World Tree MUSH

OuterSite Station

Justina, Minerva, and the CEFS Sanctuary are heading to the outermost frontier station in Centrian space, to gear up for a new leg of expeditions.

    However, something wicked this way comes.
Character Pose
Justina Thyme
    OuterSite Station, a ground installation and attached geosyncronous orbital platform paired together by a massive space elevator. A marvel of architectural design and magical reinforcement of materials. The CEFS Sanctuary, and CEFS Archimedes are currently docked at the orbital platform to repair and resupply. The Sanctuary itself having a few hull plates replaced from some recent combat. The damaged plates look to have plasma burns and deformation, but no actual breach points.

    The Alliance has called for out-versers to accompany the pair of ships as they head out into the frontier once again. The captain of the Archimedes, and one of Justina's proxy forms meet those arriving in the main meeting room aboard the station itself.

    The room is large enough to fit fifty people around a large round table. The Captain is a Dwarf, his long shaggy beard tied into a series of intricate braids, while Justina's frame is much lighter and more, skeletal, than the field frames she's used in the past. This one might be for 'socializing' as it seems to lack most of the standard issue systems.

    As the others gather, the Dwarf and proxy form seem to be unsettled by something. Those with magical or supernatural senses might also get a 'Bad Feeling' that just seems to be growing steadily.
Holly Winn
Holly is quite wide-eyed at all the technology present on the space station. While she senses a great deal of magic present she's not quite sure how interfaces with the technology. "Wow, how did they build all of this? I wonder if they have anything aboard that can make a black hole disappear?" She figures they might with all the fancy machines aboard.

"I wouldn't touch of any of the buttons without asking Holly, you might accidently turn off the life support or something." Servis, one of the part of ghosts who usually follow the witch advises.

"I think it would take more than one button press for that!" Holly figures it would be more difficult and smiles. The trio had caught a ride with Talia there's no way they would manage to get into space otherwise except by completely accident.
    "So like am I the only one feeling the bad juju around here?"
    Morrigan Lor'osa has always been the candid type. But right now though the warlock is frowning.
    With her ever faithful shinki Familiar perched on her shoulder, she enters the meeting room looking somewhat disturbed by the ominous feeling hanging in the air.
    But the half-elf clears her throat softly and forces a grin.
    "Captain." She greets the dwarf respectfully, before turning toward the mechanical frame in the room.
    "Justinaaaa, how have you been?"
Talia Kyras
    Talia definitely had a bad feeling about this. She had ferried those who didn't have access to a ship of their own to Justina's vessel.

    "Black holes? I doubt it. Everything else, you'd be amazed." She said airily as she led the others on the station.

    "Captain, Justina." She bowed her head before taking a seat, "Seems like this is a bit short notice, isn't it?" She mused softly.
Weiss Schnee
    During most of this trip, Weiss has been looking out the window. Remnant doesn't have a space program that actually does anything, and even if it did she's unlikely to have been sent into space at such a young age, despite her family's connections. Not that said connections mean anything now anyway. So she's pretty lost in wonder and... despite her normal aloof nature, it's PAINFULLY obvious she's gawking.

    "Hmm? Oh... not really?" Weiss answers, trying to sound like she was paying attention the entire time to Morrigan. "Er, hello everyone." Normally she's far more mannerly and 'together' in her greetings, but actually going into space has gotten her inner schoolgirl squeeing so much she's off her game.
Misaki Sakai
"You're the bad juju, miss Lor'osa." Misaki states as she comes off of Talia's ship, having just overheard Morrigan's complaint. The girl hasn't transformed yet, and since it's a weekday she's still wearing her school uniform. She notices an unfamiliar face and approaches Weiss, politely bowing. "Hello. I am Misaki Sakai."
Weiss Schnee
    The distraction is shaken off a little when someone actually addresses her. She replies, but not just to Misaki, giving a nod to the captains as well. "Weiss Schnee, Huntress of Remnant." Well, technically Huntress in training, but who knows when she'll manage to take her final exam?
Muradin was on a roll!

First he helped out Samus Aran with.. well, admittedly that had been a very strange mission, which while it involved plenty of KILLING, it had ended with the rather surprising rescue of one lone survivor girl of a dead planet.

And now, he was here, in yet another space ship, getting to go where no other dwarf had gone before! Or at least he thought as much, up until the dwarven warrior ambled into the main part of the station and saw, to his incredible surprise, another dwarf standing there looking perfectly at home.

"Oh hey! Rock and Stone, brother!" The Thane of Ironforge pumped his fist to his chest in a show of dwarven solidarity to Captain Archimedes.

