World Tree MUSH

Takhamuns For Days

Character Pose
    Athena's information, even though she was interrupted by a large, undead kitten, had been enough to figure out where the mummy king would go next. Actually, where he had been for a while.

    Remnants of a broken world. A Vine struggles to remain open, the landscape so utterly hostile to it. Two massive, dark pyramids stand as the only features in the endless rotten plains. Pillars of light, one blue, one red, shoot into the sky from the pyramids.

    Between them, KING TAKHAMUN III stands, the large golden box containing his precious RULING ARK is laid out and open. It's siphoning the light from the two pyramids. Around him, hundreds of bandaged soldiers wielding onyx and obsidian weaponry. The king's features can't be made out - bandaged like the others, only ancient grey hair and the fact he's nearing eight foot tall stands out. He seems to be getting more and more buff as time passes, too.

    This is an unusual circumstance alright. It wasn't just Athena who reached out. THE GARDENERS themselves had - it was the briefest of messages, warning of an impending threat, and nobody had gotten the chance to meet with their agents either. But it was probably enough to spur people into showing up, if Athena's plight couldn't.

    Neither Aily nor Elise seem to be present, either. This one's all yours to fix, without the interference. In fact...


    "Who's a good kitty~" the confident Elise says, petting the GUARDIAN OF THE PYRAMID, MEWKAL, on the head, sitting on massive undead kitten's back.
    "A-Are you s-sure this is a g-good idea," the woobie Elise asks her alter, squirming to the side uncomfortably.
    "Unlike YOU, I know how to use your Septima. It's docile as a... well, a kitten!" the alter responds.
    "S-So what now," shy Elise asks.
    "I'unno, ask Aily, this was her plan."
    Outside, Aily appears to be enjoying the act of using the Federation's tanks to bludgeon the soldiers to death.
    A great time is being had by all, and that's why those two aren't here and won't be joining you.
>> GAME >> Elise uses a Free Edge for: KING TAKHAMUN III is benefiting from the RULING ARK'S power.
    A hooded figure (Merlin) appears from out of the vine, carrying a staff in one hand that it digs into the sand to lean on a bit as it looks around. The figure looks around and then takes a deep breath, sighing a bit. A musical tone rings out as the voice speaks, "A hateful place, a world most dark. As heroes set out to reclaim the ark. But tarry not, they all beware. For death itself now fills the air. Move quick, move fast, do not remain. This world may yet leave an awful stain." 

    The figure sighs a bit and the man pulls back his hood to reveal his long, snow-colored locks as he marches across the sand, using the staff to settle his footing. He smiles a bit as he approaches towards King Takhamun III and says, "Hello, ancient king! Greetings. Salutations. I happen to be an advisor to kings, famous and not. Magus of Flowers, they call me. A bit of an expert in this situation. Consider this me coming to have a chat, to give you advice."

    "A king's reign must end. No ruler is eternal. And the dead should stay dead, save in the memories of those who remember them. I hope you will consider going back to sleep."
>> SUMMARY[Merlin] >> I happen to be an expert in this field for several reasons.
    Athena is dressed a little differently today. Her armor a little heavier, though still with mobility in mind, and carrying only sidearm... for guns. Little Owl is with her, and she also has a sword and a spear, which are more traditional weapons for her. Coming in with a grim determination, she can only hope that the people she called for help can...

    Who is that?

    "It looks like we're a little late," she says. "Let's see how we can approach." Which is exactly what she's going to do! Examine the guards and their patterns to see where the weak point is. "The big guy is our target. One of the powers that we may face can be negated by kneeling... I think."
Auzren Cen
    The Gardeners. Not something that the Trill officer has come into contact with, but their message very clearly an imperative that calls to her. A world in danger, and a call for aid; it's enough to rouse Auzren from her research and bring her running.

    The Passaic remains behind, but Auzren's got her gear - appearing in the vine's exit just after Merlin and Athena, she can't help but gasp slightly at the landscape below. An army, a king, the pillars...all aligned to face them down in the sand.

    "Powers?" The question's to Athena, wondering just what it is she was talking about - and then her tricorder snaps open, scanning the figures in the distance. Wondering just /what/ the hell they are, and what the pyramids are. Red and blue pillars...she'll make some adjustments, and add her own senses to it. What kind of energy is that that's pouring out, and what's being done with it?

    "That golden box...betting that's important. Who is this, this uh...Takhamun?" Someone's got to be the new girl with the dumb questions!
Tsuyu Asui
    Athena isn't alone when she arrives. At the reborn goddess' side might be a familiar figure, at this point, in her form-hugging black and green bodysuit and flippers. Tsuyu Asui trails just after Athena, slightly slouched as she keeps pace with the armed goddess, tongue lolling out of the corner of her mouth. She looks on at the sight of the pyramids, the ancient mummy king, and the new man that has approached him with an impassive, almost completely vacant, wide-eyed, stare.
    "Idly, do you wonder what happened to that giant undead kitten?" She muses in a lazy drawl while looking on, tapping a finger thoughtfully on her lower lip.
     For whatever reason as Dillon ambles out of the vine's gateway a breeze briefly blows by to cause the longer ends of the bandana around his neck to flutter aside dramatically. This just seems to happen, don't pay it too much mind. He certainly doesn't, just lifting a clawed hand to grip his hat and keep it on until the bluster blows past.
    "Just tell me who I gotta cowpunch." An armadillo of much means and few words as usual.
Yahiko Myojin
    Some others are also confused, but at least Yahiko knows many of the people involved. The young samurai is with his sword, and this time he's actually placed the metal sword in a place he can reach, ready to use against... these things. Dead things? He's not sure either.

