Jun Hisakawa (Dropped)

Jun Hisakawa
World: Maho Wars-1
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: Late teens
Role: A Dragon's Avatar
Species: Human/Asian Dragon
Voice Actor: Ryoutarou Okiayu (JP)/David Kaye (EN)


A trip to the beach saw typical schoolgirl Jun Hisakawa accepting the "Pearl" of a dying water dragon, merging her soul with the dragon's and giving her a new form. Now -HE- exists as the dragon's avatar! Jun's new abilities allow him to control water, whip up small storms or fog banks, and heal others. He can also fly via levitation; in times of high stress or injury, he can change into a "small" water dragon... though this is not a change he has much control over. A gentle sort of person, Jun has always tried to help wherever possible, even before merging with the dragon. Now he has more ways to help. But no one from his former life believes he's "their" Jun Hisakawa.


Sword of Light: A magical holy sword with a blade made of energy
Powered by the dragon's Pearl (which is actually in his throat), the metallic sword-handle of this weapon emits a blade of pure energy. However, it behaves as if it were a normal sword blade; it does not burn upon contact with skin or items. It is a double-edged sword, and as such can cut with either edge, stab with the point, or slap with the flat. The sword also counts as "holy" where such things count.
Water Control: Telekinetically shape/attack with nearby water or his own
Water is the main element over which the type of dragon Jun was empowered by has control over. Jun can draw water out of the air, from bodies of water, or from his own body, to create blasts, beams, and balls of water for offense. He can also force a tide to rise higher, controlling an amount of water roughly the size of a large swimming pool to create waves large enough to cause damage. He has to be careful using water from his own body, however, as he can cause himself serious dehydration. It's notable that "water" does not function the same as "ice" in this context; in fact Jun heats up the water he uses to attack with, for blunt or cutting force as well as scalding damage.
Healing Magic: Heal/purify biological beings with magic
"Life" is another common attribute of the Asian dragon, and it's not overlooked here. Jun has the ability to heal and purify the ailments of others using the water in their body to spread his magic. He can't do this in battle, since it requires concentration, and it's unlikely he'll be given long enough to concentrate during a fight. And he can only heal biological things this way -- cyborgs and sapient robots/machines are out of luck. This can regenerate limbs or close large wounds, but the former takes several minutes. Additionally, the victim to be healed must still be alive. Once they're dead Jun can't even repair their body.
Weather Control: Whip up small storms, create large banks of fog
The ability that is developed the least, admittedly. Mainly this is for clouding things up if Jun needs to obscure vision for some reason. He can easily whip up a large bank of fog and mist, obscuring an area to normal sight. He can also whip up small storms with unpredictable lightning -- he has no control over the lightning, and can't actually "aim" it, but with a lot of lightning it's much more likely that opponents will get hit. Unfortunately it's equally likely for the lightning to hit an ally...
Flight: Flight via levitation
Jun can lift himself and one other person with telekinesis, but only if that person is holding onto him, or he is carrying that person. His maneuverability is good, his speed is about that of a modern automobile. He cannot outfly planes, and he has no ability to go into space unaided -- he'll still die, and he can't reach escape velocity anyway.
Transformation: Dragon< Edge >: Mostly uncontrollable transformation into a serpentine dragon
Occurring mostly in times of great stress or injury (or when his ara-mitama grows too much), Jun can transform his body into a twelve-foot Asian dragon. This dragon has all of his abilities, but he is unable to control it. This dragon is a great deal stronger than Jun, as well. Upon being rendered unconscious, or when the dragon calms down, it will change back into Jun, and he will have no memory of what occurred in this form. Whatever injuries the dragon sustained will be present on Jun's body as well (though proportionally adjusted for the size differential), since Jun IS the dragon.
Baking: Jun can bake both breads and sweets
Definitely a minor thing, but perhaps worthy of note: Jun has always had an interest in baking, from typical white breads to the most exotic baked sweets. Jun likes the challenge of figuring out how to make these things, how to adapt them to current tastes. And he always likes making people happy with a little sweet treat. Besides, getting to eat the sweet fruits of his labor -- and the still-edible oopsies -- is a definite up-side!


