable than teleportation! And more dangerous to yer enemies too!" No comment on Anna's claim that teleportation was merely magic. Speaking of introductions, Muradin smiled as Yumi approached him and the dwarf extended a meaty hand towards the girl for a firm handshake. "Muradin Bronzebeard. Nice to meet ya as well, lass." He smirked as Yumi mentioned that she was a front line fighter and he simply shook his head. "Ey, if yer anything like Anna 'ere, I reckon we'll be in good hands. And nay, donna have much problem with sunlight, I spend much of me time on the surface nowadays so I've grown used to it."

So they approached the area where the barbarians were, Muradin gave a glance at Yumi first, then at Valerian noticing that the lad was seeing if anyone was willing to make the first move. More pressingly though, was the presence of Muradin's old hated enemy. Greenskins. "Ugh.. bloody orcs... I can smell 'em from 'ere..." Muttered the dwarf, his jaw clenching slightly, and hands tightening into fists.

But this was a new world, and Muradin had a bit of experience with these things.. so he turned to the others. "Nay, no offense lass, but I reckon it's best we show ourselves. If we just stand 'ere and glare at 'em they might take it as an invitation to attack." He said to Yumi.

"If it's alright with the group, I'd like to try and talk to 'em. I ain't the best at diplomacy but I've done parlay and the like before."
Shirou Emiya
    Granted, 'true' teleportation is not really magic that at least Shirou is aware anyone is capable of even in his world, but-- still. He gives Anna a *bit* of a look when she of all people assures him that teleporters are just a silly thing from stories. "Uh... If you say so..."
    And when it comes to Muradin, Shirou just... laughs akwardly, rubbing at the back of his head over the accusations of complaining. "I don't really *mind* walking, it's just a bit too slow when I need to get somewhere in a timely manner. Even more so when it's cross-world! ...Wait...?" The sheepish smile disappears with a rapid series of blinks. "A griffon...? Wait, you mean like-- Hold on, I can barely even ride a pony, how would I even...??"
    However the skit on Shirou's transportation issues go, it doesn't stop him from following along to today's great new adventure. And for the record, he is very much glad that Anna is capable of doing the tracking thing, because he is completely and utterly useless for that kind of thing. Once the camp is in sight, and the potential methods for approaching the tribe are considered, he looks between Muradin and Yumi, and...
    "I'm... kind of inclined to agree with Bronzebeard. I don't really know anything about this tribe, but I have a feeling they might not take kindly to just... being watched, you know? And, uh..." He consider's Muradin's offer of him going on ahead, and... the red-haired youth purses his lips. "...As much as I hate to say it, I probably look the least threatening out of all of us. Think maybe I should go make contact first to let them know there's a non-hostile negotiation party coming over and looking to talk to them? ... Would let us know how they would treat someone outnumbered and outgunned, too."
Anna Primrose
    Something about all this... Something about it furrows Anna's brow. The girl purses her lips as she squints at the various tribesfolk and rubs her chin while the party tries to decide how to approach the camp properly.
    "Does anyone else notice that they're kind of... Scrawny."
    And it's true. Though many of the tribal people are quite large they aren't as... Big as they could be. Some, while quite built, appear to be undernourished and struggling.
    It's not long before the party IS noticed though and the camp goes stone silent rapidly as all eyes turn to the group at the edge of the treeline.
    Well now's the time for diplomacy as the silence causes the flaps of the largest tent to open. And from the tent emerges a human woman. Her silver hair says she's quite on in the years as she leans on a a walking stick decorated with bird skulls and troll teeth, but judging from her build and the slight green tint to her skin, there's some orc in her lineage.
    "I am Sharog Ghak Lazgar, and I lead this tribe." She announces looking dead at the party. "We have been chased from our lands by monsters of fire, darkness, and brimstone. So we come now to take back our ancestral lands that your village stands upon. Tell your elders and your leaders we will not be deterred, we will take back our home."
    She is proud, and judging by the way the warriors beat their chests and drums in tune with her words so are they, but there's no missing the slight tint od exhaustion in her voice.
Valerian Railton
    "Okay... okay, but like..." Valerian considers what the queen says, "So... I'm just spit-balling here, but..." 