    "Are these things even... alive?" That would make his job easier if they weren't, but it is also more worrying. "If you need a distraction I'd be happy to provide. I'm not very good with this magic stuff... that's all new to me."
Hearing that there was some sort of threat hiding out on a dying world and figuring she would go and see if she could help subdue this threat in any way, Miwa makes her way through the vine's gateway, not using a bubble at the moment as she really doesn't know what she's walking into, and is trying not to draw attention to herself. This was her first time seeing a terminal thorn, and the sight before her chilled her to the core. Trying to swallow her fear, she looked around a bit, noticing Dillon and Athena, faces she recognized were certainly at least somewhat reassuring, but for the moment she tries to keep a low profile as she figures out what exactly is going on and how she might be able to aid her allies without getting herself killed in the process.
    The soldiers part to let Merlin pass - his boldness sparked the king's curiosity, and even through the bandages it's easy to tell where he's looking, his head angled down to glare at the magus.

    And then scoff, ignoring the advice.

    "Reigns end! That's why the father of my father made the Ruling Ark! Now our reigns will be eternal. I'm no king. I'm a dynasty onto myself!"

    His obsidian staff shimmers into existence, and he slams the end onto the ground. The light from the other two pyramids fades, siphoned entirely into the Ark. The king cries out: "Rise and serve, leave this world a husk as a testament to our gathered might!"

    From the red-lit pyramid, another kingly figure emerges. Bandaged and covered in golden jewelry, he wields a scepter of ruby topped by a sun-like shape.

    From the blue-lit pyramid, a third king emerges. Bandaged and covered in silver jewelry, he wields a scepter of sapphire topped by a moon-like shape.

    The two start walking towards the central king.

    Unfortunately for Athena, there's not much of an opening to find - it's a large circular gathering of armed undead. They aren't patrolling, and their only movement so far was to part so as to make a path for Merlin to walk up to the king.

    Who is now significantly less of a good host.

    "I've got advice for you, advisor. Don't tell a king what to do!" Dark lightning arcs up his staff as he swings it like a club in an attempt to smash Merlin.

    Even before that distraction, none had spotted Athena and her friends. It'll be even harder for them to now.

    As for Yahiko's question, Auzren's equipment can answer it. These are definitely corpses. There's not a single heartbeat amidst the army. The bodies aren't decaying much anymore - that's been halted - but but there's not the slightest hint of biological life there. It makes sense, mummies aren't much more than dried up flesh and bones. They don't even have brains.
>> SUMMARY[Elise] >> KING TAKHAMUN I and KING TAKHAMUN II join KING TAKHAMUN III. The latter tries to club Merlin with his staff and dark magic. RE: Yahiko/Auzren: yes they're absolutely corpses.
    "Ah. I knew a king once who believed in an eternal reign. He believed in it with all his heart, for the good of the people. I am afraid even the best rulers make enemies and that all kingdoms come to an end," Merlin replies calmly, tilting his head a bit to look up at the taller figure of the King. Despite the very real danger, he seems fairly calm about the situation that he finds himself in. 

    As the staff of Takhamun III comes down towards him, Merlin lifts his own staff. He meets the heads of the two staves together in the air, though his requires the swirling force of Invisible Air around it to hold back the assault from the reinforced ruler in front of him. Still, he gives a gentle smile and a lilt to his voice, "I have no intention to fight you. However..."

    Merlin sighs, "Surely a ruler born and bred like yourself realizes the error of the statement you made. Since time immemorial, it has always been the duty of the advisor to tell the King what he should do. And it has always been the solemn vow to deliver the best advice, even if the King does not wish to hear it. And if that King disregards it, it is the duty of the advisor to smile and give that advice at a later time."

    Merlin adjusts his stance in the sand, "This duty I cannot forsake. Again, I advise you to end this, your Majesty."
>> SUMMARY[Merlin] >> Blocking the attack with his staff and Invisible Air. Continuing to reason with the King as best he can. Merlin seems to have a unique niche here to leverage, and is trusting the others to play their own parts.
    "Looks like there's someone there already," Athena points out. She looks around at people. "Okay, here's what I know. The guy with the sun staff is probably the first king. If you bow before him, his scepter won't burn... I hope. I hope that's what it meant."

    She takes a deep breath. "The other one can paralyze and attack at a distance... I think. But can't harm anything lovely. Obviously that means I should approach and talk to him, while anyone who wants to show deference to the first can speak to that one. Everyone else, back up that... guy talking to the third one, the really big guy. The second one wants peace, I'm going to see what I can do. The first one made the ark, so he might know something about stopping it."

    She sighs. "Let's just hope they'll let us through. Everyone got a plan? Good." She knows way better than to try to give detailed plans to a ragtag band of heroes! Give them the information and hope for the best!

    Athena is going to try to use the distraction to slip in closer, and approach the second king. Little Owl can maybe harry one of the guards to give her an opening.
>> SUMMARY[Athena] >> Explaining what she knows of the kings. Laying out suggested plan. Saying she's the prettiest one here. Then trying to approach the second king.
Auzren Cen
    She doesn't know what a Thorn is. There's much of the World Tree this particular explorer is still learning even exists, let alone has some cruel variations like this. Still, Auzren can't help but comment on it. "A couple Klingons I know would love this place..." 

    Yahiko gets a grin, trying to cheer the kid up. "No such thing as magic, only sci..." Her tricorder beeps, and a few fingerpokes adjusts it...and then Auzren hisses. " life signs whatsoever. They're not puppets or automatons, they're...corpses. Yet, Weird science." Still, she can't help the shudder. And then she glances up, grey eyes taking in the scene once more - as Merlin gets attacked.

