Merlin (Dropped)

World: Fate/interrupt-1
Actual Age: Rude to ask!
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Quote: So long as humans dream, so long as their wishes continue to grow, the Holy Grail will come into existence. That isn't bad in and of itself. The problem is that dreams of any age... They're far bigger than reality.
Role: Fluffy Caster
Species: Half-Human, Half-Incubus
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Sakurai Takahiro


Merlin is perhaps one of the famous mages that has ever lived. Depending which of the Knights of Arthur you ask, the man is equal parts adviser, tormentor, friend and confidant. Merlin is less fascinated with individual people and more fascinated by the human condition as a whole and wishes to see the many stories it can tell. He has watched humanity through numerous eras and some part of him wishes he could participate in it more than he does. Rumored to only be half-human, with the other half being incubus, Merlin is a being possessed of amazing power. However, if one were to ask him, he would state that in terms of traditional magecraft he is an average Magus at best. Despite this, his raw talent and natural abilities more than make up for this, as does his ability to wield a sword almost as well as he can cast a spell. His most powerful ability is arguably his Clairvoyance, a great and rare ability said to allow the bearer to 'see beyond' while requiring them to remain still in place.


Counter Guardian: Merlin is sustained by magic. He is all-around 'superhuman' in terms of ability.
Merlin is not a normal Servant. He is classified as a Counter Guardian. This classification means that he is technically a Servant for the planet, bound and committed to helping to make sure that Humanity is protected from threats, including itself. To accomplish this, he has resistance to most basic magic, can shrug off magical debuffs quicker than average, and has superhuman physical capabilities.
Clairvoyance: Clairvoyance lets Merlin view the past, present, and future with enough effort.
Granted by his incubus lineage, and one of the required attributes of a Grand Caster is a high level of Clairvoyance, best described as the ability to 'see beyond possibility'. At lower levels, it can allow one to see great distances. At the level at which Merlin possesses it, he can see into the past and future possibilities of a location. This has several drawbacks. It requires Merlin focus beyond himself, so he must be stationary to use Clairvoyance, making him vulnerable when he's using it. The more foreign a world is to Merlin's home world, the harder it is to read and interpret the possibilities of the future and past. And Merlin cannot concretely see definite outcomes, merely the possibilities that fate allows people to walk on.
Conjuration: Merlin can use spells to create things like fireballs and lasers.
The field of magic that deals with manifesting phenomena, Merlin relies heavily on this field in battle. Using spells, he can conjure elements and use them to throw attacks at range. These are things such as ice blasts, cutting gales of wind, beams of searing light, or spheres of fire. The higher level applications of Conjuration allow Merlin to temporarily alter the terrain around him by creating walls of earth or stone, summon bolts of lightning, or create storms. These effects dissipate when Merlin stops concentrating on maintaining them.
Swordsmanship: Why don't I use incantations, you ask? Even though it's faster to just hit them?
Merlin is a highly-accomplished swordsman said to have trained King Arthur himself. Because he continually bites his tongue when he attempts the incantations for spells, he prefers to simply swing a sword at his problems until they go away. His swordsmanship cannot approach the Knights of the Round Table, but he is skilled in his own right.
Garden of Avalon< Edge >: Merlin can create a safe haven to heal and protect those around him.
Garden of Avalon: The Forever-Sealed Utopia is the Noble Phantasm of Merlin. It projects onto the area around him the Tower in which Merlin is sealed away. To him, Avalon is not a prison, but a utopia, and so by expending a great deal of his power, he can turn an area immediately surrounding him into a small fraction of Avalon. This is reflected as him creating a 'safe area' in which the sun shines impossibly, flowers bloom, and a feeling of calm and sanctuary wash over his allies. This area is summoned regardless of the environment in which the ability was used and can provide hope and calm in even the most dangerous situations. Those who take a momentary rest within Avalon can feel their wounds recede, their spirits bolster, and their strength replenish.
Illusion Magic< Edge >: The use of magic to create false sensation from nothing for another.
Merlin is most proficient at spells which trick the human mind. This is not mind control, but rather the projection of perceptions and obfuscation. Merlin can easily fabricate illusions which look, feel, even taste and smell as real as actual objects. He could fabricate a false village with a full population, but this would tax him greatly and he would not be able to do much else. With great concentration, Merlin can use his Illusion magic to induce nightmares in a sleeping subject.
Hero Creation EX: Merlin's legend lends him the unique ability to train or empower others.
Due to his training and upbringing of Arthur Pendragon in the legends, Merlin is viewed as possessing the qualities to 'raise a king', and is regarded as one of the most prominent kingmakers in the world. In the simplest definition: Merlin is capable of identifying those with unrealized potential and then helping them to realize it. He cannot instill potential in others, merely help them discover it themselves faster than they would without his help. Often, tapping into this potential will take the form of advice or basic training. However, with his magical prowess, he can also enhance the innate talents of others, bolstering their abilities and making them better at what they're naturally good at. These boosts tend to be temporary reflections of greater potential, fading when Merlin stops focusing on applying them to an individual. This makes Merlin capable of supporting someone in the short term, while fostering long-term growth.
Alchemy: Alchemy is the use of magic to create special items.
As said, Alchemy is the use of magic to create or change objects using specific compositions. It is magical chemistry, in the simplest terms. Merlin uses alchemy at a very basic level to create potions that diminish pain and help heal wounds. At the upper limit of his skill, Merlin may provide an enchantment to an object or create a minor magical item. The level of effect directly contributes to the cost and effort of creating it, meaning that sometimes Merlin has to send people on quests for ingredients. Almost always, this involves strengthening the item, but it can also be a minor effect such as emitting light on command.