After his salute, he tucked his thumbs on his belt and started looking about all the gathered there. "Well, well, well, wot do we 'ave 'ere? The usual suspects I see. Morrigan, Misaki.." He smirked at them warily whilst noticing some others he hadn't met before.

Fortunately for Muradin he had very little in the way of magical sensing so he was none the wiser about this 'Bad Feeling'.
Justina Thyme
    Justina inclines her metal head to Morrigan and the others as they arrive. The Dwarf looks at Muradin and inclines his head. "Steel and Fire, brother." before he stands up... on the chair so he doesn't just vanish behind the table and spreads his arms. "Short notice, aye lass, but the compensation should make up for it." he says. He's clearly wearing some kind of forged plate, with glowing runes inscribed into it. The undersuit appears to be some kind of polymer bodysuit with the plate fixed to it somehow. "Anyhow, the Archimedes an' Sanctuary're headin' out to the frontier, our goal is to map out a whole new cluster in the Beta Sanguine, Theta Arborum and Omicron Gyra sectors."

    Just about then, that 'Bad Feeling' spikes, and a new figure appears laying on the table, looking bored. "My oh my oh my... you really do have such a stollid idea on what 'exploration' is, don't you?" it says, sitting up crosslegged and doing a bit of a butt-spin.

    First appearances mark it as a particularly short elf, pointed ears, hawkish facial features. Its eyes seem to glow with an inner light, and those with magical senses would detect a /blinding/ amount of magical potential within the creature... though it doesn't really show any 'Eldritch' markers, just a lot of unaspected magic.

    Justina asks the question. "Who are you? And how did you get in here?"
Talia Kyras
    Talia was not quite familiar with the dwarf that had just showed up. And it was doubtful green ladies were in Azeroth unless they were seven feet tall and fanged.

    She nodded to the dwarven captain. "I'm eager to aid Justina in any way I can." She said quietly, listening to the briefing. All five seconds of it as a random visitor crashed the briefing. As the stranger appeared, Talia sensed an enormous amount of power coming from it. And a LOT of arrogance. "Seems you weren't interested in waiting for an appointment." The mirialan mused, trying to keep a stone face.
    "No, I'm like super serious, I'm getting this feeling in the pit of my gut that something bad is gonna happen." Morrigan grouses as Misaki calls her bad juju, earning a sharp-toothed scowl from the Warlock.
    "It's nice to see you, too, Misaki." Mary says, waving from her perch on Morrigan's shoulder. "But Master is kind of right, things feel kind of gloomy." She says, pursing her lips.
    This is about when the witch spies Holly and her phantasmal compatriots.
    "Oh, ghosts. How spooky."
    Well, Morrigan settles into a seat and leans back crossing one leg over the other.
    "So! Exploration! Charting the uncharted! Going boldywhere no-- who the hell are you?"
    The warlock just kind of trails into her question with a mix of bewilderment and wariness.
    Their magic level is off the charts.
    It's nuts.
Misaki Sakai
The moment the entity arrives, Misaki transforms and summons her guns. She points them both at it, "Sorry, miss Lor'osa, I didn't realize your boss was coming." She quips, mostly to calm her nerves before she does the stupid thing.

She charges up both her guns and shoots.
Weiss Schnee
    Being a little new to the situation and world, Weiss doesn't QUITE get what's going on. All she knows is that people are alarmed, and this person came out of nowhere. Oh she isn't just watching... she's stepped back, Myrtenaster leaping into her hand and in the ready position, but the somewhat impulsive snow-haired girl is not the type to just jump into a fight like this when she doesn't even know if they're hostile.

    "Wait, who's this? Who are you?" The latter is directed toward the newcomer, the former toward the others though it's clear they're as shocked as anyone else.
Steel and Fire, eh? Oh yeah, Muradin liked this guy already. He smiled and gave an approving nod to the dwarven captain as he continued looking about. It was only his second time in space after all, so he was still pretty stoked of what he could find, and what interesting things he could smash with his hammer. Though on that note, he really ought to get one of those fancy space suits, maybe some of these lasses would know where to get that?

"Ello, I'm Muradin Bronzebeard." He said as he began walking towards Talia in an effort to introduce himself. However, having been wholly oblivious of this Juju that Morrigan was talking about, the apperance of a.. vaguely looking elven man just kind of chilling on one of the ship's tables. Man, what is it with elf looking things here?

"Wot tha sod!!?" Muradin pulled back and summoned his weapons to his hands, Troggbane and Mirthos both flashing into existance in his palms.

