Octavia de Tenebrae (Dropped)

Octavia de Tenebrae
World: Runic Age-1
Quote: "OOOH-HOHOHOHO~! Your fortune ran dry the moment you ran afoul of Octavia Alicette de Tenebrae. Prepare yourself... Hauteclere is quite angry today!"
Role: Holy Swordswoman
Species: Human


A noblegirl always has a lot on her plate - all the moreso when a rare gift makes one an item of national curiosity. Octavia Alicette de Tenebrae already had an uncommon trait in the form of light magic, making her an outlier within a family of shadow-using outliers. But holy magic is far rarer still, enough so that every eye in the kingdom is on her. Now Octavia finds herself torn between her responsibilities as a daughter of Tenebrae and ambassador to other worlds, and her newfound duty to Schild as an undead slayer and cursebreaker. It's only exacerbated all the more by her youthful pride and inexperience. Even so, she's doing her very best to live up to her name as a noble, and to serve her family and homeland well; and with her spellcasting rapier Hauteclere and the duelist's skills to match, she's certianly well-equipped for it.


Scion of Tenebrae: A noble and ambassador, Octavia has some political clout on certain worlds.
As the eldest daughter of the most politically powerful Duke in the kingdom of Schild, Octavia's word holds a great deal of sway. Crossingway authorities consider her word almost as absolute as Duke Bartholomew's, and even those of other territories of the kingdom will tend to defer to her unless following orders from their own authorities; extreme orders like summary execution aren't within her power, but she can cut through quite a bit of red tape. Some of this pull even extends offworld, as well - her father has named Octavia as Crossingway's offworld ambassador, and most trade goes through the city, so if they have trade partners on a world, she might be able to exert a bit of political sway.
Noblewoman's Resources: Very deep pockets, and very many servants.
Crossingway is the most prosperous dukedom in the kingdom of Schild. As a result, the Tenebrae family is absolutely filthy rich. Octavia doesn't have to worry about money in the least for day-to-day transactions, and if it's for a good purpose, even large purchases like a warehouse might be feasible with her father's blessing. Of course, on the worlds she most frequently visits, Duke Bartholomew has already seen to it that Octavia has living quarters such as a house, a large condo or the like. And of course, she has any number of personal servants to ensure that she never has to deal with mundane tasks like cooking or cleaning.
The Rilarn's Chariot: Octavia's personal airship and second home.
If anything is Octavia's home away from home, it's the Rilarn's Chariot. One of the Tenebrae family's airships assigned to her personal use, the Rilarn's Chariot may as well be a small mansion that floats; aside from her own living space and the modest cargo hold, it has ample living space for a good 7-8 guests (and servants), a smallish ballroom-slash-dining hall, and a lounge-slash-library. It isn't armed, but it does have a fairly sturdy magitech shield built in.
Hauteclere and Holdout: A sword and wand used for magical attack, defense, and self-buffs.
Octavia's personal mageblade, Hauteclere is a dwarven-made rapier with an elemental magestone built into the hilt, allowing her to draw out elemental mana and use it to inscribe runes in the air. These runes call forth magic based on the user's personal element; almost all magic is suited to battle, whether that be direct attack or defense, or personal 'buffs' to enhance one's strength, durability or agility, but each comes with a single 'utility' trick. As is typical, a couple of Octavia's most-used spells have been inscribed along the blade for quicker casting. Hauteclere is also a weapon in and of itself, and she has been trained extensively in using it as one typically uses a rapier. For situations where she simply cannot bring Hauteclere, Octavia has a backup wand which can do the job, but her spells are significantly weaker, and it can't protect her in melee.
Element of Light: Best at long-range barrage fire, weak barriers, and telescopic vision.
The personal element of Octavia de Tenebrae is light. Capable of dazzling flashes, precise lasers, and barrages of energy balls, the greatest advantage of the Light element is its longer range compared to other elements, and its ability to maintain a barrage spell for much longer. Its defenses are primarily preventive in nature; bright flares to interfere with aim, and 'light screens' which can disintegrate lighter projectiles and weaken elemental attacks which pass through. It also allows Octavia to create small circles in the air which act as telescopes when looked through.
Awakened Rune: Holy: Short or long range attacks, strong barriers, and holy ground creation.
Called forth by an incredibly rare 'awakened' rune, the Holy element presents a well-balanced mix of offense and defense, leaning on combat versatility and protection of allies rather than focusing on a given niche. It has both individual blasts and wide-area attacks, with a mix of power and precision, and a decent bit of range besides. Its barriers are much more solid, extremely durable and quite suited to protecting others as well as herself; it allows her to create an area of 'holy ground', saturating the area with holy light for a while; and it can be imbued directly into Hauteclere, turning the weapon into a true 'holy sword'. The sacred light within all Holy spells is extra harmful towards undead, or any other creature vulnerable to such things.
Truth and Justice: The holy rune can dispell curses and illusions, and do very minor healing.
The 'utility' to be found in Holy magic is its ability to dispell mild to moderate curses or illusions. Moderate ones will take more out of Octavia to remove, and truly powerful illusions or curses may be beyond her. Additionally, it allows her very minor healing, the equivalent of battlefield triage; it will handle very minor wounds, or let someone survive until they get medical attention, but it would take days or more to do what dedicated healers and doctors could do in hours, or even minutes.
Sacred Wings: Holy magic gives Octavia wings.
Every awakened rune offers some form of mobility spell. In the case of the Holy rune, it allows Octavia to conjure forth a pair of softly-glowing wings, giving her flight roughly twice as swift as a horse. This spell lasts only a couple of minutes, and repeated use will tire her quickly; she could feasibly 'carry' someone, but at that point it would be less 'flight' and more 'slow, relatively safe falling'.