    "What if I just... went to your lands... and fucking killed the demons that drove you out? Would you be willing to go home?" Valerian asks, cutting straight to the heart of the matter as he kind of makes some vague hand-gestures while he talks, "Because... killing demons and monsters is worth a LOT more than killing people."

    "And then like... in the meantime, you strike a deal with the village. Protect them from monsters in the area and help them in exchange for food and land rights."

    He looks at the chief, "Yeah?"
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi looks between Muradin and Shirou, then gives a small nod. "Alright, I'll trust your judgment." But then Anna points out a pretty important fact about the tribe, and Yumi squints for a second... then frowns. "'re right. They're in a bad way." Instantly, her wariness gives way, just a little, to make room for a tinge of sympathy.

    The tribe's elder, unfortunately, makes a difficult demand - but Valerian immediately posits a counteroffer. And it's pretty much exactly the same offer she'd make. She gives the juicer a glance, and there's a little smile there. "We're strong warriors, and most of us make a habit of fighting this kind of battle. Protectors, monster-slayers. I'd be willing, at the very least."
"Seriously? Not even a pony??" Rather ironically, the -one- thing that bothered Muradin out of that whole exchange with Shirou was his embarrassing confession that he can't ride a horse at all. "Oi oi... I'm just gonna pretend ye didn't tell me that.." Almost every human in Muradin's world is an expert horsemaster, and the very idea that a human can't ride seemed almost like a sin to him. Like a dwarf saying they can't use an ax.

Either way, diplomacy it be and Muradin took a moment to consider Anna's words about the wild folk looking kind of scrawny. "Hmm.. I reckon so, but I figured it was because the Orcs in me world are -enormous-. These blokes are only just a few inches taller than the average human." Incidentally, also Muradin's first time seeing actual half-orcs, and not just one but a whole bunch of them. Oof, the thought of humans and orcs interbreeding shook him but he pushed those thoughts away to focus on the mission.

"I agree!" Muradin suddenly cackled and slapped his hand on Shirou's back. "Come 'ere laddie, I reckon it might not hurt if these blokes see a friendly face."

As he advanced towards the tribe, Muradin was slightly surprised that the leader came to them first, and even went as far as getting within axe range. He frowned at the old woman and her demands, and if Muradin was any less scrupulous he'd just kill her where she stood and leave the warriors leaderless.

She made her demands known though, which there was honor in doing so, and after Valerian and Yumi said their bit, Muradin squared up and glanced up at the old woman with obvious orc ancestry.

"I be Muradin Bronzebeard! High Thane of Ironforge! King under the Mountain!" The leader had introduced herself and the least Muradin could do was return the favor. He was certain that these folks didn't care a bit for his titles but it never hurt to show that you were A Big Deal.

"This town is under me protection and the protection of me brethren here who do not take kindly to marauders and vandals, even if ye've been forced off yer lands, it doesn't give ye the right to do the same to other folks."

"I tell ye now, Sharog Ghak Lazgar, well and truly, if ye wanna fight us it will be yer people who will suffer."

