Alex Murphy

Alex Murphy
World: RoboCop-1
Actual Age: 38
Apparent Age: ??
Quote: "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."
Role: Law Enforcement RC-2000
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Voice Actor: Peter Weller


An officer of the Detroit Police Department, Alex Murphy was the very model of duty, honor and responsibility. Mild-mannered and upstanding, Murphy was viciously tortured and nearly killed in the pursuit of a crime lord, but he would be saved by an experimental procedure to convert him into a cyborg. Boasting the latest hardware, combined with a cutting edge suite of tactical software to bolster his natural marksmanship and acumen, Murphy is designed to be a one-man war on crime. But it wasn't enough to simply remake him--he had to be controlled as a 'product'. Yet the same force of character that made him ideal for becoming a cyborg was what helped him regain his free will, thwarting the plot against him and his family orchestrated by OmniCorp. In retaking his free will, he has been given the opportunity and asked to assist other worlds of the Tree to curb crime--and as OCP hopes--improve their own public image.


Aim Assist: Skilled marksmanship with firearms enhanced to an inhuman level by cybernetics.
Before his cyberization, Murphy was an excellent shooter, even able to wield and use two firearms with accuracy, but afterward, his skill was pushed to inhuman levels. The quantum processor in his brain along with tactical programming and assistance allows him to make pinpoint accurate shots as well as ricochet and other forms of 'trick' shooting using firearms with one or both weapons in his hands.
Tactical Analysis: Biometric and thermal sensors, can analyze stress for threat, health, lies.
Murphy's body is equipped with biometric and thermal sensors which allow for scanning of multiple aspects of that person's condition and wellbeing. This includes an assessment of health and current injury state, but can also scan for more nuanced aspects, such as stress levels through voice patterns, heartbeat, eye dilation, and blood pressure. Such information allows him to rapidly determine whether or not someone is a potential threat, to react before they would, but also whether or not someone might be lying. However, this is limited to things that have something he can scan: things without a body or context to compare to (like something he's never seen) will be difficult if not impossible to assess. His visor also contains infrared and dark/low light vision modes as part of his suit's tactical package.
RC-2000: A fast, strong and durable combat frame supporting his remaining organics.
Murphy's cybernetically enhanced body allows for a wide variety of extraordinary feats, such as a physical strength far greater than humans are capable of. Supplementing this strength and speed is highly advanced armor that is capable of resisting the force involved with .50 caliber rounds but is vulnerable to anything above that. He does not physically tire and can run at a much faster speed than humans are capable of, as well as jump height of a two-story building. His armor does permit him to feel some degree of force feedback, such as pain, though he is not hindered by the loss of parts so long as the rest still functions.
Quantum Simulation< Edge >: Greatly boosted accuracy and improved dodging via predictive analysis.
Murphy's software and hardware allow him to rapidly simulate a scenario based on a variety of factors, such as direct observation of the people and area he's in, which is improved the more information he can acquire prior to engagement. When engaging this feature, he becomes extremely accurate and also improves his ability to dodge incoming attacks through the simulation predicting what is likely to happen. The simulation also takes his own actions into account and what he can do to improve his chances. The quantum processor in his brain enables these rapid reactions, allowing him to rapidly process information faster than any human brain could (and some computers as well!), though they are still governed by the human side of him making a decision on any given set of variables. He is not able to instantly use this against a more alien opponent or someone entirely chaotic without taking a few minutes to catalog and determine possible patterns his opponent could use.
Combat Equipment: A battle rifle, taser pistol and motorcycle are Murphy's standard gear.
Murphy's cybernetic body stores two different firearms, the first of which is an M2 Battle Rifle which uses .50 caliber Beowulf ammunition for heavy duty assault, useable in three-round bursts or full auto. Modifications to the weapon allow it to easily swap the 30-round magazines with Murphy's on-body storage. The second weapon and more commonly used is the NI-408, a modified TSR-66 taser pistol that fires 'Smart' cartridges to deliver a non-lethal stun that can ramp up the neuromuscular incapacitator charge to lethal levels. In addition, Murphy uses a modified, purpose-built Kawasaki ZX10R motorcycle for high speed pursuit and other day to day transportation.
Logistics and Operation Resources: Can assess crime scenes, log data, and has a staff to maintain himself.
Stored in Alex's systems is a massive database of criminal records and reports, along with several years of security camera footage. His software is able to rapidly process evidence and make connections automatically to enhance his ability to track and find persons of interest. Coupled with his body's scanning and analytical ability, he can process and catalog crime scenes as official evidence like fingerprints and ballistics to help figure out what happened and point him towards solving the crime in question. In addition, he is supported by a team overseen by Dr. Dennett Norton, who oversees his day to day vitals and location while he is out on patrol. The same staff is also responsible for the mechanical and organic maintenance required to keep him alive.
Terminal Strip: Computer system interfacing, both wireless and physical dataports.
With as much data as he can process, Alex can connect to any number of systems wirelessly to access information and corroborate with other law enforcement agencies. In addition, his systems can also scan for and track wireless signals, but if they are encrypted he won't be able to pin them down, though he will know they are encrypted. Not everything is connected wirelessly, sometimes for security, and other times to avoid scrutiny. For these connections, Alex's body possesses a variable suite of physical connections that can deploy from his left hand, most commonly in the form of a dataspike to directly interface with government hardware. This same dataspike however, is durable enough to be used as an improvised weapon in close quarters combat.