Cath Balwg< Named D-Tier >: A legendary beast serves as Merlin's familiar.
A monstrous feline, Cath Balwg is a force born from the planet to help keep humans from killing themselves and the planet. Depending on the common sense of humanity, its form is subject to change based on what can be described as 'The Common Sense of Humanity', meaning that the more humanity is likely to destroy itself and the planet, the more monstrous it appears. With the current state of Gaia, Cath Balwg has mutated to a more monstrous form and he helps Merlin attempt to bring the world back to a state where it can reasonably sustain itself. To accomplish this, it uses brute strength, fangs, and claws to kill en masse. It is the pinnacle of 'the ability to murder humans', and against mundane combatants it is almost undefeatable.


Non-Human Mindset: Merlin has difficulty understanding and connecting to individuals.
Merlin is fascinated by the human condition, but bored of individual humans. He does not view humanity, or the problems of humans, in the same scope as regular people. He acts as a Counter Guardian to ensure the perpetuation of Humanity, but this does not mean he cares about saving their lives. Rather, he acts both to protect humanity from internal and external threats, meaning that he will not hesitate to bring about the end of many humans to preserve the continuing of the entire race within reasonable limits. Simply put, Merlin views himself as a curator and editor for the entirety of humanity, wanting to cut out the unnecessary parts that weigh down the narrative and replace them with more interesting events. In his capacity of fulfilling this mission, he is willing to sacrifice a city to save a nation, or a nation to save the world. He takes actions that would seem immoral in the moment, but in the larger machination would result in a 'greater good' that he was aiming towards. This makes it difficult for him to form personal relationships, and often sets up people who expect him to act under 'human morals' for great disappointment.
Fascinated By The Mundane: Merlin finds modern conveniences amazing to a distracting degree.
Thanks to being stored away in the Tower of Avalon in isolation for so long, Merlin has developed a fascination for what most modern people would consider absolutely mundane. Cell phones, computers, and modern appliances truly delight him. Fast food restaurants and convenience stores are absolutely amazing. Merlin can become easily enamored by all the changes to the world he missed personally experiencing during his long isolation, making him a bit of a scatterbrain and very easily distracted from what he actually set out to do.
Existential Boredom: Merlin likes taking actions that will have 'the most entertaining' outcome.
Merlin has been alive for so long and seen so much that he is less concerned with helping people and more concerned with alleviating boredom. One of the most severe aspects of his non-human mindset is that it is possible to persuade him to stand aside or allow something to happen 'for the sake of a good story' or 'because it will challenge people', so long as the action in question does not threaten the whole of human existence. He wants to see an interesting story get told in the end of things, and if that makes the middle of the journey a bit tougher for some people he knows, that is not his concern. Merlin's boredom and desire for intellectual stimulation only grows the longer he is alive and trapped in Avalon.
Traveling Gourmand: Merlin has to try any new food he comes across, regardless of circumstances.
Merlin did not get to travel much during his life, and as such has only experienced British cuisine. Now that he has returned to the world, he is compelled to see what he missed while he was absent. Any time he travels to a new location, his curiosity demands that he set aside time to at least ask after any new dishes or foods he may try while he is there. He has no actual need to consume calories (though they do restore minor amounts of magic energy), but it is his natural curiosity and love of humanity that compels him to experience the differences of their cultures through cooking.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
691 The Black Hand of Epimetheus Jul 08 2020
584 Red Sky, Take Warning Oct 19 2019
560 On Wings of Light Aug 28 2019
353 One more try! Nov 23 2018
311 The Land of Poison Oct 28 2018
235 Field Trip Sep 16 2018
174 The Briefcase Jul 01 2018
132 Forward Momentum May 29 2018
121 Azure Phosphorescence May 20 2018
117 Takhamuns For Days May 19 2018
See All 11 Scenes


Title Date
Blog Post 1 Jan 07 2019
See All 1 Cutcenes