He paused and then motioned to his side towards Valerian. "Ye'd be better off taking the offer of my associate here. I can guarantee that ye want us as allies, not enemies."
Anna Primrose
    Counteroffers are made. And the tribe is silent still as their elder stares level at Valerian and Yumi. Before she squeezes her eyes shut in a manner that says the next words out of her mouth are probably for the sake of show for the tribe at this point. But she and her people have their pride and they will not let that go regardless of how much they have clearly lost.
    "Very well. Let us 'spit ball'." She says. "My people would not survive the journey back. The people of the village are weak and soft. Taking it back even in our state would be a matter of ease. ... But you offer alternative that I would be unwise to look away from." She muses.
    "Therefore you must show us your strength. You must prove you can face the creatures of darkness and flame that plague our home, that we may see your power for ourselves." She declares, which makes the men beat their chest once more and drums begin to play.
    "Select a champion amongst yourselves. They will face my champion, and the victor shall decide how this is handled."
    It is as she says this that her champion emerges from the midst of the tribe; a massive half-orc; and though he looks worn from travel and hunger, he pops his neck to indicate that he is ready.
    "... I can probably take him." Anna considers. "How do we want to do this?"
Valerian Railton
    "I mean, HONESTLY... I feel like it's best for THEM if I sit this one out," Valerian says as he looks at the massive half-orc, "Normally I'd be one of the first to volunteer, but I'm legit-ass worried if I hit one of them, I'd kill them because I can't control my strength when I start having a bit too much fun." 

    The Dragon Juicer laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of his head, "If he was at full strength, I'd be all for it. But like... I don't have a weapon and I'm not wearing my power armor, so I can't hold my strength back." He is, true to his word, dressed in his normal outfit rather than his power armor or wielding his chainsaw.

    "So I'm cool if someone else wants to volunteer. Anna's a great choice in my book."
Muradin certainly knew how that could be. Warrior pride was quite a trip, it made you hold strong where other non warriors would quit and falter, but it also made you pick fights that you really didn't need to. Case in point, while Sharog could have easily accepted their aid no questions asked, she had to go and make it a matter of pride. Of course, it made sense, how could these people accept aid from fancy looking folks like them? They needed to show that they were warriors as well.

Muradin cracked his knuckles and grinned over at the half-orc. "Oh I'm sure Anna can take 'im." He agreed. "And aye, fighting Valerian might be a bit too much for the wee lad. We wouldn't want him to die now would we?"

The dwarf cracked his neck, in a manner similar to that of the other warrior. "I can take him on if needed. Orcs and I... we go waaaay back."
Yumi Tachibana
    King? Muradin's a king?!

    The dwarf can see Yumi's surprise when she glances at him - and then he can probably see a faint stiffness of formality slip into her demeanor, almost on reflex. She doesn't say anything, but there's something almost knightly in the way she waits and listens.

