Lucianne Helia (Dropped)

Lucianne Helia
World: Original
Apparent Age: 17
Quote: Justice is about making things right. Judgment is about reward and punishment. A debt in blood cannot be paid in blood.
Species: Human?


Awoken without memories, Lucianne Helia does not seem all that bothered by her lack of a known past. Cheerful and caring, with a strongly refined sense of justice. She is prone to wandering, but without knowing where she belongs, her wandering is aimless. Though her lack of experience may make her naive, she does not back down once she's commited to a course of action; even if she should. For some reason, she fears to be in enclosed spaces cut off from the open sky; though perhaps that's merely her instinct to wander. Her left eye is an orb of flame, though not lidless, and she's quite resilient.


Left Eye: Lucianne has an orb of fire where her left eye should be, which provides light.
Lucianne has an orb of fire where her left eye should be. This orb is quite bright, providing ample light to see by while her 'eye' is open, and ven glowing through her eyelid while it's not. Though it somehow does not radiate its heat, it is hot enough to melt just about anything that gets in there.
Resilient: Lucianne is tougher than most, and heals quickly.
Though she doesn't know why, Lucianne is tough. Blows that should go clean through a normal girl will only modestly hurt her. On top of which, any wound that doesn't kill her is a wound she will recover from in due time, even regrowing entire limbs in the course of a month.
Fit: Lucianne is in good physical shape.
Lucianne is in good physical shape. While not exceptionally strong or fast, she does have the strength and endurance of a young person who regularly exercises.


Sense of Justice: Lucianne lives by strict guidelines of honor and charity.
Lucianne has seven strong principles that she's unwilling to bend or break. Each of these principles does not excuse inaction, though it does excuse inability. As she frequently lacks the strength to live up to her principles, she is bound by her sense of justice to seek help where she can.

    Principle of the Eye: Keep on the lookout for dangers, living or natural to society.
    Principle of the Shield: Defend those in need of protection from crime, villainy and disaster.
    Principle of the Ledger: Leave no debt to which you are party unpaid, neither as a creditor nor as a debtor. Those who do wrong whether by intent or accident owe a debt to their victims.
    Principle of the Scale: Those who live in comfort and affluence must care for those who struggle. For the affluent to gather wealth when suffering grows is a crime against the poor.
    Principle of the Tome: To keep knowledge secret is to owe a debt to those who need it.
    Principle of the Flame: One Tenth of your earnings shall be spent on sacrificial fuel, with which you shall light a fire every full moon.
    Principle of the Law: So long as it does not conflict with these principles, you shall honour the law of the land. No laws can be held supreme to these principles.
Naively Stubborn: Lucianne is stubborn, which is made worse by her naivete.
Lucianne is stubborn. Once she decides to do something it's really hard to talk her out of it, and she can be quite pushy in trying to get others to go along with it. This is made all the worse by the fact that she's rather naive, and can decide to do something based upon the recommendations of people she really shouldn't be taking advice from; and has this frustrating habit of pretending it was her idea all along.
Enclosed Spaces: Lucianne gets uncomfortable in enclosed spaces.
Lucianne gets uncomfortable in enclosed spaces. Especially so when she's in a situation where she can't see the sky, whether that's because she's blindfolded, in a windowless room or deep underground. It helps when she knows the outdoors is not far away, so it gets even worse when she knows that the open skies are far away.
Memory Loss: Lucianne lacks all memory before a certain point.
Lucianne lacks all memory before a certain point. Those who learn of this might be able to take advantage by pretending to know her or other clever and unscrupulous means; though it seems she is remarkably uninterested in recovering her lost memories.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
712 Sacred Spring: Lanayru Aug 04 2020
711 A Modest Sacrifice Aug 03 2020
707 Shinewander Sky Jul 30 2020
705 The River's Heart Jul 28 2020
694 The Great River Jul 14 2020
690 The Lonely Road Jul 07 2020
689 Hospital Time Jul 05 2020
687 What A Horrible Night Jul 02 2020
685 Goron City Jun 30 2020
682 Where there's ... Mist? There's Fire. Jun 27 2020
See All 12 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.