World Tree MUSH

Siren's Spar

Miwa makes a new musical acquaintance and has a spar with a young trainer, goes too easy on the little girl, and loses the battle. A certain little girl now has quite the story to tell tomorrow at the Pokemon School.
Character Pose
It's a beautiful day as usual in the Alola Region, and Miwa has traveled from her home to the next island over, Akala, specifically Brooklet Hill, which is easily one of her favorite places in the region even if it's sometimes not the easiest place for her to get to. Fortunately today the winds off the ocean are favorable for her to ride one of her big water balloons like a hot air balloon, up from the ocean and over the cascading lakes, to a small sandy shore at the edge of the bottommost and largest lake. She's alone for a while and practices her singing, which soon seems to attract the attention of a young Pokemon trainer. They might have been in the area anyway, this is a relatively popular spot despite being a bit isolated. But few can resist going to investigate the voice of the only Primarina around that can sing in not one but two human languages, currently she's doing more of a traditional song in the Alolan tongue. MIwa quickly takes notice that she has drawn a small audience, especially as the girl who is probably ten or eleven releases her Pokemon from their Pokeballs so they can listen too. Her three Pokemon consist of the hedgehog-like electric type Togedemaru, the grass type Roselia, notable for its red and blue roses for hands, and the lizard-like fire/poison type Salandit. Miwa continues performing for a bit longer, and puts on a bit of a show, creating dozens of little water bubbles in all colors of the rainbow, controlling them with her song as they dance around in the air.
    Another day, another world to explore. And this one is practically a vacation home! Ozan's taking the time to relax and sightsee and watch people, get the lay of the land, make lazy. Of interest right now is the picturesque scenery at practically every island he's hopped to so far... so basically his entire surroundings. He happens to be meandering his way around Akala when he hears Miwa's singing, and stops to have a listen. A hand reaches back to rest on his bow, however, when he spots the Pokemon trainer letting out her captives, and asks quizzically, "Hey kid, aren't you rather young for a beastmaster?"
Miwa continues her little performance, at first not noticing that there was another among the audience. Soon with the finale of her song all the floating rainbow water balloons explode into a shower of rainbow mist. The Primarina then turns to look at the young girl with her Pokemon, and the newcomer who addressed her. "I am too old enough! I got my first Pokemon, Togedemaru a year ago when I was ten, her name is Shanti. Now I'm eleven and I've done two parts of the Alola Grand Trial!" The girl says in defense of her ability as a trainer, as if the man would know what that is, though to be fair any local would. Miwa smiles. "Two Grand Trial wins and two new Pokemon in a year is pretty impressive I think. What's your name?" Miwa asks kindly. The girl responds. "Sarai. You're Miwa right? I like your singing." Miwa smiles and nods. "Nice to meet you Sarai, and who might you be, mister roguish stranger." She says as she turns her deep blue eyes to Ozan.
Alright, everything's on the level. Content that this is still a vacation, Ozan takes his had off his weapon and offers a dazzling smile to everyone. Sarai, Miwa, the other Pokemon. "Ozan the Magnificent, at your service! Famous adventurer, daring rogue, and a pretty good musician myself. Though that singing." He breaks from his introduction to give Miwa a very enthusiastic applause, calling out, "Splendid voice there! Miwa, right? That was a great show!" He continues his cheering for a bit before turning to Sarai. "Grand Trial? Apologies, miss, but I'm not one of the locals. What's this grand trial?"
Miwa gives Ozan a quizzical look, then grins a bit. "A musician you say? Well, maybe we'll have to collaborate sometime. Oh, and yes, I'm Miwa, nice to meet you both." She offers warmly, offering Sarai a wave and a wink. She was always happy to meet local fans. She then falls quiet as Ozan asks about the Grand Trial, she knows how it works too of course, but she didn't want to steal the little girl's thunder. Sarai nods and turns to Ozan while her Pokemon watch the man warily. "The Grand Trial is a sort of adventure and test that every trainer in Alola goes through. Each island has one or more trial captain that gives you a task to do which shows how good you work with your Pokemon. If you pass these trials, you get to battle with the Island Kahuna, and if you win, you get a prize, and a trial stamp for that island, and move on to a new island." She explains and shows off her trainer passport with two completion stamps, one for Melemele Island, and another for Poni Island, Miwa nods and smiles. "Yup, that pretty much sums it up I think. Hey Sarai, would you like to have a Pokemon Battle with me?" MIwa offers with a smile. Sarai turns back from Ozan to the Primarina and blinks. "Oh um... wow. That would be amazing... but I don't want to hurt you, I love your singing, I have ALL your songs on my phone." Sarai beams with pride. Miwa blushes a bit and chuckles. "Don't worry about hurting me, I'll be fine, and if you do beat me, I give you permission to return me to my Pokeball and take me to the closest Pokemon Center." She says as she points to the small sapphire blue and white pokeball with a wave pattern along the seam between it's two halves, hanging from a necklace around her neck.
