World Tree MUSH

The Face of Justice

Intro scene for yours truly!

In a particularly crime-troubled World of vague description, the request for general aid from 'RoboCop' Alex Murphy has been accepted, and because of it the city's mayor and police chief intend to make a public announcement through press conference to put the criminal element on notice.

...thing is, the criminal element hasn't had much to fear. And still believes they don't--and they see not just the mayor and the police chief, but this so called 'RoboCop' as something to eliminate.

Combat expected! But not too big of a slog, or so I hope.
Character Pose
Alex Murphy
    <"Well, this is a bit ironic isn't it.">

Such words weren't overheard by anyone present save for the people on the other end of his communication system.

--CONNECTED: Dr. Dennett Norton

    <<"The more things change, the more they stay the same. Listen, Alex--stay on your guard there. This might be a bit of ceremony but--">>
    <"Yeah, I've seen the same data. System's pointed at movement because this crime wave just isn't all locally grown, it's had a bit of offworlder help. Not that it's very public, because that'd make public opinion a bit harder here.">

He skimmed through available networks, his body's software managing to collate and put together relevant aggregated information, cutting to the heart of the trouble. There was pushback--a minority, but a vocal minority all the same pointing to offworlders being a problem no matter what they did, completely ignoring the actual benefits they've had to trade. There were ways to deal with the problems being introduced, like crime but said vocal minority simply twisted the narrative to fit their beliefs, it seemed.

    <<"There's been some protests already but they've gotten them to move before the press conference. You're an unknown quantity but don't let your guard down.">>
    A low chuckle inside his head as he murmured, <"Don't worry Doc. I'll keep all the eyes out.">

Even while speaking, he was multitasking--speaking with the police commissioner for the city, Fred Reagan. It wasn't for Detroit, but for New York City of another Earth that he spoke with him. Security preparations had actually taken place with Murphy helping, at least to minimize the very obvious things that might happen there. But there were vulnerabilties--always were with public venues such the City Hall. Nonetheless, a platform and other obscuring aspects had been constructed--podium, chairs and their like for the mayor and other members of the city and state government to welcome the officer to their fair city.

And as part of that security, there were plenty of uniformed officers, some of whom were on horseback conducting patrols since it was a bit more mobile compared to a vehicle. Past a certain point, you had to walk to join the crowd as it were, a mixture of reporters and citizens and more who were waiting with some sense of anticipation. This particular brand of New York, this world seemed fairly advanced--a nearby newspaper would mark the year as being 2032. Smartphones, technology, cameras, the whole gamut was there for the observant eye. The police state never went away--it just got a bit more advanced.

And as he spoke with the police commissioner away from prying eyes, the mayor had taken to the podium to some polite applause and clapping--the press conference was about to begin.
Alex Murphy
>> SUMMARY[Alex Murphy] >> Press Conference! The mayor has stepped to the podium--there's some tension in the air, but it's hard to pin down, it seems he has a big announcement regarding some help regarding the recent crimewave that's been plaguing the city--one that has been attributed, though not widely so, to offworlder influence in order to blunt resistance to the notion of offworlder help being brought in to deal with it.
    It's not often that Dante gets merc contracts from a whole city. He was skeptical when he heard what was going on, but seeing a highly technological version of New York City. It wasn't often he visited the Big Apple, at least ever since he started demon hunting in Europe. This however is a total 180 from what he's used to, The tech is advanced, a bit -too- advanced really. Weird. Dante's no gearhead, so this is all just useless trivia to him. Stowing his greatsword in a guitar case, he just keeps a low-ish profile, at least for him right now.

    Leaning against a wall, Dante slurps his strawberry milkshake loudly while he peers out. "God, this is so boring. Hate press gigs." He grumbles.
Josuke Higashikata
    Fortunately, this world is relatively high-tech, so the appearance of a tiny nurse robot sitting on Josuke's shoulder might not be too terribly out of place. Or at least, not as much as the places he's been visiting thus far. Even his own world finds it a bit strange! Of course, Shinki aren't native to his world either, so... yeah.

