World Tree MUSH

Blackjack and Blood Dolls

Character Pose
Diana Bp62412
'D' has contacted some known persons for a job she didn't think she could do alone. She's also misdirected and appropriated a blood van, and converted it to a mobile base and getaway vehicle. She's driving the vehicle towards Imperator's Palace Casino in Las Vegas. "Ok, the plan is simple. I will park at the Blood Delivery spot and drop you guys off. Blood deliveries are late, I made sure of that, so security will be careless and rush you in. Put any kit that's too obvious in those crates until you're past the checkpoint."

" The Count should be on the floor tonight, gambling and socializing with his customers." The screen in the van lights up and displays various pictures of a man, "That's what he looks like. Try not to draw too much attention until you find him. As soon as security realizes there's intruders, they will sound the alarm, it will turn into chaos and they will call for backup, which will put you on a time limit if you want to make it out alive."

"Try to avoid accidentally killing anyone who is still alive, they're just trying to get by; and if possible, try to actually help them escape ones this turns into chaos; but you probably can't save everyone. Once you're out, head to the rendezvous point." The screen shows a map of the casino and its immediate surroundings, and one spot in a back road is the rendezvois point. "I will be there to pick you up just before their backup arrives, anyone who is late will be left behind."

That said, she parks the vehicle right outside the staff entrances to the casino. "It's go time." The back door automatically opens, and as anticipated, the security seems eager to avoid letting the delivery get slowed down even further.
Serrah Delany
Serrah has a faint smirk. Like everyone else here, she's wearing a delivery uniform, although in this case it's one she conjured up with the weird vampire-y shapeshifting stuff that Hartford vampires have. "Well, I'm not alive," she quips, stowing a sports bag stuffed with baseballs into one of the crates. "But yeah. I'll ... take the role of a customer, I guess?" She tugs aside her cheek, revealing her fangs. Not that this is strictly necessary to show off her vampiric nature, given her general dead appearance, but oh well.

She jumps out when the door opens, and starts moving the crates. "Let's go, people!" she says to the security with carefully-constructed impatience. She has experience working in the back room of a coffee shop, and she's handled the receiving end of deliveries before, so she knows exactly how to act here.
    'Other D' is still listening, but he's really intent on getting some last-minute errands done on Animal Crossing for 3DS. Those new houses aren't gonna build themselves! His sword is currently stowed in a guitar case, in one of the crates, and his guns are hidden beneath his jacket. He'll have to fight his way to Rebellion once the excitement starts. "Civvies won't be a problem, hopefully." Dante says, stowing the handheld and checking Ebony and Ivory one last time. Donning a hat, he checks over his uniform before shuffling out of the van.

    He'll just have to play it quiet for now.
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard has to stow his sword in one of the crates. Fortunately most of the rest of his kit can stay on his person, since it's mostly his natural abilities and a few very small items. His hair is a bigger problem. And the fact that he probably smells vaguely like vampire, what with that whole 'dhampir' thing. He nods to Diana's directions. "I'll be as unobtrusive as I can," he promises.

    Once the door opens, he keeps his hat pulled down over his eyes, and hustles to move the crates. Though not so that anyone might question whether he's human or not -- he moves no faster than a human is capable of, lifts no more weight than would be usual for a human. He just tries to get out of sight of the security people as quickly as possible. The longer he lingers in visual range, the more time they have to think that he looks unusual.
Diana Bp62412
"Finally, come on in. We can't spare the staff to carry the goods in right now, so bring them straight to the warehouse." The fellow who looks like he's in charge of this security checkpoint states, opening the doors, "And hurry along. The count is already getting annoyed at the delays, you don't want him to find you slacking while you're behind schedule."

The path opens up to the staff sections of the Casino, but there's multiple ways to get on the main floors. It's crowded, the Count's presence seeming to draw out everyone who feels like they're worthy of his time and attention, or otherwise are hoping for the opportunity to catch a favour. A whole lot of mortals are mingling with them, to a one they are young, attractive and anemic. Occassionally, a vampire will just grab one and lean in for a quick sip, and giving them a few chips in exchange.
Serrah Delany
Serrah grimaces the first time she sees one of those "quick sips." Yeah, sounds about right for this world -- she's been residing here in Diana's bunker, after all -- but it's still unpleasant given that she's mostly a teetotaler.

