
World: Granblue Fantasy-1
Actual Age: Over 1000
Apparent Age: Early Teens
Role: The Most Adorable
Species: Human/Homunculous


Outwardly a young girl with a playful and cutesy attitude, Cagliostro has a secret... one that she is really bad at hiding. In truth, she is an ancient being, the creator of the magical science of alchemy in her world. Divining the secrets of creation itself, she found the key to practical immortality via transferring her soul into another body. Recently awakened from centuries sealed away, she now tries to recover her strength while exploring the new world. Cagliostro is obsessed with furthering her craft, and will be drawn to great magical events or demonstrations of creation. An extreme narcissist, she is condescending toward those who have not earned her respect, and will not hesitate to use her powerful elemental attacks or sic her snakelike familiar, Ouroboros, onto those in her way. Yet she is actually strongest with others more suited for fighting, using her alchemical powers to bolster their own and to heal.


Homunculus Body: In peak physical condition, Cagliostro's body is very durable and heals fast.
Cagliostro outwardly appears to be a young blonde girl, but her body is artificial. She's made several adjustments to make it more difficult to die an accidental death, giving it increased stamina and pain resistance, along with redundant organs and a rapid healing factor. This healing cannot regrow limbs by itself, and is slow enough that it doesn't have much of an effect in combat, but it does get her back on her feet faster.
Elemental Alchemy: Create and shape classic elements to attack or form barriers.
While Cagliostro cannot directly destroy, she can use magical energy to summon up manifestations of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, and Dark elemental energies. In short she can make small amounts of an element and use it to launch a themed attack, like ice or fire, or to form a barrier of the same element to block damage. These summoned elements are short-lived and require concentration to maintain existence, and Cagliostro is not a combat mage by nature, so her attacks are often quick and efficient without many complications. They are more effective with a ready source of the element nearby.
Bolster the Elements: Cagliostro can reinforce base elements to make objects or people stronger.
Just like Cagliostro can summon elements, she can channel power through existing elements to reinforce attributes of people or objects. This can make them stronger, faster, more durable, or other enhancement related to the element, but the increase can only be done to one attribute at a time, and is much more effective boosting already-existing abilities. In other words, enhancing a shield's attack would be less effective than boosting a sword's attack strength, while giving a speedster extra toughness would only marginally help them compared to increasing their speed.
Boon of Life: The ability to accelerate the healing of others, and refresh their energy.
With her incredible knowledge of the processes of life and the soul, Cagliostro has learned to alchemically reinforce the body in order to accelerate healing greatly, or give a burst of energy via magical power. This healing is so powerful that many flesh wounds heal within seconds, but more serious injuries still take bed rest and time to properly heal, even if their recovery time is greatly shortened.
Alchemical Transmutation: Converts base elements and objects into other forms of the same element.
The very basis of alchemy is that of converting one thing to another. Cagliostro can do this, too, converting matter from one configuration to another. The caveat is, she must understand both the source and the target very well, requiring analysis and concentration, and she cannot convert one base element to another. In other words, she can take a sword and break it down into a shovel, for example, but she could not turn a wooden toy into a gold nugget. This also takes time, and the more complex an item is, the longer it will take to break down or create. This means she can't create complex devices without seriously studying how they are made. It also means she can't do this mid-combat except with items she is already intimately familiar with, and even that can go wrong sometimes, so she normally avoids trying. In practice it lets her do things like change her own clothes or help shape spare parts.
Master of Life and Death< Edge-E >: Can create living bodies and transfer and manipulate souls. May cheat death.
Cagliostro thoroughly understands how to use alchemy to interact with living beings. This means she can actually create a living, breathing body if given all the right minerals and elements, and enough time to prepare. However, the body will not have a soul unless she provides one. She can also manipulate freed souls, but she is not a necromancer and in general, barring extreme confusion or outside interference, any soul Cagliostro wants to catch and put in a body must be willing and present. Extracting a soul from a living body, even willingly, is also a risky and lengthy process without simply killing the body. In an emergency she may, by spending Edge, be able to save a dying being by creating a new body on the spot, but it would be a clone of her own body and require sufficient base elements to be present right then and there. She can even do this latter part with herself, if she should happen to die in a place with such elements nearby, but that's extremely unlikely and also requires Edge. In the case of saving herself, she will need some level of forewarning in addition to the elements available, making this most useful for non-instant killing attacks like bleeding out or poison.
Knowledge of Creation: Knows how matter and life are created or destroyed, good at analysis of such.
Since she basically invented alchemy in her world, Cagliostro has a thorough understanding of how matter and life are built. This allows her to quickly determine the basic composition of materials or lifeforms, and with further, longer analysis she can learn more and more about what composes them. Basically she's very good at analyzing materials, but anything beyond the basics requires a lab and time to run experiments.
Fashion Sense: Cagliostro knows how to make people look adorable!
It might seem silly, but Cagliostro does know quite a lot about what passes for 'cute' in most humanoid cultures. She's very good at selecting proper wardrobe, poses, and so on, even if she can sometimes have a hard time maintaining the very decorum she's trying for. She has the knowledge to coach others, though!