    And the elder suggests a test of strength to prove they can do it. Not surprising, really. But at the question of who should go, Yumi lifts a hand. "I can hold back if I need to, so I'm an option if it comes down to it. But..." She glances between Anna and Shirou, looking thoughtful. "I think it would send a stronger message if we didn't send one of the powerhouses." There's a side glance towards Muradin, listening to the dwarven king's suggestion, and nodding faintly. "Her or Shirou. That's my suggestion." And given that Shirou doesn't seem like the type to go in for duels...
Shirou Emiya
    Shirou does... not look comfortable. At all. For various reasons. Just seeing the tribe in dire straits like this, even if they are presented as a potential threat, is enough for him to feel sympathetic to them. Sad, outright.
    The second big reason for the discomfort? The putting forward of Anna and him as potential fighters for this proposed duel ahead. The entire concept of a duel to solve matters in the first place doesn't really sit right in the first place with him, but beyond that...
    He looks at Anna, after Yumi's piped up, and he frowns. With a low sigh, he steps up to the Berserker Princess, and places a hand onto her shoulder, suddenly.
    "...Are you sure?" He asks of her, quietly. "You've fought a lot already. I don't--" His other hand instinctively squeezes down at the scabbard of the sword slung to his belt.
    Yes, he's actually concerned over the idea of putting Anna into danger here. Her. The warrior princess who casually kills demons with her bare hands. Over *him*.
    Yes, really.
Anna Primrose
    While the party discusses for the moment, the orc champion stands ready and waiting. Valerian backs out on account that his power is maximum. This is valid and acceptable. Yumi suggests Anna or Shirou to take up the mantle of champion to send a stronger message.
    While the Mountain King and orcs go way back, it is Anna who decides to take the step forward.
    Shirou's hand sets on her shoulder and the girl squeezes her eyes shut tight for a moment, drawing a slow and steeling breath.
    "Shirou. My entire life I've sat out on account of being a princess. I've never been more sure. Fighting is all I can do now, and you know why. Fighting is all I have." She says as she passes the youth her axe, steps forward and cracks her knuckles.
    "I am Yagh Bugrol Lazgar of tribe Turchak. May our battle be one of honor."
    "I, Anna, of tribe Weaseltooth accept your challenge."
    Drums start to beat, a slow rhythmic timbre as the tribe starts to sing a war chant as backdrop for the duel about to begin.
    Though he is large, the half-orc is not at his best, but even still, the fight opens with a blow that nearly takes Anna off her feet.
    Before the girl's eyes turn bloodshot.
    With a snarl she lunges in, and the two are dancing back and forth, exchanging swings, trading punches, Anna ducking and weaving punches that would knock her block off while dealing vicious body blows that rattle the ribs of people *watching* the fight.
    This goes on for seemingly a few moments before Anna actually has him on the ropes--
    When there's a snarl from among the tribe.
    Two of the larger orcs have risen from where they were watching, and they look displeased. Their bodies distort and ripple as they reach for their weapons...
    And transform before everyone's eyes. Growing much larger and bulkier. One cuts down a half-orc at his side before rushing the party with his greatsword. The tribe immediately backs away, looks of shock and horror on their faces because they clearly did not expect a pair of Tanarukk demons to have been hiding among them.
    While the other rushes the honor duel, blade raised high, poised to strike and cut down both Anna and Yagh in the same swing while they're too busy fighting one another to react.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi is content to watch silently, to stand in observation of the battle. The opening moves worry her a little, but when the princess leans into her rage, it becomes even enough the redhead can just stand and observe.

    But that snarl. That snarl instantly has her on edge. Finely-honed warrior's instinct screams that something is wrong with it. In half a heartbeat, runes appear in the air, etched in flames; between these runes a sword forms, the runes now lettering on the massive blade, and she reaches out to grab it from the air. It's a second or two before she can really tell what's going on, but as soon as the senshi can tell what's going on, she practically explodes into motion.

    One step, two, fast enough to outpace a galloping horse, the magical knight hurls herself at the orcish demon slicing into people in a whirl that becomes a powerful slash. Already, the blade of Prominence is aglow, as her sunlight magic flows into the blade, heating it.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> Paladin autodeployment engaged.
Valerian Railton
    "Fucking DEMONS, I swear to god. The Demon Cult on this planet is really starting to piss me off," Valerian complaints. He has no real attachments to these orcs and half-orcs, but he also isn't really happy that two monsters appeared and started chopping the place up and interrupting duels. 

    Valerian looks to Sharog Ghak Lazgar, "Lemme guess. It was THOSE two that suggested from the start you head back to your ancestral land and reclaim it rather than dealing with the demons? That's because they want more Chaos and War to cover up their stupid bullshit they're doing." He explains to her as he rolls up his sleeve.

    "Hey fuckass. STOP KILLING PEOPLE. Someone protect Anna and make sure her duel is clean," Valerian elects to head to the Half-Orc that is in the midst of all the villagers, adjusting the gloves he wears across his hand. As Muradin pointed out, it's dangerous for him to fight the Orcs bare-handed, but against a Demon he is free to wreak havok as he sees fit. And he dashes towards the one that just started rushing at the party with a greatsword.