"I'm goin' in," she murmurs. "Glad we get to dust at least one vampire named Vincent. Stop the World." She promptly vanishes, as abruptly as if she was a video that had skipped ahead, and the lid of one of the crates is now in a slightly different position. Mere seconds later, she comes around a corner in the main hall in a black T-shirt and a rainbow-colored skort and with the sports bag hanging at her hip, with a faintly disgruntled but fangy smirk as she wanders the floor -- basically doing her best to fit in among the other vampires here. Yeah, she's an offworlder, but she's an offworld vampire. Check it, undead bros and breathing hos!

Her gaze flits around as she takes in everyone's appearance. Now, where could this guy be ...
    So much for darting away to make a dramatic entrance. Dante plays the obedient employee as he tries to keep his head down, every so often peering to get a good look at the enemy. These guys are pretty opulent, as expected from a gathering of vampire lords and a Count. Gray-blue eyes stare at the various guests as they mingle. Let's hope that Serrah doesn't do anything to get the group busted. He at least trusts Alucard enough to keep a low profile.

    Funny, he's never actually done a job in Las Vegas before. This is something of a new experience to him. Maybe he can get in a game of slots while he's here.
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard merely gives an affirmative sound to the security person, and hurries his 'cargo' past the checkpoint. Just get out of the fellow's sight, without getting him suspicious. He's not the right person to engage in a dialogue to distract someone, not with his voice. Once he's past the security checkpoint and away from prying eyes, the sword, as well as his coat and cloak -- because c'mon, he's not going anywhere without those -- are removed from that crate and donned.

    Dante's trust in Alucard is well-placed; as flamboyant as Alucard's appearance is, he knows to keep hidden entirely. Unlike Serrah, he doesn't try to 'just blend in'; he stays in the shadows, taking his Mist form at points (and when in that form, remaining close to the ceiling) to ensure that he stays hidden from sight.

    Meanwhile he's trying to use his senses to pick out the specific vampire they're looking for. He figures that, if the vampire they're looking for is the one holding this party, it's likely that he's a good deal more powerful than the rest of them here. So Alucard lets his vampiric senses 'lead' him to the strongest source of vampiric power he can sense here, trying to pick it out amongst the other vampires here.
Diana Bp62412
Alucard's senses do show a general pattern of strength in a particular direction. There's too many vampires for any clear identification, but it's something to go on. Serrah's actions are a little more obvious and attention grabbing, but not offensively so; and one of the gamblers tells her she should head to the roulette tables if she wants to see what true power is.
    "So, any idea when this Count guy's gonna be showin' up?" Dante asks aloud, expecting somebody to actually respond while he helps himself to a glass of orange juice that -was- intended for a Mimosa.
Serrah Delany
Serrah smirks and nods, giving the gambler a thumbs-up. Truth be told, she isn't entirely sure she's comfortable with this attention, but she wanders towards the roulette tables --

-- hey, where'd she go?

Well, if Diana was here, she'd see Serrah stop time again when she was sure no one was looking. She floats up into the air, and tries to get a better view of the entire crowd, scanning it as best she can, before she floats down to the ground again and melts into a shadow before resuming time. Now she's just ... sneaking around all shadowy-like.
Alucard Tepes
    It's a good distraction tactic, what Dante is doing. While he's making a spectacle of himself, Alucard moves in the vague direction of the greater power he sensed. He's trying to stay in his Mist form while he moves, again keeping close to the ceiling -- nobody should have any reason to look up, since most of the action is on the ground. That said, he's also trying to spread the Mist form as thin as he can, so the movement of an unnatural fog bank doesn't attract attention.
Diana Bp62412
Between time stoppage and mist form, security is losing track of things slightly, though their concern is growing that something is off; they don't yet have enough reasons to justify asking for external assistance. Their security staff is, however, fanning out to figure out what's going on. Especially as by now they've realized the blood delivery was some kind of front.

Meanwhile, the hunters are starting to hone in on the Count they've come for, he's no longer at the roulette tables; but his scent is still recent, and there's a trail of people moving in the direction of the blackjack tables. Perhaps he's gone there.
Serrah Delany
There's lots of shadows to be found in a busy casino. What's one more flicker among the people walking around?