    His small, foot-tall shoulder companion looks to be female, but has visible doll joints and hardpoints on her back, so it's clear she's not human. A teal-blue and white bodysuit, white elbow-length gloves, and white thigh-high boots look to be painted onto her body. And she has brown hair and orange eyes. A toy? Maybe. But she's looking around, holding onto Josuke's lapel, and giving clear signs of being, well... sentient, if not sapient. Who knows anymore?

    But here, there's a press conference gathering, it seems, and Josuke's here more out of curiosity than anything else. He's in his typical attire here, his dark blue school uniform with the yellow undershirt and light green loafer-type shoes. He's in the gathering audience for now, but that's likely to change if some fecal matter happens to hit the ventilation system...
    "A press conference, huh, why don't we check it out 2B?"
    "It could be interesting, you know? It's about something called... 'Robocop'."
    "... Robocop? That sounds..."
    "I know, I know, it sounds out there. About as out there as two top of the line combat androids from another world out on a date."
    "Is this supposed to be a date?"
    "-EGH! What? I mean, well- not exactly- just..."
    Well, 9S blew his chance again, but hthat doesn't mean the two YoRHa androids aren't attending. They're probably way out of place among the New Yorkers, with their incredibly pale skin, dark yet elegant gothic outfits, blindfolds, and swords. Yep, swords. Out of place in a modern day New York City, but the two watch on curiously as the mayor approaches the podium.
    "Oh man, 2B look!" 9S near shouts when he sees Josuke. "Look who it is!"
    "Hello, Josuke." 2B says casually. While 9S approaches for the complex human fistbump ritual.
    "Huh. What's that you got there?" The Scanner android asks in regards to the doll-like figure on the youth's shoulder.
Alex Murphy
"Thank you, to the good people of New York for coming out to join us today!" rings out the voice from the man at the podium. His gaze swept over the crowd, ever the practiced politician, and he noted for some degree of personal interest the presence of non-natives--those that stood out a little bit from the norm. "And for those of you who have come from beyond the borders and from the Tree itself! As some of you may well know, our city has suffered recently from a rise in crime due to those who think that we're a place to grow their depravity and evil. But I am here today to tell you New York *does not* take this crap lying down." 

The man's New Yorker sensibilities, that is, telling it like it is, resonate with a couple of the citizens, earning a few chuckles and nods, including some of those already on stage that are from the police. "But let me tell you... it takes a lot of stones to admit when you need help. We're stubborn like that. But sometimes, you need a little help, and it's not some crazy hero-type or the like, but an officer from another world like our own who has offered his assistance."


"Just about time, I reckon. And I know I've said it already but after talking with you son..." the mustached man, Commissioner Reagan extended his hand to give Murphy a handshake after tucking his cap under one arm. "I really do want to thank you for coming out to give us a hand. Doesn't matter where you come from, you're the kind of cop I hope half of mine would have the character of."

The cyborg blinked a few times, before the slight hydraulic emanation from his body led to him extending his hand, giving it a firm shake as well. "Just doing my job, Commissioner. Not going to let a little thing like this stop me." he admits with a wry smile.

"His name, is Officer Alex Murphy. He also has been called... ROBOCOP!" And with that grand flourish, he sweeps his hand back, gesturing towards the rear of the stage--where even as the clapping starts in response to the announcement and the picture flashes start going wild in anticipation, one can hear it. It's a methodical, perfectly timed pace of a walk that sounds like something *big* is coming. And in that sense, one would be very right, the heavy footfalls that announce him even before he's fully come out signals his location, the hydraulic 'whrrs' with every step.

Even as he steps out, his head turns first, then the rest of his body without hesitation. It's a little unnerving, the truly robotic parts of it, with the window of black material surrounding his face. Nonetheless, the rest of the cyborg's body is bereft of anything fleshy exposed, save for his right hand. Grey steel dominates and the laser etching of a police badge on the left side of his chest, the tall cyborg strides towards the mayor, a small smile offered along his his hand, who turns for the very obvious photo opportunity for the crowd.

But even as he does all of this--everyone--every single person is being scanned, documented. People who have not been widely seen on security footage, to people who he *has* seen--Josuke in particular. But there's others. 2B and 9S, Dante. Some of those are being documented a little bit further--there's something to both 2B and 9S his system is finding anomalous, but without a further frame of reference--and time--it hasn't drawn conclusions yet.