    Valerian coils back a fist and throws an absolute full-force haymaker right at the solar plexus of the creature.
Shirou Emiya
    "But--" Shirou's protests don't come quick enough. Just like that, he can feel Anna's shoulder slipping away from underneath his hand. Her words ring in his mind, and-- it actually stings? He stares after her back, like she's setting off for some war she isn't coming back from.
    'All she can do now'?
    He should have said something to her about that. He should be denying it.
    But what would that say about *him*?
    For now, the only thing he can do is watch. No matter how much he doesn't like it. And it's very much clear he doesn't *like* it either, just looking at his expression while the duel goes on, even if he keeps himself quiet now.
    But still, he watches it all. Every single second. Every single little motion of bone and sinew, every single swing of a fist--
    But then he hears it. The telltale snarl signalling an oncoming storm. With his mind and body both already high-strung as a result of his friend going into this fight with such an attitude, his hand is immediately at the hilt of his sword and his faintly-reinforced eyes are snapping to the--
    Orcs? No. Demons. And one of them is-- oh no.
    Shirou's brain acknowledges that Anna and Yagh don't have the time to acknowledge what is happening. But beyond that? His feet move before any other thought passes through his mind. A burst of strength beyond his usual fare brought on by a sudden fit of desperation, and--
    Though his hand is working to drawing his sword from it's sheath, he actually slams bodily into the Tanarukk first before it's completed it's charge towards the two duelists. It's an utterly ridicilous sight -- the teenager slamming side-first against the massive demon. It took every single bit of magical energy he had to reinforce his own body to even be able to soak the ensuing impact for himself, not to mention actually managing to *jostle* it. Before Shirou's feet are back on the ground, his sword is out, ready to switch to defense.
    "Trace on--!!"
    It's an unthinking, quick redirection of magical energy to redirect the Reinforcement magic to his sword as the massive greatsword expectedly comes for him next.
    But it's too little, and too slowly.
    In slow motion, Shirou sees the incoming slab of steel going through silver.
    A sharp sound of shattering metal, followed by a much more sickening, wet noise.
    It's an odd sensation. For a moment, Shirou feels like time has frozen still. He can't feel his feet on the ground. But more importantly, he sees red. A lot of red. And then his brain catches on to what happened. He's been sent into air by a massive blow from an equally massive weapon.
    And it has cut through his body.
    The blow is so decisive that there is no room left for even any sounds of pain from the boy. He is simply launched through the air, with a wide, explosive spray of blood leaving a trail of red behind his body in an utterly horrifying display of violence that damn near cut him in twain.
    And at the end of that flight, the boy's broken body lands into a limp slump just a few feet besides Anna and Yagh. Unmoving. Unclear if he is even breathing.
    Followed a few seconds after by the telltale clatter of the second half of his now-broken sword falling onto the ground right in front of the princess' feet.
Muradin glanced with concerned eyes towards Yumi when he noticed her going slightly more stiff. Oh, he recognized that sudden formality, and as it were, Anna wasn't the only royal in their midst. Thankfully, Muradin wasn't the type of noble that liked to lord over others that he was of noble birth. Noble that he may be, he was a dwarven noble at that and that meant being a lot more down to earth, to the point that he acted far more like a commoner.

Besides that, Yumi brought up a good point. Let one of the smaller folk take up this coup. Of course, if they showed that seemingly the weakest of their group showed that they were far stronger than the tribe's toughest warriors, they would be hard pressed to refuse any further demands.

"Aye.. that's a good plan." He agreed.. with -Yumi- though Muradin certainly looked quite irked when Shirou even -considered- volunteering for the fight. Even as Anna told him it was fine, the dwarf made sure to walk next to Shirou and grab him by the arm, just to make sure that he didn't get any funny ideas. "Let the lass be, Shirou. Anna knows wot she's doing, believe me.. ye and I have seen her tear through demons. This bloke's got nothing on 'er." The dwarf assured him.

It almost looked like Muradin was going to have to eat his words when the Orc got the first hit on Anna, but soon enough, the girl's rage overtook her and she started giving back as good as she got against the Orc. "Yeh! Ye got 'im, ye got 'im--- aw bollocks, now wot!!?" A familiar demonic snarling told Muradin that they had uninvited guests in their midst, and two pair of demons surged forth from the crowd, killing tribe members and threatening to barrel into Anna and the Orc champion.