Serrah makes her way towards the gambling tables with a smirk on her face. At least, she's putting the mental effort into smirking; right now, she doesn't actually have a face. She pauses by a poker table and considers how to make a distraction for the security.

Careful not to touch anyone directly, she stops time and fiddles with the deck and one of the vampire-player's cards as they reach towards the deck. Maybe this will look like someone is cheating!

She resumes time when she's a lot closer to the blackjack tables. Heh heh heh. Her shadowy form allows her to look around from much sneakier angles ...
    Shame Dante doesn't have super senses, otherwise he'd be doing way better about this. He makes his way toward the roulette tables, following Serrah and shadowing her as his path leads him toward the blackjack. "Anything?" the Devil Hunter asks the vampire, once he's within whispering range.
Alucard Tepes
    There isn't much that can be done besides to follow the scent. Alucard stays in his Mist form, since that's the form he's the least noticeable in, for the most part. If this guy is the theatrical type, there may even be mist or fog in here already, to add to that 'creepy' vibe, so Alucard might be able to sort of blend in. Otherwise he'll follow that scent to the blackjack tables, trying to observe this from the ceiling, also hoping to pick out their target.

    His position on the ceiling means he can't confer with the others, but he'll fix that. He slowly begins to fall towards the ground, though he tries to do that behind a pillar or something, and then flattens himself out on the floor as much as he can, floating over to where Dante and Serrah are, so he can overhear any conversation.
Diana Bp62412
Serrah isn't the only person to fiddle with cards in a manner contrary to the spirit of gambling. Vincent 'Vinny' II looks less like the suave gambler one might expect, and more like a mafia underboss. The Sicilian-American turned Vampire Count has his fifth blackjack in a row, not that anyone dares call him on such blatant cheating in his own casino.

He's definitely powerful, substantially more so than any of the others here. Older, too; and power thickens with age, there's a palpable aura of power around him. A supernatural charisma tuned not to make him likeable, but to intimidate. It affects those who surround him, people addressing him like he's likely to swat them like a fly if they displease him.
Serrah Delany
"Hey, Dante," mutters Serrah's voice from the shadows. A hand reaches out, pointing directly at their target. "Riiiiight there."

She briefly considers this. There's all sorts of things they could do, but, well, she doesn't have her Vincent's ability to pull people into the shadows with her, and as Diana promised, any kind of attack is going to result in security coming down on them like a half ton of rectangular building thingumies.

So, eh.

And then suddenly, in another flicker of timestop-motion, she's upright and not-shadowy, and there's baseballs flying at Other Vincent.
Alucard Tepes
It's true, the security has probably already been alerted to their activities, or if not, they've been able to suss out that there's some trouble. It won't take them long to start poking about. So, once Serrah starts the attack, Alucard follows suit. He floats up again, drops out of Mist form, and just falls at Vincent with sword drawn... and fangs bared.

    Ever had a vampire swoop down on you? Probably not. But if you haven't, it's probably a scary thing. Moreso, perhaps, if you yourself are a vampire. Because not only is one of your own kind swooping down with fangs bared, and a clear killing intent, but if you have the ability to sense that vampire's power, you know pretty well what you're dealing with.

    In this case, Alucard's dark aura is turned up to 11, and as he drops down out of the air, sword raised, it too is just as palpable around him as Vincent's is. His isn't tuned to intimidate -- it's tuned to TERRIFY. Alucard has always been like that; he's never needed or wanted to make people around him like him, or make them bow to him.

    No, if he was ever trying to affect another with his dark aura, it was always to send a very specific message -- 'You Are Already Dead, and I'm about to make you RE-dead!'.

    Though it is notable that he's using his sword here, not trying to bite him. That said, he'd have to get really close for that, and the sword has the range advantage. Wait for the bite, until he's been disabled at least.

    Suddenly Dante flicks his hat off, throws his orange juice to the side, and goes for his pistols. Ebony and Ivory leave their holsters as Dante takes aim at vampire bodyguards. They go off, and everything goes to hell in a handbasket. Dante shoves aside any civilians as he opens fire on the security here, expertly taking aim and firing with pistols akimbo. These bloodsuckers might not be human, but they're dealing with two more vampires and a half-demon. Things are gonna end badly for the Count tonight.
Diana Bp62412
While this is the kind of overwhelming force that would outright destroy any other vampire, Vincent II is not any other vampire. There's baseballs and an Alucard coming towards him, and he puts away his cigarette calmly, before batting some of the baseballs towards Alucard. Some of the baseballs still hit him, and the sword digs deep, but he does not seem phased. "Can't a man gamble in peace?"