What Do?!: Jun almost always feels he's in over his head
The magical world where he's from is kind of an "underworld" of sorts, hidden from the average human. Having been exactly that -- an average human -- right up until very recently, and also lacking one of the small magical familiars that a great many Maho have, Jun has no idea how to navigate this magical world. Adding to that, the existence of other worlds adds even more dangerous super-powered, supernatural things that he doesn't understand or know how to deal with. He has no basis for learning the different cultures of the World Tree, no one to educate him about the various worlds' histories and the history of them joining the tree, and -- possibly the most dangerous thing -- no one to tell him who he should stay away from. Adding to that, certain expectations of heroes are missing from Jun -- he doesn't bravely charge down the enemy to save the oppressed; often he doesn't even know he's facing a "bad guy" until he himself is in trouble! He has little practice in using his abilities, and often has to guess how to use them to their greatest efficiency as he has no one to teach him. This is to say nothing of the shock -- and likely HORROR! -- that learning he's changed into a dragon (and likely HURT PEOPLE) before he was stopped will likely evoke in him. Jun faces not only his own world's magical underworld alone and uneducated, but he faces all of the World Tree -- and the mysteries of his new powers -- in this state.
Lack of Ammo: Decreased power efficiency in dry atmosphere
In dry environments like deserts, Jun's "ammunition" for his Water Control Perk is limited, and he often has to use the water in his own body for any offensive use of this Perk. This can be dangerous if he uses it too much, since it can lead to severe dehydration. Dehydration is one of the things that can kill him faster than normal.
Abalone? Ah, Baloney!: Jun is weak against weapons/items made of abalone or mother-of-pearl
While he is quite tough thanks to his magic, Jun's magic and magical toughness fail against abalone and mother-of-pearl. To be clear, this doesn't mean that a pearl-handled pistol will act as a "silver bullet" and immediately kill him. A weapon with a handle made of these things is no more dangerous to him than a weapon without this. However, a dagger made of these materials, or a bullet of these materials (if one can figure out a way for it not to disintegrate on firing) would instantly defeat his magic and cause damage to him, regardless of how much defense he has. It would not instantly kill him, however, unless it was aimed at a fatal point on his body (heart, brain, etc.).
Dragon's Pearl: Jun's powers can be disrupted by messing with the Pearl
All of Jun's power is tied to the Pearl, a small round abnormality located on the front of his hyoid bone (the U-shaped bone above the larynx). A well-placed dispel, drain, or nullification blast can interrupt his powers briefly, or as long as the user concentrates on holding the dispel/drain/nullification there. This makes him drop any water he is controlling, dispels any weather effects he's causing, stops any healing he might be trying to perform, will cause him to fall out of the sky if flying (but this will also take him out of range of the dispel), and turn off his sword. On the bright side, this can also pull him out of his dragon transformation with a minimum of fuss and effort.
Ara-mitama: Building frustration can cause him to lose control of his power
"Mitama" refers to either the soul of a desceased person or the spirit of a god or spirit ("kami"). Kami tend to have four mitama aspects; among these the ara-mitama, the wild and uncontrolled aspect of a kami. When Jun's soul joined with the power of the dragon who gave him his power, it gained these four aspects as well. As he experiences negative emotions -- frustration, anger, sadness, etc. -- these make the strength of his ara-mitama grow. Once it reaches a breaking point, the violent aspect of the dragon will be unleashed and must be pacified (either with pacification rites or by beating it down). This isn't something that can just happen once and never again, but will be a continuing threat as long as Jun holds the dragon's power.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
876 Ignis Deorum: The Place We Lived When We Were Young Sep 13 2021
869 Much Needed Explainations Sep 03 2021
813 Lord of Vermin IV Mar 25 2021
802 Lord of Vermin III Mar 06 2021
798 Watch The Corners Feb 22 2021
794 Lord of Vermin II: Spider's Venom Feb 15 2021
761 Lord of Vermin I Nov 21 2020
749 A Song of Time and Space III Oct 10 2020
747 Idols From Outer Space! Oct 07 2020
742 A Song of Time and Space II Sep 27 2020
See All 21 Scenes


Title Date
Pitstop For Candy Sep 24 2020
Time and Place, Time and Space Oct 02 2020
See All 2 Cutcenes