Valerian was already ontop of one, and Muradin knew for sure that demon was done for, with Yumi attacking the other it looked like the demons were well handled, but Muradin wasn't one to leave things to chance.

With a flash of light and a crackle of thunder, his warhammer and axe just appeared in his hands and the dwarf rushed over to cover Anna and her duel. "Shirou, cover the flanks mate--" In retrospect, Muradin should have known that Shirou was not going to wait around for the dwarf to command him. He was going to boldly try to protect Anna no matter what.

And yet, he had to admit, that Muradin did not expect the lad to do the protecting with his -FACE-

"SHIROU!! YE BLOODY IDIOT! BLOCK WITH THE SWORD, MAN!!" Muradin went absolutely ballistic as he saw the demon smash into Shirou. He felt highly compelled to try and catch the lad, but Muradin was no healer and he couldn't do anything, not even his Shinki could help him. All he could do was make sure that the demon couldn't follow through despite already being attacked by Valerian and Yumi.

"Take this! YE BASTARD!!" Muradin ran straight towards the demon that had slammed into Shirou and he SLAMMED both his hammer and his axe into the creature's collarbone, aiming to drive him hard into the ground where he'd go and STOMP on the back of his head to crush his skull.
Anna Primrose
    So much happens so fast...
    Even the tribe leader, Sharog Ghak Lazgar appears completely caught flat footed by this turn of events, her shocked silence is all the answer Valerian will need. He's likely right in his hypothesis there.
    Yumi and Valerian are, in an instant, on top of the Tanarukk cutting down the tribesfolk- between the divine sunlight paladin girl and the man literally fuelled by the blood of Ancient Dragons, the demon stands no chance. Though he tries to parry Prominence, the senshi's blow is too strong- outright shattering the demon's greatsword and cleaving one of his arms from hos body. Before the Dragon Juicer caves his chest in, in a single, utterly monstrous blow.
    Then... The passage of time slows to a crawl. It's like everything happens in slow motion as, by the time Anna turns her head to look over her shoulder at why her opponent looks so shocked, she sees that monstrous sword coming down to cleave her in two.
    She sees a flash of silver.
    She feels the warm splatter of Shirou Emiya's blood across her face.
    Like a sudden slap across the cheeks or a splash of cold water over her head, her rage evaporates in an instant as she watches Shirou launched- and land in a bloody messy heap.
    "Shi...rou...?" She croaks, confused and hurt.
    No response as she collapses to her knees at the youth's side.
    "... Shirou..."
    Her pupils dilate, eyes once again turning bloodshot as she wheels around.
    Muradin, the mighty king of the mountain is atop the demon, the crunch of bone sounding out with a roar of pain as he cleaves its collarbone and forces it to a knee.
    And then comes the scream- a war cry of fury and pain the likes of which makes the entire tribe quake at the knees, as the young princess is on top of that demon as well, bare hands raining monstrous blows upon it as she howls with a primal rage until the demon is brought low- when she and Muradin both stomp upon its head at the same time with one skull-crushing crunch of finality.
    With that done, the duel is... Not going to continue.
    "... I yield." Yagh declares, raising both his hands, looking on in mixed awe and horror because...
    Someone might have to restrain Anna now as she continues to scream and abuse the Tanarukk's dead body in a single-minded drive to kill.
He had to admit.. Anna's rage was quite contagious. Without realizing it, Muradin was also giving the demon's a good bloody hammering along with Anna as they both brutalized its body, the dwarf's hammer coming hard and fast, crushing its body into a bloody paste.

And yet, Muradin is no Barbarian. He might be a blood crazed warrior but he is not literally fueled by rage like Anna. He blinked and straightened up even whilst Anna continued absolutely laying it onto the demon's corpse, the dwarf's eyes staring somewhat in disbelief as his face and beard were smeared with demonic blood. "Anna!" Said the dwarf in an attempt to get her attention, and still she continued raining down punches on the dead demon's body. "Anna! It's dead, mate! We need to go check on Shirou!"