He had half his mind to attack this man, but Misaki had beat him to the punch and thus he waited for the blaster to hit before he went in for the follow up. No need to risk getting shot at by Misaki..
Holly Winn
"Everyone from last time is here! And Weiss too! And that dwarf from the beach!" Holly's trying to not remember what happened there. "And an elf who've I've never seen at Columbia, I'm guessing he wasn't invited, but he's real powerful!" Holly can't help but to note, "Muradin." Servis quickly reminds her.

"I wonder who would win a fight between Rue's mom and him?" Lavaux can't help but to wonder now.

"Good question! If he can get past all the ship defenses and teleport in here maybe he can distort a black hole..." She can't help but daydream a bit with that.
Justina Thyme
    The being swivels on its butt to face Justina. "Oh, you may call me T, don't worry though, I'm not here to---" it trails off as Misaki shoots at it. The lasers bend around, form a circle then stop dead as if caught in a time bubble. "--- hurt anyone, though if the children get rowdy I'll have to punish them." T looks over its shoulder at Misaki, flicks one finger and sends the lasers back into the guns... where the power used to fire them just 'returns' to the magical girl. "Sit down now, the adults are talking."

    To Morrigan the thing turns next. "Ah, you're one of /those/, do tell old Xel I send my regards, would you?"

    The being stands up, about the height of a gnome... and as Muradin comes leaping in to strike next, the Dwarf would find himself grabbed by an unseen force, and placed rather firmly in one of the chairs. "Park it, shorty, I'll get to you in a moment." He then claps his hands together, and the entire assembly... appear somewhere else, like the room was just transplanted 'Elsewhere'. "For now, we begin the trial of this 'Alliance' of yours." The being has vanished, returning on a floating platform, wearing a flamboyant judge-like outfit and weilding a comically large gavel in both hands.
Talia Kyras
    Talia shot up to stop Misaki, only for the girl to open fire anyway. T clearly had it in hand however, a display of godlike power that distend and flick the lasers around in a circle before stopping in place. "We're already on thin ice here, try not to upset him." SHe gently chided Misaki, before she observed the being.

    "Trial for what? We've done nothing wrong here." She said, approaching the being. "We're here on authority of the Centrian Expeditionary Force, we're not invading any territory that we know of."
That was rather surprising, Muradin was not expecting to see Misaki's lasers getting deflected, much getting pushed away like -that-, as if they were some kind noodle. He had seen those things blast demons to pieces after all, and there was this tiny elf thing almost playing with them.

No matter, the lasers were just the jab as far as Muradin was concerned. With his attention taken by the lasers now he was surely open for the follow up. Muradin ran up at him, lept high up in the air, hammer raised, crackling with electrical power as he went charging in with a mighty warcry! "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"

"Whoa!!" And he just got grabbed in mid air by an invisible force!

"Wot the!! Lemme go ye bloody wanker!! Imma bash yer soddin' skull in!! HRRRG!!" The dwarf struggled against the invisible force before he was forced on a chair with a grunt, his hammer and axe still held firmly in his hands. "Oof!! Shorty!? Who are ye calling shorty!? Yer as tall as a bleedin' gnome!!"

Muradin's complaints would be silenced after that with the whole scene shifting all around him- the whole place being turned into an entirely different scene.

"Alright... I'm bloody confused now, wot kinna magic is at play 'ere?"
    "He is not my boss." Morrigan says very simply to Misaki, before pausing.
    "... He knows about my boss, but he is not my boss." The Warlock says as she leans forward in her seat and uncrosses her legs, looking very tense.
    Misaki and Muradin go in.
    They are summarily handled by the little invader.
    That didn't work out.
    And then they're suddenly somewhere else.
    "... Trial forrrr what exactly?"
Misaki Sakai
"If you're an adult you'd know that it really looks like you're throwing a tantrum." Misaki dismisses her guns, "And that a reasonable response to an intruder barging uninvited into a private space like this is going to be seen as taking hostile action, so stop pretending you're more mature than I am, because you act like a spoiled brat."
Holly Winn
"Well, I'm pretty sure Esperanza isn't a reality warper, so I think that answers that question." Servis answers the pair's question.

"Big deal, couldn't Holly be considered a reality warper herself?" Lavaux seems less than impressed about the change of venue.

"I guess, but I don't think decorating this place is going to help matters. Holly, are you still with us?" Servis looks at the witch in her trance a bit concerned.r
"Um, huh. Did we get teleported to a different part of the ship?" Holly has a confused look on her face, "I didn't push anything." She holds up her hands so everyone can see them. I'm not any trouble am I?" She doesn't know why she would be on trial.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss tilts her head at the various reactions, and then sighs, cutting right to the point, "Since some of us like myself have just arrived, I assume we're some sort of witnesses or something?" After seeing the zapping turned around, she's not exactly eager to attempt an attack anyway, especially with not knowing what's going on.

