World Tree MUSH

Goron City

Having called on her allies to dispel the Twilight from Death Mountain, Zelda is now free to turn her focus towards the liberation of Hyrule. With Zora's Domain encased in ice, the princess can think of no better candidates for aid than the Gorons, Hyrule's most skilled metallurgists and metalworkers.

Chief Darbus has been returned to Death Mountain after being locked away in the Goron Mines, a prisoner of the Twilight that drove him to violent madness. The Gorons, their leadership complete once more, now negotiate with Hyrule's princess over what they can do to aid Zora's Domain.

While offering a tour of Goron City, they have opened their doors to travellers and the allies who helped save their chieftain. There will be food, drink, and merriment aplenty!

...There also /won't/ be combat, so leave your weapons behind!
Character Pose
  Between summer heat and an active volcano, Death Mountain is hot, and the walk to Goron City from the Vine is also hot. There's light at the end of the tunnel, though, by going into the tunnels. The temperature drops and the air is almost fresh.

Down, down, down the road leads, into a great hall of carved stone. The Gorons are celebrating their liberation from the Twilight, which means an enormous feast. Flickering geodes and torches light the area. Bright banners hang from lines run between stone colonnades, over tables laden with food and drink. Master drummers play on a raised dais. Huge Gorons play even more huge drums the size of cars, one Goron to each drum. Their mallets flash in razor-precise coordination to pound out a very danceable rhythm.

Most of the people here are Gorons. They gather in the main floor. Some are eating rocks. Others laugh and chat. A few are on guard duty, with polished armour and decorated warhammers. Not all of them are, though: Zelda is a head and a half shorter than the average Goron, but it isn't just her being Hylian that sets her apart.

Today she's not dressed like a commoner. Today she's dressed like royalty, and she looks every inch of it. Her elabourate gown of dark lilac and white is richly embroidered. Delicate etched pauldrons set with precious stones cover her shoulders. A belt of delicate gold links circles her waist. At her hip hangs the Hyrulean sword of state, her rapier, tied artfully with a sash of silk.

Atop her brow is the Hyrulean crown; a beautifully wrought piece, smithed by Gorons. Gold and white gold are woven into the shapes of leaves twined together, delicate chain threading over her braided hair to clasp at the back of her head. The whole of it is set with sapphires.

She stands near the four Goron elders and their enormous chieftain, Darbus, a mountain of a Goron looking no worse for last week's wear. The five Gorons are in animated conversation, though Zelda is more reserved: In a kingdom ravaged by fire and by Twilight, her throne held by an usurper, she still manages to put on the face of the thoughtful, patient monarch.

It's a cunning lie. She's restless; she wants to be off, out of Death Mountain's smothering haze, and back to doing things that matter... but she needs the Gorons' help.
Yumi Tachibana
    If Zelda feels short among Gorons, Yumi feels smaller still. Despite fighting like a powerhouse, she's a good couple inches shorter than the princess, so the towering rockmen of Death Mountain make her feel tiny as well... and they'd be a pretty intimidating sight if she didn't already know they were so friendly. Still, this is something in the neighborhood of 'formal meeting between leaders', so she's resolved to act as a knight for at least part of the evening.

    Which provides a convenient excuse for Yumi to be transformed into her magical girl armor - 'formal appearance'. The transformation makes the heat of Death Mountain much more bearable, and here in the much cooler Goron city, it's positively comfortable.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> 'The Towering Rockmen of Death Mountain' sounds like a 1950s fantasy novel.
Lucianne Helia
Some people fear fire. Until today, Lucianne didn't know she feared enclosed spaces. But she agreed to come, and by the time she learned this about herself, she felt it too late to back out. Just wearing her simple dress, but for Rydia's sake she has taken to wearing an eyepatch that better hides her flame. It's a cheap one in the Japanese style she picked up before leaving Yumi's world.

The heat itself doesn't seem to bother her too much, as she doesn't have a formal outfit, she looks entirely plain next to Yumi. "You make me feel like I'm a background dancer in play, just here to round out the people from beyond the mountain." She asides to Yumi as they go in.
Lex Brando
    Lex is not the most sociable person, and parties really aren't her scene. Still, as one of the heroes who helped defeat Fyrus, she feels as though she ought to make at least an appearance. She doesn't have any 'formal clothing' aside from her armor, so she's doing the same things as Yumi. The downside is that she's still wearing them over a tank top and shorts, so it doesn't improve things that much.