    "HEY!" Auzren drops to one knee, quick-drawing the phaser pistol - but not yet firing, even if they are just reanimated corpses. If that army charges them, however, that's a whole different kettle of beans. Instead she just looks to the others, wondering just what to do at this point...and nods as Athena gives orders, before laughing. "I agree. He's probably not into spots anyway." And with that she's moving forward, phaser and tricorder holstered - hoping, really, really hoping, that the 73.2% brainless undead army is easily bamboozled into letting them pass. And if permitted? Why yes, deference she can show, with flourish as she curtseys into kneeling before the king.
    Points for not wasting time speechifying long complicated plans that would never stand up to contact with the enemy. Or such a varied group. That Dillon can appreciate, even if it doesn't give them a lot to go on.
    Two alternate methods, and one guy already getting into a fight. Welp. Probably not hard to figure out where he needs to go. Which leaves the question of how. Sure, he could fight his way through, hardly the first large mob he's had to do so. But it'd be a waste of precious time, so it's one of those rare times that an alternate method will hasten things a little.
    "Ah'll try the low road." Before anyone can really ask what he means the Last Ranger lunges forward as if diving into a pool. Which is almost what he does, claws digging into the ground and the 'dillo disappearing below. So that's what he meant by 'low road'.
>> SUMMARY[Dillon] >> Dillon uses his digging skills to attempt tunneling under the undead masses to get closer to Merlin's speck of trouble.
Tsuyu Asui
    Tsuyu stares on, impassively as Athena relays the translations of the ancient tomb's writings in instruction form.
    "You're banking a whole lot on your good looks there, you know." She points out. "What if he decides you're not his type?" She does point out, but doesn't further question the vague plan. "Just try to not die, okay?"
    That said, she looks on at the undead masses as Merlin holds his own against Takhamun III, and scrunches her nose.
    "Pretty sure that's magic." She asides to Auzren. "Hard to believe, I know, but. I mean. Magic." The highschooler lets that hang for a moment before she adds:
    "So like. I'm terrible in a straight up fight, ribbit." Yes, she actually ribbited. "And I'm kind of not supposed to, anyway. So I guess I'll try and talk to the other king. Maybe I'll get lucky and he won't decide to try roast frog."
    Wow look at how casually she starts slouch-shuffle-walking towards Takhamun I. At least until she has to start taking vaulting leaps over the mummy army to try and get to him.
Yahiko Myojin
    Huh. Yahiko hears the summary and makes a face. "Dead... but if they can think then..." He's uncomfortable with that, but now he has a plan. "I'll go for the first king then. I'm totally polite." Yeah, sure. But really, when he isn't being uppity he does at least know the basics of etiquette, just via culture. He's also not going to try to bust his way through! "Just follow my lead."

    Instead of attacking the guards near the first king, Yahiko is going to move forward and give a small bow. "Please excuse me, I wish to speak to your mighty and just king."
Miwa stays quiet as she tries her best to keep track of all the other people around her and what is going on while keeping an eye on Merlin and the third king as for now that is where most of the action is. She's very glad to hear Athena explain things as that at least helps a bit in trying to make sense of it all, even if it sounded like the goddess wasn't entirely sure her information was correct, it was better than no knowledge at all. As Auzren begins to move, it spurs her to follow, as just watching and waiting for something to happen was not helping her nerves. She quickly uses ice beam on the ground, forming a narrow sheet of ice which she leaps onto, the momentum pushing her forward much faster than she could otherwise walk on her flippers. Looking ahead at the undead army, she shudders at the sight but begins to wonder what the most effective way to fight them would be.
>> SUMMARY[Miwa] >> Miwa charges in with the others and asks questions later.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Telling Athena like it is. Also approaching Sun-king-guy.
    The king's anger grows. "Only a poor ruler needs advice to rule! Such a man isn't fit for the throne, and that's why I took action!"

    He's less a king and more a tyrant. Evidently, his opinion of himself is pretty high too. He might well consider people like Merlin to make kings weak overly reliant on others.

    On the other hand, if his plan is to keep him angry and focused on him, it's working. He pulls his staff back, before erupting in a display of black lightning. His size increases again, siphoning power from the Ark. Ten foot tall now. His hands surge forward, trying to blast Merlin with a torrent of that same power.

    The fight is causing the undead forces to spread a bit due to the blowback. Athena has no trouble approaching the second king in the chaos, whose path hasn't taken him to the main gathering yet. His head angles to look at her, though he doesn't speak yet. He's raising his scepter, which is starting to emit a blue light! What will Athena do?

    The path to the first king contains a fair bit more of opposition though. The undead masses, now armed with 'targets', brandish their dark stone weapons as they pile in. They're all wielding khopeshes, and they're surprisingly fast and strong - not very durable, if anyone takes a blow. They still have that annoying trait Elise imparts onto zombies, too: their blood is blinding, acidic purple goop, so if it splatters out of them, it's not a fun time.

    Seems they aren't having any of Yahiko's requests either - but the king heard it. The larger mummy raises his scepter, the sun lighting up with blinding solar light. What will the group do?

    As for Dillon, he's going underground! ... the ground here sucks. It's not poison exactly, but it's deader than dead. It's not pleasant to be underground in the slightest. Still safer than dealing with an army of mummies on the way to Merlin, though!
>> SUMMARY[Elise] >> Merlin: angry king gets taller and tries to nuke a wizard. Athena: blue light from scepter! what do. Tsuyu, Miwa, Auzren, Yahiko: army intercepts, and red light from scepter! what do. Dillon: this ground sucks but probably less than getting slashed by zombies.
    "Come now. I told you I had no intention to fight you." Merlin says in a patient tone, holding his staff with both hands, "Between you and me, I am very lazy anyway. And I usually get other people to fight for me. Or if I have to, I do as little as necessary." 

    As the torrent of power comes in to try to blast him, Merlin holds his ground and raises his staff again. The force of the power impacts against the Invisible Air barrier in front of him, though some of the force bleeds through and he clearly gets a few scrapes and bruises from the power of the attack, "Honestly. Very well. I said I would not fight you. But I can still... handle you."

    "Oi oi!" Merlin shouts to those coming his way to help, "Handle these undead fellows for me. I will handle their king."

    "I will give you the subjects to rule over that you so desire. And perhaps it will bring an end to this foolish endeavor."

