World Tree MUSH

Paper Boats I: Angular Momentum

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    San Franciso has experienced a bit of a boom since the vines emerged on this Earth. The city was never truly sleepless before, but the outworld traffic and relentless construction of the arcologies made for a much busier city. The Wharf Block of the arcology is famous for its food and freshly caught bounty of the sea. And countless tourist traps, of course.
    Tim Mirra is quietly eating at the O-Kami Japanese Sushi & Steakhouse, reminiscing about the times the family took Alice to it. It was in a different locale then, but the restaurant had moved to the Wharf Block for better foot traffic and visibility. The meals are interrupted when a man bolts from the back near the bathrooms. Tim's slice of sushi roll falls from the chopsticks, splashing soy sauce, for the man that ran by looked just like him. And before he can utter a word, a melted dog-like thing chases after his doppelganger, an eye-watering miasma wafting from it.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Ahh, arcologies. Truly a sign of a civilized society. Bryllu may not have spent much time in the arcology she once called home. So she's in a form suited for casual exploration of a civilized environment. Three feet tall mechanical fairy, because organics build things too big. The worlds are dangerous though, and so this fairy has retracting claws in her fingers, just big enough to fight.

She's exploring the tourist traps when she spots the melted dog-like thing and the two nigh identical people, and she approaches Tim Mirra. "Why are you being chased by a melted dog?"
Benedicta Cornell
Speaking of dopplegangers, Benedicta's been trying to track down her human counterpart without much luck. She's just hoping that she's not floating in San Francisco bay right now. The Al-Mir'aj girl doing her best not to stand out too much but her hoodie can only can conceal so much. Plus the fact that her movement is somewhat stiff doesn't help either.

Of course despite her own problems there was still other trouble going on. Strange dogs are rather high on the list of things she rather not deal with, but she's likely bound to attract them whether she wants to or not. "Are you an illusionist by any chance?" It sounds she's going to try and answer Bryllu's question while she's at it.
     Suiren still hasn't done much traveling off her world, so today she decided to get out some after she was finished with school. Feeling a bit hungry as she passed by the sign for O-Kami Japanese Sushi & Steakhouse, she had stopped by herself and was enjoying a meal when the commotion started. She blinks once at the sight before standing up and walking over to Tim. "I'm going to take a wild guess that wasn't your identical twin, and that dogs like that one aren't normal around here, would that be right?"
    For one so carefree, it's funny that Cagliostro is less concerned about dopplegangers. She does, after all, keep spare bodies around! But that isn't her concern right now, she's more interested in seeying the sights. So we have Cagliostro, the petite blonde girl, wearing a touristy outfit and pretty much just taking pictures. She snaps a few, looks about, and...
    That's an unusual sight for this world.
    "My my, this isn't typical," she murmurs, scooting up along behind Suiren as if she were a normal young girl, and not actually just using that appearance to eavesdrop.
     Martin... is not at the sushi steakhouse place. Instead, he got himself a grilled... tuna, he thinks, at least that's what he was told it was. Not like any of the fish he's used to, but it doesn't taste half bad as he eats it right off a wooden skewer, wandering down the Wharf Block way as he does this whole 'tourist' thing.

Which is when, naturally, a man comes running out of a restaurant being chased by some kind of dog-like creature. A moment's surprise, and then the mouse warrior clamps his tuna between his teeth and draws his sword, swiftly giving chase. He isn't the sort to stand idly by gawking!
Aurelia Argent
    Tim turns slowly to the three foot tall fairy, looking sheet white in spite of his usual complexion. "I... don't... know..." He glances at Suiren, then his eyes go wide and he takes off running as a low rumbling sound comes from a corner of the room. The hound starts bounding after Tim, this one looking exactly the same but missing a piece of its muzzle, apparent victim of a sword.
    There are alarms sounded a moment later, a voice over the speaker urging people to calmly evacuate to the nearest exit due to hostile outworlder activity. The results are not calm, but miraculously there's nobody trampled as the crowds flow like logs on water towards the egresses.
    A third, then fourth hound lopes after the Tims, though these are clearly different.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu looks at the hounds again, "Well something needs to be done about this." She mentions, and the claws come out, "So tell me who you are and what you might have done to attract these beasts." She puts herself in between Tim and the nearest hound, preparing to rake at the beast if it tries to attack her or get past her.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta's attention turn towards the alarms wondering for a moment the Order had prepared those, but it seems like she has more important issues to deal with at the moment. At least she doesn't have to feel bad about hurting the hounds because these clearly aren't normal dogs. The rabbit girl's horn glows yellow and several tentacles sprout out of her back. She doesn't want to be a chew toy for the dogs, so she decides to keep her distances by whipping at them instead.
     At first Suiren is a bit confused, thinking the man was running away from her. 'Never seen a girl with blue hair?' She manages to wonder inside her own head just as the second hound appears and gives chase to the man. Quickly she takes hold of one of her Pokeballs and with a press of a button it expands to the size of a baseball, then a second press causes it to open, releasing a red energy that forms into a Popplio. As the Pokeball opens, Suiren calls out. "Iona, use Water Gun!" And the blue pinniped pokemon charges forward a bit and aims a blast of water at the scary-looking canine.
    "Oh dear," Cagliostro murmurs. Hostile offworld activity? That could be mistaken for her, if she isn't careful! That said, it's pretty clear that the 'hounds' are the problem, and when Suiren uses Water Gun, Cagliostro purses her lips, then nods. "Well, I suppose questions later," she says with annoyance, gesturing and stepping back.
    Water goes well with lightning, right? A crackle of electricity blasts out, toward the same Hound, trying to take care of one at a time. "Are you injured?" That's to 'Tim' here.
     Martin is fleet of foot despite his short legs, something that the dog chasing the doppelganger Tim soon finds out as he catches up with, and then overtakes, it. Taking a great leap and turning in mid-air, he lands facing the dog and his sword comes down to cleave through its face, shearing off a chunk as its momentum carries it into his blade. No words, only violence.
Aurelia Argent
    It is not that the hounds shrink at opposition. Indeed, they're aggressive enough that Bryllu gets a good swipe at the one that tries to push by her. Benedicta's tentacle lashings keep one dancing about in avoidance before the bunnicorn gets a good strike in, sending the thing skidding into the indoor fountain. Another joins it as Suiren's pokemon blasts it, the hound losing its footing just long enough to slip, spasming as Cagliostro's lightning blast crackles and fries its foul flesh. Martin sees the half-faced one evaporate into nasty greasy-smelling smoke even as he witnesses the other Tim blink out of existence.
    It's just that their prey has escaped, and the hounds followed.
    The authorities eventually interview people about the incident. A number of shop owners who saw what happened offer various sundry rewards, such as a free meal or a piece of merchandise, grateful that somebody was around and able to chase off the awful things.
    Tim, for his part, is hanging around Suiren asking about her pokemon. Pokemon are apparently fairly popular on this Earth, since Tim describes several pokemon floats in the annual Thanksgiving parade. He mentions it's a pity they're illegal for California residents to own due to ecological concerns.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta takes a free salad, despite the emptiness she feels inside she still needs to eat after all. Her tentacles vanish from sight after the hounds are dealt with, even if this is San Francisco she doesn't want to stand out too much here after all. She feels a bit exhausted after the fighting after all she's not fully recovered yet.