You're Coming With Me: There is nothing subtle about what Alex does anymore.
The nature of Alex Murphy's body and standard response to threats means he is singularly incapable of anything requiring stealth. A heavy body besides, there's no way he can suppress the sounds his frame makes, nor the heavy footfalls that all but announce his presence.
Directive Override: Programmed to abide by the law, atop his own strict moral code.
Murphy is subject to the core programming of his cyberware, even if he is nominally in control. Being an officer of the law with a strict moral code means that he finds it difficult to permit any kind of lawbreaking activities, even ones that might be directly necessary to complete a task. There may be justification for certain acts, but his actions are governed by the need to abide by the law, as well as actual programming to help keep this code enforced.
"There's Nothing Left.": The extent and circumstances of his cyberization is a touchy subject for Murphy.
Little truly remains of Murphy in the wake of cyberization, the trauma savaging much of his body resulted in very few organic parts remaining. The result is that while Murphy suffers from some aspects of phantom limb syndrome even with the cyberization, he is also sensitive towards topics surrounding cyberization or other full-conversion cyborgs. His lack of choice and the trauma gives him a less positive view towards others who might be glib or demean other cyborgs simply because they're not 'fully human' for instance.
Uphold the Law: When the law is unjust or unclear, Alex may find himself hesitant to act.
Upholding the law is still extremely important to Alex Murphy, but he also recognizes there are instances and places where the law does not serve the people, but tyrants and other despots. Even without these situations in mind, he does not favor simply breaking the law, even in situations where it's blatantly corrupt or counter to his objectives. This is in part due to the fact he hates the idea of treating things in a binary black and white fashion: taking the quickest path is not the best way. This can cause conflict and make him hesitant to act in situations because he believes in doing the job right or not doing it at all.
Specialized Care: Murphy's body requires specialized care, limiting normal recovery methods.
Murphy's unique body situation means that he requires specialized care for both organics and the mechanical parts that protect the organics themselves. Care such as periodic bloodcleansing, viral and bacteria screening, as well as having anti-inflammatory corticoids, hormones and antibiotic protocols to maintain his remaining organic tissue. This means that traditional methods of healing have a greatly diminished effect on him, and requires time to undergo sustained maintenance and care when damage is sustained by his body's frame or injury to his remaining organics.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
768 The Shinki City Nov 18 2020
736 Mismatched Wings Sep 23 2020
733 Shinki Rights Violations Sep 21 2020
715 The Face of Justice Aug 08 2020
713 Usagi's Burgin': Help the Hungry Heroine! Aug 05 2020
See All 5 Scenes


Title Date
Cleaning up the Mess Sep 24 2020
See All 1 Cutcenes