He shakes his head and gets up, and the blood that was spilled, flowing out of his body rises and turns into a whip in his hand. This whip immediately lashes out at Alucard while a gun is drawn with his other hand to take a shot at Serrah. This man has faced assassins before, and some of the wounds are already fading as he instinctively starts to regenerate.

Meanwhile Dante takes out several of the security vampires who'd come to investigate. More come rushing in, some returning fire, others bearing razor-thin swords, they clearly have it out for Dante. A few of the sword bearing security vampires also come for Serrah, and one of the gunmen shoots at Alucard.

In the chaos, noncombatant vampires and mortals alike start to rush for the exits. Unfortunately, the mortals are much more likely to end up trampled to death if no-one does anything to protect them, given that they are weaker to begin with, and these ones have been fed upon a lot tonight.

In the distance, sires begin to sound and a few choppers take off. Backup is coming, highly armed, skilled and numerous backup. They will be here soon.
    Dante might not need it, but he really does miss his sword. At least it's good to know his guns can do just fine in taking out vampires in this world. Or any, really. Rushing towards the crate containing his sword, Dante smashes it open with a kick and retrieves his blade. "Sorry, baby. Took a bit longer than I shoulda, I know." He whispers to Rebellion, before stowing his guns in favor of the greatsword. He rushes the gunmen, severing the arm of the one who shot at Alucard before cleaving him in two. "Hey Serrah, wanna take care of the civvies?" He calls out.
Serrah Delany
Serrah actually recoils slightly from Alucard's dark aura. "Jesus," she mutters under her breath.

But then she has a gun pointed at her, and she turns into shadow and sinks back down to the ground. She is not taking any chances that that gun can fire something harmful to vampires while still being safe for a vampire to use. "Okay, uh, sure!" she calls back to Dante.

And then that shadow is zipping away from Vincent II through the crowd, Serrah rematerializing limbs and her entire self just long enough to push vampires away from humans, helping humans stay on their feet, and generally running interference for the stampede.
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard has to suddenly guard against baseballs being batted at him. And then suddenly the blood is whipping at him! There's a lot going on, and it's not enough time for him to react to everything. So as he moves to avoid the blood whip, he hears the gunshot... and takes the shot in the arm! He gives a grunt of surprise and reels back with a hiss. The bullet will eventually work its way out while he heals, but every little bit helps.

    That thought in mind, he pauses to raise his off-hand -- which probably hurts, because that's the arm he got shot in -- and the hand begins to glow. He makes a gesture in the air, and as he speaks, his words seem to echo through the air unnaturally, though with all the chaos, it may not be recognized.

    "Dark Metamorphosis!"

    A red aura glows around him for a moment, and then disappears. For a moment. Every so often, that aura will pulse a little. Hopefully that will help him with the regenerative aspects of this fight.
Diana Bp62412
Serrah's actions help keep the mortals alive, at least for now. Security is trying to deal with her, but they are also trying to avoid hurting people in the crowd; although in their case it's mostly out of concern for their fellow vampires, and so they stick to swords with which to stab the interloper. Dante's actions cause the vampire guards to hesitate, and they choose to try to maintain a healthy distance while they empty their clips by shooting at him.

The Count doesn't look particularly impressed by Alucard, his own aura of terror growing in strength. Waves of immense power just washing forth, bolstering his men in a twisted way, where they try to do better just to avoid his wrath. "What do you want, interloper?" He asks, "Money? Power? Influence? You won't get any of that by slaying me. The Duke won't allow you to have my place. Are you some fool who wants to help the living? Be real, I'm as good as the cattle are going to get. Especially after a terrorist act like this."

Those words said, the gun is fired twice at Alucard, aiming to hit him in his left while the blood whip is flung from the right, splitting in seven strands, each of which infused with some kind of vile power.
    Dante lets Serrah handle the mortals, while he handles the goons. As they unload with their pistols, Dante seems to just dance through the gunfire, his sword blocking bullets as they land a few grazes but otherwise seem totally harmless to him. Seems the Count's the only guy with holy bullets, and that isn't gonna stop Alucard.