    Merlin raises his staff up again and then slams it down. There's a flash around him and nothing seems to be visibly changed that anyone can see. Anyone except Takhaman III.

    Powerful Illusion magic attempts to take control of his five senses. The world around the mummy swirls and changes. It becomes a throne room at the height of his glory. The smell of perfume from courtesans and wine and fresh-picked fruit fill the air. He sits upon a great golden throne as dozens of people in his throne room bow to him.
>> SUMMARY[Merlin] >> Merlin casts Illusion Magic on the King. He asks for some people to handle the undead monsters for him.
    Well this is pretty damn creepy. Dillon isn't one to let the heeby jeebys get to him, but it's still making his spine tingle a bit. Good thing he doesn't have much in the way of hairs, or they'd definately be standing on end.
    He can't see above ground per say, but he can vagely hear Merlin and III speaking. Particularly the request for assistance. That's all the real clue he needs. As Merlin works his magic on the giant king the ground a few paces behind him crackles open for the armadillo's resurfacing, spinning in the air briefly before dropping out of the roll onto his feet. Spurs jangle faintly against the sand with the landing that puts the Ranger between Merlin and the undead army. One hand reachs up to grip the brim of his hat and adjust it back into place, while the rest of his posture is very much that of a gunslinger making a standoff, even if he doesn't have any visible weapons (as his whole body is essentially one).
    "Iffen Ah was the lot of ya, Ah'd just keep shamblin' along." Don't fret magic man, the Red Flash has got your back.
Auzren Cen
    Getting closer was a bad idea. A really bad idea. "Magic, then." Ribbit? Nice outfit...odd for a desert, but she's seen stranger. //It's all energy fields and particle emissions anyway,// Auzren thinks, but she'll roll with it for the moment. It lets her focus on other things, as the group sets off to confront the first king.

    Things like the army of mummies *DRONES* giving her the chills. //Focus, focus!// Unfortunately for her original plans, they don't seem to be giving way - but more than that, there's a massive surge from the king's own staff. Right, yes, let the others go forward; Auzren takes a few steps back and withdraws her tricorder once more.

    Not having to walk forward into the army of - whatever - is a very pleasant thing. Dark memories flutter at the corners of her mind, but she banishes them with a thought - and starts countering this magic with science. What kind of energy is coming out of that staff, and can it be countered? Neutralized, or even reversed?

    Wait a second...if these things are being controlled, this army, by that staff, maybe there's a way to cut them off from their controller. If she can get a fix on just what's coming out of there, maybe she //can// do something useful, as her fingers hash out all kinds of settings on the tricorder.
>> SUMMARY[Dillon] >> One lone obstacle against an army... Story of of a Ranger's life.
Auzren Cen
>> SUMMARY[Auzren Cen] >> Magic Vs Science! Maybe. if this works.
    Blue light. Athena is a warrior, but also goddess of wisdom. On reflex she almost strikes forth, but her vanity wins over that reflex. She holds out her spear and slowly drops it down, while keeping a smile on her face. "Hello. I seek a peaceful resolution. Your son threatens with battle, is there some way we can stop him?" It's a gamble for her! Letting go of her main weapon and all that. She hopes she interpreted everything correctly here. If not this could get messy fast.

    At least the others are giving her a distraction! Right? Right?
Yahiko Myojin
    Bowing... is that what Athena meant? Yahiko sure hopes so! He isn't sure he wants to fight his way through the mummies AND a strange magical staff! Looking to Tsuyu he makes a gesture, then drops down to all fours and lowers his head. "Get down!"

    That's to Tsuyu, because Yahiko isn't sure what else he can do about this. He has his sword ready to draw, but taking on the entire group of undead with just his blade is not the ideal situation, is it? He knows better than to fight against superior numbers, and right this moment there's not a situation that his school of fighting is good for.
Miwa quickly reconsiders her decision to ice slide right up to the army of undead, and bails before she gets too close. She decides that there is only one way to find out what works against the undead horde, and so she tries to back the others up by seeing how they like exploding orbs of water. She begins to sing as she forms several small orbs of water above her head, then with the rhythm of her song, they suddenly launch forward like speeding water balloons aimed at the bodies of the undead, the orbs explode with impressive force upon hitting anything. Miwa pauses a moment to see what this does before she decides how to continue.
>> SUMMARY[Miwa] >> Miwa brings out the water grenades.
Tsuyu Asui
    "I'm more of a rainy season hero than a desert girl." Tsuyu replies mildly to Auzren. "I mean, sure it keeps sand out of bad places, but it's hot, and I'm sweating really badly." Tsuyu says mildly. It's not an outright complaint, just pointing out the faults in her choice of wearing what is likely an insulated wetsuit to a horrible rotten dying plains with no water in sight. Her brutal honesty at least takes no sides.
    There's just the more than slight issue of the undead army closing in with weapons drawn, and the fact that attacking them could be just as hazardous as being attacked by them.
    To her credit, Tsuyu remains as cool as ice in the face of the ominous and impending threat of death, either by zombies, or if Takhamun decides to just fry them all our of hand.
    It's when Yahiko decides to make the first move and get down that Tsuyu, as calm-looking as can be, slowly sits herself down on her knees, taking a surprisingly formal seiza sitting stance, before placing her hands on the ground and bending forward at the waist and lowers enough that her forehead is nearly touching the ground.
    Inwardly she is hoping this show of submission works to appease ancient arrogant kings.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Well I AM Japanese, too.
    For a moment, the tyrant king is back in his prime. He looks down at his now-fleshed hands, gazes at his reflection on his obsidian staff. He looks at the throne room, the followers, the wine, and is overcome with anger so great he starts lashing out in a mad rampage with his staff. In the real world, he hacks through his own followers, the large staff shredding the mummies in half.

    Sadly, this puts Dillon and Merlin in equal risk of being caught in a wide arc from the staff, and he's got enough strength to make that beyond unpleasant right now.

