World Tree MUSH

Where there's ... Mist? There's Fire.

Character Pose
Lucianne Helia
Lucianne arrived at snowpeak only recently, and after taking some time to get herself a bit of a place there has taken to wandering. Now, she's sitting on the ground against a flat surface near death mountain, eyes closed and her face directed towards the rising sun. Being early morning, she hasn't had breakfast yet, doing this the first thing after waking up. She's sufficiently serene, it could be easy to assume she's just been sleeping like this.
    So. Hyrule has a Death Mountain. An actual, literal, Death Mountain. And of course the people of stone, the Gorons would choose to live in an active volcano.
    Rydia of Mist does not like it. She does not like flaming fire monsters, she does not like the ash and sulfur fumes, she does not like much of anything about it, and has returned to the caravan at the foot of the mountain, to recover after dealing with Fyrus, and get some rest in before actually seeing the Goron city.
    It's on seeing a sleeping face that she has never seen before that the green-haired girl pauses in her tracks. Hands planting on her knees as she leans in to investigate just who this new person is.
Lucianne Helia
With someone between the sun and her face, Lucianne opens both her eyes, looking a bit startled. "Huh, who're you?" She asks, the flame in her left eye quite bright especially from up close. She tries to pull back a bit from the stranger, until she realizes she's looking at a kid and relaxes some.
    It's Rydia who looks more startled when both eyes open and she's greeted by an orb of fire dominating the space where the girl's left eye should be. The green-haired girl jolts back sharply out of instinctual habit when in the face with a source of fire.
    She stares for a beat, jade eyes wide and unsure, before she manages to clear her throat and peel her eyes away.
    "H-hmph! I could ask the same of you."
Lucianne Helia
"You could, and should. I'm Lucianne Helia." The girl answers, closing her left eye when she realizes she's startled Rydia; guessing that it's either the one obviously odd thing about her, or the fact that she's awake. "So, now that I've shared my name, what's yours?"
    The eye closes and Rydia relaxes by a degree. It's... An oddity to say the least, but one that does not sit well with the pyrophobic child. Still, she does her level best to try and be polite, and meeting Lucianne's gaze is a lot easier with that left eye closed, even though the glow is visible through the girl's eyelid.
    "Rydia. Rydia of Mist." She gives her own introduction. "Were you following our caravan?"
Lucianne Helia
Lucianne notices the still present discomfort, and brushes some of her hair in front of her left eye. It doesn't quite eliminate the glow, but it helps hide it better. "Yes and no? I'd heard some folks were going to death mountain, and I was getting bored sitting around doing nothing; so I figured I'd explore; and I figured that if I went in the same direction odds were better I'd get help if I caught myself in a spot of trouble. Are you with the caravan?"
    That certainly is an interesting answer to say the least. Rydia purses her lips for a beat, squinting still even as some of that blonde hair is brushed in the way of that eye, but her ceoncern seems to be more from the sudden appearance of a stranger, now, than a closed eye.
    "Yes." She answers after a beat, "I go where Sheik goes; we're trying to rid this world of the Twilight."
Lucianne Helia
"Sheik is the person who is in charge over at Snowpeak, yeah? I don't think I've met her yet, but I'm grateful for the hospitality." Lucianne offers in turn, "Ridding this world of twilight sounds like it's a good thing, but I admit I don't really know." She shrugs, with a faint smile. "But then I don't know a lot of things."
    "That's right." Rydia confirms, still using Zelda's false name in spite of the reveal up on the mountain not too long ago. It's not Rydia's place to go about dropping such vital information anyway, and what if Zelda wants to maintain her secrecy beyond those who had met Gor Coron up the mountain?
    Regardless of such things though, the girl's head bobs in a faint nod. "She's a good person. A little paranoid at times, but for good reason." She says, before frowning. "The Twilight is invasive. It's been a blight for way too long, hurting the people of Hyrule."
Lucianne Helia
"I wish I could help with that, but I think I'd just get in the way; and I heard you've got a lot of good people working on it." Lucianne answers to that, clearly sounding displeased with her own conclusion, "But if there's some way I can help, I'd love to hear about it."
    "Mn." Rydia's response is non-commital at first, lips pursed as she regards Lucianne as though she were sizing the girl up. Quite an odd look, to say the least; to be sized up by an eight year old. 
    "What can you do, then?" She does ask after a beat. "If you can't fight, I doubt you'll be asked to, but there are plenty of ways to help beside that. We always need supplies, the animals need tending, not to mention the injured, when we do fight. It would be hard to 'get in the way' when the only way to do that would be to directly try and stop us."
Lucianne Helia
"I don't know, I'm still trying to figure that." Lucianne answers with a faint shrug, "As far as I can tell, I might as well have sprung into existence from the aether last week." She sounds a bit nonchalant about that, like she doesn't care that much. "Uhhh... What did she call it, amnesia?"
    "Amnesia." Rydia repeats, more to herself than to Lucianne. "So you can't remember anything from longer than a week ago?" She deduces from the conversation at hand. "People don't just simply pop up from nothing for no reason." She points out.
    "But if you stick around I'm sure you'll find a way to be useful."
Lucianne Helia
"Well, nine days. But, close enough." Lucienne clarifies, "And yeah, I know. We don't. I'm sure there's a reason, but it's not like I know the reason." She shrugs, "I managed to somehow help save a girl who was attacked by some kind of weird 'Youma' thing, and one of the people who really ought to take credit for that over me suggested I go here."
    "Youma..." Rydia murmurs. "I encountered one of those once. Terrible things." She spits. "I know they haunt... Yumi's home if I recall. I take it Yumi is who suggested you come to Hyrule, then?" She says. "Still; the fact that you helped save someone from one of those is pretty impressive."
Lucianne Helia
"Quite awful." Lucianne agrees, and she nods. "Yeah, she helped me out after. Got to pay her back for that some day." The girl leans back some, glancing past Rydia to the rising sun; though not staring quite at it. "It was mostly lucky. Turned out it didn't like light very much." She explains, not going into detail why this helped.
    Rydia's head dips in a slow nod. So Yumi is responsible for this one showing up, then; that explains that. "Mn."
    There's that little sound again as Rydia averts her gaze for a beat, quite able to deduce the reason why. "Lucky for you, huh."
    A small huff and the smaller girl motions towards the caravan proper. "I should get back to what I was doing. But. You're welcome to join the rest of us, you know." She offers.