    "I wouldn't worry about, y'know, all that stuff," she remarks to Lucianne, bringing up the rear and completely missing the point Lucianne was making. "The Gorons have an entirely different culture with different standards of dress, and all that." She glances around, looking for food which is not literally made of freaking rocks, but she's planning on sticking around with the current group instead of making a beeline for it. "Do they even count as 'humanoid'?" she murmurs under her breath.
    Okay so they are pretty big.
    Regardless of the fact that most people she knows are taller than she is, Rydia of Mist finds herself having to crane her head up more and more when interacting with the rock people of Death Mountain.
    Still, the small Summmoner understands that, despite her fascination with the big rocky folk known as the Gorons, this is an important and delicate moment. Having eshewed her wolfos fur cloak and travelling tunic for something a little more presentable, the last Summoner of Mist has decked herself out in a set of green robes for the occasion.
    It's easier to hide her dagger that way.
    Lucianne's eyepatch is a godsend, and it makes interacting a lot easier, but Rydia... Seems distracted. She can't quite help it. Seeing Zelda in such finery... And wearing a crown...
    The child is conflicted. The Zelda she knows was always so utilitarian and pragmatic. And part of her knows that this is for the sake of formality but...
    Rydia still can't help but boggle at the sight of the princess in such regalia.
    Yumi gets a tug on the sleeve.
    "Is she going to wear stuff like that all the time after we hang Zant by his own guts, or...?"
  In the midst of her conversation with the Goron leaders, Zelda does catch sight of Yumi's distinctive armour. Was that the faintest hint of an approving nod from the princess? It could have been. Then again, it's so subtle it could have been imagined.

Lucianne is eyed, when Zelda isn't paying attention to the Gorons, but she doesn't seem to feel compelled to break off her negotiations just yet. The eyepatch is eyed a half-second longer, but her gaze eventually swings back around to something Darbus Gor Coron is saying. The short Goron is almost lost amongst his much bigger and burlier brothers.

Yeah, brothers. The Gorons are calling everybody 'brother.' They all seem to be male, too. All of them. They're also calling the defenders 'brother' when they bump into them even though they're obviously not male. Fortunately they're not calling Zelda 'brother,' because that would just be weird and awkward.

For the moment Zelda stays busy, at least until she can reach some kind of accord. She is still water in the presence of the Goron leadership's gregarious fire; collected and thoughtful in direct contrast to their impulsive enthusiasm. It doesn't look like she's ready to break away from them just yet... and howver much she might want to, she doesn't yet look like she wants to.

Rydia and Yumi might be able to pick up on a faint telepathic whiff of annoyance, though. This is absolutely not the princess that they know. The princess they know is much more hands-on, and values action over putting on airs. There's work to do, and however much she does value the opportunity to set the Gorons' minds at ease, time's a-wastin'.
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi shakes her head slightly at Lucianne, amused. "If anything, you stand out like the main character in a manga or something." Besides, there's what Lex said. To the Gorons, most of the people here are dressed equally strangely! Rydia's question very nearly pulls a laugh out of the senshi, though. "Yes, I imagine so. Or most of the time, at least. Royalty tends to wear very... very ostentatious clothing. It's kind of expected."

    Of course, with Zelda over taking care of the talks with the leadership, that leaves Yumi more or less 'stand around and look knightly' as a job... and standing around means a lot of chances for her eyes to drift over towards the spread of food. Naturally, it takes all of a minute or so before the magical girl is headed that way, and in another minute she has a plate piled high with food. While she starts munching, the redhead looks around at their hosts, thoughtful. It's tempting to go over and find one to talk to. Or maybe join the princess.
Lucianne Helia
Whenever Zelda stares at her, Lucianne appears to be staring right back, even though she's generally looking around. Probably just coincidence. The girl's discomfort with being here is obvious, even though she's not sweating or otherwise seeming to be that impacted byt he heat. "What's a manga?" She asks Yumi, sounding uncertain. "And how could I be the main character when my clothes are unassuming compared to yours and those of the others?"

To Lex, she asides. "Oh I know. Honestly I'm surprised my dress works as well in so many places as it does. Bit of a chore to wash it every morning, though..." She shrugs, "Once I make enough money I'll be sure to buy another."
Lex Brando
    "I sure hope not, but yes." This is Lex's automatic response to Rydia, low enough that only the immediate trio around her will probably hear it. "And. Uh. Yeah, what ... Yumi said." She isn't entirely sure she's on a first-name basis with Yumi, but she's pretty sure fighting two different Twilit monsters with her, and getting rescued by her in between the two events, counts for something.