But he is scanning the crowd, because as he agreed with Commissioner Reagan, who follows up the handshake with one of his own for the mayor before returning to the line of standing officers--there's very likely going to be trouble. Defiance of a brazen criminal element sometimes invited retaliation, after all.
Alex Murphy
>> SUMMARY[Alex Murphy] >> The Mayor is a bit of a regular guy and something of a spitfire. The Commissioner also resembles Tom Selleck. But Alex is already 'working' while the mayor even talks/greets/photo ops!
    Dante perks up brightly as he sees 2B, 9S, and Josuke. "Hey, didn't know you guys were here too!" He calls out, clapping Josuke on the shoulder with a friendly grin. He slurps his milkshake loudly before he notices the Brightfeather. "When'd you get a shinki?" He asks, regarding the little machine curiously.

    It's only then that he gets a look at the cyborg. "Robocop, huh?" He muses, completely oblivious to all the cameras that are capturing his image. "Was expecting something bigger, like a big walking police car or somethin'." The devil hunter muses, raising an eyebrow. "Future of law enforcement, eh? I'll buy -that- for a dollar."
Josuke Higashikata
    Whether it's 9S's near-shout of 2B's name or 2B's greeting, Josuke does look in their direction. "Hey there!" he greets. He grins and, yes, does the whole 'your underwear is showing' fistbump routine. But he also notes 2B's question. "Ah, right. 2B, 9S, this is Roberta. She's a Busou Shinki."

    Roberta bows from Josuke's shoulder as best as she can. "Hello! My name is Roberta -- MMS Automaton Shinki, Nurse-type Bright Feather! It's good to meet you!"

    "That's a lot of manufacturer's information, sorry," Josuke offers. "Her actual name is just Roberta."

    Josuke looks up to the man at the podium when the speaking begins. Crime has gone up, huh? Not altogether unheard of -- the people might be panicking a little; people tend to do that. He listens pretty calmly, until he hears the name of the person who's offered help...

    'Alex Murphy'.

    Yeah, Josuke remembers that name! "Wha...? The guy from that thing in Usagi's...?" he mutters to himself.

    Quietly, Roberta asks, "You know him?"

    Josuke nods. "Yeah. Remember the burger place from the other day? He was there." He's being purposely vague, because he doesn't want someone to hear him and panic. He really doesn't know what the overall attitude towards offworlders is here, and he doesn't want to chance getting run out of the place.

    Dante's words get his attention. "Oh, hi!" he greets brightly. The mention of the Shinki gets a nod. "A little while back. I got messed up a little in the... where they're from, and there was a Bright Feather who fixed me up. Seeing as how my abilites don't work on myself, I figured it'd be a good idea to get some backup, yeah?"

    As for Dante's appraisal of the reveal of Alex Murphy a.k.a. Robocop? "Heh... you should see him in action though," he points out. "He showed up when there was some serious trouble... some, uh. Very unsavory sorts decided to use a burger place as a front to hurt people. He showed up and just took one of 'em apart. It was <great>."
    "A Busou Shinki?" 2B repeats, clearly having never heard of them before. At least before 9S clarifies,
    "Oh man, she's one of those little helper robots! I get it! Nice to meet you, Roberta!" The ever so excitable Scanner says.
    "Yeah, nice to meet you. 2B at least remembers her manners while 9S and Josuke are in the middle of a 10 minute long fistbump.
    And there's Dante, too.
    "Oh man, Dante, how are you?!" Careful, 9S looks ready to re-initiate fistbumps.
    But 2B's attention is more on the podium and what's going on behind it.
    "--2B, something's scanning us." 9S blurts before his attention is pulled to the mayor and Alex. "-It's him..."
    "Is he... Human or machine..." 2B wonders quietly to herself.
Alex Murphy
As 2B, 9S, Dante and Josuke converse, along with that... Roberta, was it? He tags it. Identifying information to reference for database information later. The wonders of what will be effectively a very good memory in terms of logging observable attributes with his own personal notes. Still, it wasn't just them--the four of them might occasionally see someone in the crowd who didn't quite look like they were native. 