Brandt< Named E-Tier >: A personal servant and aide. Low-grade earth attacks and self-reinforcement.
Brandt Summerblade is a former Royal Knight, assigned as Octavia's personal servant when she was still young. His skills as a knight are mediocre at best, and his age is catching up to him a bit, but Brandt has a strong knack for logistics and personnel management, makes a mean cup of tea and a fair few delicious dishes, and knows Octavia like the back of his hand. And at the very least, his basic rapier skills, earth attack spells and ability to harden his body to the point of light armor will let him handle a few ruffians on the street!


Blueblood: Octavia has lived a sheltered life and lacks real world experience.
In her early childhood, Octavia had almost no exposure to anything outside the walls of her family's various homes, those of other nobles, or the noble district of the royal capital. It took her years to even truly comprehend the idea that ordinary citizens lived with more modest means, a fact that embarrasses her... almost as much as the fact that she still lacks a great deal of experience with non-noble people, their daily lives and tribulations, or even many chores and tasks that an ordinary person might take for granted. She's quite prone to putting her foot in her mouth.
Tenebrae Pride: Octavia thinks very highly of herself.
While not to the point of looking down on commonfolk, Octavia has been raised to be supremely confident in herself and her abilities, and as a result she can severely overestimate herself. This has a tendency to get her deeper into trouble, and, as with her inexperience, to result in saying things she really ought not.
Indecisive: When caught in a difficult, serious choice, Octavia may freeze up.
In everyday situations, Octavia can talk up decisiveness as a positive trait all day and night. But put her under the gun, force her to make a tough choice, and she might just lock up, unable to choose one for fear of the consequences of giving up the other. At the very least, she'll put such choices off as long as she can, whether they be more immediate, or something longer-term.
Spiders: Spiders can put Octavia on edge or outright frighten her.
A bad experience with a monster spider in her youth has led Octavia to a powerful fear of spiders in general. Just walking through a web can draw a momentary flipout; if you want to see her lose all composure, put an actual spider anywhere on her body, even over her clothes. Actual monstrous arachnids could very well cripple her with fear.

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