    Dante rushes the guards, his sword thrusting into one before he swings Rebellion like a club, to clear the immediate area.
Serrah Delany
Serrah gives Dante a thumbs-up; there isn't a whole lot that it's actually safe for her to use which would actually kill the vampires of this world, and she's uncomfortable even holding a wooden stake. Somehow, Hartford vampires are noticeably more fragile than these assholes. (Which might account for why they decided it was safe to conquer the world by force, now that she thinks about it ...)

... And then she realizes that dispatching them in ways that don't kill her them is also a perfectly cromulent solution, ugh, no Serrah, no killing intent!

No time to worry about that, though! She flies off the ground, zipping this way and that through the air, which gives her a bit more surface area to work with, as it were. Otherwise, it's just more of the same. Help humans up, push aside vampires ... wow this is a lot of work to do singlehandedly??? But at least it's accidental deaths she's preventing instead of deliberate ones???
Serrah Delany
>> SUMMARY[Serrah Delany] >> *internal screaming*
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard just sneers right back at the Count in return. "I don't want your place, creature," he all but hisses. He's honestly more concerned about the bullets, because, well. When blood gets around him, that red aura he's put up in front of him starts trying to pull it away from wherever it is. Just because it's held together telekinetically doesn't mean it's not blood, after all... and 'Dark Metamorphosis' seeks to absorb it, to convert it to strength for Alucard. So he's less worried about the blood tendrils, and he'll get whipped around by them.

    On the other hand, the bullets... those are a problem. He raises his sword to slice them, expecting them to be just regular bullets... and hisses as the holy water contained within them splashes him in the face! Yep. That is a vampire reaction. Though the skin doesn't melt, there's definitely some burning going on!

    Given Alucard is a bit busy trying to see, Alucard falls back on his magic here. The Count probably knows something is coming -- Alucard raises his off-hand, to make a gesture in the air again, a different one this time. And sure enough, he gives a sound of effort with the last movement of the gesture, a movement as if pushing something aside.
    As he does, the air seems to distort above him, and several ghostly white balls of... something come through a hole in the air, each one wailing loudly, making for Vincent. They're spirits, and they do seem to just be trying to slam into the vampire. They might hurt too... considering they'll be trying to hit him spiritually. Soul pains? Something like that.
Vergil sat in the van after the main party got through, though he left shortly thereafter by pretending to be a blood delivery....just so he could raise some hell in another part of the area. So, after slaying some of the security - so to speak - Vergil enters the room wit hthe rest of the group as he finishes cleaning the ash and blood off of his sword. He notices his brother unsurprisingly not dead. 

Dante has survived so much that some days Vergil thinks the man just can't be killed at all. "Still alive, moron?" Vergil asks the fellow as he leaps into the fray, wielding the Yamato, the curved samurai blade, as he moves to help his brother. The chap fighting the Count seems to have this all well and good...he was aching for a good fight against these vampires.
Diana Bp62412
Well, there's an additional hunter here now. Things are really starting to get quite bad for the place, a good chunk of security has been chewed through by now, there members growing thin on the ground between the efforts of Dante and Vergil. While yes, technically a lot of these wounds aren't lethal to them. They are going to be incredibly painful to recover from.

And that's if they don't get buried under rubble when the building collapses. Fortunately most of the crowd, whether mortal or living is gone, with no mortal casualties thanks to Serrah; but that doesn't change the fact that the forces suddenly employed are causing stress on the building. Stress augmented by the sheer power the Count is putting out. "You will not live to see through the night." He promises Alucard, even as the spirits tear chunks out of his flesh. That kind of spirital attack does a number on him, clearly. But the blood that spills out, immense amounts of it, starts to attack the walls, trying to trap Alucard while he's preparing to collapse the casino on top of them both... and anyone else still stick inside.
    "Still a dick, dick?" Dante grins cheekily, as Vergil seems to get off his ass and aid the gang. "You're late!" He says, in between splitting a vamp in half. "We can scratch two off the list; Killing vampires and a visit to Vegas! Shame no strippers, otherwise this would be a pretty good vacation for me." He says, swapping back to his guns as he lays down cover fire.
Serrah Delany
Serrah is briefly distracted by sudden Vergil! "Took you long enough," she mutters, but she says it under her breath because she isn't as familiar with him as Dante, and she doesn't want to irritate a relative stranger too badly.