As he has the basics explained to him, Ozan glances around at all the Pokemon around him, taking particular interest in this entirely-too-eager Miwa. "I'd like to see this battle myself! Sounds like a friendly spar to me." After taking down comprehensive notes on this Grand Trial - complete with bullet points for things he wants to revisit later - he pulls out a lute and starts plucking at the strings. "I could even play some music as a backdrop. Let me think... beautiful beaches... beasts who like to scrap and brawl... got it!" He starts slow, playing with a few options for a melody. "Let's see what you all got! Wonder if this might count for a trial, even?" He accompanies that line with a winkn to Sarai.
Miwa smiles and nods. "Oh yeah, a musical backing for our little spar would be awesome, thank you!" She agrees before turning back to Sarai, giving the girl a soft smile. "I don't know about a trial, I guess I could have a chat with Lana, the trial captain that can usually be found around here. This being one of my favorite spots in Alola, we've met a few times. Anyway, I'm feeling generous, so Sarai, you can choose whichever Pokemon you want, and have the first move." Sarai nods, looking a little nervous. "Rosemary, I choose you!" The Roselia nods its round head and steps forward. "Use Magical Leaf!" Roselia raises its arms and is surrounded for a moment by a spiral of glowing white leaves which come from the roses at the ends of its arms. They fly toward Miwa, and she tries to leap into the water to avoid the hit, but she is too slow and winces in pain from the super effective move. She fires back with Water Gun, spraying the grass type with a strong jet of water, but Sarai catches on that she's going easy on her with a not very strong or effective move. "Don't go easy on me Miwa, I want this to be a real battle!"
After trying out several themes for the background music, Ozan settles on an upbeat, energetic beat. He leans himself against a nearby palm tree, watching in amusement as the spar unfolds. He keeps quiet (except for the music) watching magic leaves cut into Miwa, but can't just ignore the counterattack. "Miwa, I thought you were fighting! Why are you watering the plants?" The bard has jokes. "You heard the lass! You challenged her, so take it serious! Gimme something I can retell later at the tavern!"
Miwa nods to both Sarai and Ozan's objections to her going easy on the young trainer and her less than fully evolved Pokemon. "Alright, I guess I can turn up the heat a little, so to speak." She says with a smile, she just didn't want to go overboard and crush the girl's team either, nothing she can think of would make her feel worse than making one of her fans cry. She uses Icy Wind, sending a super-chilled blast of air from her mouth toward the Roselia, a bit of snow mixing in as she adds a bit of moisture to the attack. While the grass type shrugged off the water gun with it doing little more than push the small flower-mon back a little, this new attack takes a toll. The Roselia tries to shield its head with its rosy hands, and ice crystals begin to form across it's plant-like skin. The grass type shakes it off and looks like she's still able to keep going. "Hang in there Rosemary! Use Poison Sting!" With that command, a blast of little thorns are fired toward Miwa, and while she tries to dodge them, a few still hit, sinking into her tail and pumping their poisonous payload into her. Miwa's white snout takes on a distinctly purple color, showing that she's been poisoned. Miwa pushes on though, and uses Ice Beam, though not at her full power. A strong blast of water comes from Miwa's mouth, though this time it's extremely cold, and freezes on contact. "Rosemary, dodge that!" Sarai cries out, and her Pokemon tries its best, but does take a glancing blow, staggering a bit as one of its arms and roselike hands are now covered in a thin layer of ice. "Rosemary, if you can keep going, use Sunny Day!" The grass type is barely hanging on now, but forms bright orbs at the ends of it's roses, and while it struggles a bit to aim its partially frozen limb toward the sky, the orbs do shoot upward and suddenly cause the sunlight to grow harsh, melting the ice. Miwa starts to sing a lullaby, trying to put the Roselia to sleep, but the grass type and it's trainer hang on long enough for Sarai to yell. "Use Solarbeam!" And with that, those roses glow white before firing an instant charge Solarbeam, like a laser of focused sunlight toward Miwa, who has no hope of getting out of the way quick enough and takes a direct hit. She lets out a cry as this one really does hurt, and falls, catching herself on her flippers, barely, looking more like a normal sea lion on all fours in her position. "I concede, Sarai... you and Rosemary are tough."