    It's too bad Athena never translated that third tablet or she'd be able to explain how that happened! He'll probably break free of the illusion after a few more swings, but he's "busy" for now.

    Auzren's equipment can see that there's no power coming from the king's staff. Well, there is - but it's the kind of energy he's obviously using to smash things right now. It doesn't seem to be controlling anyone or anything.

    The Ruling Ark sure is a beacon of all kinds of energies though. It's not spilling out to the army - so it's probably not how he controls them either - but it'd be hard to ignore its importance. The only issue, of course, is that it's down by Merlin, Dillon and the third king, whose mad rampage is currently making a dangerous place to be.

    Athena did misinterpret it, but she managed not to screw it up at the same time. Blue light flashes, and leaves her unaffected - the staff doesn't paralyze, it halts motion. It can't halt the motionless, and she's relatively still.

    The second king lowers his scepter, in what one might interest as reason returning to him. He looks at Athena - insofar as that's visible through his bandages - and finally speaks.

    "You would need to end our legacy. Give me one reason I should let you do such a thing."

    He advances, ready to strike!

    King Takhamun I's scepter lets out a flash. Fire lashes out like a big, great solar flare. It engulfs the mummies who are still standing and going for the group (except the ones Miwa ruined with her water grenades, because undead and water really don't mix), incinerating them. The flames harmlessly pass Yahiko and Tsuyu, though they threaten Miwa, who'll have a moment to react before possibly getting hit! Auzren is out of range of the flare.

    In the fire's wake, the king speaks, lowering his scepter.
    "Speak your request."
>> SUMMARY[Elise] >> Merlin/Dillon: angry king flailing! Athena: unaffected by scepter, questioned. Yahiko/Tsuyu: unaffected by scepter, questioned. Miwa: incoming solar flare! Auzren: safe from fire, undead aren't controlled by staff or by the Ark, though the Ark sure is lit.
    "Honestly. I expected him to calm down, not get more agitated. This man is a hassle of a ruler." Merlin comments as he leans against his staff a bit and looks exasperated, "He wants his rulership, but when he gets it, he simply goes on a rampage. He is so difficult to please, but such is the nature of a King, I suppose." 

    Merlin lets a scowl cross his features briefly as he looks over his shoulder at Dillon, "Thank you very much for your help." Several more blasts of energy collide against the invisible shield in front of Merlin, kicking up the ground around him, damaging him from bleedthrough damage, and scorching his robes slightly, "Honestly, I believe I have run out of patience with this man."

    Merlin lets the illusion pass, lest Dillon be hit by errand shots from the Third King, "Will you at least be reasonable!" Merlin shouts at him in annoyance, "What is it you desire?"
    Eruptions of flame nearby! Her allies being injured! Athena... steadfastly stares down the undead. "If I must fight you I will, but not unless YOU attack me." She draws her sword now, but makes no move to stab! The goddess says in a firm voice, "Look and listen. If you do not help me end you legacy, then your legacy will be pain, death, and misery. Or your legacy can end by stopping a grave threat, and saving a world."

    Athena gestures toward the battle nearby for the first, and to the pyramid with the other. "The battle of Troy is remembered to this day. Would you like your memory to be supporting a tyrant in bringing death, or stopping your son from undoing all your good works. Choose now, King."
    The King may have mighty swings, but at the size he's made himself the arcing heavings are not so difficult to see coming. It helps that the wizard or whatever Merlin is has some sort of shield buffering some of the rampage, though not without his own risk.
    "Reminds me of a monkey I knew." Technically a gorilla, but that's not a detail that's important right now. As the massive King steps forth and swings his staff like a scythe through his own undead horde Dillon darts forward and rolls between his titanic legs to come skidding to a stop behind him. He's gotta be nearly as big as the biggest Grocks, stomping around like that. "Guess we gotta bring him back down to earth."
    Dillon drops and rolls, this time spinning in place for several seconds, to the point his already red and tan form starts to seem to glow. Then launchs forward like an armored bowling ball aimed for the back of one of the King's legs to try and take his balance out from under him.
    Down to earth. Literally.
>> SUMMARY[Dillon] >> Something something bigger they are you know the saying
Auzren Cen
    "Could be worse," the chipper Trill replies. "At least it's not like you're naked on Andor's ice cliffs." There's a big difference between uncomfortably hot and frogsicle, after all. But then the others move forward, Auzren staying behind, and she can't help but wish them luck.

    Meanwhile the army seems to be leaving her alone, and she backpedals a few steps. No point in antagonizing them, after least not yet. Now, let's see... "Hm. Nothing's controlling energy signatures other than their movement. A localized field....? No. But."

    The tricorder sweeps the kings, and it pings furiously - and nearly goes berserk at the ark. It was being filled earlier, from those pyramids. Red and blue, red and blue, something about those colors. Just how does this all tie together? And why was he trying to fill the ark with that power anyway?

    She simply needs more information about what's going on. This time the tricorder's focused on the ark. What is it, what is it supposed to do...and, an inkling in her mind makes her search. Is there any way to //reverse// the energy that poured in, and return it back to the two pyramids? At least it might be some sort of setback.
Auzren Cen
>> SUMMARY[Auzren Cen] >> Hm, idea's forming, now just what IS that ark and how does it work
Yahiko Myojin
    Oh good they aren't dead. Yahiko is ever thankful for that. Except... "MIWA, LOOK OUT!" The pokemon was pretty nice to him, he doesn't like the idea of her, like, burning to a crisp, right?

    Rising somewhat, the boy looks at Tsuyu to make sure she's okay. The longer they can do this, the better... though he wishes he knew what Auzren was doing. Something about magic and science? Yahiko isn't sure which is which any more.