    She sort of sticks in Yumi's vicinity, and picks up a snack of her own. She slightly crinkles her nose at being called 'brother', but she gets used to it fairly easily once she notices the indiscriminate approach. "It's your eyepatch," she answers Lucianne. "I mean, it is pretty nifty, kind of thing." She waves her left hand vaguely. "I 'unno if I'd, like, want to lose something to get a cool body part? But I've seen you without the eyepatch, and it is pretty awesome."

    The thought strikes her that someone might be missing (Xion), but she can't quite place it, and the thought soon passes.
    Rydia makes a face at Yumi's answer.
    "That's so... Not her, though." The girl mutters.
    She can feel the princess' irritation practically roiling off of her from this distance.
    "... Sucks to be her, huh. First Zant, and then she's gotta play dress up all the time." Rydia muses as she grabs a plate and...
    Starts loading it with sweets.
  It may be attention-grabbing as befitting royalty, but the dress is still pretty tasteful. More importantly to Zelda, it looks like she still has considerable freedom of movement in it, too. Being able to move around is always a plus. As some of her companions here would know, 'standing there and looking pretty' is not something Zelda would be able to do with a whole lot of patience. The princess can be very patient, particularly for her age; she can also be very impatient.

She'd approve of hanging Zant by his own guts, though... and insist on something much more painful. For the moment, though, she's busy hashing out moving a very large number of Gorons and equipment a very long distance from Death Mountain to Zora's Domain. It's not a trivial journey, nor a particularly safe one.

Looks like she might have reached an accord, though. The princess clasps her hands and bows; first to the Goron Elders, and then to Chief Darbus. She says something else that from a distance looks like a really elabourate way to say 'thank you very much,' and then after a few morepolite words, gently disengages herself from the circle of Goron leadership. A word and a smile are reserved for many, many Gorons along the way, so by the time Zelda reaches the group of Rydia, Lucianne, and Yumi, her half-smile looks a little frazzled.

"I was hoping to see you here, my friends." Zelda inclines her head to Rydia and Yumi. To Lucianne, she inclines her head as well. The gesture practically screams 'regality.' "I bid you welcome back to Hyrule. Stay as long as you like; the Gorons are very..." There's a thoughtful pause from the princess, "...welcoming." Yes. That's a good word. "Though I will be taking my leave as soon as matters are fully settled. I must return to Snowpeak--" Only a few days from here, "--and then set out for Zora's Domain. I would be there when the Zora are freed; I must find out from them what happened."
Yumi Tachibana
    "Manga is... it's a kind of drawn story, that they sell in books back in my world," Yumi explains to Lucianne. "A lot of them are done with normal people as the main characters so that the readers can relate better. If you get knights and princesses and mages all in the same room, and then there's one person that's just wearing normal clothes, in a manga that's usually the most dangerous one."

    Yumi completely fails to notice the irony in regards to her own past exploits.

    To Rydia, though, Yumi says, "Yeah, I can't disagree there. It's gotta be driving her nuts." With her own plate full and food already disappearing, the magical girl comes very close to crossing the room to speak with Zelda and the Gorons... when the princess comes to them, instead. "They seem pretty enthusiastic," she says in regards to the Gorons, unable to keep the giggle down entirely. "I wish we could stay a little longer."
Lucianne Helia
"Oh, it's just something I picked up in case people seemed to be disturbed by my left eye." Lucianne answers Lex, right as Zelda approaches; in time for the latter to easily hear it. "I'm sure there's some meaning to that eye, but I couldn't tell you what." She pauses, "I don't think it's cool, though." No, it's clearly hot.

After Zelda speaks, she answers. "I'd offer to help, your highness, but I fear I would only get in your way." She dips into a curtsy, "I'm Lucianne Helia, I thank you for your welcome. One day, I shall repay you and yours for the hospitality you've shown me. Until that day, I can but offer my thanks."

Yumi's explanation causes her to blink slowly, and the answer seems as instinctive as some of the other statements Yumi has heard, "I pose no threat, for I know you are not among the ranks of the wicked."
Lex Brando
    Lex shrugs to Rydia. "Some people just have the worst luck," she says dryly.

    She nods to Zelda. "'s cool," she says, maintaining her relatively casual tone even though Zelda is in Full Princess mode. "Iiiii might have to leave early myself, due to my own ... stuff. And things." She then realizes she hasn't actually been to Snowpeak before, but ... oh well, not much to say about that subject. Unfortunately, Yumi's enthusiasm is not quite infectious.