Okay. No more civilians to worry about. She put more effort into saving them than she did causing violence, which should probably be that much less of a drain on her essence of humanity, woo! All that's left is Vincent II!

While he's monologuing at Alucard, Serrah timestop-teleports behind the vampire lord by a few dozen meters. And then she charges forward at superhuman speeds and unleashes a punch-flurry, hitting him several dozen times in the space of a few seconds, each punch hitting like a truck, before she gives him a final kick towards Alucard. "NOW!" she calls out.
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard scowls when he realizes that the building is being torn apart. He doesn't rise to Vincent's taunts. Instead he calls to Dante and Serrah -- and Vergil, now that he sees someone else that appears to be helping with the vampires -- "Get to safety! He is pulling the building down!" The latter thing they can see, most likely. Though he doesn't appear to be following his own advice. Nope, that's what happens when you have a bit of a death wish. Or you're overconfident in your own abilities. With Alucard, it's hard to tell!

    Though Serrah's got an idea of how to fix the problem -- by removing it! Since Vincent seems to be the source of the pulling down of the building, in a couple of ways, removing him should stop that. In fact, that's what they were trying to do anyway, so... yeah.

    Whether the Count gets wise to Serrah behind him or not, it's likely to distract him. Hopefully it'll at least be long enough for Alucard to zip inside Vincent's guard, sword raised. And if he IS being launched at him, so much better for DECAPITATION!

    "Go back to the shadows whence you came!"

    Yeah, he's got to do one of those overdramatic 'RETURN TO HELL!' style things. Either way, yeah, he's slicing at Vincent's throat here, aiming for a final kill shot. He hopes.
"Real mature." Vergil replies to Dante. "As for my tardiness, I was dealing with security elsewhere while you all were in here taking your good time." Vergil is casually berating his brother while he slays Vampires left and right. A decapitation here, a slice across the chest there, and finally he impales two of them at the same time. 

He turns his head to Serrah. "Oh, you're still alive?" Vergil sounds disappointed, but its just his way of expressing relief. Don't ask.

he looks as the blood attacks the walls, as if its trying to bring the whole building down on their heads. Vergil and Dante would probably survive, but everyone else? Up in the air.

But thankfully, teamwork makes the bloody dream work. "Then we need to get moving, cavalry's inbound and unless you want another fight, now's a good time!" He calls to everyone present.
>> SUMMARY[Vergil] >> Time to GTFO
Diana Bp62412
Dante and Vergil deals with the last bit of security amidst the crumbling building, they will not wake up before sunrise; and if the building collapses upon them, most of them will perish from the light that will leak through the rubble. Even a little will burn them away in time. These vampires are not sturdier than Hartford vampires in /all/ regards.

Serrah catches the count by surprise, bludgeoning him savagely and making him unable to see the blade coming for his neck in time to stop it. His body falls over, and his head snarls at Alucard from the ground. "Cowards and villains." He shouts as he bleeds out, eventually turning into the head of a dessicated corpse. Easy to bring outside and expose to sunlight later.

The building is still rapidly crumbling, however, and there's not much time to get out before it collapses in its entirety, and the cavalry is coming.
    "You know me, the picture of stability." Dante says, as he sees Alucard finish off the Count. Normally he'd celebrate, but now's a time to leave. He doesn't bother arguing against Vergil's suggestion as he hangs his sword on his back, running quickly for the back exit before the cavalry and the collapsing rubble can compete to see who gets to kill these interlopers. Remembering the RV point, he makes his way there, moving fast as his legs can carry him. In fairness to Dante, he can -book it- when he has to.
Serrah Delany
Serrah dramatically flips her hair, which is a little too short for dramatic flipping. "Vincent count two down," she announces. "One Duke to go!" A pause. "... That sounded wittier in my head. Also, uh, I'm just getting distracted by my own problem, never mind."