    She adds, "Though you are trespassing by the laws here, so Misaki here has a point." She scoots over and notes to Holly, "I don't think you did anything wrong."
Justina Thyme
    T replies, as the 'room' slowly brightens to show a crowd of people in stands, like this is some kind of arena. "Why, for the crime of a limited vision. Exploring /space/ of all things, so droll, so pedestrian." he looks from Justina, to Muradin, to Misaki, to Morrigan, to Talia. "Most of your aren't part of this world, so you can act as character witnesses for the locals." he affirms to Weiss's assumption. "This little 'Alliance' of yours is stagnant, redundant and is holding your entire civilisation back from its full potential. How do you plead?"

    Justina steps forward. "Plead? I plead folly in this mockery of a court."
Misaki Sakai
"Oh I see now, you're a toddler bored your toys aren't providing enough entertainment." Misaki says as though everything just clicked into place. "Perhaps rather than put them on trial for failing to divine your desires, you should just tell do the mature thing and communicate your desires, offer some incentives while you're at it. You know, an exchange instead of throwing a tantrum."
"Aye! I donna bloody acknowledge the integrity of this court... or woteva'!!" Muradin screamed and kicked his legs whilst he was being restrained on the chair. He clearly agreed with Justina that this whole court business was completely boogus.

"Or better yet!" He said following up to Misaki. "Ye should let me outta this chair so I can kick yer bloody teeth in!"
    This certainly has taken a turn for the strange.
    But that's okay. Morrigan can deal with strange. The warlock snaps her fingers, and in an instant her robes and leather armor are replaced by a finaly tailored navy blue suit. Taking a moment to slick her hair backw with her hands, the Lawlock takes a breath and declares...
    "Hold it!"
    "In what court of law is that considered a crime? I vote this case be dismissed on account of the judge cannot be trusted to be impartial as a clearly obvious godlike entity that probably cannot see things from a mortal perspective."
>> SUMMARY[Morrigan] >> TAKE THAT!
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss isn't sure what to make of it, though she kind of winces at... wow, Misaki is like HER not that long ago! And sometimes still. Regardless... she's frowning, though at least she's sheathed her rapier to contemplate. "All this magic stuff is so weird." She would say 'magic doesn't even exist' but knows better.

    Morrigan's argument really does make sense though. "Or is that why you need us? Because of what she said? You could have asked, first, you know. Just because you're some powerful being doesn't mean you can ignore manners, you'd probably hear a lot less arguing." Not that manner ever stopped her from pitching a fit if she felt like it, but hey.
Holly Winn
"Well, they don't know everything about that already like you do. I mean what do you do for fun, if you already know everything? I can imagine it would be kind of boring." Holly nods at Misaki with that. "I mean I've study a lot about magic myself, but I still have a lot to learn. I mean, I doubt I could anything to convince you but I still have to try right? Maybe he wants some friends? I mean I can imagine you would get lonely with no one you can relate to." Holly knows what it's like to be by herself ater all.
Talia Kyras
    ?Talia bit her tongue, lest she spit some pithy remark about being spared this mockery of justice. Trying to sass the extradimensional magic being would not do anybody any favors. She gave Misaki a reproachful look, and only when she noticed Morrigan's attire changing did Talia notice she was wearing a classy black skirtsuit herself, with pantyhose and glossy shoes.

    She did not bother dignifying any of this with surprise. At this rate, anything was possible. "Exploration is hardly a thing to be worried about, provided it isn't merely a pretense to invasion."
Talia Kyras
>> SUMMARY[Talia Kyras] >> Okay I guess Ace Attorney is real now.
Justina Thyme
    T rolls his eyes. "You mortals and your manners. I am an omnipotent being! The simple fact that I don't simply erase you should be manners enough!" he exclaims, lowering the platform and leaning forward to peer at Ace Attorney Morrigan. "Overruled." he shoots back with a smirk. "Did you know... only a few hundred years ago, courts like this were prevelant on their homeworld? All kinds of crimes and non-crimes would be judged through halls like these, and if the lawyer failed to defend their client, they suffered the same punishments? Truly barbaric! A backward people who have not progressed far from that root."

