Nadia Seawatcher

Nadia Seawatcher
World: Crystal Waters-1
Actual Age: 19
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Quote: Let's go on an adventure folks! All aboard the Siren Queen!
Role: Captain Fishtail
Species: Levi-Touched Mermaid


A shipbuilding and ship sailing mermaid from an ocean-based world, Nadia's an explorer who's been given a gift of being a mermaid and a curse by her world's gods. Making the best of it, she explores the world, charting new people and and places with her ship dubbed the Siren Queen and her little mobile vehicle called the Fish Tank. Though, she means well, sometimes her curious nature and her penchant for exploration get the better of her with the distractions of shiny buttons, levers and objects and her extreme overconfidence can even put her orders into question, if not her sanity at times. It doesn't help that most of herself is limited to the Fish Tank, finding it hard to get herself up off the ground should she be without it thanks to the curse she wears. All in all, this friendly merfolk will still sail the seas, explore the places she can and try to make friends while questioning where she's going, who she meets and ultimately, explore everything life has to offer her.


Leviathan-Touched: Thanks to a god, Nadia's become a mermaid with all that functionality for it!
The blessings of Leviathan has granted Nadia the ability to breathe underwater without her ability to breathe overwater hampered, a mermaid tail for movement underwater and a voice that she rarely uses to charm people.
Siren Queen: A 'Third Rate' ship. Has people and cannons... and a spot for her 'tank'.
The Siren Queen is a large ship, spanning around 170 feet. The Siren Queen also has two sets of cannons, one on each broadside of the ship along with a crew compliment of 250 that's primarily used to help keep the ship in running order and to man the cannons should it be needed. It also has two control ports: One for her 'Fish Tank' and one for regular people to use.
Fish Tank: A medium box of reinforced glass and wood accents. Helps her get around on land.
A hardened glass tank filled with ocean water and lined with wood accents is designed to help control the Siren Queen along with getting around on land with all-terrain treads similar to that of a tank. Has a small cannon under it and grapple arms to help manipulate things while on land.
Aqua Sword: An arm encompassing sword that is easy to operate in water.
Nadia's sword is almost a literal extension of her arm, in the fact it takes her right arm up. She's quite proficent in it, and it's able to repel and cut through water like it was air. In addition, she's unable to be disarmed with the Aqua Sword in use.
Shipwright: Before being an explorer, she knew how to make and repair ships.
Nadia's a capable shipwright and is able to repair the majority of wooden hull boats and, if given enough time to study it some non-technologically advanced metal boats as well. In addition, she's able to repair her own ship.


The Siren Crew< E-Tier Basic >: The crew of the ship brings navigation, gunnery and support the ship.
The crew of the Siren Queen is a compliment of various Leviathan-touched people and untouched Humans exploring with its captain. There are various people on the ship including the cooks, surgeons, the Master Gunner, carpenter and quatermaster. In addition to that, they have a cartographer and navigator along with a boatswain (the person in charge of the sails). While these are a few of the named positions on the ship, the entire compliment of crew helps out with every job and sometimes are out with Nadia on land missions where she can't get into places.


Hot Blooded Fish: Leaping before she looks.
Nadia's the type of mermaid to leap before she looks, throwing herself into situations without hesitation and owning the "This is my mission and I believe it and I know it's right!" This, unfortunately, can put her into all kinds of danger and makes her easy to mislead. She's not really the type of person to ask a lot of questions but will pursue the information as if it was Leviathan themselves who commanded it.
Behemoth's Curse: Nadia finds it very hard to move freely on land.
While being a mermaid does compound some of the problems, when Nadia's on land without her 'tank', she's nearly unable to move. It takes a lot of effort, more than a single average person would have to put out, to move around and crawl back towards either the ocean or her vehicle in order to get back to normal movement. This can be assisted by others, but pride might push people away.
PUSH THE BUTTON!: Buttons, Levers, objects. All Shiny Things!
Nadia, being an explorer, has a natural curiosity of things to the point that she just /has to push the button/. It's almost a compelling force when there's a button to press, a lever to pull or anything that could do just about anything, even if she doesn't know how to work it. She'll attempt to try to work anything in an effort to see how it works to the benefit or bane of those around her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
688 Crystal Waters, Crystal Shores Jul 12 2020
See All 1 Scenes


Title Date
Sail Away, Sail Away Jun 25 2020
See All 1 Cutcenes