    She opens her mouth to respond to Lucianne about 'cool', hesitates, then closes it. She shrugs, and shakes her head. Not gonna try to dig through slang at the moment. The remark about posing a threat just gives her pause for a moment, and she just completely fails to put her words together long enough to respond to it.
    Poor Zelda. The dress. The crown. Rydia can't help but make a funny face when the princess adresses her and the others so formally, too. There's an awkward pasue from the last Summoner of Mist.
    Does she bow?
    Does she curtsey?
    A second or two passes as Rydia cycles through her options.
    he little renegade chooses to act like nothing has changed in the least.
    "I'll be ready to return to Snowpeak whenever you are."
    Staying would be a luxury they simply can't afford at the moment and she knows it. She does listen in on what this ... Manga is. Maybe that's something to look in to.
  "They're very enthusiastic." Zelda's comment is given with a fond smile. "I remember meeting them for the first time as a child," she murmurs, quietly. "My royal father was touring the kingdom and visiting the different provinces in honour of the anniversary of Hyrule's founding, and my royal mother and I accompanied him... they are very kind. Chief Darbus used to carry me on his shoulder, and to a child of six, it was even better than climbing a tree."

The princess shakes her head at Yumi's observation. "I wish we could, too. It has been too long since I have been here... but if we do not move quickly, the usurper will know what we are about. Already time flows against us. I have no doubt that his beasts know we are in Death Mountain, and it is only a matter of time until his hunters pursue us on the road. I only hope that the Gorons keep my secret, in their... enthusiasm. The rest of Hyrule believes I am dead, and with my death, the last of the ancient line." Her lips thin. "The last of the line of Hylia."

"...Ah. There is no need for formalities," Zelda offers, to Lucianne. "I am beholden to them, by virtue of this--" She gestures to indicate her crown, "--but you are most certainly not required to. Not here, anyway. The Gorons are generally somewhat informal." The princess gestures to her elabourate dress; her crown. "All of this is for them, not for me." Her expression falls, just a little, subtle though it may be. "The morale of all my kingdom is shattered; not just those Hylians who lived in Castle Town. The Gorons, the Zora... they are also my people, even if not by race. Their leaders are also close personal friends of mine, and have known me since I was a child."

"As to what you might do, I made great use of Yumi Tachibana's talents before she was capable of fighting toe to toe with the things that threaten my kingdom." Zelda shakes her head. "Of course, I do not hold you to it: If you feel more comfortable waiting in the sidelines, I cannot begrudge you that. These are dangerous times in Hyrule. I only wish that you could see this kingdom in a better light, and in more prosperous times... Hyrule Castle is in ruins, Hyrule Field burns, and the usurper continues to work his mischief across the land." A faint smile. "Soon, though. We are taking steps to right Hyrule's wrongs." The smile fades. "In the meantime, if you do think of something you wish to do, your assistance would be most welcome. Anything at all would be a help. I do not have the rightful resources of my kingdom to call upon."

Lex, however, earns a faint tilt of her head; regard from the corner of summer-blue eyes. "Leave when you like. The Gorons will not begrudge you that. Most of them are aware that Death Mountain is not particularly hospitable to the average Hylian."

Zelda eyes Rydia sidelong for a moment, and there's a faint slip of that regal bearing. It almost looks sarcastic. Almost.

"First light," she responds, without hesitation. "We cannot afford to stay here. And the Gorons cannot afford to house us, at the moment. Provisions more suited to Hylians are usually acquired through trade with Castle Town, and Castle Town has been destroyed for some two and a half years, now." She looks back, regarding the Goron Elders and Chief Darbus as they make their own rounds among the other Gorons. "They do their best, though, and I can hardly fault them for that."

Adjusting the lay of her skirt, and the tabard-like panel embroidered over it, she folds her hands before herself. Her voice drops. "I will be taking my leave as soon as I am able, too. This dress is wretchedly uncomfortable, and it feels... wrong... to be wearing it while Hyrule burns and my people still suffer."
Yumi Tachibana
    "Ah, I know, just... it was a general comment on that kind of thing," Yumi replies to Lucianne, a touch embarrassed. "I don't think you're a danger to us at all."