    T floats the platform back up. "So, I propose this, you go and find something truly unique out there... or you return to your homeworld and stay there, forever."
Misaki Sakai
"Fine, whatever. Any clues your boredness?" Misaki answers, clearly fed up with the guy, "I'd say I'm pretty unique, but I'm not that arrogant."
Talia Kyras
    "You'd be surprised how easy that would be, T." Talia said dryly. "But fine, if it'll get you out of our hair."
Holly Winn
"Wait, so why the hell would anyone be a lawyer then? In fact, why would anyone let themselves be taken alive?" Lavaux can't help but to ask that now.

"Well, isn't this meeting unique? I mean we haven't met before now. Unless you erased my memory or something..." Holly can't be so sure about that now.

"I think he's looking for something in particular, Holly." Servis can't help but to help point out.

"Besides I can't go back to my home world until I become a great witch!" Holly knows going back right now isn't a good idea.
    Morrigan would like to think her boss would at least be a little annoyed if another omnipotent being erased her from existence, leading to some kind of blood fued that lasted for millenia.
    But chances are pretty likely that Xel'Yaoth doesn't really care about her, so the Warlock doesn't press that button.
    "Where I'm from I'm pretty sure failed lawyers just don't get paid, not executed with their defendants." She notes, waggling a finger.
    "I can't be the one to accept your proposal. BUT I can, as a Lawlock and perfectly real actual legal counsel, make the demand that you at least provide a direction to look in for this unique special something."
    "But Master, you're not a real Lawlock." Mary Contrary chirrups helpfully.
    "No cherry jelly for you at dinner tonight."
"HAHAHAHA!!" Muradin threw his head in laughter at Morrigan's retort. He might be helpless and in a position where he couldn't engage in the gory violence that he loved, but any sort of payback at this arrogant git felt good- even if it had been purely verbal and from Morrigan no less. Hey, at least that Warlock was good for something.

He struggled a fair bit more until he exhaled and let his muscled arms to relax a bit, despite everyone's attempts it was clear that this guy was a little too much, and they would have no choice but to play his game.. for now.

"Och!! Listen, mate, if ye wanted us to fetch ye some fancy doohickey, ye coulda just asked! I happen to have perfectly resonable rates for dungeon crawling, investigating and bounty huntin'. This show o' force was completely unecessary!"

"If anything, all ye did was that I -for sure- am going to remember this!"

And dwarves are quite the resentful people, known to keep grudges for almost all eternity until they were settled.

This was definitely going in the book...
Weiss Schnee
    Sigh. Weiss rubs at her temples. "Why does everything always have to rely on unique things that nobody can replicate? I was already doing something like that for my homeworld..." It's gotten a bit complicated now, but that's worked out for her, given that the whole mess of Blossoming has also stalled out her enemies and given her more time to do something about it.

    "Well, I did come here trying to learn about the place," she reasons. For reasons of her own, she came here, but... looks like the others covered the major concern.

    She wisely doesn't talk about legal proceedings in her own world.
Justina Thyme
    "Excellent!" replies T, clapping his hands and letting the gavel fall. It lands on an equally oversized plinth and sends a deep 'TONK' echoing through the chamber. "Your trial begins now, mortals. Try not to disappoint yourselves."

    With a snap of his fingers, the group finds themselves back aboard OuterSite Station, exactly where they were before the arrival of the entity. The 'force' keeping Muradin held releases, and the group are given a ghostly signing off. "You'll know what you're looking for once you see it. That's all the help I'll give you~."
Weiss Schnee
    "Oh, wonderful, a perfectly obvious thing that a complete nonhuman - no offense - thinks is just plain. I'm sure the same standards apply," Weiss complains, her apology sent toward the various not-strictly-human sorts like Muradin.
"Bloody.. wanker!!!" Muradin shot up from his chair as soon as he was released. Just because he got grabbed the first time didn't mean that he wasn't going to try again though! He was already getting ready to run up at T when the git vanished leaving them once again in the bridge of the space ship. "Bah.. sodding oathbreaker.." He muttered..

Then he rubbed his palms together. "Though not gonna lie, this be pretty exciting. I wonder wot's this thing that we're gonna hafta go find. I hope it lead us to some treasure too!" Adventure usually lead to gold after all, and dwarves LOVED their gold.

"Eh, none taken." He shrugged his shoulders at Weiss. "If anything ye might be in the minority, lass."
How many here were human besides Weiss??
Holly Winn
"So it's something that isn't invisible then? Or microscopic? Don't we all have different vision though?" Holly's a bit confused by that. Holly's human believe it or not, despite being possessed by ghosts sometimes. "I can detect magic too, I'm pretty sure not everyone here can do that." She thinks he might want to be a bit clearer.