A man in a flashy suit and facial markings: definitely alien, or at least offworlder. Another absolutely dapper looking gentleman, but he was absolutely huge because he was an orc, the bald, but beareded figure stroking his chin with a strange interest in his black eyes. They weren't the only ones, but they were among those who stood out. Though there was the occasional grouping of people who obviously were there together, not unlike 2B and 9S, and naturally solo sorts like Dante and Josuke (albeit Josuke with Roberta, but still!)

As people talk, and as Alex stands pretty much like a living wall there near the podium, the mayor continues with his speech. "Officer Murphy will be seen on the streets, and I urge you all not to be alarmed. While he is not a resident here, he will be working with our fine police department and report to Commissioner Reagan as he works with us to bring this crime wave under control. We will not be intimidated. Your days are numbered here."

As the mayor continues to talk, there's a blink and you'll miss it moment where a trio of youngsters seem to go from disdainful interest to something almost anticipatory, like they were getting braced for something as they listened to the speech--and used what they sensed as the beginning of the speech's end for their cue.

It's in that moment that Murphy's systems are detecting the change in body language, biometric scanners pulling together the subtler clues, the threat of imminent violence that he turns his head towards some of the nearby officers. And then his visor drops down from behind his head, only a small window of flesh remaining visible. "Get everyone off the stage, now!"

"Everyone, get down!" he calls out, amplifying his voice by linking it to the speakers wirelessly. Even as he says this, the sidearm from his right thigh is extended, plates unfolding for him to quickly draw and fire at one of the youngsters--really, no younger than sixteen who is in the midst of trying to draw a gun as he screams out, "Go fuck yourself, ma-AHHHGHGHHGH!" His entire body at the mercy of a single shot delivering a carefully measured dose of disabling electricity, much to the stunned surprise of his comrades.

Needless to say, pandemonium swiftly ensues, people scattering as Alex jumps down from the stage--and by jump, we mean a flying leap as people clear out of the way in lieu of you know, not getting shot or tazed in the crossfire as the one who tried to pull out the gun just slowly crumples to his knees, the gun little more than a useless toy. But the sight of it is enough to make his buddies try to take off in the crowd's chaos, not that it stopped him, and others from advancing on the shooter to finish disarming him and securing him.

"Jonas Lee, Albert Lee! Halt!" He was tracking them, but right now, he didn't have the shot--plus he felt something else was off--until the mayor was off the stage, who was currently being ferried off, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't try something else.
Alex Murphy
>> SUMMARY[Alex Murphy] >> Preemptively Tazing a baddie who wanted to take a shot at the mayor. Chaos ensues as two try to flee. But were they the only shooters?
    Fistbumps are re-initiated, oh no. Dante is nothing if not eager to see his favorite two robots, and his favorite stand user. The maneuver is carried out with 9S as Dante pitches his empty milkshake cup aside like a softball.

    "So by the way, I can fly now. It's crazy, right? I've got this thing called a Devil Trigger that lets me transform. Last time I tried it, I got wings. So that's a thing." He sounds rather proud of this fact, as if he consciously thought of getting wings mid-fight with Ifrit.

    "Yeah, and all cop. What's he gonna do, issue out parking tickets ten times as fast? He looks like an action figure I'd have as a kid." Dante chuckles, regarding Murphy's cybernetic chassis.

    His gaze returns to Josuke again, nodding. "So what kinda front was it for? Gangsters or something? Or did someone have a drug charge?" He doesn't seem to be taking this 'RoboCop' too seriously at all.

    At least until Robrocop tazes a guy.

    Without prompt, Dante dashes off towards the two remaining gunmen, brothers by the sound of it, when he notices them running away with guns in hand. That's pretty suspicious, they don't exactly look like plainclothes officers at all. "HEY, DROP THE GUNS!" He barks out, trying to get the crowd clear to little avail. He tries vaulting over a chunk of the crowd, then leaps again. There's still too many people between Dante and the runaways for him to be able to do this for long without losing the pair.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke nods to 9S's clarification. "Yeah. There's a variety of Shinki, with special abilities and skills -- medical and mechanical knowledge, like Roberta here--" She curtseys. "--I've seen some for construction, some for fighting, and I think there's even one to help people pray. And a lot of other functions, too; that's just a few of them."

    A mention that they're being scanned? That gets a nod. "I'm sure he's got scanners -- he's probably just used to scanning the area, and there are a lot of people here." Alex's scanners will probably pick up that higher energy output from Josuke this time, too...

