
World: Runescape-1


Ozan is a roguish archer and storyteller from the land of Gielinor, always looking for the next exciting adventure to test his wit and guile against. His adventurous spirit got him into trouble even at a young age, his escapades frustrating family and friends alike, ultimately leading up to being exiled from his desert home of Al Kharid. That hasn't stopped him from getting up to no good - mainly by pulling off impressive heists and delving into dark corners of the world. Stealth and trickery is his trademark when taking on the challenges before him, though his notoriety precedes him even in the World Tree at large, and his penchant for embellishing his tales makes his word difficult to take at face value.


Expert Marksman: Ozan is skilled with his bow and arrow, and can use a variety of trick arrows.
Ozan's weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, and he's damn good at using it. Aside from his solid aim, he carries an assortment of trick arrows with exotic tips for various tactical situations: blunt arrows to crush instead of pierce, long-burning flares for signaling, whistling arrows for diverting attention, and razor-tipped arrows for cutting ropes.
Stealthy Agility: Sneaking unseen and crossing dodgy terrain pose little issue for this thief.
Ozan is naturally light-footed, able to move unseen and unheard and stick to the shadows skillfully. Difficult terrain does not harm him in this regard; he is able to parkour about urban environments quietly, both via natural agility and with the aid of grapple-and-crossbow, moving about to where he needs to be before the enemy even knows he was there.
Security Expert: If there's a way in past security, Ozan is very good at finding it.
No stranger to infiltrating secure facilities, Ozan knows how to get past common and uncommon barriers to entry. He can pick locks, identify alternate routes of entry, and disarm booby-traps guarding something important. He can also anticipate potential interior floor plans without actually scouting first - although this is by its nature imprecise. Magical wards do give him some trouble, though he does know enough countermagic to make a good effort. High-tech security on the other hand will stop him cold.
Desert Survival: He can survive in hot deserts for extended periods of time.
Hailing from a sandy desert himself, Ozan is an expert at surviving its harsh conditions. He knows tricks to procuring food, water, and shelter well beyond what the average person would come close to considering.
Ear for Lies: Ozan tells enough tall tales that he knows when someone else is telling him one.
As a teller of tall tales himself, Ozan has learned how to sniff out falsehoods in the stories of others, making use of body language, inflection, and other mundane physical hints to sense that something might be amiss, in addition to just knowing when a story is too good to be true. A good enough poker face could bluff him, though, and sometimes that outrageous story just might be true!


Chronic Exaggerator: Ozan is infamous for exaggerating things.
Ozan is a capable adventurer. He has skills. Talents. Accomplishments. He also grossly oversells stories of his escapades, making him out to be much, much bigger than he actually is, and earning him a reputation for overselling everything he talks about. A reputation that extends to much of the World Tree. In general, assuming Ozan is embellishing things is a safe bet, which makes it hard to believe him when he has to relay something truly fantastical - and truly true.
No Man Left Behind: Ozan will go to great personal cost in order to rescue his allies.
Ozan doesn't always work with others. But when he does, he is a loyal ally until the job is done. If the situation turns sour, he does what he can to make sure everyone else gets out of danger first, even at the cost of his own safety - expecting his grand and magnificent skill to be able to procure his own escape at the end. And ignoring the fact that such delay gives opponents ample time to prevent such escape...
Spare the Innocent: Don't punish anyone before they've done something wrong.
Ozan will stand up for anyone who has yet to commit any wrongdoing, preferring greatly to dispense justice after the fact rather than try to prevent misdoings. He will work to talk someone out of doing something bad, then leave it at that, trusting them at their word. This extends to fearsome-looking creatures that he sees as naturally docile, letting them be unless and until they go on a destructive rampage. Prevention is very much not a thing Ozan enjoys doing.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
892 Siren's Spar Oct 15 2021
889 Expedition Log 2997, 3560.2 Oct 10 2021
888 Troll Invasion Oct 09 2021
See All 3 Scenes


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