It's a bit of effort for Ozan to both keep up with the fight AND maintain good music for the combatants. There's a lot to take in! Turns out, this sapient sea lion can make ice! And the Rosemary can melt it. And poison Miwa. It actually looks rather bad, so hopefully that talk about a Pokemon Center is accurate. Nevertheless, the part-time bard makes sure the fighters have their acoustic backdrop. When Miwa finally concedes, he wraps up his ditty, putting his lute away and clapping again. "What a show! First singing, now command of the elements themselves! Good thing this is all in good fun, eh?" He starts tending to Miwa, trying to figure out how that Pokeball works. "So you said... use this, and... erm. Sarai? How does this work, exactly?" Ozan yields to the local expert, even if she happens to be half his age at best.
Miwa is trying her best to hold it together, but the poison is really sapping her strength. Sarai hasn't even realized Miwa got poisoned till she got closer and noticed the purple color around her snout, and suddenly she looks panicked. "Oh no, I did use a poison move, and fairy types like Primarina extra weak against poison type attacks..." Her eyes suddenly grow bright as she remembers something. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a pink fruit that looks much like a peach. "Here Miwa, eat this pecha berry. She offers, and Miwa takes the berry, eating it slowly. The purple around her snout fades as the berry works as a natural antidote. "That's better.... but I think I need to lay down for a while." Sarai frowns, this is what she was afraid was going to happen if she battled Miwa. Since she had been given permission, and Ozan is asking, Sarai reaches for Miwa's pokeball. "We're going to go to the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy will have you feeling like new in no time." Sarai says to Miwa, who nods and doesn't resist as Sarai eventually manages to unclasp the whole necklace and now holds the designer pokeball in her hands. "Wow, you have a really pretty Pokeball Miwa..." She comments before shaking her head, no time to be distracted. She looks to Ozan briefly. "Ok, they work like this, to let the Pokemon inside out, you push the little round button in the center." In the case of Miwa's the button was decorated with a sapphire. "To call the Pokemon back, you point the button at the Pokemon and squeeze the top and bottom. "Miwa return!" Sarai cries, pretending she's Miwa's trainer for a moment as she points the pokeball at Miwa and squeezes. A red beam of light comes from the button, hits Miwa, and suddenly the Primarina is turned into a sort of energy blob that is sucked into the pokeball. For a moment, Sarai can't believe she is holding a pokeball containing a Primarina, much less a famous one, and she thinks about how great it would be to have Miwa on her team, only for her conscience to kick in, and she shakes her head. "Ok, the closest Pokemon center is at Paniola Ranch, through the forest path this way... Everyone return!" She says as she recalls her own Pokemon one by one and then starts to lead the way.
Ozan watches intently, scribbling more notes, as he watches Sarai get to work. "Marvelous. Truly marvelous. Everything just fits together perfectly. I have to wonder, is there any real conflict in these parts? Or is this the paradise it looks like?" He follows along into town, asking a lot of very basic questions. Are pokeballs hard to create? How does that magic work? Does it hurt to recall a Pokemon like that? Things like that. " you think they'd let me try? Beastmaster Ozan. Has a nice ring to it. Although the proper title around here is, you said Pokemon trainer right?" He finally, FINALLY calms down and stops asking so many questions the rest of the way to Paniola Ranch.
Sarai blinks a bit at the peppering of questions. She's not used to getting this many questions from an adult, usually it's the other way around. "Um, I don't really know how they work, but I learned in school that pokeballs were invented by a company called Silph Co. They make a lot of them so I guess they aren't that hard to make, but there are ones that are better at catching Pokemon, which are also really expensive, must be something special about how they are made I guess..." She says with a shrug. "I don't think it hurts the Pokemon, but I guess we could ask Miwa... I heard some Pokemon don't like being in their Pokeball. Would they let you try? I don't know, most people get their first Pokemon when they turn ten, but I guess someone could give you one as an adult, you might have to buy one. You ask tough questions..." She says with a laugh. Before long they have reached the Pokemon Center, and after passing through the automatic doors, and walking over tropical flower pattern on the floor at the entrance, a young woman with pink hair and an egg shaped pink pokemon greets Sarai and Ozan. "Welcome to the Paniola Ranch Pokemon Center, do you have any Pokemon in need of treatment?" Sarai nods and pulls out two pokeballs, Miwa's and Rosemary's. "Please take extra good care of the blue one." She says, and Nurse Joy looks at it, recognizing the design, she blinks, looking at the girl a moment, then nods. "Certainly, you're welcome to wait and have some food or drink in the meantime." There is a small food bar on once side, they serve coffee, hot chocolate, this word's equivalent of lemonade, and various other kinds of food and drink.