    The king asked what he wanted. "I was told that this ark of great power was your creation, but is this what it was meant for? Is there some way we can stop it?" He asks with an earnest plea, but diplomacy has never been his strong suit. Oops, maybe someone else should have come. Unless the frog can talk about it.
Miwa almost cheers as her exploding water balloons seem to make quick work of the mummies, but her excitement is short-lived when the solar flare from the king's scepter lashes out toward her, and judging by what it did to the remaining mummies, whether they are more flammable than her or not, she does not want to become a crispy Primarina. She acts quickly, singing once more, she uses her aquakinesis to surround herself in a column of water, which then suddenly jets forward, launching her into the air like a rocket. She aims the jet of water propelling her around the solar flare, and aims to slam right into the king who just nearly fried her. "Watch where you sling that fire around! You almost singed my hair!" She comments with a humorous tone
>> SUMMARY[Miwa] >> Miwa uses Aqua-Jet to tackle the king.
Tsuyu Asui
    Tsuyu sweats.
    Calm as she always looks, the girl isn't totally devoid of emotions nor fears, she just somehow simply does not openly show them. Still, when the flames harmlessly wash over her, when she was half-expecting to be turned into crisped frog, the highschooler is IMMENSELY relieved. Especially when the king grants them room enough to speak. She lets Yahiko speak first, while she reflects on the translations of the two tablets that Athena had provided for her.
    "So... Hi..." She starts out. It seems like a bad faltering foot to start on, but when push comes to shove, starting with a simple and polite greeting can't hurt, right.
    The entire time she speaks, she does not look up. She remains with her face to the ground, eyes staring dead at the dirt while she calmly goes on.
    "It looks like your grandson is trying to use your Ark." She points out the obvious. "I was led to believe only the worthy could use it, sir? 'No transgression goes lightly, a thousand will die for one sin'." The amphibian girl continues.
    "I'm curious how you feel about this, when your grandson was recorded as a traitor. Is he worthy of ruling over the dynasty you started and your son nurtured after a sin like that?"
    A pause.
    "I'm not one to tell you how to raise your kids, but I had to take over for my mom and dad when it came to watching my brother and sister, and when Samidare or Satsuki misbehaved it meant I had to deal with putting them in time out. I'm just hoping that you'll take another look at what your grandson is doing and be the great king and grandfather your tomb made you out to be."
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Takhamun I you should totally turn on Takhamun III.
    The illusions falter, and the mad king is pulled out of his rampage. His wrath grows seeing the bodies of his soldiers, even if he has more in tow. He turns to glare at Merlin, snarling.

    "Save your words and cheap tricks, wizard! I'll crush you like I crushed the ridiculous culture of weakness my forebears cultivate! I'll bring ruin everywhere I go until I'm SATISFIED!"

    He doesn't want to rule. He just wants to destroy. He evidently hates his father and grandfather!

    He's also getting spindashed into.

    Dillon's strike causes the king to fall to one knee as his leg momentarily gives out under him. In response, he calls down lightning. The skies part and bolts of black lightning strike all around, giving him a moment to rise back up.

    More importantly, his soldiers aren't standing still anymore. Now there's khopesh-wielding mummies swinging at Merlin and Dillon, too!

    Athena speaks with the second king, and he halts, considering. After a long pause, he takes another step forward... and hands her his scepter. "Very well. I'll use my essence to power the scepter for one final use. I owe him for killing me, anyway, and this Tree is too beautiful to leave to his whims."

    KING TAKHAMUN II evaporates, the dust and mist being sucked into his scepter.

    The first king answers Yahiko immediatly. "I made the Ark so that my son could wield my powers, and his son ours, and his son's son ours. It was meant to protect the peace I fought to attain."

    He seems unhappy.
    And it's made worse by Miwa slamming into him. The flames of his flare aren't so easily overcome though - reaching him would've assuredly caused her water to boil, and it would've sucked. But she did reach him, at least!

    He doesn't fall back, although he does drop his scepter. His hands reach out to grab Miwa, and he looks like he's about to straight up choke her for the audacity to injure him before Tsuyu speaks up.

    Talk about defusing the situation.

    The king drops Miwa and motions towards his scepter. "My son was too soft. If I'd lived long enough to see my grandson, I might have been able to raise him better. Our line is ended, so it doesn't matter now. Return him to the earth, and my Ark with him."

    KING TAKHAMUN I dissipates into dust. His scepter is empowered, but burning hot to the touch.

    Auzren's equipment can tell the Ark is basically a container. It took energy from the pyramids - possibly from the dead kings themselves, moreso than the structures - and it's pouring it into the tyrant slowly. That means he's getting more powerful with each moment he's close to that thing.

    But that also means the Ark is currently supercharged with energy. It evidently can't grant the power all at once, so only a little bit can be let out at once. Is it for the wielder's own safety? That much power might be too much for a body to handle in one infusion.

    It couldn't be reversed, but what if it was damaged or the process was accelerated? Now the question is, can she act on that?
>> SUMMARY[Elise] >> Merlin/Dillon: Takhamun III answers the question and calls down lightning strikes, + sets his army on the two. Athena: gain 1x blue scepter. Tsuyu/Miwa/Yahiko: gain 1x red scepter, it's a good thing Tsuyu said those exact things. Auzren: technical stuff about the Ark.
    "I, personally, abhor fighting. And so I'm going to allow my associate here to bring some sense into you via noble fisticuffs." Merlin sighs a bit as he hears someone who wants to crush the legacy of their father, "Honestly, he reminds me of a rambunctious child I knew. And goals like his always wind up with bloody ends. Whether it be some dreary desert, in Flanders Fields, or even the hills of Camlann. Where men wish to ruin the legacy of men, so too does violence follow." 

    Merlin scowls a bit and slams his staff on the ground. It absorbs a bolt of black lightning and diffuses it into the ground with a bit of smoldering from the wizard as he stands firm, "I will handle these mummies. I have grown bored of this King who takes no advice."