She shakes her head at Vergil, and hoists the Count's remains up and flings his body over her shoulder while holding his head under her arm. "Nope, not still alive, I'm just as dead as the next vampire," she says snidely. "But yeah, good idea, let's make like a tree and GTFO!" She follows after Dante at a similar pace, gliding over the ground because she doesn't need legs in order to skedaddle!
Serrah Delany
>> SUMMARY[Serrah Delany] >> Carrying a decapitated body like that is kind of cumbersome, though.
Alucard Tepes
    The Count bleeds out... and Alucard is there with Dark Metamorphosis still running, to absorb it. This happens when there's blood in his general area, but particularly when he touches it. Including his boots. So even as Vincent's bleeding out, that flashy red aura is taking it in, breaking it down for Alucard to absorb.

    But yes, Vergil does have a point. And so Alucard nods, stopping only a moment to make certain Serrah's picked up all of the Count's remains. Yes, he is going to make doubly damned sure those remains get the proper treatment -- to get dusted in the sun!

    With that, though, he's out the door with the rest of them. He's quite well acquainted with the concept of a vampire's abode crumbling as its lord dies, after all! It's notable, however, that he's bringing up the rear as the group leaves, and not trying to move appreciably faster than the others can. He wants to make certain everyone gets out.
Vergil looks upon Dante and begins to book it soon after him, though he makes sure that everyone is following along. He doesn't seem to focus too much on Alucard's actions, instead sheathing the Yamato in its sheathe and getting a freaking move on. Even though he could just teleport....he'd rather not waste energy. 

"The car is at the rendezvouz point! Haul ass!"

He does note Serrah's quippyness about being alive or not, but Vergil doesn't look like he's having any of it. So, he soon catches up to Dante. Yes...he is that competitive.
Diana Bp62412
'D' is ready with the van as soon as the others arrrive, she glances towards Serrah and comments, "You didn't need to bring the body, but now that you have, I'll be able to run some tests on it, so it's not a waste." Otherwise, as soon as everyone is somewhat seated, the electric engine spins up. "Congratulations, everyone. You'll be in the papers tomorrow. Unless you want me to take all the credit... and all the heat."
    "Extra credit, right?" Dante says, hopping aboard the van. Once they're mobile, he relaxes a bit, making room for everyone plus one dead vampire count. "'sides, we'll be outta here by sunrise. They won't know anything."
Serrah Delany
Serrah unceremoniously dumps the Count's remains onto the floor. "Eh, better safe than sorry," she says, folding her hands behind her head as she settles down in the van across from Dante. "More tests are good, probably, and I'm still not a hundred percent on how your vampires are different." She considers this a moment. "Will either outcome jeopardize my safe haven at your place, D? I mean. Will I need to hide in Dante's world until the heat dies down, or whatever?"
Alucard Tepes
    "No need to take all the blame," Alucard notes. "Unless they have plans to sink a great deal of funding, time, and manpower into searching the World Tree itself, we will likely be reasonably safe, so long as we do not stay in this world."

    As for bringing the Count's body? "Perhaps we should make absolutely certain that it receives the treatment that was due to it -- burning it, either with fire or in the sun." There's a coldness to his voice that's aimed at the corpse, and the creature that it was in unlife. In a more even tone, he offers, "After you have finished your tests on it, of course." Besides, he has more time to absorb the blood. At least the van's interior carpeting, if there is any, isn't likely to get bloodstains!

    Though Serrah's predicament is one that he seems concerned about. He can't exactly offer her his world to hide out in... his world didn't come with him! Or he was kicked out of it, one. Either way, there isn't a lot he can do to help her. So he looks between Diana and Serrah, with a slight frown to his features.
Diana Bp62412
"I have another haven, in the ruins of what's left of Istanbul. They won't think to come there. We can use that until the heat dies down." 'D' answers Serrah, "It's a bit less convenient, Southern Europe was the stronghold of the Vampires before the nukes fell, so there's not much in the way of resources, but there's an unsecured Vine not too far from it."

"Destroying the head is sufficient, trust me, I'm an expert on this world's vampires." She answers Alucard, "Though burning the head won't be enough. If you're going that route you need to soak the ashes in holy water until it all dissolves, then scatter the desecrated water. Sunlight is easier. I'll throw the body into the sun after the tests are done, too. Easier way to ditch it than burying it."