    And then suddenly all hell breaks loose! Though it seems to be Alex that starts it? But then Roberta notes, "Master, he had a gun!"

    "Shit..." Josuke mutters. "Roberta? Get airborne, see if you can follow them without too much trouble. There's wireless connections here, you should be able to upload the data to a network."

    Roberta nods. "Right!" She stands up on Josuke's shoulder, and there's a small flash of light around her. Suddenly she's armored and armed! She has curved wings that look like they could cut someone if they're not careful, defibrillator pats holstered at her hips, and a large gun that looks like a syringe! In short order, she's in the air, high enough that at her small size she shouldn't be noticed, but low enough that she can still see.
    "He's... He's scanning everyone." 9S mutters at the revelation, his own scanners hard at work to realize that Alex is systematically going through the crowd at maximum speed. "His scannning abilities are insane."
    And then chaos.
    "... Should we do something, 2B?" 9S asks, hesitant and wary.
    "... I'm not sure." She says at first before she makes her decision. "Pod. Follow them. Non-lethal engagement measures"
    "COMMAND RECIEVED." Pod 042 announces, lifting up and zipping off after the Lees.
Alex Murphy
Roberta soon discovers there is some very good wireless connections--some of which are being opted and used by the systems Murphy possesses. Whether or not Alex grants a connection link to his own is hard to say, but Roberta gets to see through those same connections that the cyborg officer is using data as a weapon as much as anything else, pinpointing the criminal trio and accurately predicting what they were about to do just before it happened. It's pretty similar to what 9S may well be picking up, the bio-metric and retinal scans being used in a different way even now: like say, was someone looking up towards the surrounding buildings?

It's also telling that he doesn't misinterpret things--because of his continual scanning and reading intentions through their actions, Pod 042, Dante, Josuke, 2B, 9S, all of them are designated Non-Threat for the time being. Still, combined with what Alex was doing, it was easy to follow the ones who tried to flee--Alex was already mid-sim in pinning the remaining Lees down as he himself sees to the first one's disarmament and being secured by other officers.

And then he pushes the available data of the predicted path the two are using to try and weave and bob out of the crowd, based on the behavioral patterns of the crowd--95.2 percent split off after 15 seconds of movement. Albert trying to head south down the street with one throng towards a subway, and Jonas running towards Central Park. Information that is supplied to the more network able sorts like Roberta. Indeed such information is announced, in fact.

>>"They're about to split up, with Albert heading towards the subway a little over 1,203 feet away, with Jonas Lee about to make his way for Central Park heading as soon as he can. Gentleman, you're only making this worse for yourselves. Put your hands over your head. You're under arrest."<<

As he says this, they were just at that point of splitting up and they end up stopping short, looking at one another in sheer, abject panic as Murphy practically burns a hole through the crowd in terms of keeping track of both of them. "What the actual fuck?!" Albert exclaims, "How is that thing tracking us?!" he blurts out.

Funny thing is, they stopped short out of panic for that information. Which means they're still standing still, you know. For those who are trying to put in a nice, non-lethal stopping approach like 042 and Dante respectively. Even as Alex makes a continued, if passive documenting scan of that peculiar EM signature of Josuke's. Having more frames of data reference is a very good thing, after all.

Nonetheless as the crowd is still chaotic even as it's thinning, the extra sources of people to coordinate with the offers of where those two are in the crowd to bring down? Very much a good thing, as he steps around the trio of officers who've collected the tazed suspect and are reading him his rights.
Alex Murphy
>> SUMMARY[Alex Murphy] >> There they go, but with a hefty amount of data-scanning-fu, Alex is providing a rather excellent measure of getting them to stop because bad guys are stupid and able to be scared. :D
    No sooner than the data is relayed from Alex, 2B makes another decision.
    "9S. Stay here."
    It's too late, 2B is already weaving through the crowd in a sprint, leaping over people to inhuman heights, swerving through bystanders as she chases her pod, which is already in pursuit.
    She catches up fast.
    And she's on a course for the park; 2B takes another leap, grabbing her Pod in midair, using its hover capabilities to slow her fall while maintaining forward momentum.
    She's not aiming to cut him off.
    She's aiming to bring Jonas down.
    So this lieaves 9S standing there looking like a fool now.
    "... Great..."
Josuke Higashikata
    Roberta's sending back what data she's getting, as well as picking up the data she can get. She's also hovering above the ground like a tiny robot health fairy! Far less annoying, though -- she can't chance yelling, for fear that they may start attacking her. But still, Josuke can follow her in the air, most likely, which he's doing.