Ouroboros< Named D-Tier >: A floating snakelike being with elemental attacks to fight for Cagliostro.
This large armored snakelike being can fly a few dozen feet above the ground, and attacks via sharp fanglike protrubances, or whipping/squeezing the tail. It can also channel elemental power if fed by Cagliostro. Though Cagliostro refers to it as a 'him' and treats it like ananimal, it is not truly independent and is more like an extension of her will.


Narcissist: Yes, flatter the cutest and most intelligent girl in all universes! Or else!
Cagliostro is an incredibly intelligent being, inventor of an entire magical discipline on her world, and with life experiences incomparable to most of her companions. She's also custom designed her body to be what she believes to be cute, and takes pride in her work. Problem is, she doesn't much like people contradicting that. She'll be positivey disposed toward those that flatter her, and bratty and impulsively dislike those that don't, barring some other reason to respect them. Despite her great age and wisdom, she's trivially easy to set off this way.
In Pursuit of the Craft: Knowledge and forgotten lore is soooo tempting.
Even with her vast array of knowledge, Cagliostro always seeks new refinements to alchemy. She will pursue even a hint that something to improve her skills is available, and can even be tempted by ancient knowledge and artifacts unrelated to alchemy, though she's better at resisting those impulses. Along with her childish attitude, this can be dangerously distracting for her.
Creator, Not Destroyer: Vulnerable to raw destructive abilities.
All of Cagliostro's research and even her body are centered around the power of creation and generation of life energy. This leaves her with one very rare but gaping weakness for raw destructive power. This is a very limited thing, and doesn't include destructive elements such as fire. It only applies to actual primal forces of unmaking like black holes, magical voids, or powers that directly break down the bonds of creation. Necromancy does not normally fall into this, but an 'unmaking' power would. Her weakness to these makes her even more fragile than normal, but more important is how it puts her into an uncharacteristically cautious state. This will rarely come up but it is a known weakness in her homeworld.
Condescending: Very dismissive of people who have not earned her respect.
When you are as intelligent and accomplished and narcissistic as Cagliostro, the default assumption when dealing with others is that they are inferior and fools. Cagliostro has been known to speak disrespectfully to angels, demons, powerful primal beings, and emperors. It isn't too difficult to get a modicum of respect from her, but a title or just being something won't get that, which typically offends those with fragile egos and makes formal parties difficult.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1130 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Majesty Feb 01 2023
1096 Judgement: Of Creation and Colossi Nov 05 2022
1085 The Magician: A Plague of Phantoms Oct 01 2022
1022 The Sound of Shattering Glass May 11 2022
1018 Falling Deep Into The Sky May 04 2022
989 The Devil You Know Mar 12 2022
939 Paper Boats I: Angular Momentum Dec 08 2021
910 Lowain Bros Party! (featuring Dante of the Devil May Cry series) Oct 31 2021
795 Shadow of the Empire Feb 16 2021
784 Monster Pox Jan 21 2021
See All 13 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.