    Merlin lifts his staff up, "Even where the sun cannot shine, I can still bring its light. Now die, foul undead." Merlin cries as the head of his staff glimmers with light blue energy before discharging a castcade of magical lasers to the mummies coming at him.
>> SUMMARY[Merlin] >> Talking to Dillon. Using magical lasers.
Auzren Cen
    So that's the trick. The ark's a transformer, converting and stepping down the energy fields gained from each of the pyramids. It makes sense, now that she has a moment to think - the pyramids are capacitors, she suspects, and transferred their energy into the ark. Which is currently, pardon the pun, being siphoned off and used in various ways by this Takhamun III as he's fighting the white haired...wizard.

    Magic. Auzren sticks her tongue out and blows a raspberry in derision for a moment. "Science!"

    Finally, she's got a good hold on just what kind of energy field it is. All she needs is an antimeson resonance to set up in that ark and the energy within will roil, uncontrollable and explosive. Her left hand points, wrist and hand a throbbing glow the same color as the ark itself.

    "Aim the ark at him, and then //RUN!// Don't look at it!" As soon as it's tipped or knocked loose, the energy pulse will go off - and with a little luck it won't involve everyone's faces melting...
Auzren Cen
>> SUMMARY[Auzren Cen] >> boil boil bubble and toil, and hopefully erupt! Also appropriate movie reference.
    One last use. "Thank you. You are a wise king." Athena is not really sure if someone so peaceful should be a king, but it seemed he was well-liked after all... and here he had chosen to stop something terrible. Good enough for her. She'll need to find a Muse to tell this story to.

    But first! She turns around to see the battle ongoing, and most especially Merlin and the others fighting all these mummies. Raising the scepter, she waits for the perfect moment when it would be good for anyone to get out of the way... and that's when she tries to paralyze the undead.

    "Yes, strange wizard!" she calls out. "STRIKE THEM WHERE THE SUN DOES NOT SHINE!"
    That is a lot of lightning. He might be the Red Flash but even Dillon can't dodge that fast, especially when it's raining down all over the place. One hits just as he's revving up for another charge on the King, sending the Ranger skidding instead and toppling out on the grim grounds. Which many of the mummies shamble to take advantage of and pile in with their funky shaped blades(?)... Only to get nuked by Merlin's magical intervention.

    "Much abliged." Dillon gets back to his feet, grabbing his hat and plopping it back on his head.
    "Y'tried talkin'." He at least acknowledges Merlin's effort. Then adjusts his heavy gloves. Scarred eyes narrow beneath the stetson's brim at King III, something more than just grit and gumption flickering in them. There's a crackle in the air, giving the appearance of some sort of otherworldly energy arcing about the Ranger.

    And like a bolt Dillon charges at the King III, size differences no longer making a difference now that his empowering ability has kicked in. "Now we'll try my language -- Justice!" Justice by the relentless punching and clawing, that is.
>> GAME >> Dillon spends an Edge for: Activating Arma-Charge to open a can of frontier whoopass on KingIII
Tsuyu Asui
    For a long, long, moment. Tsuyu remains in her prostrated position, even after Takhamun I dissipates into dust. Then she looks up. She looks left. She looks right. She looks to Auzren. She looks to Yahiko. There's even a peer to see if Miwa is okay, before she looks at the staff.
    There has got to be a use for that.
    Gingerly she reaches for the ancient relic, giving it a testing touch before jerking her hand back at the heat, but then jerks her hand back. "It's hot." She states the obvious, before she takes off her gloves. Using both gloves to wrap around the scepter... Tsuyu picks it up. And holds it to Yahiko.
    "... So I have no idea how to use this thing. You try it."
    Sure Yahiko has said he doesn't know anything about magic EITHER but he seems reliable in the moment.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Here you go, Yahiko. A magic staff niether of us knows how to use and some badass theme music Now save the day.
Perhaps her attempt at humorously downplaying her vanity was a bit premature as Miwa learns the hard way that water doesn't always beat fire. She avoids getting fried directly by the solar flair, only to be boiled alive inside her own Aqua-Jet. She's not feeling so hot by the time she reaches King Takhamun I, but her eyes widen and she lets out a panicked yelp as he grabs her, tail and flippers flailing as he begins to choke her. Finally she is dropped, though her landing isn't terribly pleasant and adds insult to injury. She just lays still for the moment, uttering " I know what a boiled Corphish feels like..." in a pained tone.
>> SUMMARY[Miwa] >> Miwa needs a moment to feel a bit less like she's ready to be served up on a seafood platter.
Yahiko Myojin
    Woa, the frog girl is pretty handy with her tongue! In the speaking way, that is! Yahiko stares, then blushes awkwardly at how he almost messed things up with his own lack of skill. Oh well, that's what teamwork is about, right?

    "I'll see what I can do!" Except he also has no idea how to use this thing. Grabbing the sleeves of his kimono, he takes the scepter by wrapping it up in the sleeves, and he's off running toward the ark, to see if he can be of use in the actual... battle. He doesn't know how to use this, but maybe someone else does!
    Magical lasers are one way to deal with mummies. Merlin takes no quarters, blasting the undead into dust whenever they come into range of his destructive abilities. There's a lot of them though! Enough to overwhelm a constant barrage of laserfire in time, although there's no doubt the king is going to need a new army after this. He clearly has no respect for his men, either.

    The king is too busy to help them as it were. Dillon powers up, matching the strength of the empowered titan. He takes a few blows - he gives a few blows - and while at first it seems like the king is losing the exchange, he does seem to be getting stronger, tougher, faster and taller. Again. Twelve, fourteen feet now. His strength events out with Dillon's, and he actually starts being able to return the blows, whereas at first it was much more one-sided.

    He's about to deliver a hell of a hit, too - his staff glows ominously, more than before, but then there's a flash of BLUE LIGHT.

    KING TAKHAMUN III freezes mid-blow, as the lunar scepter crumbles into chunks of harmless sapphire in Athena's hands. It lets Dillon land even nastier blows, with the king unable to defend.

    Auzren primes the Ark! Its glow becomes erratic.