    Oh, but she's not going to just leave things at that. She has some nice (mildly) debilitating presents! She loads a cartridge into her very literal needle gun, and fires at the panicing criminals. The shots are loaded with sleep chemicals!

    But, that said, as large as the syringe is, it's still a small dose. If these two area reasonably hardy guys, it'll just make them groggy. But that might still help, who knows?

    As of right now, Josuke isn't using his Stand to get around. It's bad enough that these guys already spooked the hell out of the crowd; if he goes literally flying through the streets', that can't do anything but make the panic worse.
Josuke Higashikata
>> SUMMARY[Josuke Higashikata] >> Roberta tries to trail the perps, then fires sleep darts at them! And Josuke tries to catch up. Not using his Stand because he doesn't want to spook people anymore than they already are.
    Whatever scanning Murphy is doing, Dante could care less. He's pretty technically ignorant, as it were. Just ask his laptop and phone. That's what happens when you have a guy whose regular approach to things is 'smack it', that generally works out only part of the time.

    Sprinting fast after the criminals, Dante is forced to make a tactical decision. He begins going for Albert, chasing him toward the subway.

    He's about to take aim with Ebony to take Albert's leg out, and fires once. Between ROberta slowing the guy down and Dante's own superhuman performance, this won't be a terribly difficult shot. It's just an incredibly risky and stupid one, that no officer would ever attempt in the line of duty.
Alex Murphy
Alas, poor 9S. Being left holding the proverbial bag, as it were. Amusement that Alex might have from inferring the nature of that relationship--partnership?--is withheld for now, though one could imagine given the slightly lost puppy moment 9S seems to have. Still, the feats of superhuman agility and what not are not without their appreciation in regards to bringing this swiftly

Keeping his firearm leveled but carefully at that, Alex advances as the others respectively cut them off--and in the case of 2B--attempts to bring them down directly. The shot is something that earns a fair grimace from Alex, if only because of the risk to others nearby. Then again, he's hardly one to talk, given as he shot directly at the first of the Lees while they were in the crowd to preempt that attack.

And speaking of taking the shots at the Lees, one of them goes wide *solely* as Albert gets shot in the leg, a howl of pain following it as he stumbles backwards as he tries to draw his own gun to take a shot at Dante for his trouble. But another sound preempts that--the pulsey sound of the NI-408 landing a shot squarely in the shoulder of the man's dominant arm--he seizes instantly, the gun that he tried to pull out not even pulled out of the pants he's wearing.

Jonas on the other hand is on the unlucky angle of not just Roberta's shot hitting him, but coming face to face with the Android, who he has no compunctions about trying to pull his own weapon out on. But it's slow. It's so slow, the cocktail of sedatives already working on him as he half-slurs, "Fffck youuuuu, out of m'wahy!"
    And with that, Dante manages to pull off a shot that'd probably end badly for most cops. ANd it does end badly, but only for Albert. "Hah! Still got it, baby!" He says cockily, puffing smoke from his pistol's muzzle as he stows the .45. Then he realizes that Alex is pretty much right behind him.

    "Huh. Nice shootin' there, Murphy right?" He asks. "At least nobody else got hit, right?"

    One might think Dante would be a horrible cop. Just a hunch.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke will catch up eventually, not to worry! He'll be a little slower than everyone else though, because he's no half-demon, cyborg, or android. But he'll get there! Noticeably winded, but he'll get there. So he doesn't say anything immediately, he just pauses to catch his breath. Once he can breathe again, he notes, "I heard gunshots." Yup. He did hear them! And it probably won't be too hard to tell who got hurt. Blood tends to give that away.

