Diana Bp62412 (Dropped)

Diana Bp62412
World: Tyranny by Night-1
Quote: The tyranny of blood will come to an end. One way or another.
Role: Vampire Predator
Species: Human


Born into vampiric tyranny, Diana (B positive, recycled ID #62412) killed her cruel 'sponsor' and has taken up a personal vendetta against a global, supernatural regime. Though dedicated and skilled, it takes more than that to fight against vampires and so she's taken to using their powers against them; powers like regeneration, partial transformation and inhuman charm. She uses these alongside some high-tech vampire hunting kit. Of course, they are not the only monsters in existence, and those who remind Diana of her tormenters are likely to be treated like them. Enamoured by a stable life she believes she cannot have, Diana is often jealous of those who live in a more free society.


Vampire Blood: Diana uses vampire blood to surpass the limits of human flesh.
Diana regularly drinks the stolen blood of vampires. So long as she's got any in her system, she has immense strength, incredible senses, instant reflexes and indomitable endurance.
Regeneration< Edge >: By burning through the vampire blood within her, Diana can regenate any wound.
Vampires draw upon the power of their blood for their ability to instantly regenerate from nearly any wound, Diana has learned to replicate that using stolen blood; although for her it's not the reflexive power it is for them. By concentrating on recovery and spending some of the vampire blood in her system, she can regenerate from any wound that doesn't within a minute. Of course, she has only so much stolen blood, and the worse the wound the more it takes; and concentrating on recovery means she has to be conscious for this recovery to take place. Any blood not connected to her mind is unavailable for such healing, which makes losing large chunks of body especially unlikely for her to be able to recover from on the spot; even if she were able to maintain consciousness. Anything that doesn't kill her can be recovered from eventually, however, though it might require assistance to secure the vampire blood necessary to deal with that level of injury.
Blood Replication< Edge Copy-T >: Diana can replicate powers of the blood she consumed.
The powers of the blood vary, so long as Diana has blood within her system drawn from someone who fuels his or her powers with blood. Diana can replicate one such power that she has witnessed being used by the source of the blood. Doing so requires spending some of that particular blood, and the more powerful the ability the more blood it takes.
Forms of the Night< Edge >: Diana can take on offensive and sensory traits of certain animals.
Diana can spend some the blood taken from quite a common kind of vampire to take on traits normally associated with certain animals. Claws and fangs of predatory beasts, the echolocation of bats and the smell of wolves.
Majesty of the Night< Edge >: Diana has access to a supernatural degree of charm.
Many urban vampires have a supernatural way with people. By drawing upon the blood of such a vampire, Diana can grant herself a kind of superhuman focus; naturally drawing the eye of people. While doing so, she can double down and use more of that blood to charm people, encouraging to think of her as their best friend and confidante.
Hunting Weaponry: Diana has high-tech hunting weaponry, like firearms, flames and blessed weapons.
Diana has three weapons dedicated to her job; while all are designed to exploit common vampire weakness, they should prove effective even against other targets. The first is a railgun that fires wooden stakes with magnetic core. It's a high power long-range rifle with scope that takes some time to charge. Effective for sniping, less useful in close combat engagements. The second is a one-handed flame-thrower. The last is a heavy mace covered in a thin film of blessed water, with a reservoir that replenishes any lost water.
Hunting Tools: Diana has tools to maintain and modify her equipment and preserve specimens.
Diana's tools allow her to keep hunting vampires. The most notable of these is special syringe that allows her to extract and preserve the blood of her prey for future use, without coagulating and losing its potency as such blood normally does. Besides that she has a workbench to maintain her weaponry, and a small laboratory that lets her do thorough biochemical analysis of samples she brings in, along with a skilled AI which guides her and gives her actually useful data from the analysis; though if working on unusual off-world anatomy it needs reference materials from that world to give any in-depth analysis.


Vampires: Diana hates vampires, a lot.
Diana's hatred of vampires has roots in a system of predation and oppression that turns humans into somewhere in between glorified lifestock and slaves. It's unfortunate that even in her own world not all vampires share culpability for that, and outside they don't. Her inability to recognize that on an innate level means she's going to treat vampires with overt hostility on first impression, and is likely to resort to violence when she has reason to believe they are in the middle of harming someone or about to. With time, individual vampires may overcome this prejudice, if they're willing to put in the effort for someone who clearly hates them.
Nocturnal: Diana has gotten used to a nocturnal life
Diana usually goes to bed around nine in the morning, and doesn't get up until the late afternoon. As such, when needing to act during proper daytime hours she's often groggy, more irritable, less observant and slower to respond. This is especially true if she needs to act like this on short notice; but even when she's had time to prepare it still impacts her. There is no supernatural component to this, however.
Distant: Diana prefers to keep an emotional distance.
Diana has learned the hard way that caring too much about specific people can be a weakness. Rather than accepting this fact and being more careful, however, she simply chose not to let people get close to her. To push people away. Even if that means rejecting useful allies. Even if that means hurting the feelings of people who have done nothing to deserve that.
Sacred: Diana's susceptible to that which smites the wicked and the profane.
Diana's method of fighting back gives her access to some of the powers of her enemies without most of the drawbacks. Unfortunately, for reasons she doesn't understand, the weakness to the application of sacred implements and methods remains. For any ability or power that specifically hurts demons, evil spirits, or similar; Diana qualifies. Furthermore, any injury inflicted upon her while standing in any kind of holy ground is substantially more severe.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
691 The Black Hand of Epimetheus Jul 08 2020
660 Boki Boki Panic! May 07 2020
652 One Night in What Remains of Istanbul Apr 19 2020
645 Blackjack and Blood Dolls Apr 13 2020
637 A Night in the Royal District of Columbia Mar 28 2020
634 Life In Technicolor Mar 20 2020
632 Vae Victus III: Then Spoke The Thunder Mar 12 2020
629 D's Hideout Mar 04 2020
627 MMS Type Trojan Mar 03 2020
622 Stakeout at the O.K. Corral, or Showdown at High Moon Feb 21 2020
See All 12 Scenes


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