    Looks like the group has a few moments before the tyrant king can unfreeze himself - he sure is trying though. Black lightning lashes out at random from him, but it's much less precise while he can't move. Still dangerous to everyone who draws near, though!
>> SUMMARY[Elise] >> KING TAKHAMUN III is powering up again, but then Athena freezes him for a moment or three. There's still evil lightning shooting everywhere though! And Auzren turned the Ark into a bomb, probably?
    "Well. It seems like my job here is done." 

    Merlin declares, having no input on the new bomb and even less of a reason to care about the fate of the Ark. Really, he was mostly here because he wandered in and sensed someone was trying to corrupt worlds. He'd come over to the area to put a stop to that.

    "You lot have fun with this! I will see you later! Remember, the greatest strength comes from within, not from without!"

    Merlin says this as he vaguely fades away.
>> SUMMARY[Merlin] >> I have nothing else to contribute and my player is getting braintired. Merlin out.
    To the outside viewer it might just look like two powered up beings flailing away at each other. III may have a steady trickle of incoming power and size, but Dillon's got tenacity and sharp claws for digging into defense. It makes the two pretty even as they pummel away at each other, trading blow for blow with little regard of the damage taken in return.
    It's a little more practical than a slugfest despite the appearances. Dillon's battering of blows is also probing. Typically when he's fought enemies much bigger or more powerful, there's a weak point to be found. A pattern that can be counter. A something, though it doesn't seem like much other than the back and forth brawl is coming, and when he gets another burst of power Takhamun manages to knock the Ranger back and start to wind up a powerful followthru... And then freezes.


    Dillon doesn't question how or what caused it at the moment. Even with the flickering charge-up he's not going to withstand much more of a beating, so he jumps to capitalize on the moment. Dillon launches himself at III, spinning into a ball that thanks to the Arma-Charge and his own ridge laden shell hurtles at the frozen king like a giant living grinder!
>> SUMMARY[Dillon] >> Wrecking ball? More like a wrecking BRAWL
    It worked! And the other group has the other staff? The one in Athena's hand crumbles and she stares at what's going on. Especially that ticking time bomb. Merlin decides to bail on everyone, and that gives her the idea. "Yahiko, use the staff to clear a path and we can get away from here!" This overload is not going to be pretty. She signals to Dillon to get away too.

    Why stick around if things are going to explode? Athena is going to move for a safer distance, but just in case she's going to take out her sidearm. It might still help to lay down cover fire if Yahiko can't figure out how to use that staff.

    "Just hold it up and think of fire!"
Yahiko Myojin
    Hearing Athena's suggestion, Yahiko tries just that! He starts to move, thenyells to the others with him, "Get down!" His hand lifting the scepter - and maybe burning his palm too, he tries just what Athena said in order to clear the area and make an escape route. That's a good idea, because staying near this exploding ark doesn't seem like the best one!

    And if he can't activate the staff then he can just... fling it REALLY HARD at the ark. That'll do something right? That's magic, he doesn't know any better.
In better circumstances, Miwa would have laughed at the call to get down, she certainly wasn't feeling like getting up anytime soon. Now that the adrenaline of the moment was wearing off, the pain really set in as pretty much every inch of her skin had been burned by the super-heated water. Even just laying there was agony, and trying to move was even worse. "Anyone bring some burn heal?" She asks, hoping someone might have something that would at least be similar. "I feel like my skin is on fire..."
Tsuyu Asui
    Tsuyu does not need to be told twice. Between whatever Auzren did, and Yahiko rushing the Ark while Dillon fends off the mummy king, the amphibian highschooler is back down in the dirt. This time it's not formal prostration, it's just plain ducking and covering.
Auzren Cen
    Thank goodness she'd brought it - when the mermaid cries out, Auzren hears it, and reaches for the medical kit slung over her back. She's hesitant enough to run through that army to reach the injured creature, but it soon turns out that mummification makes an army fantastic fuel for fire. An army of unthinking drones just waiting to drag and absorb her into them is one thing, but said army on fire and running? No sweat. It doesn't take the Trill long to reach Miwa's side, and start scanning her injuries while applying a hypospray for the pain. "You'll be alright. Just superficial burns, nothing serious." True or not, keep the patient in a good mood. "This will help shortly."
Auzren Cen
>> SUMMARY[Auzren Cen] >> feel better miwa
    Dillon shreds through the tyrant king. Yahiko activates the scepter, which after releasing another solar flare, crumbles into harmless rubies in his hands. The flare lashes out, incinerating a lot of the remaining undead - and clearing out an escape path indeed.

    By the time the king unfreezes, even Dillon will have had plenty of time to run, especially if he just kept going about buzzsawing into him. Takhamun the Third screams, words that never form fully so much as melt into a slurry of obvious anger and half-curses.

    He reaches for the Ark. Injured as he is, he just wants more juice to boost his regeneration up.

    "More. MORE! With their power I'll... I'll...?"

    The power burns. The Ark starts shining brighter, brighter, brighter, until it's a miniature sun. The escaping party should avoid looking back, because when it detonates, it does so with enough force and light to scorch their backs a fair bit. If Miwa finds the strength to put up a watery shield, it can be mitigated though.

    But then, there's nothing left of the two pyramids, the king, or the Ark. Just a big crater. So it was probably worth the burns.
    That is pretty much exactly what happens. The spinning grinder attack builds up a tremendous amount of friction fast like this, at which Dillon is pitched off King Tantrumthrower and send hot wheeling away. Using the end of the Arma-Charge energy is enough of a boost to catch up to the others, at which he spins out into a sliding three-point stance using his claws and spurs to brake.

As he comes to a stop the Last Ranger stands, bandana giving a timely dramatic flutter as he turns away and adjusts his hat just in time to be backlight by the supernova erupting in the distance behind them.
>> SUMMARY[Dillon] >> Appropriate 'Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions' pose here