    Though instead of springing to action, Josuke looks to Alex. "Once you cuff 'em, I'll heal 'em," he offers. "I wanna make sure they're not gonna try to escape again."
Josuke Higashikata
>> SUMMARY[Josuke Higashikata] >> Josuke arrives, finally. Offers to heal the perps once they're cuffed.
    Jonas pulls a gun. But he's slowed and sluggish thanks to Roberta. Shinki truly are helpful little things, and 2B will have to thank the little thing later. But for now her focus is on Jonas, slurring and drugged.
    2B is fast... But can she act faster than a gun-toting thug?
    Worse comes to worst she'll just get shot and 9S can repair her later. She lunges.
    And as she does, her fist is aimed rght for Jonas' gut to try and finish the job the sedatives are doing on him in one clean blow.
Alex Murphy
"Correct." A brief scan, and Alex counters towards Dante, "You did nearly nick his femoral artery which would've required emergency medical attention." A pause, as he signals that additional medical services will be required for the man shot, as a few paramedics begin to run over that have closed in. "He still might. They'll need to be careful." At least it was through and through. 

But Josuke makes a rather... surprising little appearance, at least for those not accustomed to it. "... that's right, you...." Alex trails off for a moment, before nodding. "Please do. I'd rather there not be a risk or complication." He grunts once as another uniformed officer arrives to help with the actual cuffing directly.

His head swivels once with a slight whrrr, focusing on the other Lee brother, for whom 2B has given quite the punch to. Good form, he muses more to himself, but the gun clatters to the ground after the man crumples over, sliding off the woman's fist which removes the last potential problem. He signals to the other officers--by way of internal communications, some of whom check their radios and the like, and focus instead on the Lees rather than say, thinking 2B, 9S, or any of the other present offworlders are a threat.

Sure, they'll want to talk it up after, but for the most part, it seems they won't be given hell for helping. His visor hasn't unfolded, as one final scan and the gradual 'all clears' seem to be coming across the channels. No further attempts it seems. "Mayor's secured, as is the commissioner. Seems they were the only ones acting."
    "Eh. It -worked- didn't it?" Dante says. He doesn't deny the fact he only missed the artery by mere inches. He just takes pride in knowing he can avoid that artery regularly. "We miss anybody else during all that excitement? Feels like three's a small number if you really wanted to whack the mayor, especially in public."

    Josuke at least can handle any injuries. Dante just points a thumb at him, "He can fix any damage done no problem. Long story behind that."
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke nods to Alex's request. But he doesn't move to do anything until he's sure these two are safely cuffed. Roberta flies down too, switching out the cartridge in her needle gun as she awaits Josuke's next move. As soon as the police cuff the perps, Josuke sets to work. This will go two ways, depending on who can and can't see his Stand, though... assuming nothing stops his abilities from working, that is.

    For those who can't see the Stand? The EM coming off of Josuke increases. His expression changes to one of concentration... and the wounds fade from the perpetrators, as if they had been merely images superimposed on their skin.

    But those who can see the Stand? The blue-armored pink figure with the heart motifs appears, holds its hand closely over the perpetrators, and an orange-gold aura engulfs them. It's inside this sparkling aura that the wounds fade.

    Once Josuke's finished with this, he looks up. "Was anyone else injured?" he asks. Dante's words get a nod. "It's a... talent of mine. But yeah... it's also a long story," he offers, raising a hand to rub at the back of his neck. Yeah, he's not wanting to go into too much detail. Not here and now, at least.
Alex Murphy
A slight grunt from the cyborg officer as he affirms that suspicion. "Either underestimation or they had other plans." Might be as they wanted to use how they got taken down to their advantage. Who knows what was really going on--that was part of Murphy's purpose here after all. "Albert Lee." He gestures with his chin. "Jonas Lee." Another look back. "William Lee. Brothers and street guys for one of the gangs here that's been the most brazen. Also not native residents to this world." 

All the while he talks, he's reading in and documenting--as best as his sensors and system can--what Josuke does. He'll have to analyze that later. He'll also have some words for Dante, but right now, getting the scene secured and checking for any other injuries was best.

He can have a further chat with folk--a debrief--once they were done with that. So for now? His visor slides back up and out of the way, a short nod in appreciation for the help Josuke, 2B and Dante have provided. "We can talk things up later, I think. Still, you all have my thanks." He sends his contact information out to 2B and Josuke, through their respective data-handling reps as it were.

Dante? ... well, he's sure he can find someone that uh. Loud. Later.