    When Zelda brings up her previous adventures, however, the senshi looks noticeably embarrassed. "I'm not sure I'm the best example to be holding up. Most people shouldn't be doing the kind of stuff I did. I probably shouldn't have. It did get me shot." And a few other injuries besides. "I just... I always had the instinct I should be in there and helping."
Lucianne Helia
"I'm sorry." Lucianne answers Yumi, frowning slightly. "It just felt like the right thing to say, I am... not sure why." Zelda's and Yumi's comments make her think. "I am not afraid to get in danger, your highness." She answers Zelda, "But I do not know how to fight, so I'm worried I'd get in the way and end up doing more harm than good. If you think I can help with anything, though, please ask. Not only do I owe you a debt for your hospitality, so long as I remain a resident in your demesne I owe you the leal service any subject owes her lord." She curtseys once more.

The girl considers considers and offers, "While I know it's imprudent for me to offer my advice, your highness, especially as I can claim no knowledge or experience as to whether this advice is good... but my every instinct tells me that in times of darkness, the people need their ruler to provide the light, to inspire them to be their best, and to offer them hope that things will one day be better, and to steady their hearts so they may not give in to the darkness which surroudns them. " A pause, before a more sheepish. "My apologies, that was rude of me. Please forget I said that."
Lex Brando
    Lex tries not to smile at Rydia's reaction, or rather, her non-reaction. She completely fails this attempt. And she lets out an awkward giggle when Zelda speaks to her directly. "Saw right through me," she says. "But no, yeah, really, I'm gonna go thank the Elders for their hospitality in a minute, and ... yeah."

    She pauses, and regards Yumi. "... yeah, I kind of have that instinct, too," she confesses. "I'm, I mean, I try to keep safer than that, and stuff, but ... I can't keep it completely quiet." That's about when she finds the words she'd wanted to say to Lucianne. "Also, like. 'Dangerous' can mean 'dangerous to evil.'"

    Lucianne's speech, however, gives her pause. "Huh." She considers this a moment. "I mean, as far as being able to fight goes and all that ... the adventurer's guilds in my home Blossom give start-from-nothing training. It's how I learned to fight. Though it's mostly focused on the specific artificial monsters we have to deal with." She smiles faintly. "The money's pretty good, too. I could put in a good word for you at the one where I work, if you give me time to let 'em know in advance, if you want."
  A sidelong glance is cast to Yumi, but Zelda is tactful enough not to draw attention to the girl's embarrassment. One shoulder twitches in what might be a shrug. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Sometimes the virtues of the Lifegiver are more needed at a given time than the caution of the Author of Law." Her lips quirk. "That is to say... courage has its place, Yumi Tachibana. And if you did not show yours back then, perhaps you would be a different person, today."

Lucianne earns a look again, this time cooler and more thoughtful. There is a piercing sharpness to those blue eyes, despite her neutral expression, and perhaps the sensation of being looked at right down to the soul. It could just be a coincidence, but there is age and wisdom in those eyes unsettlingly out of place in a young woman of twenty-odd years.

Her mouth twitches, but whether in satisfaction or otherwise, she doesn't say. Her head tilts minutely to one side; one chestnut brow arches.

"I appreciate the sentiment. But know that you are not my subject. Accordingly, you are outside the jurisdiction of Hyrule's laws and custom, just as I consider my friends and allies Yumi Tachibana and Rydia outside of their influence. Behave as a subject, if you wish, but know that you are not beholden to it. I do not expect repayment."

Lucianne's advice, however, is considered with evident care.

"Yes," she finally says, inclining her head to Lucianne in evident agreement. "That is true; and more true in Hyrule's case than you know, as an outsider. The royal women of Hyrule are more than mere monarchs, and far more than figureheads. It pains me to deceive my own people, but I would not do so if I did not think it absolutely necessary."

"The usurper is not a skilled man, nor is he particularly suited to rule. He is simply lucky, and toying with powers far beyond what I believe his natural means may be." Her lips thin in evident displeasure. "Something is driving him, both in terms of guiding his actions, and directly bolstering his power. We fought, when he first invaded Hyrule; and I matched my power against his. It was not enough. And as my companions here can attest, I have considerable reserves to draw upon if I feel it necessary. Something more is at work, here."

"Until I know exactly what it is, the element of surprise is critical to my tactics."

Her eyes flick back to Lucianne. "I am similarly not without martial skill, if you did wish to learn. Not here, though, and not now. On the road, perhaps." That summer-blue gaze flicks back again to the Goron leaders. "I should take my leave, in any case." Her smile is just the faintest hint strained. "This wretched gown is uncomfortable, and I would sooner pack my crown until I can wear it in good conscience. We have preparations to make, and logistics to secure. Please excuse me." Each is given a regal inclination of her head. "I will be with the wagon."

And, provided nobody actually stops her, she'll head back to the Goron leadership to take her leave, and then back to a rear chamber to change into something far less impractical.