Against his better judgment, the burly dwarf tried to grapple with Anna in an attempt to pry her away from the demon and get her to calm down. This was.. probably going to hurt, but it paled in comparison to the kind of sacrifice Shirou had pulled just moments before.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi moves with the grace and control of a veteran soldier. As her blade carves through, she follows its momentum, drops low, and leaps to the side, moving cleanly out of the way for Valerian's followup. Natural as breathing, letting her step, turn, and watch the juicer's back as he moves in. But it also gives her the perfect angle to see Shirou get very nearly split in half. "Shirou-!" She comes very close to charging in with blade blazing... but Anna takes care of that with a display of sheer fury, one that's frankly a bit frightening. So instead, she turns and runs over to the downed young man, grimacing with worry.

    She's no healer. She's not even a battlefield medic. She knows the raw basics of first aid, and that's a bit inadequate to the wounded teen lying on the ground in front of her. "Healer... healer! We need some sort of healer!" she yells, looking in towards the orc tribe, hoping. They've gotta have someone, right? Something?
Valerian Railton
    Valerian shakes his hand a bit after caving in the chest of the demon, flexing the bloody glove on his hand and grumbling a bit, "Getting so sick of the demons in this world." 

    Since he has no medical ability to actually help Shirou, he instead opts to help out Merlin. The Dragon Juicer rushes over to the raging and berserk Anna, helping the Dwarven King hold her in place as he takes the opposite side that Muradin is on to try to help safely restrain the girl without the Dwarf having to risk his own health.

    With what happened to Shirou... Valerian has a hard gaze. War shows you a lot of death, but it never gets easier to watch someone get so badly injured, so young, trying to do what he thinks is right.
Shirou Emiya
    Shirou Emiya's chips in this fight have quite decisively been cashed out. No response to the girl. Just an unmoving mess of a boy left laying on a steadily-growing pool of red.
    Somewhere, far beyond the realm of consciousness, he stands in a completely different world. A world of steel where he is left among countless swords. No... is he one of the swords? That doesn't seem right. But somehow, that doesn't seem like it's wrong, either.
    Maybe everything is just fine like this.
    But somewhere, in the distance, he can hear a voice. Has he heard that voice somewhere before? It sounds like it's in pain. It sounds like--
    A blow like that could have easily killed someone before they even hit the ground. And yet, there's a sound. Just audible enough to be heard from the boy on the ground. And attempt at some syllable or another, only to be interrupted by a cough - or is it a regurgitation? - of blood.
    One unfocused eye opens just a crack, and that broken body shakes subtly on the ground."An-..." Even like that, he's still just concerned about someone else? His arm tries to reach forward, he tries to will his body to pushing himself up -- but the end result is simply him turning into flopping roll onto his back with a wheezing breath, exposing the massive, gaping, closing wound running across his body.
    Wait. Closing?
    It's slow, but it is definitely closing. It's not easy to see at first, but a close inspection will make it clear. A subtle, faint glow of mana within explosed flesh-- and a glint of metal. Countless tiny, jagged pieces of steel like miniature daggers forming and disintegrating over and over again, slowly pulling torn flesh and skin together. Knitting the broken boy back together while he weakly gasps for tiny breaths of life.
Anna Primrose
    A healer- Shirou needs a healer- assuming a healer can even do anything for a decisive wound like the one the boy just took. The tribe stands in silence- not because they do not wish to help but even their healers are unsure they CAN as Yumi calls for them.
    As Muradin tries to restrain her, Anna kicks and flails, screaming her throat bloody and hoarse, she has completely devolved into an almost completely feral state. It takes both the mountain king AND the juicer to finally hold her down, and even then she struggles for a time longer, before she goes limp, settling to simply hyperventilate and froth a moment longer.
    Until Shirou shows signs of life at least.
    Then she simply passes clean out in Muradin and Valerian's arms.
    The tribe and even its leader have nothing to say.
    The party has shown more than sufficient strength.